United Methodist Church To Split Over Gay Marriage

I like the idea of allowing the people to decide which branch they choose to attend

The Haters can attend the “God hates Fags” branch while those who follow the teachings of Jesus can attend the tolerant branch

I don't think there are many "god hates fags" people out there. My understanding is that there is only a handful of folks out in Kansas involved in that stuff.

Just because someone doesn't see taking it in the caboose as Scriptural doesn't mean the "hate" anyone. Its my own theological opinion that Almighty God put Adam and EVE into the Garden, just because I disagree with your assessment and dogma that homosexuality should be glorified doesn't mean I have any "hate" for you.

So I will mark you down for the “God hates Fags” Branch
I like the idea of allowing the people to decide which branch they choose to attend

The Haters can attend the “God hates Fags” branch while those who follow the teachings of Jesus can attend the tolerant branch

I don't think there are many "god hates fags" people out there. My understanding is that there is only a handful of folks out in Kansas involved in that stuff.

Just because someone doesn't see taking it in the caboose as Scriptural doesn't mean the "hate" anyone. Its my own theological opinion that Almighty God put Adam and EVE into the Garden, just because I disagree with your assessment and dogma that homosexuality should be glorified doesn't mean I have any "hate" for you.

So I will mark you down for the “God hates Fags” Branch

I guess that's the big difference nowadays.

Liberals aren't really "live and let live" types any more. You either agree with their dogmas or get labeled as a hater.

People used to be a lot more civil with those they disagree with,and not just on the Butt Sex issue, back in the day.

Here's a link to a photograph of 3 National Socialist leaders in full regalia attending a meeting of African American muslims.

Notice how everyone is getting along, more or less, even though there was a tremendous amount of disagreement?

George Lincoln Rockwell (center), Head of the American Nazi Party, at Black Muslim Meeting, Washington, D. C.
Yes, I did. So did a ton of Methodists. Too bad for you, huh?
Uh, not really, I am on the right side of the law, morality , and ethics. You religious nutters can only sit around and pull each other's taffy while watching gays get married. Enjoy!
Yes, I did. So did a ton of Methodists. Too bad for you, huh?
Uh, not really, I am on the right side of the law, morality , and ethics. You religious nutters can only sit around and pull each other's taffy while watching gays get married. Enjoy!

I enjoy outrageous comedy, so frauds and parodies like a couple men pretending to get married is actually fine by me.

However, I know a lot people consider this kind of thing sacrilegious.
It has nothing to do with "hate", RW.

Its just a disagreement over doctrine, and the question as to whether Almighty God put Adam and Eve in the Garden, or if it was Adam and Steve
It all comes down to hate
Homosexual “sin” seems to be the only sin they are concerned about

Only to you. I see preachers preaching against all sins. The only people who think like you, are those like you.

What I don't understand is why someone involved in Homosexuality would need to be a giving, active member of a religious community. They can take it in the ass or whatever without involving religion.

I sort of see how Homos might like to stir the pot with Straight Arrows by playing church, but I can't see this as a long time activity

Well... actually the Bible kind of talks about this.

Homos, and the rest of the left-wing, are not interested in just having tolerance. They want to force people to like them. Its not enough to just have Christians accept that there are homosexuals out there... in society. They want to cram it down our throats, because they think doing so well allow themselves to feel better about themselves.

The whole reason homos kill themselves constantly, is because they know deep down inside that they are doing something sick and disgusting. So by forcing others to not just accept they exist, but to force us to accept them in our own groups, they feel they can normalize it.

Problem is, that has never worked in all human history. Even the most tolerant of societies found it disgusting, because it is disgusting.

But they have to force it on others, because they think it magically won't be disgusting anymore. Not going to happen.
Gays can not force you to love them or accept them. Your hatred is too entrenched

What they did is to stop the government from enforcing your hatred. A church can do what they want

You can call it whatever you want, to make yourself feel better.

Regardless... why would a gay person want to be in a church, where the founding documents of the church, the Bible, says that being gay is a sin?

As I said... it is because they can't just allow others to believe as they do... they have to force it down others throats.

I stand by my original statement.
Yes, I did. So did a ton of Methodists. Too bad for you, huh?
Uh, not really, I am on the right side of the law, morality , and ethics. You religious nutters can only sit around and pull each other's taffy while watching gays get married. Enjoy!

You have the right to be wrong.

Law, does not determine mortality, or ethics. Nothing you do will change what is right, and what is wrong. Nothing.

You can scream, mock, and post your pathetic insults until the end of time. Nothing you do will change truth.
I like the idea of allowing the people to decide which branch they choose to attend

The Haters can attend the “God hates Fags” branch while those who follow the teachings of Jesus can attend the tolerant branch
when did God ever teach Homosexuality? All I ever saw was negativity about the practice in scripture

God does not hate
His followers do

Right, he does not. Still doesn't change the fact that homosexuality is a sin.
It all comes down to hate
Homosexual “sin” seems to be the only sin they are concerned about

Only to you. I see preachers preaching against all sins. The only people who think like you, are those like you.

What I don't understand is why someone involved in Homosexuality would need to be a giving, active member of a religious community. They can take it in the ass or whatever without involving religion.

I sort of see how Homos might like to stir the pot with Straight Arrows by playing church, but I can't see this as a long time activity

Well... actually the Bible kind of talks about this.

Homos, and the rest of the left-wing, are not interested in just having tolerance. They want to force people to like them. Its not enough to just have Christians accept that there are homosexuals out there... in society. They want to cram it down our throats, because they think doing so well allow themselves to feel better about themselves.

The whole reason homos kill themselves constantly, is because they know deep down inside that they are doing something sick and disgusting. So by forcing others to not just accept they exist, but to force us to accept them in our own groups, they feel they can normalize it.

Problem is, that has never worked in all human history. Even the most tolerant of societies found it disgusting, because it is disgusting.

But they have to force it on others, because they think it magically won't be disgusting anymore. Not going to happen.
Gays can not force you to love them or accept them. Your hatred is too entrenched

What they did is to stop the government from enforcing your hatred. A church can do what they want

You can call it whatever you want, to make yourself feel better.

Regardless... why would a gay person want to be in a church, where the founding documents of the church, the Bible, says that being gay is a sin?

As I said... it is because they can't just allow others to believe as they do... they have to force it down others throats.

I stand by my original statement.
Adulterers go to the church
Adulterers get married in the church

I guess sin is subjective
I like the idea of allowing the people to decide which branch they choose to attend

The Haters can attend the “God hates Fags” branch while those who follow the teachings of Jesus can attend the tolerant branch
when did God ever teach Homosexuality? All I ever saw was negativity about the practice in scripture

God does not hate
His followers do

Right, he does not. Still doesn't change the fact that homosexuality is a sin.
Lot of things are sins

Modern churches will have to accept the fact that their ancient hatreds are no longer valid.
Only to you. I see preachers preaching against all sins. The only people who think like you, are those like you.

What I don't understand is why someone involved in Homosexuality would need to be a giving, active member of a religious community. They can take it in the ass or whatever without involving religion.

I sort of see how Homos might like to stir the pot with Straight Arrows by playing church, but I can't see this as a long time activity

Well... actually the Bible kind of talks about this.

Homos, and the rest of the left-wing, are not interested in just having tolerance. They want to force people to like them. Its not enough to just have Christians accept that there are homosexuals out there... in society. They want to cram it down our throats, because they think doing so well allow themselves to feel better about themselves.

The whole reason homos kill themselves constantly, is because they know deep down inside that they are doing something sick and disgusting. So by forcing others to not just accept they exist, but to force us to accept them in our own groups, they feel they can normalize it.

Problem is, that has never worked in all human history. Even the most tolerant of societies found it disgusting, because it is disgusting.

But they have to force it on others, because they think it magically won't be disgusting anymore. Not going to happen.
Gays can not force you to love them or accept them. Your hatred is too entrenched

What they did is to stop the government from enforcing your hatred. A church can do what they want

You can call it whatever you want, to make yourself feel better.

Regardless... why would a gay person want to be in a church, where the founding documents of the church, the Bible, says that being gay is a sin?

As I said... it is because they can't just allow others to believe as they do... they have to force it down others throats.

I stand by my original statement.
Adulterers go to the church
Adulterers get married in the church

I guess sin is subjective

Sometimes, although plenty of people have been chucked out of churches for adultery.

But the different is the Marriage is a sacred right, a sacred bond between a dude and a broad. "Gay Marriage" doesn't exist in scriptures and is a modern parody or joke.
I like the idea of allowing the people to decide which branch they choose to attend

The Haters can attend the “God hates Fags” branch while those who follow the teachings of Jesus can attend the tolerant branch
when did God ever teach Homosexuality? All I ever saw was negativity about the practice in scripture

God does not hate
His followers do

Right, he does not. Still doesn't change the fact that homosexuality is a sin.
Lot of things are sins

Modern churches will have to accept the fact that their ancient hatreds are no longer valid.

Its not "hatred" to be offended by the jokes of homosexuals. And that's what Gay Marriage and She-males and all of that is. Its "campy" , a joke. Me, I'm with it. I was never offended when Jerry Springer would bring homosexuals to get married on his program, to each other, or to a horse, which they did one time too.
Only to you. I see preachers preaching against all sins. The only people who think like you, are those like you.

What I don't understand is why someone involved in Homosexuality would need to be a giving, active member of a religious community. They can take it in the ass or whatever without involving religion.

I sort of see how Homos might like to stir the pot with Straight Arrows by playing church, but I can't see this as a long time activity

Well... actually the Bible kind of talks about this.

Homos, and the rest of the left-wing, are not interested in just having tolerance. They want to force people to like them. Its not enough to just have Christians accept that there are homosexuals out there... in society. They want to cram it down our throats, because they think doing so well allow themselves to feel better about themselves.

The whole reason homos kill themselves constantly, is because they know deep down inside that they are doing something sick and disgusting. So by forcing others to not just accept they exist, but to force us to accept them in our own groups, they feel they can normalize it.

Problem is, that has never worked in all human history. Even the most tolerant of societies found it disgusting, because it is disgusting.

But they have to force it on others, because they think it magically won't be disgusting anymore. Not going to happen.
Gays can not force you to love them or accept them. Your hatred is too entrenched

What they did is to stop the government from enforcing your hatred. A church can do what they want

You can call it whatever you want, to make yourself feel better.

Regardless... why would a gay person want to be in a church, where the founding documents of the church, the Bible, says that being gay is a sin?

As I said... it is because they can't just allow others to believe as they do... they have to force it down others throats.

I stand by my original statement.
Adulterers go to the church
Adulterers get married in the church

I guess sin is subjective

If all Gays did was show up at the church, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

And further, every church I have ever gone to in my life, if they know the person is engaged in adultery, they don't do the wedding. I can think of 3 specific examples off the top of my head.

So again, you can keep being wrong, but it won't change anything.
I like the idea of allowing the people to decide which branch they choose to attend

The Haters can attend the “God hates Fags” branch while those who follow the teachings of Jesus can attend the tolerant branch
when did God ever teach Homosexuality? All I ever saw was negativity about the practice in scripture

God does not hate
His followers do

Right, he does not. Still doesn't change the fact that homosexuality is a sin.
Lot of things are sins

Modern churches will have to accept the fact that their ancient hatreds are no longer valid.

The Bible doesn't change. Modern left-wingers need to accept the fact, our faith doesn't change based on the whims of modern left-wingers.
What I don't understand is why someone involved in Homosexuality would need to be a giving, active member of a religious community. They can take it in the ass or whatever without involving religion.

I sort of see how Homos might like to stir the pot with Straight Arrows by playing church, but I can't see this as a long time activity

Well... actually the Bible kind of talks about this.

Homos, and the rest of the left-wing, are not interested in just having tolerance. They want to force people to like them. Its not enough to just have Christians accept that there are homosexuals out there... in society. They want to cram it down our throats, because they think doing so well allow themselves to feel better about themselves.

The whole reason homos kill themselves constantly, is because they know deep down inside that they are doing something sick and disgusting. So by forcing others to not just accept they exist, but to force us to accept them in our own groups, they feel they can normalize it.

Problem is, that has never worked in all human history. Even the most tolerant of societies found it disgusting, because it is disgusting.

But they have to force it on others, because they think it magically won't be disgusting anymore. Not going to happen.
Gays can not force you to love them or accept them. Your hatred is too entrenched

What they did is to stop the government from enforcing your hatred. A church can do what they want

You can call it whatever you want, to make yourself feel better.

Regardless... why would a gay person want to be in a church, where the founding documents of the church, the Bible, says that being gay is a sin?

As I said... it is because they can't just allow others to believe as they do... they have to force it down others throats.

I stand by my original statement.
Adulterers go to the church
Adulterers get married in the church

I guess sin is subjective

Sometimes, although plenty of people have been chucked out of churches for adultery.

But the different is the Marriage is a sacred right, a sacred bond between a dude and a broad. "Gay Marriage" doesn't exist in scriptures and is a modern parody or joke.

Lot of things don’t exist in scriptures.......
Equal rights for women, civil rights, environment

Some things that scriptures accepted are repulsive to modern societies....
Slavery, public flogging, public executions

Societies evolve, so do churches
I like the idea of allowing the people to decide which branch they choose to attend

The Haters can attend the “God hates Fags” branch while those who follow the teachings of Jesus can attend the tolerant branch
when did God ever teach Homosexuality? All I ever saw was negativity about the practice in scripture

God does not hate
His followers do

Right, he does not. Still doesn't change the fact that homosexuality is a sin.
Lot of things are sins

Modern churches will have to accept the fact that their ancient hatreds are no longer valid.

The Bible doesn't change. Modern left-wingers need to accept the fact, our faith doesn't change based on the whims of modern left-wingers.

The Bible was wrong on many issues

Slavery, execution, treatment of women, beating children

Modern faiths have evolved
Well... actually the Bible kind of talks about this.

Homos, and the rest of the left-wing, are not interested in just having tolerance. They want to force people to like them. Its not enough to just have Christians accept that there are homosexuals out there... in society. They want to cram it down our throats, because they think doing so well allow themselves to feel better about themselves.

The whole reason homos kill themselves constantly, is because they know deep down inside that they are doing something sick and disgusting. So by forcing others to not just accept they exist, but to force us to accept them in our own groups, they feel they can normalize it.

Problem is, that has never worked in all human history. Even the most tolerant of societies found it disgusting, because it is disgusting.

But they have to force it on others, because they think it magically won't be disgusting anymore. Not going to happen.
Gays can not force you to love them or accept them. Your hatred is too entrenched

What they did is to stop the government from enforcing your hatred. A church can do what they want

You can call it whatever you want, to make yourself feel better.

Regardless... why would a gay person want to be in a church, where the founding documents of the church, the Bible, says that being gay is a sin?

As I said... it is because they can't just allow others to believe as they do... they have to force it down others throats.

I stand by my original statement.
Adulterers go to the church
Adulterers get married in the church

I guess sin is subjective

Sometimes, although plenty of people have been chucked out of churches for adultery.

But the different is the Marriage is a sacred right, a sacred bond between a dude and a broad. "Gay Marriage" doesn't exist in scriptures and is a modern parody or joke.

Lot of things don’t exist in scriptures.......
Equal rights for women, civil rights, environment

Some things that scriptures accepted are repulsive to modern societies....
Slavery, public flogging, public executions

Societies evolve, so do churches

The Tremendous Republic of Singapore has some of the lowest crime rates in the world, and they give the traditional Singapore Caning as a punishment.

Maybe corporal punishment should make a come back.
when did God ever teach Homosexuality? All I ever saw was negativity about the practice in scripture

God does not hate
His followers do

Right, he does not. Still doesn't change the fact that homosexuality is a sin.
Lot of things are sins

Modern churches will have to accept the fact that their ancient hatreds are no longer valid.

The Bible doesn't change. Modern left-wingers need to accept the fact, our faith doesn't change based on the whims of modern left-wingers.

The Bible was wrong on many issues

Slavery, execution, treatment of women, beating children

Modern faiths have evolved

No, actually it wasn't wrong on any of that. None of it. Your interpretation of it is wrong.

But here's the real kicker... we don't need your approval.
We don't care if you think it's wrong or not.

You say we're wrong and backwards? Ok....? So what? Since when do we need to justify ourselves to you? We only need to justify ourselves to G-d.

Did you miss the constitution?

Right? We are free to assemble as we please. Free to practice our faith as we please. Free to say homosexuals are not allowed in our church.

And we are completely free to not care what you think about us, our faith, no matter what your completely irrelevant opinion of us, is.

You don't matter. None of you left-wingers do. Your opinion that "we hate"... don't care. Nonya business!

So while I have problem saying you are wrong about all those false claims you made against us.... I don't need to justify or prove any of it to you.
God does not hate
His followers do

Right, he does not. Still doesn't change the fact that homosexuality is a sin.
Lot of things are sins

Modern churches will have to accept the fact that their ancient hatreds are no longer valid.

The Bible doesn't change. Modern left-wingers need to accept the fact, our faith doesn't change based on the whims of modern left-wingers.

The Bible was wrong on many issues

Slavery, execution, treatment of women, beating children

Modern faiths have evolved

No, actually it wasn't wrong on any of that. None of it. Your interpretation of it is wrong.

But here's the real kicker... we don't need your approval.
We don't care if you think it's wrong or not.

You say we're wrong and backwards? Ok....? So what? Since when do we need to justify ourselves to you? We only need to justify ourselves to G-d.

Did you miss the constitution?

Right? We are free to assemble as we please. Free to practice our faith as we please. Free to say homosexuals are not allowed in our church.

And we are completely free to not care what you think about us, our faith, no matter what your completely irrelevant opinion of us, is.

You don't matter. None of you left-wingers do. Your opinion that "we hate"... don't care. Nonya business!

So while I have problem saying you are wrong about all those false claims you made against us.... I don't need to justify or prove any of it to you.
No Shit Sherlock
Nobody can force a church to change their archaic beliefs

But nobody can force people to attend
Societies evolve, so do churches


But if churches allow outsiders to come in and not only mock their faith, but insist on being taken seriously, the churches will disappear

Homosexual activists come into church to mock the religion of the "strait arrows" they despise.

And that's exactly what gay marriage is, a way to parody and mock the people you have disdain for.

Polite people, no matter how much they disagree with them, don't walk into a mosque and start badmouthing their erroneous beliefs , or into a Mormon Temple cracking jokes about their ritual underwear.

Just ain't polite. And it isn't polite for homosexuals to ask for pretend-gay-marriage either, as it is mockery.

If someone wants to take it in the caboose, that's their own affair. But mocking others is wrong.

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