United Methodist Church To Split Over Gay Marriage

They don’t seem to mind adultery

Um... What are you smoking? I can think of a dozen people who have been removed from their ministries over adultery. I think of 3 people first hand in my life, that were kicked out of churches I went to, over adultery.

So, again.... what are you smoking?

And you worship a man who has been married three times and bangs porn stars on the side

But Homos are evil

Really? Because I haven't seen a single person at my church, or any other church, praying to Trump? So you have no point. You lose yet again.

Trump doesn’t want your prayers
He wants your votes

Votes that evangelical Christians offered in hordes

They condemn Homos but support the most immoral President in history

That's very interesting!

So back to Churches and gay marriage, since that is kind of the topic.... and has nothing to do with Trump wanting my vote.

You claimed churches don't care about adultery, and I posted you a direct link, from a Methodist news source about a Methodist preacher, being removed for adultery from a Methodist church.

SO.... you are still wrong... and you haven't made a valid point yet.
Anything else you would like to add to your failure? Or can you admit you were wrong, and we can move on?

There have been a lot of cases of pastors in various denominations being shown the door and going to great lengths to high their adulterous shenanigans. Men like Rev. Arthur Dimmesdale is a historic case, more recently, Jimmy Swaggart was defrocked by the Assemblies of God and lifted his preaching license.
Only to you. I see preachers preaching against all sins. The only people who think like you, are those like you.
They don’t seem to mind adultery

Um... What are you smoking? I can think of a dozen people who have been removed from their ministries over adultery. I think of 3 people first hand in my life, that were kicked out of churches I went to, over adultery.

So, again.... what are you smoking?

And you worship a man who has been married three times and bangs porn stars on the side

But Homos are evil

Really? Because I haven't seen a single person at my church, or any other church, praying to Trump? So you have no point. You lose yet again.

Trump doesn’t want your prayers
He wants your votes

Votes that evangelical Christians offered in hordes

They condemn Homos but support the most immoral President in history

President Trump speaks in blunt terms and hasn't lived a perfect life. But is he more immoral than Obama with his sleazy affairs with Larry Sinclair and the fact he is allegedly married to a shemale?

Or Clinton and his innumerable sins from perversion to arkancide?

Or Carter who interviewed with a Porno Magazine bragging about the Lust in his heart?

Or JFK who had 3-somes with Marilyn Monroe and his own brother.
This is not happening. The methodist church has not split. The national conference isnt until May. There are a few that want to split but have missed the deadline to be on the agenda and they would have to get a two third vote to be added which as on today hasnt happened.

I am Methodist and this is what our pastor explained to the congregation on Sunday.
This is not happening. The methodist church has not split. The national conference isnt until May. There are a few that want to split but have missed the deadline to be on the agenda and they would have to get a two third vote to be added which as on today hasnt happened.

I am Methodist and this is what our pastor explained to the congregation on Sunday.

They have no split yet.... but my understanding is, that is the plan. And it should be.
You can't be a Christian and allow same-sex marriage in the church, or have openly homosexuals in the church leadership.
So either Methodists should entirely be entirely disbanded as a denomination, or they should be considered non-Christian by all other Christian faiths.

Or they need to split from the pagans. They need to split into Methodist Christians, and a pagan cult group.
People should attend a church that has principles that match theirs.

So I see nothing wrong about the Methodist Church splitting up.

I think that the number of people believing in "God" is decreasing anyway, so what a church does is of no real importance to society, except to those people who find comfort in being church members.

Best of luck to both branches of the Methodist Church.
I've never seen this hate from the pulpit you speak of.

As for your prediction...

Ten Signs of a Culture's End | Clinton Memorial Library

Culture ends when it begins to accept hate coming from its churches

It has nothing to do with "hate", RW.

Its just a disagreement over doctrine, and the question as to whether Almighty God put Adam and Eve in the Garden, or if it was Adam and Steve
It all comes down to hate
Homosexual “sin” seems to be the only sin they are concerned about

Only to you. I see preachers preaching against all sins. The only people who think like you, are those like you.

What I don't understand is why someone involved in Homosexuality would need to be a giving, active member of a religious community. They can take it in the ass or whatever without involving religion.

I sort of see how Homos might like to stir the pot with Straight Arrows by playing church, but I can't see this as a long time activity

Well... actually the Bible kind of talks about this.

Homos, and the rest of the left-wing, are not interested in just having tolerance. They want to force people to like them. Its not enough to just have Christians accept that there are homosexuals out there... in society. They want to cram it down our throats, because they think doing so well allow themselves to feel better about themselves.

The whole reason homos kill themselves constantly, is because they know deep down inside that they are doing something sick and disgusting. So by forcing others to not just accept they exist, but to force us to accept them in our own groups, they feel they can normalize it.

Problem is, that has never worked in all human history. Even the most tolerant of societies found it disgusting, because it is disgusting.

But they have to force it on others, because they think it magically won't be disgusting anymore. Not going to happen.
From my understanding they are to allow anyone to join the church. It doesnt matter if they are gay or straight. but will not perform a gay marriage which was voted on by all members. We were given three options. I cant remember what the other 2 options were. I was not in favor of the option that was passed. I could care less if same sex marriages happen or not.
TroglocratsRdumb said:
The far Left extremist destroy
They Euphemistically Call It 'De-Construction'
mainstream organization such as churches and the boy scouts.
Just Saw An Ad For Class Action Lawsuit
For Scouts That Were Molested
Claims BSA Is Covering For Their Leaders
Thousands Of Them On File
^ ^ ^ Just Like We Said Would Happen

Leftists Tear Down With No End In Sight
So When Will They Build Something Of Lasting Value ??
Watch Them Claim They Are
And Are Making The America They Mock A Better Place For All

Just Like The Successes They've Created Everywhere They've Held Sway
....Right ??
They don’t seem to mind adultery

Um... What are you smoking? I can think of a dozen people who have been removed from their ministries over adultery. I think of 3 people first hand in my life, that were kicked out of churches I went to, over adultery.

So, again.... what are you smoking?

And you worship a man who has been married three times and bangs porn stars on the side

But Homos are evil

Actually, President Trump literally denied having relations with that Stormy Daniels hoe.
Denied with a $130,000 payout

Trump's a billionaire, that's just chicken scratch to him.

Ms. Daniels was shaking him down right before the election, and Mr. Trump was concerned that Daniels who deflect attention away from the issues.

Further, he figured he could just sue the broad for the money back after the election was over.

Screwing hookers and porn stars is chicken scratch for Trump
From my understanding they are to allow anyone to join the church. It doesnt matter if they are gay or straight. but will not perform a gay marriage which was voted on by all members. We were given three options. I cant remember what the other 2 options were. I was not in favor of the option that was passed. I could care less if same sex marriages happen or not.

My understanding as to what the proposal is about is that the Methodists would split into 2 denominations - one for folks who believe that Almighty God put Adam as well as Eve into the Garden and another one for those who are hot to trot for homosexuality.

Sounds like a reasonable plan, makes it a lot more amicable than just to tell those who believe in traditional marriage to Vamoose.
Culture ends when it begins to accept hate coming from its churches

It has nothing to do with "hate", RW.

Its just a disagreement over doctrine, and the question as to whether Almighty God put Adam and Eve in the Garden, or if it was Adam and Steve
It all comes down to hate
Homosexual “sin” seems to be the only sin they are concerned about

Only to you. I see preachers preaching against all sins. The only people who think like you, are those like you.

What I don't understand is why someone involved in Homosexuality would need to be a giving, active member of a religious community. They can take it in the ass or whatever without involving religion.

I sort of see how Homos might like to stir the pot with Straight Arrows by playing church, but I can't see this as a long time activity

Well... actually the Bible kind of talks about this.

Homos, and the rest of the left-wing, are not interested in just having tolerance. They want to force people to like them. Its not enough to just have Christians accept that there are homosexuals out there... in society. They want to cram it down our throats, because they think doing so well allow themselves to feel better about themselves.

The whole reason homos kill themselves constantly, is because they know deep down inside that they are doing something sick and disgusting. So by forcing others to not just accept they exist, but to force us to accept them in our own groups, they feel they can normalize it.

Problem is, that has never worked in all human history. Even the most tolerant of societies found it disgusting, because it is disgusting.

But they have to force it on others, because they think it magically won't be disgusting anymore. Not going to happen.
Gays can not force you to love them or accept them. Your hatred is too entrenched

What they did is to stop the government from enforcing your hatred. A church can do what they want
Um... What are you smoking? I can think of a dozen people who have been removed from their ministries over adultery. I think of 3 people first hand in my life, that were kicked out of churches I went to, over adultery.

So, again.... what are you smoking?

And you worship a man who has been married three times and bangs porn stars on the side

But Homos are evil

Actually, President Trump literally denied having relations with that Stormy Daniels hoe.
Denied with a $130,000 payout

Trump's a billionaire, that's just chicken scratch to him.

Ms. Daniels was shaking him down right before the election, and Mr. Trump was concerned that Daniels who deflect attention away from the issues.

Further, he figured he could just sue the broad for the money back after the election was over.

Screwing hookers and porn stars is chicken scratch for Trump

I don't know whether President Trump goes for Hoes or not. Our ally, President Putin of the Russian Federation doesn't think so but also wouldn't know.

Although he did comment that Russian prostitutes are undoubtably the Finest in the World.

But my question is "why do you care?" Are you bigoted against Hoes, Pimps and/or Johns? Time for you to release the hate and honor these Americans and perhaps have a Pimp History Program to glorify these people. If some forms of alternative sexuality like homosexuality are praised, shouldn't they all be?
And you worship a man who has been married three times and bangs porn stars on the side

But Homos are evil

Actually, President Trump literally denied having relations with that Stormy Daniels hoe.
Denied with a $130,000 payout

Trump's a billionaire, that's just chicken scratch to him.

Ms. Daniels was shaking him down right before the election, and Mr. Trump was concerned that Daniels who deflect attention away from the issues.

Further, he figured he could just sue the broad for the money back after the election was over.

Screwing hookers and porn stars is chicken scratch for Trump

I don't know whether President Trump goes for Hoes or not. Our ally, President Putin of the Russian Federation doesn't think so but also wouldn't know.

Although he did comment that Russian prostitutes are undoubtably the Finest in the World.

But my question is "why do you care?" Are you bigoted against Hoes, Pimps and/or Johns? Time for you to release the hate and honor these Americans and perhaps have a Pimp History Program to glorify these people. If some forms of alternative sexuality like homosexuality are praised, shouldn't they all be?
Are you talking about Golden Showers?
Actually, President Trump literally denied having relations with that Stormy Daniels hoe.
Denied with a $130,000 payout

Trump's a billionaire, that's just chicken scratch to him.

Ms. Daniels was shaking him down right before the election, and Mr. Trump was concerned that Daniels who deflect attention away from the issues.

Further, he figured he could just sue the broad for the money back after the election was over.

Screwing hookers and porn stars is chicken scratch for Trump

I don't know whether President Trump goes for Hoes or not. Our ally, President Putin of the Russian Federation doesn't think so but also wouldn't know.

Although he did comment that Russian prostitutes are undoubtably the Finest in the World.

But my question is "why do you care?" Are you bigoted against Hoes, Pimps and/or Johns? Time for you to release the hate and honor these Americans and perhaps have a Pimp History Program to glorify these people. If some forms of alternative sexuality like homosexuality are praised, shouldn't they all be?
Are you talking about Golden Showers?

Among other forms of sexuality, sure. Urinating on other people has been done since antiquity. Yet its looked down upon, if you look at the Steele Dossier, its presented by liberal Urinophobes as shameful and something that people should hide and not be open and proud about.
All Churches will have to resolve their unfounded hatred of homosexuality

What you are demanding is that all churches must discard God's wisdom, in order to pander to mortal folly; to preach to people what they want to hear, rather than what they need to hear. And there will be plenty of churches that will do exactly that, just as Paul prophesied in 2 Timothy 4:3-4. There will be plenty who will openly reject God's standards, and even come to characterize those and any basic standards of decency and morality as “hatred”. We are certainly seeing a lot of this, these days.

3» For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
4» And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

Churches that are sincere and true in their allegiance to God will continue to teach and uphold God's standards, regardless of what the mortal world demands.
We are the ones who developed "God's standards" and we can change them. "God" is us. Culture changes, for all but those who hang back kicking and screaming, that is.
All Churches will have to resolve their unfounded hatred of homosexuality

What you are demanding is that all churches must discard God's wisdom, in order to pander to mortal folly; to preach to people what they want to hear, rather than what they need to hear. And there will be plenty of churches that will do exactly that, just as Paul prophesied in 2 Timothy 4:3-4. There will be plenty who will openly reject God's standards, and even come to characterize those and any basic standards of decency and morality as “hatred”. We are certainly seeing a lot of this, these days.

3» For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
4» And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

Churches that are sincere and true in their allegiance to God will continue to teach and uphold God's standards, regardless of what the mortal world demands.
We are the ones who developed "God's standards" and we can change them. "God" is us. Culture changes, for all but those who hang back kicking and screaming, that is.

The problem you have with your theorem here is encouraging people to pledge their time and money to a cause which is just them inventing new standards out of whole cloth.

Sure, you can say the homosexuality is just hunky-dory and that its a new revelation, but people will know it isn't from Almighty God and realize that its just something someone invented. And will they be willing to work to encourage people to accept new 'sacraments' like taking it in the caboose? I just don't see it, it isn't an eternal truth, just a religion cooked up to be PC.

Lib churches just have not done well financially over the decades. It isn't a coincidence that your Mega (large) churches are mostly conservative.
I like the idea of allowing the people to decide which branch they choose to attend

The Haters can attend the “God hates Fags” branch while those who follow the teachings of Jesus can attend the tolerant branch
I like the idea of allowing the people to decide which branch they choose to attend

The Haters can attend the “God hates Fags” branch while those who follow the teachings of Jesus can attend the tolerant branch
when did God ever teach Homosexuality? All I ever saw was negativity about the practice in scripture
I like the idea of allowing the people to decide which branch they choose to attend

The Haters can attend the “God hates Fags” branch while those who follow the teachings of Jesus can attend the tolerant branch

I don't think there are many "god hates fags" people out there. My understanding is that there is only a handful of folks out in Kansas involved in that stuff.

Just because someone doesn't see taking it in the caboose as Scriptural doesn't mean the "hate" anyone. Its my own theological opinion that Almighty God put Adam and EVE into the Garden, just because I disagree with your assessment and dogma that homosexuality should be glorified doesn't mean I have any "hate" for you.
I like the idea of allowing the people to decide which branch they choose to attend

The Haters can attend the “God hates Fags” branch while those who follow the teachings of Jesus can attend the tolerant branch
when did God ever teach Homosexuality? All I ever saw was negativity about the practice in scripture

God does not hate
His followers do

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