United Methodist Church To Split Over Gay Marriage

Our society understands the merits of same sex marriage

Many faiths still cling to their hatreds. For institutions of Gods, they are slow to accept those who are different.

In time, they will catch up with the rest of society

I don't understand the "merits" of it all.

In actuality, Gay Marriage was only invented a few decades ago and the purpose of it was the Gay Concept of "high camp"

They thought that pretending to be married would be great fun and a fabulous way of making fun of the "straight arrows" as they call us Normative folk.

I don't think that they ever thought that they would succeed in getting the Supreme Court to get "legitimacy" to their parody, and that really forced them forward to get the churches to ok taking it in the caboose as a "sacrament" and getting men in dresses recognized as broads
Split up the church. The congregation has to be comfortable with the principals of the church. That, however would be hard for me, for I would attend the split that outlaws it, what other laws are they going to bring up that would make me uncomfortable. What's next? I would also miss fellow parishioners that didn't attend the same split as I did.
Our society understands the merits of same sex marriage

Many faiths still cling to their hatreds. For institutions of Gods, they are slow to accept those who are different.

In time, they will catch up with the rest of society
If your arguments were stronger you wouldn't need to misstate the arguments of others to make yours.

Churches will evolve

As society becomes more accepting of homosexual relationships, churchgoers will become less tolerant of the hate coming from the pulpit
I've never seen this hate from the pulpit you speak of.

As for your prediction...

Ten Signs of a Culture's End | Clinton Memorial Library

Culture ends when it begins to accept hate coming from its churches
Our society understands the merits of same sex marriage

Many faiths still cling to their hatreds. For institutions of Gods, they are slow to accept those who are different.

In time, they will catch up with the rest of society

I don't understand the "merits" of it all.

In actuality, Gay Marriage was only invented a few decades ago and the purpose of it was the Gay Concept of "high camp"

They thought that pretending to be married would be great fun and a fabulous way of making fun of the "straight arrows" as they call us Normative folk.

I don't think that they ever thought that they would succeed in getting the Supreme Court to get "legitimacy" to their parody, and that really forced them forward to get the churches to ok taking it in the caboose as a "sacrament" and getting men in dresses recognized as broads
It all came about in the 1970s when gays said ...ENOUGH

Enough of hiding in a closet, enough of accepting persecution, enough of hate, enough of hiding the person you love
Our society understands the merits of same sex marriage

Many faiths still cling to their hatreds. For institutions of Gods, they are slow to accept those who are different.

In time, they will catch up with the rest of society
If your arguments were stronger you wouldn't need to misstate the arguments of others to make yours.

Churches will evolve

As society becomes more accepting of homosexual relationships, churchgoers will become less tolerant of the hate coming from the pulpit
I've never seen this hate from the pulpit you speak of.

As for your prediction...

Ten Signs of a Culture's End | Clinton Memorial Library

Culture ends when it begins to accept hate coming from its churches

It has nothing to do with "hate", RW.

Its just a disagreement over doctrine, and the question as to whether Almighty God put Adam and Eve in the Garden, or if it was Adam and Steve
Churches will evolve

By “evolve”, of course, you mean that some churches will turn away from God's word, in favor of worldly folly. That's not news. Paul prophesied this nearly two millennia ago.

3» For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
4» And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
Our society understands the merits of same sex marriage

Many faiths still cling to their hatreds. For institutions of Gods, they are slow to accept those who are different.

In time, they will catch up with the rest of society

I don't understand the "merits" of it all.

In actuality, Gay Marriage was only invented a few decades ago and the purpose of it was the Gay Concept of "high camp"

They thought that pretending to be married would be great fun and a fabulous way of making fun of the "straight arrows" as they call us Normative folk.

I don't think that they ever thought that they would succeed in getting the Supreme Court to get "legitimacy" to their parody, and that really forced them forward to get the churches to ok taking it in the caboose as a "sacrament" and getting men in dresses recognized as broads
It all came about in the 1970s when gays said ...ENOUGH

Enough of hiding in a closet, enough of accepting persecution, enough of hate, enough of hiding the person you love

Aw bullshit. The homosexuals were quite out in public during the 70's, hanging out with the hoes, pimps, johns and other people of alternative sexualities in our nation's Red Light District. If someone wanted to take it in the caboose, they knew where to go.
It all came about in the 1970s when gays said ...ENOUGH

Enough of hiding in a closet, enough of accepting persecution, enough of hate, enough of hiding the person you love


And now, they're saying “Enough!” of not being allowed to force their sick perversions on decent people who want no part of it, and to not being allowed to openly go after children.
United Methodist Church Announces Plan to Split Over Same-Sex Marriage

I call "Bullshit" on this.

If the United Methodist denomination is a Christian religion, then I hate to say it, but they MUST accept the proposition that THERE IS A RIGHT AND WRONG ANSWER TO MORAL QUESTIONS. If one part of the denomination believes X and another part of the denomination believes Y, then AT LEAST ONE OF THEM IS WRONG. To have a group of UM's holding fundamentally different views on a basic moral question is untenable.

Here we have one group saying that a lifestyle incorporating homosexual sodomy into their routine existence, and publicly announcing that fact, is morally equivalent to those living a conventional Christian marriage. The "conservative" faction finds this position immoral and anti-Biblical.

How can they both remain in good standing with the religion? It is absurd.

Say what you will about the Roman Catholic Church and about "Papal Infallibility," but at least it recognizes that there is but one right answer to fundamental moral questions. If the Holy Spirit is guiding the Church, She will not allow this schism. The United Methodist Church has just flunked the test.
When you change the gospel message, you will fail. When you keep the truth, no matter how much the world hates you, God will see you through the fire and the brimstone of public opinion.
Our society understands the merits of same sex marriage

Many faiths still cling to their hatreds. For institutions of Gods, they are slow to accept those who are different.

In time, they will catch up with the rest of society
If your arguments were stronger you wouldn't need to misstate the arguments of others to make yours.

Churches will evolve

As society becomes more accepting of homosexual relationships, churchgoers will become less tolerant of the hate coming from the pulpit
I've never seen this hate from the pulpit you speak of.

As for your prediction...

Ten Signs of a Culture's End | Clinton Memorial Library

Culture ends when it begins to accept hate coming from its churches

It has nothing to do with "hate", RW.

Its just a disagreement over doctrine, and the question as to whether Almighty God put Adam and Eve in the Garden, or if it was Adam and Steve
It all comes down to hate
Homosexual “sin” seems to be the only sin they are concerned about
It all came about in the 1970s when gays said ...ENOUGH

Enough of hiding in a closet, enough of accepting persecution, enough of hate, enough of hiding the person you love


And now, they're saying “Enough!” of not being allowed to force their sick perversions on decent people who want no part of it, and to not being allowed to openly go after children.
Nobody is forcing you to be gay

Nobody can force you not to hate. But you can’t force your hate on society and which marriages they will accept
If your arguments were stronger you wouldn't need to misstate the arguments of others to make yours.

Churches will evolve

As society becomes more accepting of homosexual relationships, churchgoers will become less tolerant of the hate coming from the pulpit
I've never seen this hate from the pulpit you speak of.

As for your prediction...

Ten Signs of a Culture's End | Clinton Memorial Library

Culture ends when it begins to accept hate coming from its churches

It has nothing to do with "hate", RW.

Its just a disagreement over doctrine, and the question as to whether Almighty God put Adam and Eve in the Garden, or if it was Adam and Steve
It all comes down to hate
Homosexual “sin” seems to be the only sin they are concerned about

RIddle me this, RW.

Are you willing to give Hoes, Pimps and Johns the same respect that you give Homos including She-Males?

Or the fact that the Pimp Liberation Movement doesn't give money to the Democrat Party their orientation shouldn't be glorified?
It all came about in the 1970s when gays said ...ENOUGH

Enough of hiding in a closet, enough of accepting persecution, enough of hate, enough of hiding the person you love


And now, they're saying “Enough!” of not being allowed to force their sick perversions on decent people who want no part of it, and to not being allowed to openly go after children.
Nobody is forcing you to be gay

Nobody can force you not to hate. But you can’t force your hate on society and which marriages they will accept

Just because many people see new-fangled societal institutions like Gay Marriage to be a mockery of everything decent, doesn't mean they are "hateful". Just means their eyesight is 20/20 and they call it as it is
Nobody can force you not to hate. But you can’t force your hate on society and which marriages they will accept

You seem to think that it's just fine to force immoral and insane sexual perversions on society, and to persecute any who refuse to embrace them.

But you oppose the promotion of basic standards of decency and morality.

You literally are openly and willfully and knowingly taking the side of evil, against the side of good.
No comment? Really?

I guess Trump hasn't tweeted about it yet.

President Trump isn't a methodist, he's devout Presbyterian.

Even though his doofus pastor at Marble Collegiate has denounced and practically expelled him.

Sort of a stupid move by the minister, IMHO.

It would have been smarter to sign a contract for President Trump to give Sunday School lessons, like that church in Georgia did with Jimmy Carter. That church is still getting good attendance ,even though they are in the middle of nowhere in southern Georgia and Carter isn't a very compelling speaker.

If Trump gave the Sunday School lessons at MC Church, he could draw huge crowds in Manhattan, a huge tourist location as well as being in a city with 7 million residents. And Trump is much easier to listen to
Trump also speaks to tongues
You seem to think that it's just fine to force immoral and insane sexual perversions on society, and to persecute any who refuse to embrace them.
Typical crybaby bully... will insult people all day long, then cry like a little b***h, when he is treated the way he treats everyone...
The third largest denomination in America is set to split up over gay marriage.

One branch will be spun off and will continue to oppose interracial gay marriage and gay clergy and casual Fridays.

The remaining branch, which sounds like it will be the bulk of the church, will allow gay marriage and gay clergy and wet T-shirt contests.

United Methodist Church is expected to split over gay marriage, fracturing the nation’s third-largest denomination

Friday’s announcement came as new sanctions were set to go into effect in the church, which would have made punishments for United Methodist Church pastors who perform same-sex weddings much more severe: one year’s suspension without pay for the first wedding and removal from the clergy for any wedding after that.

Instead, leaders from liberal and conservative wings signed an agreement saying they will postpone those sanctions and instead vote to split at the worldwide church’s May general conference.

They said the agreement was brokered by Kenneth Feinberg, the mediation expert who handled the compensation fund for victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, among other major negotiations.

"See you all in Hell!"

Yes, and this is fantastic. Heretics needed to be cut off from the church, and this is exactly what needed done.
Another fantastic win for Christianity, and separation from the those who oppose the G-d of the Bible.
The third largest denomination in America is set to split up over gay marriage.

One branch will be spun off and will continue to oppose interracial gay marriage and gay clergy and casual Fridays.

The remaining branch, which sounds like it will be the bulk of the church, will allow gay marriage and gay clergy and wet T-shirt contests.

United Methodist Church is expected to split over gay marriage, fracturing the nation’s third-largest denomination

Friday’s announcement came as new sanctions were set to go into effect in the church, which would have made punishments for United Methodist Church pastors who perform same-sex weddings much more severe: one year’s suspension without pay for the first wedding and removal from the clergy for any wedding after that.

Instead, leaders from liberal and conservative wings signed an agreement saying they will postpone those sanctions and instead vote to split at the worldwide church’s May general conference.

They said the agreement was brokered by Kenneth Feinberg, the mediation expert who handled the compensation fund for victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, among other major negotiations.

"See you all in Hell!"

Yes, and this is fantastic. Heretics needed to be cut off from the church, and this is exactly what needed done.
Another fantastic win for Christianity, and separation from the those who oppose the G-d of the Bible.
Shaman Andy has spoken!


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