United Methodist Church To Split Over Gay Marriage

This demonstrates once again that there’s nothing in Christian dogma justifying discriminating against those who are gay – both factions of the United Methodist Church can’t be right.
Even Pope Francis is sending signals of the church accepting homosexuality
This demonstrates once again that there’s nothing in Christian dogma justifying discriminating against those who are gay – both factions of the United Methodist Church can’t be right.
They are probably both wrong. All 600 plus denominations think the other 599 are wrong and going to hell.
Pope Francis will not change the Catholic Church's teaching on homosexuality because he can't.

Other Churches, not guided by the Holy Spirit, will fall into error and die.
All Churches will have to resolve their unfounded hatred of homosexuality

What you are demanding is that all churches must discard God's wisdom, in order to pander to mortal folly; to preach to people what they want to hear, rather than what they need to hear. And there will be plenty of churches that will do exactly that, just as Paul prophesied in 2 Timothy 4:3-4. There will be plenty who will openly reject God's standards, and even come to characterize those and any basic standards of decency and morality as “hatred”. We are certainly seeing a lot of this, these days.

3» For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
4» And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

Churches that are sincere and true in their allegiance to God will continue to teach and uphold God's standards, regardless of what the mortal world demands.
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Pope Francis will not change the Catholic Church's teaching on homosexuality because he can't.

Other Churches, not guided by the Holy Spirit, will fall into error and die.
The pope will change the Churches reaction to homosexuality. He already has
All Churches will have to resolve their unfounded hatred of homosexuality

What you are demanding is that all churches must discard God's wisdom, in order to pander to mortal folly; to preach to people what they want to hear, rather than what they need to hear. And there will be plenty of churches that will do exactly that, just as Paul prophesied in 2 Timothy 4:3-4. There will be plenty who will openly reject God's standards, and even come to characterize those and any basic standards of decency and morality as “hatred”. We are certainly seeing a lot of this, these days.

3» For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
4» And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

Churches that are sincere and true in their allegiance to God will continue to teach and uphold God's standards, regardless of what the mortal world demands.
Christian churches will act to the teachings of Christ

Jesus would not have treated homosexuals the way that his churches do
Churches have, and will flip flop on whatever positions necessary, in order to stay relevant in an increasingly less theistic society.
The key is for the church to welcome, not exclude and show mercy, not condemnation." He said, "If a person is gay and seeks God and has good will, who am I to judge?" "The problem," he continued, "is not having this orientation. We must be brothers.

Pope Francis
In October 2016, Francis said that "When a person (who is gay) arrives before Jesus, Jesus certainly will not say, 'Go away because you are homosexual.'
In a private conversation between the two Francis reportedly said to Cruz, who identifies as homosexual, in regards to his sexuality, "You know Juan Carlos, that does not matter. God made you like this. God loves you like this. The Pope loves you like this and you should love yourself and not worry about what people say."
Comrades, is it too much to ask that we recognize the difference between SIN and the inclination to sin (which we all have)?

Pope Francis has notoriously said, in effect, if you are homosexual (i.e., if you have that inclination), then God still loves you and we Christians still love you.

But this is NOT equivalent to saying, We condone homosexual sodomy.

But to get back to the subject of the thread, the United Methodist Church has a major faction which sanctions and condones homosexual sodomy. There is a world of difference between the Pope's position and theirs. There is a world of difference between the teachings of the Torah and the acceptance of homosexual sodomy.
Comrades, is it too much to ask that we recognize the difference between SIN and the inclination to sin (which we all have)?

Pope Francis has notoriously said, in effect, if you are homosexual (i.e., if you have that inclination), then God still loves you and we Christians still love you.

But this is NOT equivalent to saying, We condone homosexual sodomy.

But to get back to the subject of the thread, the United Methodist Church has a major faction which sanctions and condones homosexual sodomy. There is a world of difference between the Pope's position and theirs. There is a world of difference between the teachings of the Torah and the acceptance of homosexual sodomy.

The Pope knows what Homosexual sex is
He is willing to accept Homosexuals for who they are.

The silly......You can be homosexual, you just can’t make love to your partner argument does not cut it.
Comrades, is it too much to ask that we recognize the difference between SIN and the inclination to sin (which we all have)?

Pope Francis has notoriously said, in effect, if you are homosexual (i.e., if you have that inclination), then God still loves you and we Christians still love you.

But this is NOT equivalent to saying, We condone homosexual sodomy.

But to get back to the subject of the thread, the United Methodist Church has a major faction which sanctions and condones homosexual sodomy. There is a world of difference between the Pope's position and theirs. There is a world of difference between the teachings of the Torah and the acceptance of homosexual sodomy.

The Pope knows what Homosexual sex is
He is willing to accept Homosexuals for who they are.

The silly......You can be homosexual, you just can’t make love to your partner argument does not cut it.

The problem that you are having here, RW, is that you don't recognize the idea of Free Will.

If someone decides to take it in the caboose, that's their Free Will.

If someone is in the joint, and some gay guys overpower him and take his manhood by force, that's really not a sin for the recipient here.
Comrades, is it too much to ask that we recognize the difference between SIN and the inclination to sin (which we all have)?

Pope Francis has notoriously said, in effect, if you are homosexual (i.e., if you have that inclination), then God still loves you and we Christians still love you.

But this is NOT equivalent to saying, We condone homosexual sodomy.

But to get back to the subject of the thread, the United Methodist Church has a major faction which sanctions and condones homosexual sodomy. There is a world of difference between the Pope's position and theirs. There is a world of difference between the teachings of the Torah and the acceptance of homosexual sodomy.

The Pope knows what Homosexual sex is
He is willing to accept Homosexuals for who they are.

The silly......You can be homosexual, you just can’t make love to your partner argument does not cut it.

The problem that you are having here, RW, is that you don't recognize the idea of Free Will.

If someone decides to take it in the caboose, that's their Free Will.

If someone is in the joint, and some gay guys overpower him and take his manhood by force, that's really not a sin for the recipient here.
What you don’t understand is that people are wired the way they are

For you to demand “free will” to deny what you are just because of your hatred is unconscionable
All Churches will have to resolve their unfounded hatred of homosexuality

What you are demanding is that all churches must discard God's wisdom, in order to pander to mortal folly; to preach to people what they want to hear, rather than what they need to hear. And there will be plenty of churches that will do exactly that, just as Paul prophesied in 2 Timothy 4:3-4. There will be plenty who will openly reject God's standards, and even come to characterize those and any basic standards of decency and morality as “hatred”. We are certainly seeing a lot of this, these days.

3» For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
4» And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

Churches that are sincere and true in their allegiance to God will continue to teach and uphold God's standards, regardless of what the mortal world demands.
Christian churches will act to the teachings of Christ

Jesus would not have treated homosexuals the way that his churches do

Jesus in His own words talked about marriage in Matthew 19. He never mentioned homosexuality but he did specifically point out that male and female were created to join together as one. I don't believe that His omission of addressing homosexuality in that chapter is a silent endorsement of homosexuality but it's also not a condemnation either in my opinion. If Jesus wanted us to accept marriage beyond what He described it as then I believe that He would have said it in my opinion, but of course it's impossible to truly know. Then again there are numerous examples of God knowing us before we were born and so if you take that into consideration then it adds complexity and further debate. That being said, I agree with you that Jesus would not treat homosexuals in the way that many people treat them. Mark 12:28-31 and Luke 6:31 sums up the expectation He has of us towards others.
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