United States Imperialism

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lately it has been mainly GOP Imperialism. imperialism is for conservatives... You are totally baffled by B S prevalent in English speaking countries, that socialism and communism are the same thing which they are not end of story just total crap. Works great to keep the rubes screwed though
First of all - I am not a citizen of an English speaking country - as such your indication towards being "baffled by B.S." - fails.

Secondly - I never stated that socialism and communism are the same - I pointed out to you several times, the difference (the only difference) between communism and socialism is that the latter propagates a democratic system to implement and uphold it.

Thirdly - Not me, but you continuously propagate falsely - that there are or have been socialist countries - there NEVER was or is a socialist country - and having a socialist party or a communist party, even included in a government coalition, does NOT imply that the country is communist or socialist. Obviously you do not understand the difference between a country having a socialist party and supposedly being socialist ruled. Neither do you understand the difference between a social democratic party and a socialist party.

Therefore lefty&Libs have been continuously enhancing and implementing laws in the past 45 years - to further manipulate democratic governments (aka society) in order to press their socialism agenda via "democratic" means.
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Want to know why so many nations jumped at the chance to join NATO?


Soviet tanks in Hungary.


Soviet tanks in East Germany.


Soviet tanks in Czechoslovakia.


Soviet tanks in Poland.

The Soviets had a bad history of invading their "allies" if they ever dared to do anything the Soviet masters did not like. And they enforced it with tanks, secret police, and mass executions. You just seem pissed that so many ran into the arms of NATO when they finally had a chance. And even ones that were nominal Russian allies like Finland have now run to NATO because they know that their neutrality will mean nothing if Russia decides to attack them like they have Ukraine.

Which was also never intending to join NATO, until multiple attacks and stealing of territory have finally made them realize that the Russians will not respect their neutrality. They want puppets, or you are their enemy.

Shhhhh.....Russia never did nothin' to nobody.
They are the perfect neighbor!
Naturally the Russian Federation would be just that, if they had accepted that the NATO warmongers continue to push into their ultimate neighborhood.
But hey! - they obviously didn't. ;)
NATO didn’t “push” anywhere. Russia’s neighbors ran to NATO when they saw the Russian bear reverting to form and attacking anyone who didn’t do exactly what “mother Russia” ordered them to do. Russia has made its own problems just like always. In the thirties Western companies invested billions in building up industries for Stalin. He repaid them by first supplying the Nazi war machine with everything it needed to conquer Western Europe, then conspiring with Hitler in invade and conquer Poland and finally invading and conquering the Baltic states without provocation. After the fall of Communism the west spent billions, perhaps trillions, trying to modernize Russian industry and everyone welcomed Russia into the family of free nations. Russia turned around and invaded first Ukraine, then Georgia, then Chechnya and finally Ukraine again. Russia has proven beyond a doubt to its neighbors and former satellite countries that it can’t be trusted to obey any treaties it signs or to keep any agreements it makes. Russia isn’t the victim, it’s the problem. It’s Russia’s mindset, Russians don’t want freedom, they want a tyrant ruling them. To quote a character from a Tom Clancy book, “democracy will be a wonderful thing when we find someone strong enough to enforce it”. The quote might be a little off, but that’s the gist of it.
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This HARKEN BACK OP from 8 yrs ago is still being posted on now. Because of its unlinked, outdated information (US imperialism from decades ago), it has about as much relevance today, as the frequent PBS B & W footages of 1950s civil rights clashes.

What's the point of talking about what WAS, when there is so much of what IS to talk about ? With regard to the subject of imperialism, having military bases in other countries, is not necessarily imperialism. It gives the US some needed strategic leverage in case of war occuring against countries in those regions. In return, the military base countries receive some protection from the presence of the US military.

As far as US imperialism is concerned, in the present day, it is much less of a military thing than an economic one. Imperialist countries (Mexico, China, India - top 3) send their PEOPLE (civilians) to the prey country and sack it by means of REMITTANCES$$$$$. Instead of taking wealth by way of swords and guns, they extract tons of Billions$$$ per year, just by having their people (migrants) get income in the prey country, and then send it back to folks in their home country.

This deprives businesses in the prey county of huge $$$ in Sales$$, while increasing the Sales of businesses in the imperialist country.
In 2017, the US was the # 1 prey country (victim) of remittance imperialism in the world, losing $148 Billion/yr, extracted out of the US economy, $30 Billion that year to Mexico alone. The Vikings would be envious - in all their pillaging, they never came close to raking in that much loot.

As for political parties, the Democrats & Joe Biden are heavily complicit in this imperialist loss to the US, by opening up the border, and allowing millions of caravans of unvetted, unvaccinated migrants to stream into the country, many wearing Biden T-shirts.

Shhhhh.....Russia never did nothin' to nobody.
They are the perfect neighbor!
Beautiful neighbors of Russia as part of Hitler's Wehrmacht, as its allies, participated in the invasion, which aimed not only to destroy Russian statehood, but also the physical destruction of russians. So these were good neighbors of Russia-USSR.
The USA, after the attack of Japan used nuclear weapons against the japanese, and against the indians in general pursued a policy of genocide.
The USSR declared its neighbors friendly countries.... Russia is such an uncivilized country.
Wow - seems to be your first post that actually presents FACTs

But you obviously still need to learn the difference between the USSR and the Russian Federation.

There is no real difference.

Remember the CIS, the "Commonwealth of Independent States"? That was supposed to be the "kindler and gentler" version of a post Soviet Warsaw pact. And of the 7 Warsaw Pact members, want to guess how many joined?

None. Not a single Warsaw Pact nation joined the CIS.

The CIS ended up being composed of Russia and nations that had been absorbed into Russia and were now independent. And they were Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Krgyzstan, Moldovia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. And Turkmenistan and Ukraine signed the charter but never joined.

And of those nations that joined or signed the CIS Charter, they have invaded 4 of them. Some of them multiple times. When Russia has invaded just under half of the nations they are supposed to be allied with, it shows that there is no real difference between current Russia and the Soviet Union.

They are still using force or threat of force in order to expand their borders, really no different than the Soviets had behaved.
Naturally the Russian Federation would be just that, if they had accepted that the NATO warmongers continue to push into their ultimate neighborhood.
But hey! - they obviously didn't. ;)

You know what the funniest thing about that claim is?

Both Finland and Ukraine had said repeatedly they had no interest in joining NATO. And look at my posts above about how often the Soviets invaded Warsaw Pact nations. So it is no wonder that many of them did join NATO, they did not trust Russia.

And of those nations they were supposed to be allied with? You know, the members of CIS? They then invaded Georgia 3 times. And the other major neutral nation, they invaded Ukraine twice.

Is only because of the actions of Russia that Finland finally got off the fence and joined NATO. Otherwise, they would have been happy to remain neutral as they had for the last 74 years. And prior to the Russian expansion into Ukraine in 2014, the support for Ukraine to join NATO was only around 10%. After 2014 when they annexed part of the country it rose to around 30%. Today after the current invasion started, support in Ukraine for them joining NATO has soared to over 83%.

That is probably the funniest thing about the morons that make that claim. NATO is not "warmongering", and has not tried to push their membership. It is the Russian aggression that has caused so many to join the organization.

Feel free to look back at old posts in here, I have been talking about "Finlandization" in here for over a decade. It is a very well known topic in geopolitical circles, and in general described the influence of one nation upon another through a possible use of force. And so long as Finland remained neutral and largely did whatever the Soviets then Russians wanted, they were allowed to keep their country. And for Finland to throw off 3/4 of a century of being in that status, that means that after the repeated invasions of other nations they realized that they were not safe. And that if Russia decided they would invade them again, as they had several of their neighbors.

Even after the Soviet Union broke up, Finland remained committed to being Neutral, not joining either NATO nor the CIS. That all ended in 2022 with the invasion of Ukraine. And I for one was surprised when they finally joined NATO. And they never would have done that if Russia had not attacked so many of their neighbors.
Beautiful neighbors of Russia as part of Hitler's Wehrmacht, as its allies, participated in the invasion, which aimed not only to destroy Russian statehood, but also the physical destruction of russians. So these were good neighbors of Russia-USSR.

You mean unlike the Soviet Union, when they invaded Poland?

The USA, after the attack of Japan used nuclear weapons against the japanese, and against the indians in general pursued a policy of genocide.

Well, if they pursued "genocide" against the Indians, they did a freaking pretty piss-poor job of it. There are almost 3 million of us today in the US, and our numbers keep growing.

There was never an "Indian Genocide", that is mostly based on the lies of a disgraced and discredited former professor that has even lied about his own background and been trying to sell his own art stolen from real Indians as "Indian Art". He has been sued by so many tribes and individuals for his frauds it is not even funny.

And no, I am being completely serious here. You are trying to use the claims of Ward Churchill, and he is a liar and a fraud. And to give an idea, here is some of his "art", with the original.


On the left, the original by Thomas Mails, called "The Mystic Warriors of the Plains", from a book he published in 1972. On the right, what Ward claimed he created in 1981 and called "Winter Attack". It is literally the exact same illustration, just a mirror image with some slight modifications. And yes, he was selling that as "Authentic Indian Art", until it was proven he has no Indian ancestry, and even protested the 1990 "Indian Arts and Crafts Act", where anybody that sold art claiming to be "Indian" had to prove they were actually Indians.

Once again, you stick your foot way far up your arse, trying to post the claims of an actual liar that all of the Indian nations have turned their back on decades ago.

Oh, and yes, I did indeed say "our" and "us" earlier. As I am Potawatomi and proud of it. So are you now going to try and lecture me that I do not know my own culture and heritage?

The USSR declared its neighbors friendly countries.... Russia is such an uncivilized country.

Oh yes, like the 1997 "Russian-Ukrainian Friendship Treaty"? Where they agreed on the borders between the two nations, and promised to never attack them again? Yes, so very friendly.
“democracy will be a wonderful thing when we find someone strong enough to enforce it”.
Thanks for confirming my statement in regards to democratic countries aka NATO being inherent warmongers.

As for your stated history knowledge: Russia turned around and invaded first Ukraine, then Georgia, then Chechnya and finally Ukraine again
Try and read upon some "real" - "factual" history and it's timeline.
Want to know why so many nations jumped at the chance to join NATO?


Soviet tanks in Hungary.


Soviet tanks in East Germany.


Soviet tanks in Czechoslovakia.


Soviet tanks in Poland.

The Soviets had a bad history of invading their "allies" if they ever dared to do anything the Soviet masters did not like. And they enforced it with tanks, secret police, and mass executions. You just seem pissed that so many ran into the arms of NATO when they finally had a chance. And even ones that were nominal Russian allies like Finland have now run to NATO because they know that their neutrality will mean nothing if Russia decides to attack them like they have Ukraine.

Which was also never intending to join NATO, until multiple attacks and stealing of territory have finally made them realize that the Russians will not respect their neutrality. They want puppets, or you are their enemy.
Guess what? The bad old USSR disappeared long ago peacefully.

Must you always post shit supporting war and the MIC?
With regard to the subject of imperialism, having military bases in other countries, is not necessarily imperialism....

Imperialist countries (Mexico, China, India - top 3) send their PEOPLE (civilians) to the prey country and sack it by means of REMITTANCES$$$$$.. ......

This deprives businesses in the prey county of huge $$$ in Sales$$, while increasing the Sales of businesses in the imperialist country.
In 2017, the US was the # 1 prey country (victim) of remittance imperialism in the world, losing $148 Billion/yr, extracted out of the US economy, $30 Billion that year to Mexico alone.
:cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Beautiful neighbors of Russia as part of Hitler's Wehrmacht, as its allies, participated in the invasion, which aimed not only to destroy Russian statehood, but also the physical destruction of russians. So these were good neighbors of Russia-USSR.
The USA, after the attack of Japan used nuclear weapons against the japanese, and against the indians in general pursued a policy of genocide.
The USSR declared its neighbors friendly countries.... Russia is such an uncivilized country.

Beautiful neighbors of Russia as part of Hitler's Wehrmacht, as its allies, participated in the invasion, which aimed not only to destroy Russian statehood,

You're damn right, fucking commie twats deserved it.
First of all - I am not a citizen of an English speaking country - as such your indication towards being "baffled by B.S." - fails.

Secondly - I never stated that socialism and communism are the same - I pointed out to you several times, the difference (the only difference) between communism and socialism is that the latter propagates a democratic system to implement and uphold it.

Thirdly - Not me, but you continuously propagate falsely - that there are or have been socialist countries - there NEVER was or is a socialist country - and having a socialist party or a communist party, even included in a government coalition, does NOT imply that the country is communist or socialist. Obviously you do not understand the difference between a country having a socialist party and supposedly being socialist ruled. Neither do you understand the difference between a social democratic party and a socialist party.

Therefore lefty&Libs have been continuously enhancing and implementing laws in the past 45 years - to further manipulate democratic governments (aka society) in order to press their socialism agenda via "democratic" means.
As if Singapore isn't incredibly capitalist on the English model and was ruled by the English Forever. Every country in Europe has had socialist parties in power long enough to get everything they wanted basically. My advice is to figure it out. No socialist or Socialist Party has ever been for going communist and dictatorship. Totally different, democracy means everything is totally different for crying out loud... Socialism means intelligent government always a democracy with fair capitalism, Believing they want to go to a dictatorship is absolute idiocy, Dupe.
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