United States Imperialism

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And the left keeps harping about European settlers being harsh to (American) Indians. Most Indians who died after contact with settlers, died from lack of immunity against European diseases (ex Smallpox).

Thousands more died from arrows of other Indians, as described in your informative post.
So what? The Indians had their fun, they couldn't believe that the whites actually took land that belonged to the great spirit and threw the Indians out totally. The Comanche didn't like it LOL. We probably should've left them a strip of land from North Dakota to the Rio Grande. Yes, the conservative lol settlers were ridiculously harsh to American Indians.
It can't be helped that they are idiots, and want to believe proven liars like Ward Churchill.

And for the latter part, that is wrong. Most of the Indians died off in the very early 1500s, and were dead most of a century before the first Settlers even arrived in North America. And most did not die of smallpox, they died of the common cold, the flu, measles, and chickenpox. By the time smallpox reached them in the 18th century, the survivors of those first pandemics had resistances pretty comparable to the Europeans and died in roughly the same numbers.

The North American Smallpox Epidemic of 1775-1782 killed over 130,000 Americans of European descent before it finally burned out. And ironically, traders from the Hudson Bay Company kicked off another epidemic in 1782 that did affect the West Coast, with mortality rates comparable to those that were seen among Europeans on the East Coast almost a decade earlier. That is the amazing thing about smallpox, nobody has "immunity" to that one, that is why it was such a scourge for tens of thousands of years and decimated people anywhere it arrived. Be it 1800s England and France, or 1900s Boston.

And that's alright, they gave back just as well. The Europeans gave them the cold and measles, the Indians gave them back syphilis.
I am NOT wrong, because I did not say that most died from smallpox. I said they died from "lack of immunity from European diseases", which you now agreed with. And I indicated smallpox only as one example among others.

Don't be so anxious to contradict other posters, that you wind up being wrong yourself.
So what? The Indians had their fun, they couldn't believe that the whites actually took land that belonged to the great spirit and threw the Indians out totally. The Comanche didn't like it LOL. We probably should've left them a strip of land from North Dakota to the Rio Grande. Yes, the conservative lol settlers were ridiculously harsh to American Indians.
No, they were not. They just did what they had to do to survive, themselves.
He's really referring to Republicans
The most warlike were the Umma (worldwide community of Muslims) who conquered more land than the Roman Empire at its height. Most of which still remains today as Muslim countries, being formerly Jew, Hindu, and Christian, and other religious/ethnic lands.

Did they? according to who? are you talking about the Srebrenica scam? and i am not babbling about Jihadis i am telling you what happened, Bill Clinton enabled thousands of them to enter Bosnia head hacking their way through the Country.

The British Pakistani Moslem who beheaded the daring writer Daniel Pearle was jihadized in Bosnia. He had previously been indifferent to his family's religion, being referred to as "a typical English gentleman." So immigrants from that gene pool can never help being sucked back into their race's thrill-killing savagery.
Texas had beaten Mexico long before the 1846 Mexican-American War. Texas was an independent country just like California was. Texas was even recognized by MEXICO as an independent country in 1845. The US attempted to buy the Southwest from Mexico and Mexico refused. That led to the war which Mexico decisively lost. The first event that led directly to the war was an attack on American troops by Mexican Regulars NORTH of the Rio Grande in territory ceded to the USA by Santa Ana. The USA then declared war. The US still paid Mexico for the Southwest rather than just claiming it as war booty.
We Need to Put "Man" Back Into Manifest Destiny

The spoiled weaklings in charge are letting everything drift away that real men built.
And the left keeps harping about European settlers being harsh to (American) Indians. Most Indians who died after contact with settlers, died from lack of immunity against European diseases (ex Smallpox).

Thousands more died from arrows of other Indians, as described in your informative post.
Treason Runs Wild
What's the Reason?
Treason Wins Only When
None Dare Call It Treason

The race traitors who have been in "our" government almost from the beginning gave the reservation Indians rifles "to hunt for food." They soon left the reservations to use those rifles against White settlers and Custer's troops at Little Big Horn.
Because it’s run by religious fanatics who hate America because we espouse not only freedom of religion, but freedom FROM religion. Our successful society is a direct affront to their beliefs that success only comes from being a slave to allah.
Echoes of a Prehistoric Horror

The races that converted to Islam were thrill-killing humanoid bandits thousands of years before Mohammed united them and used them to take advantage of European decadence.

Common sense would tell us that no one chooses the desert, the jungle, or the mountains as new places to settle down in. These Neanderthalic gangs were driven there by the justice of civilized races. A hideout is not a homeland.
All those groups you named have one thing in common, they are all part of the resistance to Israel, they are not international terrorists like Al Qaeda etc, Hezbollah didn't even exist before Israel invaded Lebanon and occupied much of the South for decades, if your forces were not in Iraq and Afghanistan they wouldn't be bombed, and who said Iran supplied the IEDs, even if they did so what? you supply weapons to terrorists all over the World including terrorists in Syria, so cry me a river.
Israel Is Our Shield

The very reason Israel was started with the Balfour Declaration was as a decoy to the inevitable post-Ottoman jihad. So if Iran ever defeats Israel or gets tired of running into its impenetrable wall, then Europe, India, and America are next on its list.
Israel Is Our Shield

The very reason Israel was started with the Balfour Declaration was as a decoy to the inevitable post-Ottoman jihad. So if Iran ever defeats Israel or gets tired of running into its impenetrable wall, then Europe, India, and America are next on its list.
Sorry pal but that's quite a stretch going back to the Ottoman Empire, keep it simple, Israel has been stealing land since 1947 and Hezbollah stopped them steal lebanese land,just this week lunatic settlers threw some Palestinians out of their homes in Nablus.
Sorry pal but that's quite a stretch going back to the Ottoman Empire, keep it simple, Israel has been stealing land since 1947 and Hezbollah stopped them steal lebanese land,just this week lunatic settlers threw some Palestinians out of their homes in Nablus.
Before Mohammed in the 7th century, vast areas of the near east were Jewish & Christian land. These lands (now a dozen countries) were stolen by marauding Muslims for centuries.

To say Israel is stealing land from Muslims, is a laughingstock.
There were not "hundreds" of massacres of Indians, but there were hundreds of massacres (smaller scale ) of settlers, done by Indians.
They didnt kill "all" the bison, and "every treaty was not broken.
and yes every treaty was broken. And only 100 bison were left. And you haven't heard one tenth of the massacres done by the U s of A. thank god for casinos and tobacco taxes...lol
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