United States Imperialism

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What does that have to do with what we were saying? And to Muslims, trade relations were similar to those of the Vikings. Kill, steal, plunder.
Nope. They traded silks and pearls, salt, dates, ivory, frankensence and myrrh from the Indus Valley to Mesopotamia, Egypt, East Africa, the Levant . They traded with Herod and Pharaohs.

You just don't know any history
So what? Slavery is against the law since 1953 and they do have a lot of money, but the first 86% of oil revenue is reinvested in the people. I have been and stayed at four of their palaces. They are like 5 star hotels, but they don't have thousands of rooms. They don't even have hundreds of rooms.

You're just another silly old gossip.

And you're just a shill with no credibility.
Nope. They traded silks and pearls, salt, dates, ivory, frankensence and myrrh from the Indus Valley to Mesopotamia, Egypt, East Africa, the Levant . They traded with Herod and Pharaohs.

You just don't know any history

Says the idiot who can't read. Muslims didn't come along until 600 A.D. or so, dumbass. Try and stay in the same centuries as the post you're failing at refuting.
Sand creek was one. There were others . But generally, most contact between settlers and Indians were peaceful, trading, education, and even intermariage, As I stated earlier, most Indians lived far away from white settlements, and most of them never laid eyes on a white man their entire lives. Ho hum.

Where the was warring between Indians and white settlers, there was viciousness from both sides,

The worst atrocities they cry fake tears over were committed by Lincoln's Generals, who committed the same atrocities against whites. they brag on them as heroes, then turn around and snivel about how mean they were to murdering savages who tortured captives for sport and entertainment. They really suffer from severe cognitive dissonance due to their own virulent racism and can't make any sense.
Says the idiot who can't read. Muslims didn't come along until 600 A.D. or so, dumbass. Try and stay in the same centuries as the post you're failing at refuting.
Who can't read? I've said repeatedly that Arabs had extensive trade relations hundreds of years before Islam. Go back and read the thread, you old fool.
Who can't read? I've said repeatedly that Arabs had extensive trade relations hundreds of years before Islam. Go back and read the thread, you old fool.

Says the tard who just throws out crap when she fails to even make any sense. Try reading some history yourself.
The worst atrocities they cry fake tears over were committed by Lincoln's Generals, who committed the same atrocities against whites. they brag on them as heroes, then turn around and snivel about how mean they were to murdering savages who tortured captives for sport and entertainment. They really suffer from severe cognitive dissonance due to their own virulent racism and can't make any sense.
Savages? there were plenty of blue coat savages, in theory they should have known better because of their Christian background but at places like sand creek they resorted to mutilating bodies, that is not the act of a civilised person.
Says the idiot who can't read. Muslims didn't come along until 600 A.D. or so, dumbass. Try and stay in the same centuries as the we're still talking about an hour lu....

And the Muslims were more civilized than the Christians most of the time. Allowed people to keep their own religions after they were conquered while christians tended to kill everyone lol.... and kept knowledge alive through the Dark Ages in places like Seville and Cordoba. Terrorist Muslims only started after the West's blind allegiance to Israel, as seen by the Muslim world...
Nope. They traded silks and pearls, salt, dates, ivory, frankensence and myrrh from the Indus Valley to Mesopotamia, Egypt, East Africa, the Levant . They traded with Herod and Pharaohs.

You just don't know any history
Sounds like YOU don't know it. One word is the legacy of Mohammed > CONQUEST. Read the Koran - not one word of it has changed in 1400 years.

How do you think all that massive area of the Middle East came to be Muslim, when Islam only began in the 7th century, and Judaism and Christianity are much older ? You think the people living in those areas said > "Oh yes, we absolutely would love to become Muslim, Please convert us" ?

They were converted at the point of a sword. Marauding Muslims conquered more territory across the middle East, India, Africa, and Europe, than the Roman Empire at it's height. In so doing, they massacred 120 million Africans, 60 million Christians, 80 million Hindus, and 10 Million Buddhists.

270 million - more than Hitler, or anyone.
And the Muslims were more civilized than the Christians most of the time. Allowed people to keep their own religions after they were conquered while christians tended to kill everyone lol.... and kept knowledge alive through the Dark Ages in places like Seville and Cordoba. Terrorist Muslims only started after the West's blind allegiance to Israel, as seen by the Muslim world...
OMG! I can't believe what I am reading here. Muslims more civiliazed that Christians ? YIKES! Why don't you tell us that days are darker than nights ? Or that sand is wetter than water ? Sheeesh!

EARTH TO FRANCO: Through more than a dozen centuries, Muslims have been the most UNcivilized, barbaric savages that ever set foot on the earth.
Read the Koran. See post # 690, and the map in post # 677.
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And the Muslims were more civilized than the Christians most of the time. Allowed people to keep their own religions after they were conquered while christians tended to kill everyone lol.... and kept knowledge alive through the Dark Ages in places like Seville and Cordoba. Terrorist Muslims only started after the West's blind allegiance to Israel, as seen by the Muslim world...

Don't be ridiculous. Muslims were attacking westerners before Israel was even founded.
And the Muslims were more civilized than the Christians most of the time. Allowed people to keep their own religions after they were conquered while christians tended to kill everyone lol.... and kept knowledge alive through the Dark Ages in places like Seville and Cordoba. Terrorist Muslims only started after the West's blind allegiance to Israel, as seen by the Muslim world...

lol more rubbish. They just ran extortion rackets. That Great Muslim Golden Age myth is also laughable nonsense. And, nobody need care what 'The Muslim World' likes or doesn't like.
OMG! I can't believe what I am reading here. Muslims more civiliazed that Christians ? YIKES! Why don't you tell us tht days re darler than nights ? Or that sand is wetter than water. Sheeesh!

EARTH TO FRANCO: Through more than a dozen centuries, Muslims have been the most UNcivilized, barbaric savages that ever set foot on the earth.
Read the Koran. See post # 690, and the map in post # 677.

That's the myth faggots used to peddle; they considered Islam to be 'tolerant' because buggering little boys is a thing with Muslims. They stopped peddling that sick shit when they found out most Muslims would toss them off of buildings. Some of the clueless Xian hating parrots didn't get the memo.
lol more rubbish. They just ran extortion rackets. That Great Muslim Golden Age myth is also laughable nonsense. And, nobody need care what 'The Muslim World' likes or doesn't like.
The Muslim "golden age" only lasted until the last educated conquered peoples were assimilated. Then Islam fell back to the Sixth century beliefs that it has today. You can't run technology with an In'Shallah attitude.
lol more rubbish. They just ran extortion rackets. That Great Muslim Golden Age myth is also laughable nonsense. And, nobody need care what 'The Muslim World' likes or doesn't like.
They really should call the GOP the know nothing party nowadays. You got nothing but garbage propaganda and hate about Muslims...
OMG! I can't believe what I am reading here. Muslims more civiliazed that Christians ? YIKES! Why don't you tell us that days are darker than nights ? Or that sand is wetter than water ? Sheeesh!

EARTH TO FRANCO: Through more than a dozen centuries, Muslims have been the most UNcivilized, barbaric savages that ever set foot on the earth.
Read the Koran. See post # 690, and the map in post # 677.
Easy to pick apart the bible too....Ever heard of Saladin?
The Muslim "golden age" only lasted until the last educated conquered peoples were assimilated. Then Islam fell back to the Sixth century beliefs that it has today. You can't run technology with an In'Shallah attitude.

There were only two reigns that encouraged scholarship, the one in Spain lasted only for a couple of generations, and one in Persia also lived and died with one dynasty of three rulers, and they weren't Arabs. The scholarship was almost all Christians and Jews; taking Arab names was common then, so one can't go by that. All the rest in between was a wasteland between those two exceptions.
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