United States Imperialism

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Easy to pick apart the bible too....Ever heard of Saladin?
There is not much comparison between the Bible and the Koran.
If I were to see people proclaiming their allegiance to the Bible while knocking tall buildings down, beheading people, running people down on bicycle paths, killing US soldiers in Army forts, killing dozens of people in nightclubs, pedophilia, rape, lying, wife-beating, etc et, then I might take a look at the Bible.

For now, I see these things in the Koran, and Muslims doing these things, while proclaiming their allegiance to the Koran, and trying to Islamize America into an Islamic state.
There is not much comparison between the Bible and the Koran.
If I were to see people proclaiming their allegiance to the Bible while knocking tall buildings down, beheading people, running people down on bicycle paths, killing US soldiers in Army forts, killing dozens of people in nightclubs, pedophilia, rape, lying, wife-beating, etc et, then I might take a look at the Bible.

For now, I see these things in the Koran, and Muslims doing these things, while proclaiming their allegiance to the Koran, and trying to Islamize America into an Islamic state.
But you don't have a problem with your Government supporting Wahabi head hacking maniacs in Syria as long as it's Syrians losing their heads.
There is not much comparison between the Bible and the Koran.
If I were to see people proclaiming their allegiance to the Bible while knocking tall buildings down, beheading people, running people down on bicycle paths, killing US soldiers in Army forts, killing dozens of people in nightclubs, pedophilia, rape, lying, wife-beating, etc et, then I might take a look at the Bible.

For now, I see these things in the Koran, and Muslims doing these things, while proclaiming their allegiance to the Koran, and trying to Islamize America into an Islamic state.
They were in the middle ages 80 years ago.... You're talking about terrorists not the Muslim world. There is no such american conspiracy, hater dupe....
They were in the middle ages 80 years ago.... You're talking about terrorists not the Muslim world. There is no such american conspiracy, hater dupe....
If you are unaware of a (longtime ) conspiracy to Islamize America into an Islamic state, then I have an education to provide for you.

And you can start with these >>

1. Hamas-CAIR’s co-founder, Omar Ahmad, said: “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant,” andThe Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.”

2. The Muslim Brotherhood's infamous Explanatory Memorandum >>
"The process of settlement [of Islam in the United States] is a "Civilization-Jihadist" process with all that the word means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood in North America] must understand that all their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and "sabotaging" their miserable house by their hands, and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated, and Allah's religion is made victorious over all religions."
Mohamed Akram, "An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America" May 22, 199
If you are unaware of a (longtime ) conspiracy to Islamize America into an Islamic state, then I have an education to provide for you.

And you can start with these >>

1. Hamas-CAIR’s co-founder, Omar Ahmad, said: “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant,” andThe Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.”

2. The Muslim Brotherhood's infamous Explanatory Memorandum >>
"The process of settlement [of Islam in the United States] is a "Civilization-Jihadist" process with all that the word means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood in North America] must understand that all their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and "sabotaging" their miserable house by their hands, and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated, and Allah's religion is made victorious over all religions."
Mohamed Akram, "An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America" May 22, 199
Not a damn chance. Try a news station instead of a conspiracy nut outlet...
Obama's wars were police actions no boots on the ground. Democrats supported the Iraq war because they were lied to by Bush and Powell about nuclear weapons and total BS. And they left Afghanistan to do it- real wars with thousands of Americans killed and leaving behind long lasting chaos....
Biden is increasing the military budget, giving more money to the police, and expanding oil drilling.

He is ruling just like Trump yet liberals love him & conservatives loathe him.

It shows that most Americans base their politics on party loyalty and feelings instead of facts. You are a perfect example of this.
Nope. They traded silks and pearls, salt, dates, ivory, frankensence and myrrh from the Indus Valley to Mesopotamia, Egypt, East Africa, the Levant . They traded with Herod and Pharaohs.

Uhm what? I am not sure who you are trying to talk about here, but it is a complete fiction.

The "Arabs" of that ancient era are not the Arabs of today. In the era of antiquity the term was an alternate label for the Bedouins. And the Bedouins were not traders, they were shepherds. It was not until after the rise of Islam that they started to settle into cities and moved from nomadic herdsmen to city dwellers and traders.

It must be remembered, the Arabs are simply another Semitic group, one of many. The "Arabs" of today are primarily those Semitics that in the 7th and 8th centuries converted to Islam then remained in the area. And a huge number of "Arabs" are genetically Jews, they simply are the descendants of those who had changed religions over a thousand years ago. And with the rise of Islam, they largely adopted the identity of the Bedouins as almost all Semitic cultures had been idolizing them and identifying with them for thousands of years as they were all essentially "domesticated" offshoots of that older culture.

But no, they were not trading with the "Pharaohs", as "Arabs" as the term we recognize did not even exist yet. And those people that the modern groups claim descent from were not traders of any sort. Those were the Judeans, the Hasmonians, and other Semitic groups (those that are more closely identified as being "Jews" rather than "Arabs").

And Pharaohs? When in the hell would that have been? They were gone by the 4th century BCE. But by that point the Pharaohs had barely been Egyptian for hundreds of years.

You just don't know any history

And obviously you know even less history. Hell, the Arabs of Antiquity had no interest in Frankincense other than trading locally as it was often used as form of currency. Trade your slow moving and high labor sheep for frankincense at one end, and then return to your starting point and trade that for even more sheep. The Bedouins had no interest in settling down in cities, or engaging in commerce or industry. And many still live like that even to this day.
Obama's wars were police actions no boots on the ground. Democrats supported the Iraq war because they were lied to by Bush and Powell about nuclear weapons and total BS. And they left Afghanistan to do it- real wars with thousands of Americans killed and leaving behind long lasting chaos....
WHO in the US government, is supporting Wahabi head hacking maniacs in Syria ?

Especially as that generally relates to a specific offshoot native to the area of Saudi Arabia and Qatar and is mostly founded on an extremist Sunni belief.

And the people the US are supporting primarily in Syria are the Kurds. They are predominantly Shafi'i Sunni, and are recognized as among the most moderate groups of Muslims they are. And they tend to identify themselves ethnically more than by religion, so communities of Sunni, Shia, Jewish, even Christian and Zoroastrian Kurds have generally existed together peacefully for over 2,000 years.
Uhm what? I am not sure who you are trying to talk about here, but it is a complete fiction.

The "Arabs" of that ancient era are not the Arabs of today. In the era of antiquity the term was an alternate label for the Bedouins. And the Bedouins were not traders, they were shepherds. It was not until after the rise of Islam that they started to settle into cities and moved from nomadic herdsmen to city dwellers and traders.

It must be remembered, the Arabs are simply another Semitic group, one of many. The "Arabs" of today are primarily those Semitics that in the 7th and 8th centuries converted to Islam then remained in the area. And a huge number of "Arabs" are genetically Jews, they simply are the descendants of those who had changed religions over a thousand years ago. And with the rise of Islam, they largely adopted the identity of the Bedouins as almost all Semitic cultures had been idolizing them and identifying with them for thousands of years as they were all essentially "domesticated" offshoots of that older culture.

But no, they were not trading with the "Pharaohs", as "Arabs" as the term we recognize did not even exist yet. And those people that the modern groups claim descent from were not traders of any sort. Those were the Judeans, the Hasmonians, and other Semitic groups (those that are more closely identified as being "Jews" rather than "Arabs").

And Pharaohs? When in the hell would that have been? They were gone by the 4th century BCE. But by that point the Pharaohs had barely been Egyptian for hundreds of years.

And obviously you know even less history. Hell, the Arabs of Antiquity had no interest in Frankincense other than trading locally as it was often used as form of currency. Trade your slow moving and high labor sheep for frankincense at one end, and then return to your starting point and trade that for even more sheep. The Bedouins had no interest in settling down in cities, or engaging in commerce or industry. And many still live like that even to this day.
all these people were civilized when the English were painting themselves blue and running through the forest LOL
Biden is increasing the military budget, giving more money to the police, and expanding oil drilling.

He is ruling just like Trump yet liberals love him & conservatives loathe him.

It shows that most Americans base their politics on party loyalty and feelings instead of facts. You are a perfect example of this.

Not remotely enough
Biden is increasing the military budget, giving more money to the police, and expanding oil drilling.

He is ruling just like Trump yet liberals love him & conservatives loathe him.

It shows that most Americans base their politics on party loyalty and feelings instead of facts. You are a perfect example of this.
Especially as that generally relates to a specific offshoot native to the area of Saudi Arabia and Qatar and is mostly founded on an extremist Sunni belief.

And the people the US are supporting primarily in Syria are the Kurds. They are predominantly Shafi'i Sunni, and are recognized as among the most moderate groups of Muslims they are. And they tend to identify themselves ethnically more than by religion, so communities of Sunni, Shia, Jewish, even Christian and Zoroastrian Kurds have generally existed together peacefully for over 2,000 years.
And Trump said We are out of here and left the kurds to fend for themselves after they helped us.
Biden is increasing the military budget, giving more money to the police, and expanding oil drilling.

He is ruling just like Trump yet liberals love him & conservatives loathe him.

It shows that most Americans base their politics on party loyalty and feelings instead of facts. You are a perfect example of this.
Biden is nothing like the lying divisive anti American Putin loving orange clown... And not really any of those things or temporarily.
So you deny these 2 items I posted ? Denying historical facts doesn't make you a good poster, it would make you an idiot.
Do I believe Muslims are trying to take over the United States? Absolutely not that's ridiculous conspiracy talk.
are you the guy that believes that Egyptians and Persians and Mesopotamians all became Bedouins LOL
The Democrats main point is that the rich need to be taxed again and we need to invest in America again, the damn place is fallingr
Given the raw size and huge population of the U.S. something is always going to be "falling apart"

Most Americans have a significant problem understanding how huge the United States is.

My home state (Arkansas) is relatively small but IIRC even it is physically larger than 8 different countries of the European Union and even has a larger population than 6 or 7 different EU nations
Given the raw size and huge population of the U.S. something is always going to be "falling apart"

Most Americans have a significant problem understanding how huge the United States is.

My home state (Arkansas) is relatively small but IIRC even it is physically larger than 8 different countries of the European Union and even has a larger population than 6 or 7 different EU nations
BS. We are the richest country in the world easily and yet we are falling apart. We do have the worst inequality upward mobility poverty and homelessness though by far. Thank you G O P tax rates
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