United States Imperialism

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There is not much comparison between the Bible and the Koran.
If I were to see people proclaiming their allegiance to the Bible while knocking tall buildings down, beheading people, running people down on bicycle paths, killing US soldiers in Army forts, killing dozens of people in nightclubs, pedophilia, rape, lying, wife-beating, etc et, then I might take a look at the Bible.

For now, I see these things in the Koran, and Muslims doing these things, while proclaiming their allegiance to the Koran, and trying to Islamize America into an Islamic state.
Settle down , drama queen. The Arabs have been fighting radicals for decades.
There's no wahabis in Syria. That's ISIS.
There are quite a few including Al Nusra whe changed the name from Al Qaeda, many Islamists in the so called free Syrian Army, check the link these animals hacked the head off a young Palestinian boy in Aleppo, filmed themselves doing it, they were supported by the US at the time.
Nato was and who is Nato? the US, that clown Cameron and the French idiot Sarkozy were just the errand boys.
It would have taken an occupation force of 500,000 to keep Gaddafi in power. The Eastern tribes hated him since I was a girl. He was ignorant and arrogant as well as crude.
It would have taken an occupation force of 500,000 to keep Gaddafi in power. The Eastern tribes hated him since I was a girl. He was ignorant and arrogant as well as crude.
Who said anything about occupying Libya? i was talking about the destruction of the Country thats reduced it to a Mad Max theme park, Nato was responsible for that, and call those head hackers what you like they are still head hackers, the same lunatics even killed your Ambassador Stevens, they also desecrated a British and commonwealth military cemetery graves of soldiers who died fighting Hitlers Afrika Korps,they were also lynching black people, nice job Obama, nice people we helped overthrow the Country.

Who said anything about occupying Libya? i was talking about the destruction of the Country thats reduced it to a Mad Max theme park, Nato was responsible for that, and call those head hackers what you like they are still head hackers, the same lunatics even killed your Ambassador Stevens, they also desecrated a British and commonwealth military cemetery graves of soldiers who died fighting Hitlers Afrika Korps,they were also lynching black people, nice job Obama, nice people we helped overthrow the Country.

You just don't know anything about Libya or Gaddafi . I lived there. Obama had nothing to do with it.
The best hope for Libya was a return to the Idris constitution..and that was a real long shot.
Who said anything about occupying Libya? i was talking about the destruction of the Country thats reduced it to a Mad Max theme park, Nato was responsible for that, and call those head hackers what you like they are still head hackers, the same lunatics even killed your Ambassador Stevens, they also desecrated a British and commonwealth military cemetery graves of soldiers who died fighting Hitlers Afrika Korps,they were also lynching black people, nice job Obama, nice people we helped overthrow the Country.

This is the kind of chaos refugee situations and right wing militarism you get in the years after another GOP corrupt deregulation bubble and bust depression. The Libyans were very happy to get rid of Gaddafi the terrorist swine. He was about to have a tank attack on Benghazi where there were people more about freedom. It's too bad about their generals and all the people coming up from Sub-saharan Africa because of the **** GOP again.... The damn Anglo American Conservative Savage Capitalist Semi Fascist Scumbags again. Vive La France LOL
Who said anything about occupying Libya? i was talking about the destruction of the Country thats reduced it to a Mad Max theme park, Nato was responsible for that, and call those head hackers what you like they are still head hackers, the same lunatics even killed your Ambassador Stevens, they also desecrated a British and commonwealth military cemetery graves of soldiers who died fighting Hitlers Afrika Korps,they were also lynching black people, nice job Obama, nice people we helped overthrow the Country.

Terrorists are different from the general Muslim population.... My advice is to blame the damn GOP which as far as I'm concerned always causes these depressions we are still suffering from, not to mention the worst pandemic response anywhere and leading Worldwide conservative conspiracy nut jobs away from vaccines.
Terrorists are different from the general Muslim population.... My advice is to blame the damn GOP which as far as I'm concerned always causes these depressions we are still suffering from, not to mention the worst pandemic response anywhere and leading Worldwide conservative conspiracy nut jobs away from vaccines.
I know terrorists are not like all the Muslim
Terrorists are different from the general Muslim population.... My advice is to blame the damn GOP which as far as I'm concerned always causes these depressions we are still suffering from, not to mention the worst pandemic response anywhere and leading Worldwide conservative conspiracy nut jobs away from vaccines.
I know most Muslims are not like the terrorists i have never said otherwise, i have worked with Muslims would even call three of them friends, how many people know many of the army in Syria are Sunni ? those terrorists have killed many Muslims that don't share their warped view in Syria.
I know terrorists are not like all the Muslim

I know most Muslims are not like the terrorists i have never said otherwise, i have worked with Muslims would even call three of them friends, how many people know many of the army in Syria are Sunni ? those terrorists have killed many Muslims that don't share their warped view in Syria.

It's not the sunni in Syria that are above the law. It's the alwites.
You just don't know anything about Libya or Gaddafi . I lived there. Obama had nothing to do with it.
The best hope for Libya was a return to the Idris constitution..and that was a real long shot.
Nothing to do with it, behave yourself,and you want some tinpot Monarch to rule the Country who was a Western puppet, one good thing Gaddafi did was bring fresh water to the people among other things, stop defending neo Colonialism..
I know terrorists are not like all the Muslim

I know most Muslims are not like the terrorists i have never said otherwise, i have worked with Muslims would even call three of them friends, how many people know many of the army in Syria are Sunni ? those terrorists have killed many Muslims that don't share their warped view in Syria.

OK blame the GOP and fundamentalism everywhere. Also blame Putin for supporting Assad in Syria the real scumbag of all scumbags....
This is the kind of chaos refugee situations and right wing militarism you get in the years after another GOP corrupt deregulation bubble and bust depression. The Libyans were very happy to get rid of Gaddafi the terrorist swine. He was about to have a tank attack on Benghazi where there were people more about freedom. It's too bad about their generals and all the people coming up from Sub-saharan Africa because of the **** GOP again.... The damn Anglo American Conservative Savage Capitalist Semi Fascist Scumbags again. Vive La France LOL
You are wrong again, Gaddafi was about to attack the Islamic fighting group terrorists, some people just will not face the fact of who we were supporting, that is Islamist extremists, i already told you we had blowback in Manchester and you got it when your Ambassador was raped and killed, he was one of those who had been supporting them, didn't you see what those maniacs did to a military cemetery?
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