United States Imperialism

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Nothing to do with it, behave yourself,and you want some tinpot Monarch to rule the Country who was a Western puppet, one good thing Gaddafi did was bring fresh water to the people among other things, stop defending neo Colonialism..
Stop defending terrorist dictatorships l o l... I believe the French and Italians were going to go ahead anyway... No one knew what was going to happen afterwards, what did happen was probably as bad as anything could have been. Blame the GOP and fundamentalism and generals...
OK blame the GOP and fundamentalism everywhere. Also blame Putin for supporting Assad in Syria the real scumbag of all scumbags....

OK blame the GOP and fundamentalism everywhere. Also blame Putin for supporting Assad in Syria the real scumbag of all scumbags....
Assad is fighting the scumbags, he is secular not some crazed religious nutter, Christians are safe in Syria because of him, and if Russia had not gone into Syria in 2015 the black flag of Isis would be flying in Damascus with severed heads on every street, would you rather have that?
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You are wrong again, Gaddafi was about to attack the Islamic fighting group terrorists, some people just will not face the fact of who we were supporting, that is Islamist extremists, i already told you we had blowback in Manchester and you got it when your Ambassador was raped and killed, he was one of those who had been supporting them, didn't you see what those maniacs did to a military cemetery?
Ambassador Steven's wasn't raped, you vicious moron.
Assad is not a scumbag, he is a seculist not some religious nutter if the Russians had not gone into Syria

Assad is fighting the scumbags, he is secular not some crazed religious nutter, Christians are safe in Syria because of him, and if Russia had not gone into Syria in 2015 the black flag of Isis would be flying in Damascus with severed heads on every street, would you rather have that?
Bashar Assad is not in charge. He's on Valium. His brother Mehr controls the military and the police. Mehr is as ruthless and bloodthirsty as the father Hafez.
Stop defending terrorist dictatorships l o l... I believe the French and Italians were going to go ahead anyway... No one knew what was going to happen afterwards, what did happen was probably as bad as anything could have been. Blame the GOP and fundamentalism and generals...
You believe Lol!! it doesn't matter what you believe its what actually happened that matters, Obama and his European puppets destroyed a Country and supported Islamist crazies, like those smashing up the British military cemetery, face reality you will feel better for it.
OK blame the GOP and fundamentalism everywhere. Also blame Putin for supporting Assad in Syria the real scumbag of all scumbags....

Bashar Assad is not in charge. He's on Valium. His brother Mehr controls the military and the police. Mehr is as ruthless and bloodthirsty as the father Hafez.
Thats what was reported you clown, it was done by the savages you supported in Libya.
It wasn't reported except on ignorant internet sites. The Ambassador died of smoke inhalation. Libyan rushed him to Benghazi hospital where they spent 2 hours trying to revive him. You are so fucking ordinary and so ignorant.... so ready to spread lies.
Assad is fighting the scumbags, he is secular not some crazed religious nutter, Christians are safe in Syria because of him, and if Russia had not gone into Syria in 2015 the black flag of Isis would be flying in Damascus with severed heads on every street, would you rather have that?
screw dictators- every single one, Super Duper.... Without Putin, they might very well have been actual democracy there and we could have done without isis altogether.....
Assad is fighting the scumbags, he is secular not some crazed religious nutter, Christians are safe in Syria because of him, and if Russia had not gone into Syria in 2015 the black flag of Isis would be flying in Damascus with severed heads on every street, would you rather have that?
Just like Saddam then... Blame the lying scumbag GOP and fundamentalists....
Until recently, with the GOP reconciliation rule, the GOP was able to cut taxes on the rich but the Democrats needed 60 votes in the Senate to raise taxes on the rich so they'd never been able to.... lately they started screwing around just like the GOP has so Biden got 3% more out of the rich.
Still 37%. Hasn't gone up a dime.
There was never a US consulate in Benghazi. Never. No Marine guard or consular officers.


Mustafa al-Imam, a Libyan national approximately 48 years old, was found guilty of terrorism charges for his participation in the Sept. 11, 2012, attack on the U.S. Special Mission and Annex in Benghazi, Libya. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and U.S. government personnel Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty died in the attack at the Mission and the nearby Annex in Benghazi.

Now true, it was not a consulate. That is because we had none, the US severed all diplomatic ties with Libya back in 1979. And the appointment of Ambassador Stevens was to be the first step in normalizing relations again. And one of the duties of him and his staff was to locate somewhere that they could create a new embassy. However, before that could happen the compound they had set up residence in was attacked.

Yes, there were no "Marine Guards", that is because they are normally only located on the grounds of an embassy or consulate. However, the State Department could have requested it as the compound was in effect the closest thing we had to such at the time. And the State Department was asked a great many times by Ambassador Stevens to increase their security. Which were all refused. He was refused Marines to secure the compound, and he was also refused additional security and was told to just work with what he had.

Now true, it was not a consulate. That is because we had none, the US severed all diplomatic ties with Libya back in 1979. And the appointment of Ambassador Stevens was to be the first step in normalizing relations again. And one of the duties of him and his staff was to locate somewhere that they could create a new embassy. However, before that could happen the compound they had set up residence in was attacked.

Yes, there were no "Marine Guards", that is because they are normally only located on the grounds of an embassy or consulate. However, the State Department could have requested it as the compound was in effect the closest thing we had to such at the time. And the State Department was asked a great many times by Ambassador Stevens to increase their security. Which were all refused. He was refused Marines to secure the compound, and he was also refused additional security and was told to just work with what he had.
It was just an ordinary rented villa. Congress had voted against funding for security except in Kabul and Baghdad.

Ambassador Stevens was only there over night to dedicate a joint venture between Benghazi hospital and Massachusetts General hospital for emergency services. .

Remember that 13 US embassies were attacked during the Bush administration and 60 people were killed.
It was just an ordinary rented villa. Congress had voted against funding for security except in Kabul and Baghdad.

Ambassador Stevens was only there over night to dedicate a joint venture between Benghazi hospital and Massachusetts General hospital for emergency services. .

Remember that 13 US embassies were attacked during the Bush administration and 60 people were killed.
Who cares where the building was? it's where US officials were murdered by a mob they had been supporting, it was blowback and it doesn't matter if Bush or Obama were in power.
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