United States Imperialism

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Given the raw size and huge population of the U.S. something is always going to be "falling apart"

Most Americans have a significant problem understanding how huge the United States is.

My home state (Arkansas) is relatively small but IIRC even it is physically larger than 8 different countries of the European Union and even has a larger population than 6 or 7 different EU nations
the population is irrelevant. Anyway EU has 450,000,000 people... And they all think the GOP base is insane LOL. They don't know it's about Fox
BS. We are the richest country in the world easily and yet we are falling apart. We do have the worst inequality upward mobility poverty and homelessness though by far. Thank you G O P tax rates
How is the U.S. "falling apart"?

And "inequality" is not necessarily a bad thing
How is the U.S. "falling apart"?

And "inequality" is not necessarily a bad thing
Other modern countries have new airports and super fast trains and great roads and bridges. European cars and Japanese cars have to have their suspensions tuned for crazy potholes. Of course there will always be some inequality but when it gets as out of hand as it is here you have a problem. 67% live paycheck to paycheck and rich people have like two or 300 classic cars and 500 foot yachts? Only the GOP base doesn't know it's a giveaway to the rich..... The top tax rate under Eisenhower was 90%, 70% under JFK 50% under Reagan but he made it 28% going out the door and it hasn't gone up much. Doesn't work. Like corrupt deregulation..
Do I believe Muslims are trying to take over the United States? Absolutely not that's ridiculous conspiracy talk.
are you the guy that believes that Egyptians and Persians and Mesopotamians all became Bedouins LOL
This is a perfect example of the incredible ignorance of liberals, kept that way by liberal OMISSION media. Similar to how nowadays they don't cover things that go against the Biden administration You obviously have no clue what has been going on over the past 30 years. What do you think the Muslim Brotherhood's Explanatory Memorandum said ? I just posted it for you.

DO you even know what the word Islamization means ? Or stealth jihad" ? There are hundreds of examples of it in the US and Europe both. Whole books have been written about it, all packed with examples of Islamization. I have been talking about it here in USMB for 8 years. God, this is like talking nuclear physics to a 6 year old.

Read these >>


Given the raw size and huge population of the U.S. something is always going to be "falling apart"

Most Americans have a significant problem understanding how huge the United States is.

My home state (Arkansas) is relatively small but IIRC even it is physically larger than 8 different countries of the European Union and even has a larger population than 6 or 7 different EU nations

And I bet most have also never lived outside of a relatively small geographic area.

In this I know I am unusual. I have lived in 9 different states (and 4 other countries), and have seen some drastic differences between all of them. From the NE or SE, NW and SW. Including the three largest states in the country. I even lived for many years in a city in the US where the metro area is larger than many European nations. Most people are so insular and live inside of such tiny little bubbles that they have absolutely no concept how things are outside of their bubble.
BS. We are the richest country in the world easily and yet we are falling apart. We do have the worst inequality upward mobility poverty and homelessness though by far. Thank you G O P tax rates
There are plenty of examples of people who started out poor, and became rich and famous, including many blacks (Clarence Thomas, Ben Carson, and Whoopee Goldberg, raised in a public housing project).
Other modern countries have new airports and super fast trains and great roads and bridges. European cars and Japanese cars have to have their suspensions tuned for crazy potholes. Of course there will always be some inequality but when it gets as out of hand as it is here you have a problem. 67% live paycheck to paycheck and rich people have like two or 300 classic cars and 500 foot yachts? Only the GOP base doesn't know it's a giveaway to the rich..... The top tax rate under Eisenhower was 90%, 70% under JFK 50% under Reagan but he made it 28% going out the door and it hasn't gone up much. Doesn't work. Like corrupt deregulation..
Yeah, it hasnt gone up much, despite 18 years of Democrat presidents, none of whom had anywhere near as high a tax on the rich as Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, and Reagan (for most of his reign). So much for Democrats being in favor of taxing the rich.
Yeah, it hasnt gone up much, despite 18 years of Democrat presidents, none of whom had anywhere near as high a tax on the rich as Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, and Reagan (for most of his reign). So much for Democrats being in favor of taxing the rich.
Until recently, with the GOP reconciliation rule, the GOP was able to cut taxes on the rich but the Democrats needed 60 votes in the Senate to raise taxes on the rich so they'd never been able to.... lately they started screwing around just like the GOP has so Biden got 3% more out of the rich.
There are plenty of examples of people who started out poor, and became rich and famous, including many blacks (Clarence Thomas, Ben Carson, and Whoopee Goldberg, raised in a public housing project).
statistically we have one quarter the upward mobility we used to have before reaganism. We have really expensive college and training and crap jobs. Great Job! We need a Democratic landslide so they can get 60 votes and pass real reform for a change...
statistically we have one quarter the upward mobility we used to have before reaganism. We have really expensive college and training and crap jobs. Great Job! We need a Democratic landslide so they can get 60 votes and pass real reform for a change...
You ignore the obvious yet again.
The Democrats main point is that the rich need to be taxed again and we need to invest in America again, the damn place is falling apart.

What did they do with the $31 trillion national debt, they rang up?
Uhm what? I am not sure who you are trying to talk about here, but it is a complete fiction.

The "Arabs" of that ancient era are not the Arabs of today. In the era of antiquity the term was an alternate label for the Bedouins. And the Bedouins were not traders, they were shepherds. It was not until after the rise of Islam that they started to settle into cities and moved from nomadic herdsmen to city dwellers and traders.

It must be remembered, the Arabs are simply another Semitic group, one of many. The "Arabs" of today are primarily those Semitics that in the 7th and 8th centuries converted to Islam then remained in the area. And a huge number of "Arabs" are genetically Jews, they simply are the descendants of those who had changed religions over a thousand years ago. And with the rise of Islam, they largely adopted the identity of the Bedouins as almost all Semitic cultures had been idolizing them and identifying with them for thousands of years as they were all essentially "domesticated" offshoots of that older culture.

But no, they were not trading with the "Pharaohs", as "Arabs" as the term we recognize did not even exist yet. And those people that the modern groups claim descent from were not traders of any sort. Those were the Judeans, the Hasmonians, and other Semitic groups (those that are more closely identified as being "Jews" rather than "Arabs").

And Pharaohs? When in the hell would that have been? They were gone by the 4th century BCE. But by that point the Pharaohs had barely been Egyptian for hundreds of years.

And obviously you know even less history. Hell, the Arabs of Antiquity had no interest in Frankincense other than trading locally as it was often used as form of currency. Trade your slow moving and high labor sheep for frankincense at one end, and then return to your starting point and trade that for even more sheep. The Bedouins had no interest in settling down in cities, or engaging in commerce or industry. And many still live like that even to this day.
They were Bedouin and villagers because of the symbiotic relationship between the two that was necessary for survival. The Arabs traded frankincense with the pharaohs for their burial rights long before Islam.

BTW the Akkadians were Arab from the Arabian peninsula long before Abraham. See Akkadian empire.

They weren't Jews. According to the Bible they were the sons of Hagar and Keturah by Abraham if you follow foundation myths instead of archeology.
WHO in the US government, is supporting Waha 2012 in Syria

WHO in the US government, is supporting Wahabi head hacking maniacs in Syria ?
Your Government and mine have supported those vile creatures since 2012 in Syria, but we called them moderate Rebels Lol! we did the same in Libya, that resulted in blowback in Manchester UK not far from where i live and worked at that time, in fact i had worked in the Manchester Arena at times as a contractor, that was before a suicide bomber blew it up killing many people including children at a music concert, the bomber was Libyan living in Manchester, his father was a member of the Islamic fighting group from Benghazi who was given asylum, his whole family were radicals, the son had been going back and forth between the UK and Libya to take part in the fighting against Gaddafi, he was probably working with MI6 at that time, they certainly would have known what he was up to, it resulted in people killed in Manchester.

If you are unaware of a (longtime ) conspiracy to Islamize America into an Islamic state, then I have an education to provide for you.

And you can start with these >>

1. Hamas-CAIR’s co-founder, Omar Ahmad, said: “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant,” andThe Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.”

2. The Muslim Brotherhood's infamous Explanatory Memorandum >>
"The process of settlement [of Islam in the United States] is a "Civilization-Jihadist" process with all that the word means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood in North America] must understand that all their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and "sabotaging" their miserable house by their hands, and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated, and Allah's religion is made victorious over all religions."
Mohamed Akram, "An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America" May 22, 199
Muslim Brotherhood has been banned in Arabia since Faisal was king.. about 1972.
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