United States tremendously bringing peace and security to Syria

Did the US bring peace and security to Syria?

  • Sure (ironic)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • lol

    Votes: 5 100.0%
  • ISIS and Al-Qeade ain´t eqal to peace

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, I strongly believe that the war is over and peace and security prevail

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Nov 14, 2012
So this is the result for the State Department: The US brought peace and security to Syria in 2015.
What do you think?

In case you missed it, John Kerry is bringing peace to Syria

First we need to define what "peace" means according to middle eastern standards.

The biggest and baddest dictator with a saber to the throats of the mass population is the only peace most of them have ever known...

So Syria is not at peace yet, but once Assad is back in power then it will be another peaceful Middle East country again...
So this is the result for the State Department: The US brought peace and security to Syria in 2015.
What do you think?

In case you missed it, John Kerry is bringing peace to Syria
We know what State Department brought to Syria: chaos, death and ISIS on the top of everything. So that is what those clowns now call "peace and security", right?

Odd. They brought the same thing to the Ukraine this year too.

Actually, the world has forgotten about Ukraine after Putin started bombing ISIS. However Ukrainian NAZIs actually multiply like rabbits and may become as huge threat for the world as ISIS pretty darn soony.

Today Ukrainian nationalists have celebrated birthday of Nazi collaborator Bandera with torch-lit marches
Ukrainian nationalists celebrate birthday of Nazi collaborator Bandera with torch-lit marches

Compare (and find the difference if you can) with 30-s of last century (just before WW2), when Nazi troops march during a a torch rally in Berlin, Germany.

And the people who are responsible for creating huge amount of Nazis in Ukraine are the same who created ISIS in the ME. Tell me they haven't done both on purpose!
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