Universal background checks are back


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
While everyone was chatting about the 2018-2019 United States government shutdown, House Democrats introduced a universal background check bill H.R. 8 on January 8, 2019.

Universal Background Checks Are Back | José Niño

Oh isn't that special, we just can't wait until you loon realize how murders will still happen and you won't have a way to defend yourselves once these illegals start going nuts . Look to Europe we're going down their same path.

Thanks for the information #infowars
While everyone was chatting about the 2018-2019 United States government shutdown, House Democrats introduced a universal background check bill H.R. 8 on January 8, 2019.

Universal Background Checks Are Back | José Niño

Oh isn't that special, we just can't wait until you loon realize how murders will still happen and you won't have a way to defend yourselves once these illegals start going nuts . Look to Europe we're going down their same path.

Thanks for the information #infowars

In 2016, in the State of Colorado, there were something like 1.4 million background checks done. There were more than 27,000 denials for various reasons like Pending Violent Restraining Orders, and the like. There were 270 some odd Violent Criminals sent back to prison for trying to obtain firearms illegally. Just counting the Violent Criminals that tried to get guns so they could continue their old way of life (they were on parole of all things) just how many lives were saved? Tell me again that background checks don't work. If it gets 270 convicted violent felons back off the street then it's working.
The Democrats will never disarm America. It is a practical impossibility.

MOST Democrats would agree. In fact,most do agree. In fact, over 40% of all Democrats own firearms just like Republicans. The percentage is shown at 42% of all households. This is why this scare tactic falls on deaf ears and more and more common sense gun regulations are coming into being. The crap that ALL Democrats want to take your guns is just BS.
The Democrats will never disarm America. It is a practical impossibility.

MOST Democrats would agree. In fact,most do agree. In fact, over 40% of all Democrats own firearms just like Republicans. The percentage is shown at 42% of all households. This is why this scare tactic falls on deaf ears and more and more common sense gun regulations are coming into being. The crap that ALL Democrats want to take your guns is just BS.

Your "common sense" is not related to common sense.

Too many Democrats have said that only police and military should have guns for "We don't want to take your guns" to believed.
The Democrats will never disarm America. It is a practical impossibility.

MOST Democrats would agree. In fact,most do agree. In fact, over 40% of all Democrats own firearms just like Republicans. The percentage is shown at 42% of all households. This is why this scare tactic falls on deaf ears and more and more common sense gun regulations are coming into being. The crap that ALL Democrats want to take your guns is just BS.

Your "common sense" is not related to common sense.

Too many Democrats have said that only police and military should have guns for "We don't want to take your guns" to believed.

Why, because you said they say it? You need to shut off that TV, turn off that radio locked on that one station and get out more often. Things are not what your little itty bitty world seems.
The Democrats will never disarm America. It is a practical impossibility.

MOST Democrats would agree. In fact,most do agree. In fact, over 40% of all Democrats own firearms just like Republicans. The percentage is shown at 42% of all households. This is why this scare tactic falls on deaf ears and more and more common sense gun regulations are coming into being. The crap that ALL Democrats want to take your guns is just BS.

Your "common sense" is not related to common sense.

Too many Democrats have said that only police and military should have guns for "We don't want to take your guns" to believed.

Why, because you said they say it? You need to shut off that TV, turn off that radio locked on that one station and get out more often. Things are not what your little itty bitty world seems.

You're funny.

You need to research the last 30 years of the 2nd Amendment debate. You obviously have no clue.
While everyone was chatting about the 2018-2019 United States government shutdown, House Democrats introduced a universal background check bill H.R. 8 on January 8, 2019.

Universal Background Checks Are Back | José Niño

Oh isn't that special, we just can't wait until you loon realize how murders will still happen and you won't have a way to defend yourselves once these illegals start going nuts . Look to Europe we're going down their same path.

Thanks for the information #infowars

In 2016, in the State of Colorado, there were something like 1.4 million background checks done. There were more than 27,000 denials for various reasons like Pending Violent Restraining Orders, and the like. There were 270 some odd Violent Criminals sent back to prison for trying to obtain firearms illegally. Just counting the Violent Criminals that tried to get guns so they could continue their old way of life (they were on parole of all things) just how many lives were saved? Tell me again that background checks don't work. If it gets 270 convicted violent felons back off the street then it's working.

Nonsense. Those 270 likely were just mistaken and likely should not have been sent back to prison. No convicted felon would bother filling out the forms and applying the finger prints if they actually knew they were a convicted felon.
There is absolutely no way you can ever prevent anyone from getting a weapon, easily. For example, all drug dealers always have to be armed because they have to carry large sums of cash, and can't ever call the police or put the cash in the bank. So then anyone wanting a weapon just has to offer a drug dealer they know, enough money.
Most people want guns to defend themselves, not to commit crimes, but clearly if they intend to commit serious crimes, the minor gun purchase punishment will not at all deter them.

Don't you find it even a little bit objectionable that we would create a 2 tiered society where rights are equal, and suddenly someone convicted of a minor pot possession felony is no longer allowed to vote, defend themselves, etc.? How can people not all have the same rights? Rights are supposed to be inherent to all individuals, and not something granted by government, like a privilege.
The Democrats will never disarm America. It is a practical impossibility.

MOST Democrats would agree. In fact,most do agree. In fact, over 40% of all Democrats own firearms just like Republicans. The percentage is shown at 42% of all households. This is why this scare tactic falls on deaf ears and more and more common sense gun regulations are coming into being. The crap that ALL Democrats want to take your guns is just BS.

No one can actually believe this.
Government has always shown that it wants to take all private guns, mandatory background checks is an obvious ploy to make that happen. It ensures the government has a list of all gun owners.
The reality is that everyone does need a weapon for defense, even ex-felons.
There really is no basis for denying an ex-felon the right to defend themselves.
Nor would a criminal ever bother being effected by a background check, because they will just spend a little more and get a weapon illegally. They can't even stop drugs, so obviously they will never stop illegal weapons sales.
There is not a single mass shooting that would have been prevented so far by a mandatory background check law.
The evidence that government can not be trusted and wants to illegal confiscate all private weapons is the Assault Weapons ban.
Any sane person realizes that Assault Weapons is a use of any weapon, and does not describe any particular weapon. And since in the past, pistols, shotguns, carbines, and many different weapons have been used by the military as assault weapons, then any and all weapons can easily be called an assault weapon if someone wanted to.
The Democrats will never disarm America. It is a practical impossibility.

MOST Democrats would agree. In fact,most do agree. In fact, over 40% of all Democrats own firearms just like Republicans. The percentage is shown at 42% of all households. This is why this scare tactic falls on deaf ears and more and more common sense gun regulations are coming into being. The crap that ALL Democrats want to take your guns is just BS.

Your "common sense" is not related to common sense.

Too many Democrats have said that only police and military should have guns for "We don't want to take your guns" to believed.

Why, because you said they say it? You need to shut off that TV, turn off that radio locked on that one station and get out more often. Things are not what your little itty bitty world seems.

When you get into conversations with anyone in favor of gun control, they quickly admit that guns scare them, and they don't see why anyone but the government should have them at all. And of course the whole reason that really should be a scary belief is that government always has and will be the most corrupt and dangerous entity that any rational person would want to see disarmed. Not only is human history rarely see democratic republics, they they always decay. Governments always become corrupt and turn into dictatorships, even if they start as democratic republics. It is not just fictional like "Star Wars". Even Rome started out as a democratic republic. Did not take long to turn imperial.
While everyone was chatting about the 2018-2019 United States government shutdown, House Democrats introduced a universal background check bill H.R. 8 on January 8, 2019.

Universal Background Checks Are Back | José Niño

Oh isn't that special, we just can't wait until you loon realize how murders will still happen and you won't have a way to defend yourselves once these illegals start going nuts . Look to Europe we're going down their same path.

Thanks for the information #infowars

In 2016, in the State of Colorado, there were something like 1.4 million background checks done. There were more than 27,000 denials for various reasons like Pending Violent Restraining Orders, and the like. There were 270 some odd Violent Criminals sent back to prison for trying to obtain firearms illegally. Just counting the Violent Criminals that tried to get guns so they could continue their old way of life (they were on parole of all things) just how many lives were saved? Tell me again that background checks don't work. If it gets 270 convicted violent felons back off the street then it's working.

Where are the stats that show how many of those 27,000 who were denied were able to go on and buy a gun (or steal one) by any other means?

Leftardz never think anything completely through.
While everyone was chatting about the 2018-2019 United States government shutdown, House Democrats introduced a universal background check bill H.R. 8 on January 8, 2019.

Universal Background Checks Are Back | José Niño

Oh isn't that special, we just can't wait until you loon realize how murders will still happen and you won't have a way to defend yourselves once these illegals start going nuts . Look to Europe we're going down their same path.

Thanks for the information #infowars

In 2016, in the State of Colorado, there were something like 1.4 million background checks done. There were more than 27,000 denials for various reasons like Pending Violent Restraining Orders, and the like. There were 270 some odd Violent Criminals sent back to prison for trying to obtain firearms illegally. Just counting the Violent Criminals that tried to get guns so they could continue their old way of life (they were on parole of all things) just how many lives were saved? Tell me again that background checks don't work. If it gets 270 convicted violent felons back off the street then it's working.

Nonsense. Those 270 likely were just mistaken and likely should not have been sent back to prison. No convicted felon would bother filling out the forms and applying the finger prints if they actually knew they were a convicted felon.
There is absolutely no way you can ever prevent anyone from getting a weapon, easily. For example, all drug dealers always have to be armed because they have to carry large sums of cash, and can't ever call the police or put the cash in the bank. So then anyone wanting a weapon just has to offer a drug dealer they know, enough money.
Most people want guns to defend themselves, not to commit crimes, but clearly if they intend to commit serious crimes, the minor gun purchase punishment will not at all deter them.

Don't you find it even a little bit objectionable that we would create a 2 tiered society where rights are equal, and suddenly someone convicted of a minor pot possession felony is no longer allowed to vote, defend themselves, etc.? How can people not all have the same rights? Rights are supposed to be inherent to all individuals, and not something granted by government, like a privilege.

You can't stand it that it actually works. That's 270 violent people taken off the streets. And countless others that could not gain access to guns easily that were prevented from getting guns. Sounds like one hell of a success story.

You keep bringing up the Professional Criminal. Newsflash, Cupcake: most of the guns they have were purchased from areas without background checks and shipped in. These guns were purchased legally until they were transported into, say, Chicago, and illegally sold there on the black market. That has been proven. Until a couple of years ago, the major contributor to Chicago Gang guns were inside the state of Illinois until the went to the universal background checks. Now, it's from the surround states that have the loopholes. There are people making a damned good living buying guns legally in private sales including gun shows, transporting them to the inner cities and selling them to illegal gun dealers there. Why? Because it's easy and the only places that it's illegal is the point of destination. We want to make it hard, not easy. You scream about criminals with guns and yet you want to block the one thing that makes it harder for them to obtain these weapons. You aren't making a whole hell of sense and more states are going to universal background checks because they know you are just lying out your ass.
While everyone was chatting about the 2018-2019 United States government shutdown, House Democrats introduced a universal background check bill H.R. 8 on January 8, 2019.

Universal Background Checks Are Back | José Niño

Oh isn't that special, we just can't wait until you loon realize how murders will still happen and you won't have a way to defend yourselves once these illegals start going nuts . Look to Europe we're going down their same path.

Thanks for the information #infowars

In 2016, in the State of Colorado, there were something like 1.4 million background checks done. There were more than 27,000 denials for various reasons like Pending Violent Restraining Orders, and the like. There were 270 some odd Violent Criminals sent back to prison for trying to obtain firearms illegally. Just counting the Violent Criminals that tried to get guns so they could continue their old way of life (they were on parole of all things) just how many lives were saved? Tell me again that background checks don't work. If it gets 270 convicted violent felons back off the street then it's working.

Nonsense. Those 270 likely were just mistaken and likely should not have been sent back to prison. No convicted felon would bother filling out the forms and applying the finger prints if they actually knew they were a convicted felon.
There is absolutely no way you can ever prevent anyone from getting a weapon, easily. For example, all drug dealers always have to be armed because they have to carry large sums of cash, and can't ever call the police or put the cash in the bank. So then anyone wanting a weapon just has to offer a drug dealer they know, enough money.
Most people want guns to defend themselves, not to commit crimes, but clearly if they intend to commit serious crimes, the minor gun purchase punishment will not at all deter them.

Don't you find it even a little bit objectionable that we would create a 2 tiered society where rights are equal, and suddenly someone convicted of a minor pot possession felony is no longer allowed to vote, defend themselves, etc.? How can people not all have the same rights? Rights are supposed to be inherent to all individuals, and not something granted by government, like a privilege.

You can't stand it that it actually works. That's 270 violent people taken off the streets. And countless others that could not gain access to guns easily that were prevented from getting guns. Sounds like one hell of a success story.

You keep bringing up the Professional Criminal. Newsflash, Cupcake: most of the guns they have were purchased from areas without background checks and shipped in. These guns were purchased legally until they were transported into, say, Chicago, and illegally sold there on the black market. That has been proven. Until a couple of years ago, the major contributor to Chicago Gang guns were inside the state of Illinois until the went to the universal background checks. Now, it's from the surround states that have the loopholes. There are people making a damned good living buying guns legally in private sales including gun shows, transporting them to the inner cities and selling them to illegal gun dealers there. Why? Because it's easy and the only places that it's illegal is the point of destination. We want to make it hard, not easy. You scream about criminals with guns and yet you want to block the one thing that makes it harder for them to obtain these weapons. You aren't making a whole hell of sense and more states are going to universal background checks because they know you are just lying out your ass.

So what's it like with your head up your ass 24/7?
The Democrats will never disarm America. It is a practical impossibility.

MOST Democrats would agree. In fact,most do agree. In fact, over 40% of all Democrats own firearms just like Republicans. The percentage is shown at 42% of all households. This is why this scare tactic falls on deaf ears and more and more common sense gun regulations are coming into being. The crap that ALL Democrats want to take your guns is just BS.

No one can actually believe this.
Government has always shown that it wants to take all private guns, mandatory background checks is an obvious ploy to make that happen. It ensures the government has a list of all gun owners.
The reality is that everyone does need a weapon for defense, even ex-felons.
There really is no basis for denying an ex-felon the right to defend themselves.
Nor would a criminal ever bother being effected by a background check, because they will just spend a little more and get a weapon illegally. They can't even stop drugs, so obviously they will never stop illegal weapons sales.
There is not a single mass shooting that would have been prevented so far by a mandatory background check law.
The evidence that government can not be trusted and wants to illegal confiscate all private weapons is the Assault Weapons ban.
Any sane person realizes that Assault Weapons is a use of any weapon, and does not describe any particular weapon. And since in the past, pistols, shotguns, carbines, and many different weapons have been used by the military as assault weapons, then any and all weapons can easily be called an assault weapon if someone wanted to.

Enough do believe it that more and more states are changing to Universal Background Checks. The Feds require all gun sales by Licensed Gun Dealers to have background checks. All the Universal Background check does it require that private sales also require the same. No rocket science involved. And I have already shown where your "Criminal" idea falls flat on it's face. The fact remains that if one state does it and the state next to it doesn't, criminals will just send someone to the next state to legally buy the guns and transport them back to the state where it would be illegal. There is a whole Industry made up doing this and it pays well. Yah, I know, we should protect the small business and all that. But the end result is, almost all guns in Criminals hands were originally purchased legally. And that is easy to put a very big slow down to. Not stop it, but slow it down. No overnight fix, just a slow, everyday, give the cops a chance fix.
The Democrats will never disarm America. It is a practical impossibility.

MOST Democrats would agree. In fact,most do agree. In fact, over 40% of all Democrats own firearms just like Republicans. The percentage is shown at 42% of all households. This is why this scare tactic falls on deaf ears and more and more common sense gun regulations are coming into being. The crap that ALL Democrats want to take your guns is just BS.

Your "common sense" is not related to common sense.

Too many Democrats have said that only police and military should have guns for "We don't want to take your guns" to believed.

Why, because you said they say it? You need to shut off that TV, turn off that radio locked on that one station and get out more often. Things are not what your little itty bitty world seems.

When you get into conversations with anyone in favor of gun control, they quickly admit that guns scare them, and they don't see why anyone but the government should have them at all. And of course the whole reason that really should be a scary belief is that government always has and will be the most corrupt and dangerous entity that any rational person would want to see disarmed. Not only is human history rarely see democratic republics, they they always decay. Governments always become corrupt and turn into dictatorships, even if they start as democratic republics. It is not just fictional like "Star Wars". Even Rome started out as a democratic republic. Did not take long to turn imperial.

Are you saying guns scare me? I've stared down the receiving end before, have you? I've given better than I got with a weapon, have you? I must have since I am still here and capable of typing this. You tell me that I must be scared of guns, therefore I must. Geez, you sure do like making shit up. Just because a though pops up in your little cupcake head doesn't make it true. Just because Rush tells you something doesn't make it true. The voice under your bed isn't real. Am I scared when I am faced with someone with a gun pointing it at me? You damn straight I am. Do I curl into a fetal position? Nope but it's getting ready to get very interesting fast for all concerned.

I know you won't understand this, but, fear can make a person into a jelly fish but it can also make them into the most dangerous animal in the Forest. So you want us all to curl up into the fetal position from the fear you are peddling? Hate to break it to you but there are enough of us out there that may or may not be armed that are the most dangerous animal in the forest and won't allow you to bully us.
Historically, registration precludes confiscation.

It's none of the government's business what weapons people have.

To keep them guessing is to keep the people free.

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