Universal Healthcare - will not work in the US

You'd be surprised. Pharma costs could be as high as $300-400/month and many cannot afford that. Insurance companies also F*CK you when you need long term care for diabetes or cancer. If you get into an auto accident and need major surgery, 99.9% of insurance will cover you minus the deductible.
Deductible are big. And most pay thousands a year even if they don’t get sick. We have a problem. I believe everyone should have access to care. I’m open to how that happens.

Everyone has access to health care. If they don't want to pay for it, that is their problem.

Wrong again. That is OUR problem.

If you feel it's a problem now, you're in for a truly fun time.
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Ummm, You do know your article only reinforces the data that shows Medicare for All would be cheaper than our current system.

You did read your own link, right?
Cheaper for whom? Not for me. My insurance is very good and very affordable. Get out of this thread with your noise pollution.
Food is relatively cheap. If it becomes unaffordable you might have a point,

It is? Then why do so many claim they go to be hungry? Again, what about plumbing. I want free plumbing. How do I get that. I use that more than healthcare?
You won’t die without plumbing, Most of us can do our own plumbing. We can’t perform surgery,

Really? So my main pipe burst last year and flooded my finished basement with dirty water. I had to rebuild my entire bathroom and basement. I could have done that? When my heating system goes out, how do I fix that if I am not handy? Hmmmmm....

Without clean water and heat I would die, yes? But that is not free. Surgeries are never denied in the US, NEVER. If you have a slight cold, then stay home and don't sit in the ER like a parasite. See we can do this all day.
You can move. We can do it all day, but you are losing. A sick person cant do their plumbing, probably can’t work, maybe can’t eat. The base to do most things is being healthy. Your comparisons are silly.
Move? Sell my house and move? How long does that take? No. I have to pay for someone to come and fix the heat immediately and fix the plumbing immediately. Those who are sick CAN get care. No hospitals ever deny care.
And they can go bankrupt too. Those uninsured help increase costs for everyone else, I want people to be healthy so they can take care of themselves. So they can work.
Something in the middle is much more comfortable to accept.

I don’t think many go broke from pharma, though it’s more expensive than it should be. I think emergency care and surgeries are the real cost drivers.

You'd be surprised. Pharma costs could be as high as $300-400/month and many cannot afford that. Insurance companies also F*CK you when you need long term care for diabetes or cancer. If you get into an auto accident and need major surgery, 99.9% of insurance will cover you minus the deductible.
Deductible are big. And most pay thousands a year even if they don’t get sick. We have a problem. I believe everyone should have access to care. I’m open to how that happens.

Everyone has access to health care. If they don't want to pay for it, that is their problem.

Wrong again. That is OUR problem.

Only because we can't keep people accountable.

Not interested in being saddled with a second rate piece of crap like Obamacare.

I'm not either. That's why I want a universal system or even better a public option system.
  1. Too many people are ingrained with private insurance.
  2. Education is not free. Becoming a doctor is expensive, they want to get paid and pay off potential student loans. Working for the Gov't does not do that.
  3. Private pay provides better care. Even in Europe, the wealthy go that route.
  4. Most logical people (on both sides of the aisle) agree with #1 and #2 and #3.
Candidates Who Attacked Warren Over 'Medicare For All' Draw Massive Fundraising Boost
Our system sucks and repubs have nothing to offer. We will likely get universal healthcare eventually. Other countries have shown it can be much cheaper.
If we kill the sickest, the unhealthiest, the irresponsible, the oldest who are hospitalized a lot and those who use it the most it might work.

You're already doing that. That's why your life expectancy has dropped the past three years in a row. Again, the USA is the only first world country where this is happening. The rest of the world is living longer.
Wrong. It dropped because we are the fattest country and drive the most miles and of course the drug culture. Not at all due to healthcare.
Deductible are big. And most pay thousands a year even if they don’t get sick. We have a problem. I believe everyone should have access to care. I’m open to how that happens.

Everyone has access to health care. If they don't want to pay for it, that is their problem.

Wrong again. That is OUR problem.

If you feel it's a problem now, you're in for a truly fun time.
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Ummm, You do know your article only reinforces the data that shows Medicare for All would be cheaper than our current system.

You did read your own link, right?
Cheaper for whom? Not for me. My insurance is very good and very affordable. Get out of this thread with your noise pollution.
Look at the stats. Good affordable healthcare is very rare.
It is? Then why do so many claim they go to be hungry? Again, what about plumbing. I want free plumbing. How do I get that. I use that more than healthcare?
You won’t die without plumbing, Most of us can do our own plumbing. We can’t perform surgery,

Really? So my main pipe burst last year and flooded my finished basement with dirty water. I had to rebuild my entire bathroom and basement. I could have done that? When my heating system goes out, how do I fix that if I am not handy? Hmmmmm....

Without clean water and heat I would die, yes? But that is not free. Surgeries are never denied in the US, NEVER. If you have a slight cold, then stay home and don't sit in the ER like a parasite. See we can do this all day.
You can move. We can do it all day, but you are losing. A sick person cant do their plumbing, probably can’t work, maybe can’t eat. The base to do most things is being healthy. Your comparisons are silly.
Move? Sell my house and move? How long does that take? No. I have to pay for someone to come and fix the heat immediately and fix the plumbing immediately. Those who are sick CAN get care. No hospitals ever deny care.
And they can go bankrupt too. Those uninsured help increase costs for everyone else, I want people to be healthy so they can take care of themselves. So they can work.
If they work they can get insurance through their employer or through the ACA.
You'd be surprised. Pharma costs could be as high as $300-400/month and many cannot afford that. Insurance companies also F*CK you when you need long term care for diabetes or cancer. If you get into an auto accident and need major surgery, 99.9% of insurance will cover you minus the deductible.
Deductible are big. And most pay thousands a year even if they don’t get sick. We have a problem. I believe everyone should have access to care. I’m open to how that happens.

Everyone has access to health care. If they don't want to pay for it, that is their problem.

Wrong again. That is OUR problem.

Only because we can't keep people accountable.

Not interested in being saddled with a second rate piece of crap like Obamacare.

I'm not either. That's why I want a universal system or even better a public option system.
And how will you pay for it? Do tell. Actually just GTFO out of this thread.
Our system sucks and repubs have nothing to offer. We will likely get universal healthcare eventually. Other countries have shown it can be much cheaper.

That comment is simply stupid.

If it were cheaper...we'd be there.

Talk about a dumb comment? "If it were cheaper, we'd be there?"

So are you intentionally ignorant of how this country works? We don't do what is best, we do what will turn the most profits for our corporate masters.

Cost is $30Trn over 10 years. LOL

How would you pay for that?

The cost of healthcare in 2017 alone was $3.5 Trillion. So if you're saying the cost for UHC is $30 Trillion over 10, then we're already saving money by making the switch.

Why Are Americans Paying More for Healthcare?.
Idiot. An additional $3trn. You’re so freaking dumb. Get out of this thread.

You're clearly confused.

You do know how to do simple math, right?

What is $3.5trillion x 10?

Is that number larger or smaller than $30Trillion?
You won’t die without plumbing, Most of us can do our own plumbing. We can’t perform surgery,

Really? So my main pipe burst last year and flooded my finished basement with dirty water. I had to rebuild my entire bathroom and basement. I could have done that? When my heating system goes out, how do I fix that if I am not handy? Hmmmmm....

Without clean water and heat I would die, yes? But that is not free. Surgeries are never denied in the US, NEVER. If you have a slight cold, then stay home and don't sit in the ER like a parasite. See we can do this all day.
You can move. We can do it all day, but you are losing. A sick person cant do their plumbing, probably can’t work, maybe can’t eat. The base to do most things is being healthy. Your comparisons are silly.
Move? Sell my house and move? How long does that take? No. I have to pay for someone to come and fix the heat immediately and fix the plumbing immediately. Those who are sick CAN get care. No hospitals ever deny care.
And they can go bankrupt too. Those uninsured help increase costs for everyone else, I want people to be healthy so they can take care of themselves. So they can work.
If they work they can get insurance through their employer or through the ACA.
If they can afford it. And thats a big if in this country. Many working can’t.
It is? Then why do so many claim they go to be hungry? Again, what about plumbing. I want free plumbing. How do I get that. I use that more than healthcare?
You won’t die without plumbing, Most of us can do our own plumbing. We can’t perform surgery,

Really? So my main pipe burst last year and flooded my finished basement with dirty water. I had to rebuild my entire bathroom and basement. I could have done that? When my heating system goes out, how do I fix that if I am not handy? Hmmmmm....

Without clean water and heat I would die, yes? But that is not free. Surgeries are never denied in the US, NEVER. If you have a slight cold, then stay home and don't sit in the ER like a parasite. See we can do this all day.
You can move. We can do it all day, but you are losing. A sick person cant do their plumbing, probably can’t work, maybe can’t eat. The base to do most things is being healthy. Your comparisons are silly.

Don't worry, he'll declare victory over you soon and abandon the thread.

Be thankful for that.
I am The OP get the hell out of this thread. Loser.

Triggered much snowflake?
Everyone has access to health care. If they don't want to pay for it, that is their problem.

Wrong again. That is OUR problem.

If you feel it's a problem now, you're in for a truly fun time.
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Ummm, You do know your article only reinforces the data that shows Medicare for All would be cheaper than our current system.

You did read your own link, right?
Cheaper for whom? Not for me. My insurance is very good and very affordable. Get out of this thread with your noise pollution.
Look at the stats. Good affordable healthcare is very rare.
Yet all Govt employees have it. LOL. Again if it is something major then most insurances will cover it and we do have the ACA. That was a Democrat plan. So now you hate that too?
That comment is simply stupid.

If it were cheaper...we'd be there.

Talk about a dumb comment? "If it were cheaper, we'd be there?"

So are you intentionally ignorant of how this country works? We don't do what is best, we do what will turn the most profits for our corporate masters.

Cost is $30Trn over 10 years. LOL

How would you pay for that?

The cost of healthcare in 2017 alone was $3.5 Trillion. So if you're saying the cost for UHC is $30 Trillion over 10, then we're already saving money by making the switch.

Why Are Americans Paying More for Healthcare?.
Idiot. An additional $3trn. You’re so freaking dumb. Get out of this thread.

You're clearly confused.

You do know how to do simple math, right?

What is $3.5trillion x 10?

Is that number larger or smaller than $30Trillion?
You Dumbass it would be an additional $30trn. You’re an idiot.
The primary problem with healthcare in the U.S. is the cost.

1. Medical Professionals, especially Doctors, are charging WAY out of scale for their services as compared with the average American incomes.
2. The cost of prescription drugs is outrageous.
3. The cost of Medical equipment is outrageous.
4. The cost of Malpractice insurance is outrageous due to frivolous lawsuits
5. Healthcare insurance profits & administrative costs is outrageous.
6. The quality of healthcare is mediocre for the majority of Americans
7. The cost of medical education is outrageous.

I'm the first to say that doctors SHOULD be the highest paid people in our society. They should enjoy the best quality of life our society can provide, but when they have to compete against billionaires - corp execs & financial industry managers - that give themselves outrageous salaries & bonuses - for luxury items, doctors feel that it's justified to charge what are outrageous prices for their services. The more grossly overpaid people there are the higher the cost of luxury items.

Anyway, until the free market finds some way to correct these 7 issues, we will have on ongoing economic crisis caused by the entire healthcare industry - not just the insurance companies.

I doubt that we will have any other alternative except socialization.
Deductible are big. And most pay thousands a year even if they don’t get sick. We have a problem. I believe everyone should have access to care. I’m open to how that happens.

Everyone has access to health care. If they don't want to pay for it, that is their problem.

Wrong again. That is OUR problem.

If you feel it's a problem now, you're in for a truly fun time.
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Ummm, You do know your article only reinforces the data that shows Medicare for All would be cheaper than our current system.

You did read your own link, right?
Cheaper for whom? Not for me. My insurance is very good and very affordable. Get out of this thread with your noise pollution.

My insurance is included in my taxes. I pay NOTHING out of pocket, except an annual copay of $100 for drugs. If I'm poor, I can even apply to have that waived.
Really? So my main pipe burst last year and flooded my finished basement with dirty water. I had to rebuild my entire bathroom and basement. I could have done that? When my heating system goes out, how do I fix that if I am not handy? Hmmmmm....

Without clean water and heat I would die, yes? But that is not free. Surgeries are never denied in the US, NEVER. If you have a slight cold, then stay home and don't sit in the ER like a parasite. See we can do this all day.
You can move. We can do it all day, but you are losing. A sick person cant do their plumbing, probably can’t work, maybe can’t eat. The base to do most things is being healthy. Your comparisons are silly.
Move? Sell my house and move? How long does that take? No. I have to pay for someone to come and fix the heat immediately and fix the plumbing immediately. Those who are sick CAN get care. No hospitals ever deny care.
And they can go bankrupt too. Those uninsured help increase costs for everyone else, I want people to be healthy so they can take care of themselves. So they can work.
If they work they can get insurance through their employer or through the ACA.
If they can afford it. And thats a big if in this country. Many working can’t.
And those we should help. Why throw 150mil who can afford it off their plans? Also why can I not get free plumbing? Without heat I can die in the winter time?
Everyone has access to health care. If they don't want to pay for it, that is their problem.

Wrong again. That is OUR problem.

If you feel it's a problem now, you're in for a truly fun time.
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Ummm, You do know your article only reinforces the data that shows Medicare for All would be cheaper than our current system.

You did read your own link, right?
Cheaper for whom? Not for me. My insurance is very good and very affordable. Get out of this thread with your noise pollution.

My insurance is included in my taxes. I pay NOTHING out of pocket, except an annual copay of $100 for drugs. If I'm poor, I can even apply to have that waived.
So then why are you complaining?
The primary problem with healthcare in the U.S. is the cost.

1. Medical Professionals, especially Doctors, are charging WAY out of scale for their services as compared with the average American incomes.
2. The cost of prescription drugs is outrageous.
3. The cost of Medical equipment is outrageous.
4. The cost of Malpractice insurance is outrageous due to frivolous lawsuits
5. Healthcare insurance profits & administrative costs is outrageous.
6. The quality of healthcare is mediocre for the majority of Americans
7. The cost of medical education is outrageous.

I'm the first to say that doctors SHOULD be the highest paid people in our society. They should enjoy the best quality of life our society can provide, but when they have to compete against billionaires - corp execs & financial industry managers - that give themselves outrageous salaries & bonuses - for luxury items, doctors feel that it's justified to charge what are outrageous prices for their services. The more grossly overpaid people there are the higher the cost of luxury items.

Anyway, until the free market finds some way to correct these 7 issues, we will have on ongoing economic crisis caused by the entire healthcare industry - not just the insurance companies.

I doubt that we will have any other alternative except socialization.
You made my point in the OP. You just bored us to death doing it.
  1. Too many people are ingrained with private insurance.
  2. Education is not free. Becoming a doctor is expensive, they want to get paid and pay off potential student loans. Working for the Gov't does not do that.
  3. Private pay provides better care. Even in Europe, the wealthy go that route.
  4. Most logical people (on both sides of the aisle) agree with #1 and #2 and #3.
Candidates Who Attacked Warren Over 'Medicare For All' Draw Massive Fundraising Boost
Our system sucks and repubs have nothing to offer. We will likely get universal healthcare eventually. Other countries have shown it can be much cheaper.

That comment is simply stupid.

If it were cheaper...we'd be there.
There is no question it is cheaper. Our healthcare is the most expensive in the world.

It is the best in the world. I agree that our system is broken because of numerous administrator costs and such.
We don’t rank the best. But the care is good, the cost is huge. I’m open to ideas. But markets don’t work for healthcare. So universal seems to be the only answer.

Actually, markets do work for healthcare. Not every doctor is just as competent, not every treatment is just as tremendous for every illness. Considering the facts that medical equipment and tremendous doctors are limited resources, how would you suggest rationing them?

In a "universal" system, where everyone has the same coverage and there is no private coverage, how do you determine who gets to have their surgery done by the Harvey Cushings or Ben Carsons of America, and who has to go to see the Nick Rivieras and Vincent Boombatzes?
I had one. Last year. Not one bill. But many.

You're just talking about the money. Maybe you'd like to lie across three chairs whilst waiting for the doctor, because there's nowhere to lie down.
Many bills from people you don’t know.

Many cheaper healthcare systems are ranked very well for service.

When push comes to shove the wealthy from other countries come here when they have a serious medical issues. Why is that do you think?
Didn’t rand Paul just go to Canada? I hear of our rich traveling to other countries all the time.

Did he? Canada is basically the 51st state. They don't have to pay for a military because they have us. I work with many from Canada who HATE their system due to long lag times to see a doctor.
Yes he did.

The Canadians I know prefer theirs. Much cheaper.

Then why if a Canadian needs a treatment, they come to the United States? Canadian Alex Trebec is suffering from pancreatic cancer, and is being treated here in America. As a senior subject, he'd still be waiting for his first appointment if he went to Saskatoon.
Everyone has access to health care. If they don't want to pay for it, that is their problem.

Wrong again. That is OUR problem.

If you feel it's a problem now, you're in for a truly fun time.
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Ummm, You do know your article only reinforces the data that shows Medicare for All would be cheaper than our current system.

You did read your own link, right?
Cheaper for whom? Not for me. My insurance is very good and very affordable. Get out of this thread with your noise pollution.

My insurance is included in my taxes. I pay NOTHING out of pocket, except an annual copay of $100 for drugs. If I'm poor, I can even apply to have that waived.

Yep, life is wonderful in Canada...dumbass.
'Free' Health Care in Canada Costs More Than It's Worth

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