University Of Chicago Law: Ted Cruz IS NOT Eligible To Be President

Regarding Alan Grayson? wouldn't you think that the DNC would question his birthplace? he's not even Human!
BTW, Congress ruled long ago (and the President signed into law) that if you are born in a foreign country (as Ted Cruz was) and at least one of your parents was an American citizen (which his mother clearly was) and met certain other criteria of residence (as his mother did), then you are a U.S. citizen by birth. You do not have to go through any naturalization process, you are a "natural born citizen". Ted Cruz clearly meets all the needed criteria.

You are lying.

Being automatically granted US citizenship at birth is not the same thing as being a Natural Born Citizen of the USA,
. So my wife who was born in Scotland to a military family is not a U.S. citizen ?
Not necessarily. However, she is not a Natural Born Citizen of the USA.
. She is eligible to run for the presidency or anything else.... By no fault of her's and Ted Cruz alike, they can't help where they were born at, but the fact that they were born of an American parent, and was raised by them in America most of their life there afterwards, says they are eligible for any position available to Americans in this nation... Period... Matters not about the idiocy that some try and suggest otherwise, because we as Americans are smarter than the crazy's who say otherwise.
You are lying again.
More confirmation that Ted Cruz is trying to subvert Article 2 Section 1.


Ted Cruz Is Not Eligible to Be President, According to the Most Plausible Interpretation of the Constitution

I love watching the GOP tear themselves apart on this.
WHY does it seem that Democrats have thier own set of laws when it comes to having or not having a BC. yet when its in question with a GOP candidate that looks to take out Hillary, all of a sudden the GOP candidate is an illegal alien.

LOL- so you think that Donald Trump and Ann Coulter are Democrats now?

Remember- the best known person saying Cruz is not eligible- is the leading GOP candidate- no Democratic candidate has mentioned it.

The GOP- going all Birther- again.
Pretty nice original BC. Anybody ever see Barry Hussein Sotoro Obama's original? ?

LOL- you nutjob Birthers are a riot.

You believe any Birth Certificate posted on the web- if the birth certificate is for a white person and happens to be not name Barack Obama.

But you wont' believe any Birth certificate posted on the web for Barack Obama- even after the State of Hawaii tells you repeatedly that they are authentic.

Birthers- what nutjobs.
and why didnt the DNC ever ask Obama for his birth certificate? ever ????

Why didn't the RNC ever ask Romney or McCain or Bush for their birth certificate ever?

Oh wait- President Obama is the only one of those who actually showed us his birth certificate.

Birthers- what nutjobs.
and why didnt the DNC ever ask Obama for his birth certificate? ever ????

Why didn't the RNC ever ask Romney or McCain or Bush for their birth certificate ever?

Oh wait- President Obama is the only one of those who actually showed us his birth certificate.

Birthers- what nutjobs.
. Obama has proven in 8 years that he wasn't an American... All one has to do is look at his foreign policy actions in the world to see who he is..(An Anti-American) is what he is...... Any more smart remarks you got ?
and why didnt the DNC ever ask Obama for his birth certificate? ever ????

Why didn't the RNC ever ask Romney or McCain or Bush for their birth certificate ever?

Oh wait- President Obama is the only one of those who actually showed us his birth certificate.

Birthers- what nutjobs.
. Obama has proven in 8 years that he wasn't an American... All one has to do is look at his foreign policy actions in the world to see who he is..(An Anti-American) is what he is...... Any more smart remarks you got ?
right, and where are the photos of Obama in Hawaii right after he was born?
BTW, Congress ruled long ago (and the President signed into law) that if you are born in a foreign country (as Ted Cruz was) and at least one of your parents was an American citizen (which his mother clearly was) and met certain other criteria of residence (as his mother did), then you are a U.S. citizen by birth. You do not have to go through any naturalization process, you are a "natural born citizen". Ted Cruz clearly meets all the needed criteria. :rolleyes-41:
Being automatically granted US citizenship at birth is not the same thing as being a Natural Born Citizen of the USA,
Increasingly desperate liberals are routinely telling lies like this in the face of well-established fact. It's the only way they have left of resisting the nomination of someone like Cruz, since they can't refute what he says.
Even the newspaper birth announcements don't prove Obama was born in Hawaii. The Maricopa County Sheriffs Office explained why.

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