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University of Missouri Protests Use Racism as a Pretext for Pushing Liberal Agenda

Now campus police have issued a statement that anyone exposed to "hurtful" speech should call 9/11. Liberals are nuts, totally effin nuts

I haven't heard a single piece of evidence showing that these demonstrations are necessary. I suspect it's part of the continued efforts by groups, like BLM, and the Dems to rile the bases before the election.

They keep claiming racism, but we haven't seen actual cases. There are the lies surrounding Michael Brown and several minority professors have made false claims of police racism. One claimed she was pulled over for being black and asked if she spoke English. Another claimed to be approached by an officer for the crime of 'walking down the street while black.' In both cases, a camera proved they were lying.

Now we have groups like BLM burning the American flag and putting their own flag up. Insanity rules these days. Meanwhile, across the country whites are being told to check their white privilege. It seems there is nothing anyone can do to appease these groups. It's not enough that most are not racist, they want some kind of retribution from everyone with light skin and they won't rest or stop getting into peoples' faces until everyone agrees with whatever the hell message they are conveying. I think it's about revenge.


Sharpton is racist trash
I suspected all along that this latest protest was orchestrated. It's nothing more than a plan to rile the bases for the election. I am waiting for Hillary to make this contrived "issue" a major part of her campaign. It's the favorite tactic of liberals. Create a crisis, then take full advantage of it. The current plan is to take these protests to campuses across the country and spread the hate and the irrational behavior. I think, in part, it's an effort to push out the whites from campuses. BLM is at the heart of the latest protests and they are just beginning their reign of terror.

They prefer the loud, obnoxious "in your face" manner of speaking, yet are not willing to listen to others. They want no real communication and rudely shut down others who try to get a conversation going.

The BLM group has been a group of bullies. They still cling to the lies surrounding the Michael Brown case and they are not open to listening to facts. They seem well organized and well funded and we can guess who is behind it. While the Missouri campus is now calling 'hurtful speech' a crime that needs to be reported, BLM has consistently spouted the most violent rhetoric imaginable. Their supporters have called for the murder of cops and all white people. They are nothing but a bunch of thugs that have the support of the Dem party. Their vile words have caused violent actions. The many deaths of police officers has been a direct result of their hate speech.

They haven't produced any evidence that there is a reason for the protests. Even some involved admitted that they haven't seen any instances of racism, but it's an assumed thing and enough to get people angry and making unclear demands. It's not enough for people to treat others fairly. That isn't good enough. The victimhood mentality has reached a fever pitch and I don't even think they know what they want at this point.

The accusations towards whites has gotten more vague. Sans any examples of clear racism, they are now saying that just being white is enough to bring on their wrath. One idiot professor lectured to the students and explained that whiteness, in and of itself, is a threat to all minorities. In other words, just existing as a white person somehow makes you guilty. Minorities have been convinced that their skin color makes them inferior and, therefore, it is up to those born white to atone for that. With no evidence of the rampant racism they claim to be fighting against, it has been determined by the radials that white skin is the only evidence needed. It's sad, desperate and shows the rampant ignorance and mob mentality at work. Without being able to have any meaningful dialect, we see people resigning from the colleges because they are being bullied into doing so.

There is no way to make these folks happy. Cops cannot stop doing their jobs. They should defend themselves regardless of who the suspect is. It's not reasonable to ignore criminals because of skin color but this group refuses to see it that way.

The real and most dangerous racists right now are those who threaten to kill whites for no other reason than their skin color. They are what they claim to be against.

"University of Missouri Protests Use Racism as a Pretext for Pushing Liberal Agenda"

An 'agenda' that embraces and respects diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty – including the right of racists and bigots to express their ignorance and hate with impunity; it's an 'agenda' consistent with the Constitution, the rule of law, a free and democratic society, and the fundamental principles of our Republic.

Oh, the horror...those evil liberals...

It embraces dissent? Is that why that professor tried to have a student reporter barred from a public space where the campus apparatchiks were protesting?

The stuff you post is so obviously wrong that it's hilarious.
It embraces dissent? Is that why that professor tried to have a student reporter barred from a public space where the campus apparatchiks were protesting?

The stuff you post is so obviously wrong that it's hilarious.

You don't expect some of the lefties to actually practice what they preach, do you? They say what sounds good, but what they do is all that matters. They are vicious when they see people at their functions that aren't going along with them. They want to have total control of the speech surrounding their agenda. Dissention is not allowed.

Take the whistle blowers, for example. In previous years, the left supported them and even agreed that there needed to be protections for whistle blowers. After all, without them there is often no way for corruption to be bought to light. That certainly changed when whistle blowers were outing the Obama administration and now they are regarded as criminals.

From the staged town hall meetings to the restrictions on who is even allowed to attend speeches, it's clear that transparency to them means telling people what they want them to know.

And the left loves protesters, even violent rioters, when it suits their agenda, but when protesters are against them, they are treated like criminals. Remember the reporter who was threatened for filming protesters outside of a Dem campaign speech?
Now campus police have issued a statement that anyone exposed to "hurtful" speech should call 9/11. Liberals are nuts, totally effin nuts

I haven't heard a single piece of evidence showing that these demonstrations are necessary. I suspect it's part of the continued efforts by groups, like BLM, and the Dems to rile the bases before the election.

They keep claiming racism, but we haven't seen actual cases. There are the lies surrounding Michael Brown and several minority professors have made false claims of police racism. One claimed she was pulled over for being black and asked if she spoke English. Another claimed to be approached by an officer for the crime of 'walking down the street while black.' In both cases, a camera proved they were lying.

Now we have groups like BLM burning the American flag and putting their own flag up. Insanity rules these days. Meanwhile, across the country whites are being told to check their white privilege. It seems there is nothing anyone can do to appease these groups. It's not enough that most are not racist, they want some kind of retribution from everyone with light skin and they won't rest or stop getting into peoples' faces until everyone agrees with whatever the hell message they are conveying. I think it's about revenge for some invented wrongs. Most people are not racist nor does the country hold anyone down. If they could see the whole picture, they'd rise up against the government nannies who are behind the over-dependence on government and the resulting lack of desire to succeed on their own.

Al is a fake reverand, that POS should be pistol whipped in his sleep.
The protesters are irrational, selfish, demanding and extremely hypocritical. They have zero concern for non-blacks. The guy who went on a hunger strike to protest white privilege is the son of a millionaire. Poor guy had to grow up in a wealthy home, unlike the majority of us.

They are following an agenda put in place by BLM and maybe a few wealthy backers and politicians. They can't give any examples of the racism they claim is a problem on the campus and expect us to take their word for it. Hard to do considering it shouldn't be difficult at all to make a case if there was any wrong doing.

Never mind that they are carrying signs saying, "Too late to say sorry", which instantly shuts down any hope of talking it out, they are downright hostile to anyone who doesn't follow their narrative. That, in and of itself, violates the "safe space" for others who have to deal with them on a daily basis.

They have no interest in acting in a civilized manner to improve whatever they think is wrong. It sounds like a lot of people jumping on a bandwagon and they aren't even sure of what the goal is, but are merely repeating the talking points and getting angry when people don't chant along with them. They are merely parroting the BLM crap and yelling about black people needing safe spaces, but the non-blacks can all go to hell. None of them care if a non-black is harmed since only Black Lives Matter. Just what is the endgame here since they don't want apologies or a compromise? Free school? All the whities gone? Revenge?

The tone is extremely divisive. It tells me that is what they want. Racial tensions are worse than ever and the vitriol is coming from leftwing kooks. And they are having a fit that some want to amend the Civil Rights Act to include the LGBT crowd. They say that belongs to them and no one else. How horribly selfish to say that only they matter and they are against rights for other people.

The colleges shouldn't cater to them since it's impossible to take them seriously. When they have a legitimate gripe that they can articulate clearly, along with a proposed solution, then they should be heard.

"Students at a "safe space" at Claremont McKenna College in California shut down an Asian woman who was describing racial harassment by a black man, booing her when she declared, "black people can be racist."

Proving, of course, the inherent racism behind their protest.

"I came to this country five years ago when I was fifteen, alone, through a boarding school in Pennsylvania," the Asian student began. "And all I heard is, ‘if you don’t speak English, go home.’ ‘If you don’t speak good English, go home.’ ‘I don’t date Asians,’ and ‘I’d like to have sex with a girl from all the continents that’s why I want to date you.’"

She then recounted a time when she and a group of friends were walking down the street, and a black man pulled over and shouted, "go back to your home!" She said a "white lady" stopped to ask if the young women needed police assistance.

"The point I’m making here is that we should not distinguish people by their race or gender or anything. Black people can be racist," she declared, at which point a black woman holding a sign that reads "It’s too late to say sorry" approached her.

"Oh no honey," someone in the crowd said over a chorus of boos.

A few "safe space" participants told their peers to let the young woman talk. "Let her finish," someone suggested.

"I just mean we have to look at people individually," the Asian woman said, telling her fellow classmates they should "look at the heart. The action, not the race."

As other members approached the woman and grabbed for the microphone, someone in the crowd asked, "how is this relevant to the college failing to provide a space for people of color?""


"Mizzou Grad Student on Hunger Strike to Protest White Privilege Is Millionaire's Son

Butler expressed empathy with the #ConcernedStudent1950 cause, which called for Wolfe’s resignation and for Wolfe to admit his own white male privilege.

Omaha.com discovered Butler’s father, Eric Butler, happens to be the executive vice president for marketing and sales at Union Pacific.

St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported Butler "is a member of a prominent Omaha family."

According to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Butler’s father’s compensation in 2014 "was $8.4 million, according to regulatory filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission."

A profile on Eric Butler from Equilar Atlas shows he has a net worth of over $20 million."


"Mike Middleton, the man just named as the interim president of the University of Missouri, worked as a political activist with the protestors who forced out his predecessor.

As NBC reports:

"The University of Missouri’s governing board on Thursday appointed a recently retired administrator to be the university system’s interim president.

The Board of Curators announced that Michael Middleton, 68, will lead the four-campus system until it finds a permanent replacement for Tim Wolfe, who resigned Monday under pressure from students who criticized his administration’s response to a series of racial incidents."

Middleton retired in August after teaching at the law school for 17 years. But he subsequently worked with the black protestors who created racial tensions by staging a series of direct actions designed to antagonize other students.

Milligan is featured prominently in a video released three weeks ago called "Response To Skeptics," which was produced by a video team at the university’s Academic Support Center.

The video opens with Jonathan Butler — the lead activist — leveling political charge at people who don’t accept the black activists’ claim of "racial problems" at the campus, which is located only 120 miles from Ferguson, where the current protests and political campaign began in August 2014."

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This racial nonsense should be wrapped around democrats like a python. Make it all about hillary, bernie, all of them.

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