University of Washington In Seattle Named 7th Best University In The World In New Ranking

I am not of the Prog, I am to the right of you. And I still do not accuse people of raping children like you did.

There is no excuse for what you did so quit trying. I am done with you
You are not getting off that easy. The hardest thing to do for all of us is admitting we are wrong. How do we promote justice for all while using sense to administer it? This is where we screw up. and the it becomes big time political. Remember we are not computers. And we have flaws in all of us. And it may cost a lot. So you say, we can do what we want. But the baggage overflow that is part of it means nothing. For we see things that fall between the cracks and it must be fixed. But the costs increase geometrically to get each small percent improved. And there is not enough resources to do it as we continue to spend endless amounts to try. So a male wearing a dress can be a rapist using rights accrued. That is what I am saying. Even if that there are males who can wear a dress and not do what happened and that is the truth.
You are not getting off that easy.

Nope. Sorry. You accused a person on this forum of raping children, that is all that matters. All the other bullshit from you cannot change that fact.

Every post you make on this forum from this point on I will view as posted by someone who thinks it is good to accuse other people of raping children. Nothing you post again will ever remove that stain.
Not the whole world.
Just 90%--in fairness, they are counting invasion as 'ruling' however transitory--still...the sun really did never set on the British flag.

Everybody knew that the British loved to conquer lots of countries for their precious empire. It's not until somebody sits down and actually counts all of them that we realize just how many. Historian Stuart Laycock was happy to volunteer for the job and presents his findings in a new book All the Countries We've Ever Invaded: And the Few We Never Got Round To. The book stays true to its title and finds in a survey of 200 of the world's countries through that, in one shape or form, Great Britain has invaded all but 22 of them. That amounts to about 90 percent of the world's countries.
Washington and Seattle have always been known for very good schools.

Now my alma mater is ranked 7th best university in the world.

Us loony liberals are leading the way to the future.

And you believe that shit?

My school was ranked #2 by this publication.

And Forbes had us at #1 a few years back.

Texas A&M University is better than thou!!!!

The loudest ones win ...

View attachment 557661
Well, in that case, we have a Winner!!!


Not whiny at all. It seems we could at least agree it is wrong to accuse someone of raping children. but alas, party loyalty is too strong for even that

Of course people like the one who posted that vile post and the one you replied to would never agree that what the person posted was wrong.

These people see the world in us versus them. Anyone who is a "them" is their enemy. No low is too low.
Of course people like the one who posted that vile post and the one you replied to would never agree that what the person posted was wrong.

These people see the world in us versus them. Anyone who is a "them" is their enemy. No low is too low.

you would think that "we should not call each other child rapist" would be an easy thing to agree on.
you would think that "we should not call each other child rapist" would be an easy thing to agree on.

Yes you would think that but when it comes to the far right, it's wrong.


The only reply to that disgusting post from the far right was to call you whiney.

Nothing from any of them condemning that post.

I'm not surprised.

There is no low too low for people like that.

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