*Unless *EVERYONE* Gets It: You Can Shove It!*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Okay lets talk, ...... these fucking politicians want to exempt themselves, exempt certain unions, exempt this group of cock suckers or that group of cock suckers, but after all,.... I say,..... *NO*,...... its not right, and, either we all be under Obama Care or no one is, *SHUT THE FUCKING GOVERNMENT DOWN*!!!!!
2. Well said!!!!

Obama is a moron. He has set the precedent that the Executive can grant exemptions to the law. When Cruz takes office next time around, he will grant everyone an exemption. Poof...no more Obamacare.
Last edited:
Sorry bout that,

1. Okay lets talk, ...... these fucking politicians want to exempt themselves, exempt certain unions, exempt this group of cock suckers or that group of cock suckers, but after all,.... I say,..... *NO*,...... its not right, and, either we all be under Obama Care or no one is, *SHUT THE FUCKING GOVERNMENT DOWN*!!!!!
2. Well said!!!!


The Republicans are now introducing legislation that would make the exemptions that O'Bummer illegally enacted invalid. If this bill is so great, every politician must go under this plan just as the citizens are forced too. I am betting the Dems. will fight this effort, which will show the true nature of how big of hypocrites they truly are.
Sorry bout that,

1. I say we fucking shut down the government then throw *ALL THE BASTARDS OUT*!!!!!
2. Have special elections and replace the whole fucking lot of them!!!!

Sorry bout that,

1. I say we fucking shut down the government then throw *ALL THE BASTARDS OUT*!!!!!
2. Have special elections and replace the whole fucking lot of them!!!!



Exactly how I feel~

They don't care about us, they are more interested in thier polictics than the people who voted them in. I say they are fired...All of them
Sorry bout that,

1. I say we fucking shut down the government then throw *ALL THE BASTARDS OUT*!!!!!
2. Have special elections and replace the whole fucking lot of them!!!!


I have a better idea. Throw them out on the street.

I don't know. They would probably go on welfare.:lol: We would still have to pay for their sorry asses.
Doesn't anyone that already has healthcare exempt?
Basically yes. However, many companies are putting their employees on private exchanges.

The “stick” is Obamacare’s “Cadillac Tax”, which will hammer companies with a 40 percent excise tax beginning in 2018 if their plans cost more than a fixed amount – an amount that is set to grow more slowly than medical inflation traditionally has. Combined, these forces are driving companies toward a “defined contribution” strategy where they will offer employees a set amount with which to shop for insurance through an online marketplace – an exchange. (The other alternative would be to just move your employees en masse into high deductible plans, perhaps while kicking in some money for an HSA.)

Obamacare Is Killing Traditional Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance - Forbes

No one really knows of the full effect the law will have and it's unintended consequences. but according to the article...
Private exchanges, if they are designed well, may have some critical advantages over their Obamacare-mandated counterparts. First, while the federal law sets the regulatory “floor” for qualified health plans (QHPs) available for subsidies on state exchanges, states can set additional requirements and regulations for state-based exchanges – adding costs and limiting consumer choice.
Doesn't anyone that already has healthcare exempt?
Basically yes. However, many companies are putting their employees on private exchanges.

The “stick” is Obamacare’s “Cadillac Tax”, which will hammer companies with a 40 percent excise tax beginning in 2018 if their plans cost more than a fixed amount – an amount that is set to grow more slowly than medical inflation traditionally has. Combined, these forces are driving companies toward a “defined contribution” strategy where they will offer employees a set amount with which to shop for insurance through an online marketplace – an exchange. (The other alternative would be to just move your employees en masse into high deductible plans, perhaps while kicking in some money for an HSA.)

Obamacare Is Killing Traditional Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance - Forbes

No one really knows of the full effect the law will have and it's unintended consequences. but according to the article...
Private exchanges, if they are designed well, may have some critical advantages over their Obamacare-mandated counterparts. First, while the federal law sets the regulatory “floor” for qualified health plans (QHPs) available for subsidies on state exchanges, states can set additional requirements and regulations for state-based exchanges – adding costs and limiting consumer choice.

It is yes, no 'basicly' involved.

My company will see a 1.2% increase for 2014 (United Health) so the quoted companies in your story aren't being truthful, probably to increase return for investors, which (sadly) is the only reason they're in business.
Sorry bout that,

1. Seems Boner is going to try to *SHUT AMERICA DOWN*!!!!!
2. Its a start.
3. If he has the guts to follow through with his threat I give him a thumbs up!!!!
4. Obama had better back the fuck off or I think he will!
5. I have already given instructions that either *EVERYONE GETS IT OR NO ONE GETS IT*!!!
6. All the exemption's is *BULLSHIT*!!!!!
8. If we don't shut it down we will wish we did!
9. Lets do it, and then have special elections!!!!!!
10. After the shut down we impeach Obama's ASS!!!!!

Doesn't anyone that already has healthcare exempt?
Basically yes. However, many companies are putting their employees on private exchanges.

The “stick” is Obamacare’s “Cadillac Tax”, which will hammer companies with a 40 percent excise tax beginning in 2018 if their plans cost more than a fixed amount – an amount that is set to grow more slowly than medical inflation traditionally has. Combined, these forces are driving companies toward a “defined contribution” strategy where they will offer employees a set amount with which to shop for insurance through an online marketplace – an exchange. (The other alternative would be to just move your employees en masse into high deductible plans, perhaps while kicking in some money for an HSA.)

Obamacare Is Killing Traditional Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance - Forbes

No one really knows of the full effect the law will have and it's unintended consequences. but according to the article...
Private exchanges, if they are designed well, may have some critical advantages over their Obamacare-mandated counterparts. First, while the federal law sets the regulatory “floor” for qualified health plans (QHPs) available for subsidies on state exchanges, states can set additional requirements and regulations for state-based exchanges – adding costs and limiting consumer choice.

It is yes, no 'basicly' involved.

My company will see a 1.2% increase for 2014 (United Health) so the quoted companies in your story aren't being truthful, probably to increase return for investors, which (sadly) is the only reason they're in business.

I know, it is sad that any business would want to pay their bills, make some profit and pay dividends to their investors.
If you have a 401k, you are likely one of those investors yourself.

From the link provided:

"No matter how well-funded it is from employer to employer, it’s an approach that is gaining momentum. Other benefits firms are pushing it to employers. Aon Hewitt rival Mercer earlier this year said that 10 major insurance carriers, including Aetna (AET), Cigna (CI), Humana (HUM), UnitedHealth Group (UNH) and a host of Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans signed on to the firm’s private exchange for 2014 enrollment."

Maybe your company is one of those signed up for the private exchanges.
Sorry bout that,

1. Okay lets talk, ...... these fucking politicians want to exempt themselves, exempt certain unions, exempt this group of cock suckers or that group of cock suckers, but after all,.... I say,..... *NO*,...... its not right, and, either we all be under Obama Care or no one is, *SHUT THE FUCKING GOVERNMENT DOWN*!!!!!
2. Well said!!!!


They are afraid of unions and just want their help like a john just wants a whore to give a blow job.
Doesn't anyone that already has healthcare exempt?
Basically yes. However, many companies are putting their employees on private exchanges.

The “stick” is Obamacare’s “Cadillac Tax”, which will hammer companies with a 40 percent excise tax beginning in 2018 if their plans cost more than a fixed amount – an amount that is set to grow more slowly than medical inflation traditionally has. Combined, these forces are driving companies toward a “defined contribution” strategy where they will offer employees a set amount with which to shop for insurance through an online marketplace – an exchange. (The other alternative would be to just move your employees en masse into high deductible plans, perhaps while kicking in some money for an HSA.)

Obamacare Is Killing Traditional Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance - Forbes

No one really knows of the full effect the law will have and it's unintended consequences. but according to the article...
Private exchanges, if they are designed well, may have some critical advantages over their Obamacare-mandated counterparts. First, while the federal law sets the regulatory “floor” for qualified health plans (QHPs) available for subsidies on state exchanges, states can set additional requirements and regulations for state-based exchanges – adding costs and limiting consumer choice.

AND WHY was Obamacare PASSED??? Because almost everyone including CRITICS still think there were 46 million "uninsured"!

No ONE has yet to refute these sources which added up shows 42 million of the 46 million is a BOGUS NUMBER!!

I've yet to have ANYONE refute these numbers..

18 million people under 34 and earning over $50,000 do not spend more the $1,000 a year for health services. They also are very careful with the credit so obviously they don't run up health bills and most carry "catastrophic health insurance" !
So why were they included in Obama's 46 million "uninsured' that was used to pass by just 6 votes ACA?

14 million people COUNTED by the Census said "yup don't have health insurance" so they were included in Obama's number!
YET these same 14 million people QUALIFY.. ALL THEY NEED to do is REGISTER with MEDICAID and they are covered!

Consider what happened the last time we tried to give away more health care. In the late 1990s, the State Children's Health Insurance Program made it easier for children to get Medicaid-style insurance, and by 2002, almost half of all American kids qualified for free coverage. As a result, the number of uninsured dropped from 12 million to 10 million, which was great news. But consider the missed opportunity: Among the 10 million children who still lacked coverage, 60 percent were eligible for free care but never signed up.

Finally counted among Obamacare's 46 million are 10 million illegals!
Don't believe ME???
source:Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau

So even though the ABOVE FACTS show over 42 million BOGUS, not legal people counted wrongly as "uninsured and wanting insurance"... THERE ARE Less the 4 million that truly want and need health insurance!
SO instead of bogus numbers ACA/Obama floats around to destroy our health system... FACTS!
Lawyers like tanning salons COST health care money.. Unlike tanning salons at $500 million LAWYERS cause $850 BILLION!
90% of doctors say they wastefully order tests,etc ALL BECAUSE they fear lawsuits and this is $850 billion!
I remember when this started the thinking was for this to work it was necessary for everyone
to participate in order to fund it.

Then Obama in his infinite wisdom goes about giving everyone waivers.

I agree it's either for everyone or no one... so stuff it till that's true.
Basically yes. However, many companies are putting their employees on private exchanges.

The “stick” is Obamacare’s “Cadillac Tax”, which will hammer companies with a 40 percent excise tax beginning in 2018 if their plans cost more than a fixed amount – an amount that is set to grow more slowly than medical inflation traditionally has. Combined, these forces are driving companies toward a “defined contribution” strategy where they will offer employees a set amount with which to shop for insurance through an online marketplace – an exchange. (The other alternative would be to just move your employees en masse into high deductible plans, perhaps while kicking in some money for an HSA.)

Obamacare Is Killing Traditional Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance - Forbes

No one really knows of the full effect the law will have and it's unintended consequences. but according to the article...
Private exchanges, if they are designed well, may have some critical advantages over their Obamacare-mandated counterparts. First, while the federal law sets the regulatory “floor” for qualified health plans (QHPs) available for subsidies on state exchanges, states can set additional requirements and regulations for state-based exchanges – adding costs and limiting consumer choice.

It is yes, no 'basicly' involved.

My company will see a 1.2% increase for 2014 (United Health) so the quoted companies in your story aren't being truthful, probably to increase return for investors, which (sadly) is the only reason they're in business.

I know, it is sad that any business would want to pay their bills, make some profit and pay dividends to their investors.
If you have a 401k, you are likely one of those investors yourself.

From the link provided:

"No matter how well-funded it is from employer to employer, it’s an approach that is gaining momentum. Other benefits firms are pushing it to employers. Aon Hewitt rival Mercer earlier this year said that 10 major insurance carriers, including Aetna (AET), Cigna (CI), Humana (HUM), UnitedHealth Group (UNH) and a host of Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans signed on to the firm’s private exchange for 2014 enrollment."

Maybe your company is one of those signed up for the private exchanges.

No, and since I'm the boss, I should know.
Sorry bout that,

1. If Obamacare goes full force, a government shut down would look tame compared.
2. So many stupid fucking people get to vote it would seem.

Sorry bout that,

1. Okay lets talk, ...... these fucking politicians want to exempt themselves, exempt certain unions, exempt this group of cock suckers or that group of cock suckers, but after all,.... I say,..... *NO*,...... its not right, and, either we all be under Obama Care or no one is, *SHUT THE FUCKING GOVERNMENT DOWN*!!!!!
2. Well said!!!!


For the five thousandth time, congress is not exempt.

The difference is, YOU get to pay for their health care insurance as well as your own.
Sorry bout that,

1. Okay lets talk, ...... these fucking politicians want to exempt themselves, exempt certain unions, exempt this group of cock suckers or that group of cock suckers, but after all,.... I say,..... *NO*,...... its not right, and, either we all be under Obama Care or no one is, *SHUT THE FUCKING GOVERNMENT DOWN*!!!!!
2. Well said!!!!


I don't have to get it, can I shove it up your azz now?

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