Unless the GOP-igs cheat, they could never ever win an election honestly!!

Where's the upbeat messaging Donald you seem to spew about the pandemic? You so fuckin confident, have some faith you lying bastard that your adoring idiots will show up at the polls and vote you back in. Stop trying to prevent others who despise your ass from voting by mail
If lazy ass minorities cant get off their asses to stand in line for a few minutes to vote, then their uninformed opinions dont deserve to be heard.

If you dont respect the process and refuse to make any effort, then you shouldn't be allowed to vote
Uh another news flash....us lazy minorities voted in vomit red Miss and all across this country in 2018 and made HISTORY IN CONGRESSIONAL SEATS...YOU DUMB FUCK!!
You're a small percent of the population. Most are convicted felons. You dont have as much voting clout as you think -- unless you cheat
Trump even admitted this when he was asked about it. Silly bastard said the Republicans would never win another election with mail-in voting. Hmmmmm....wonder why?
Trump knows as does the intell community that Russia and China will HACK INTO ELECTRONIC MACHINES AND SKEW THE VOTES TO REPUBLICANS....you can't fuck with PAPER AND THEY KNOW IT!!
Trump even admitted this when he was asked about it. Silly bastard said the Republicans would never win another election with mail-in voting. Hmmmmm....wonder why?
Trump knows as does the intell community that Russia and China will HACK INTO ELECTRONIC MACHINES AND SKEW THE VOTES TO REPUBLICANS....you can't fuck with PAPER AND THEY KNOW IT!!
Sounds about right to me. They actually said that hacking into Diebold machines is so easy that a grammar-level hacker can do it!
It illegal to tell the states how to vote by the Potus.
You know federal funds belong to the United States government, right?

Just thought you might want to know, 'cuz you're just dumb enough to think that POTUS is telling states how to run their voting franchises.
And you do know that TAX PAYERS ARE THE GOV...FOR THE PPL, BY THE PPL???
Trump Threatens ‘Funding’ To States Expanding Mail-In Voting During The Pandemic Trump Threatens 'Funding' To States Expanding Mail-In Voting During The Pandemic
The president’s tweets show that he sees voter suppression as a vital tool in his reelection campaign.

These lying mf's could never win anything, let alone an election without fkking over minorities and cheating. I defy anybody to call one election since Trumps been in office were a fkkkin republican won, without a gerrymandered district or by cheating, just one gotdamit, just one!!

First you scare the shit out of rednecks, then you disenfranchise minority voters, close polls early, demand they vote during a pandemic, and should you lose, you claim voter fraud, were time and time again, its you lying mf's who are the frauds.

The Pigs could never win on honest issues, because YOU HAVE NONE!@!
/-----/ You're projecting again, Spanky.
Trump Threatens ‘Funding’ To States Expanding Mail-In Voting During The Pandemic Trump Threatens 'Funding' To States Expanding Mail-In Voting During The Pandemic
The president’s tweets show that he sees voter suppression as a vital tool in his reelection campaign.

These lying mf's could never win anything, let alone an election without fkking over minorities and cheating. I defy anybody to call one election since Trumps been in office were a fkkkin republican won, without a gerrymandered district or by cheating, just one gotdamit, just one!!

First you scare the shit out of rednecks, then you disenfranchise minority voters, close polls early, demand they vote during a pandemic, and should you lose, you claim voter fraud, were time and time again, its you lying mf's who are the frauds.

The Pigs could never win on honest issues, because YOU HAVE NONE!@!
I'm going to vote 50 times....
Again?, no wonder Trump won
Trump even admitted this when he was asked about it. Silly bastard said the Republicans would never win another election with mail-in voting. Hmmmmm....wonder why?
Trump knows as does the intell community that Russia and China will HACK INTO ELECTRONIC MACHINES AND SKEW THE VOTES TO REPUBLICANS....you can't fuck with PAPER AND THEY KNOW IT!!
Sounds about right to me. They actually said that hacking into Diebold machines is so easy that a grammar-level hacker can do it!
Trump Threatens ‘Funding’ To States Expanding Mail-In Voting During The Pandemic Trump Threatens 'Funding' To States Expanding Mail-In Voting During The Pandemic
The president’s tweets show that he sees voter suppression as a vital tool in his reelection campaign.

These lying mf's could never win anything, let alone an election without fkking over minorities and cheating. I defy anybody to call one election since Trumps been in office were a fkkkin republican won, without a gerrymandered district or by cheating, just one gotdamit, just one!!

First you scare the shit out of rednecks, then you disenfranchise minority voters, close polls early, demand they vote during a pandemic, and should you lose, you claim voter fraud, were time and time again, its you lying mf's who are the frauds.

The Pigs could never win on honest issues, because YOU HAVE NONE!@!
African, meet kettle
Trump Threatens ‘Funding’ To States Expanding Mail-In Voting During The Pandemic Trump Threatens 'Funding' To States Expanding Mail-In Voting During The Pandemic
The president’s tweets show that he sees voter suppression as a vital tool in his reelection campaign.

These lying mf's could never win anything, let alone an election without fkking over minorities and cheating. I defy anybody to call one election since Trumps been in office were a fkkkin republican won, without a gerrymandered district or by cheating, just one gotdamit, just one!!

First you scare the shit out of rednecks, then you disenfranchise minority voters, close polls early, demand they vote during a pandemic, and should you lose, you claim voter fraud, were time and time again, its you lying mf's who are the frauds.

The Pigs could never win on honest issues, because YOU HAVE NONE!@!
We whooped yer asses fair and square with one hand tied behind our backs last time and we're gonna put a whoopin on your dumb asses come November that you're just not gonna wanna believe but it'll be true. We're not just gonna whoop yer ass this time, we're gonna stomp a mud hole in it then walk it dry. The really funny part is your dumbasses are doing most of the work. We just hold our fists up and you keep bashing your faces into it. I've never before witnessed so much stupid and self destructive behavior. Keep up the good work.
It illegal to tell the states how to vote by the Potus.
You know federal funds belong to the United States government, right?

Just thought you might want to know, 'cuz you're just dumb enough to think that POTUS is telling states how to run their voting franchises.
And you do know that TAX PAYERS ARE THE GOV...FOR THE PPL, BY THE PPL???
is it that way when the democrats are in charge?.....just asking...
Trump Threatens ‘Funding’ To States Expanding Mail-In Voting During The Pandemic Trump Threatens 'Funding' To States Expanding Mail-In Voting During The Pandemic
The president’s tweets show that he sees voter suppression as a vital tool in his reelection campaign.

These lying mf's could never win anything, let alone an election without fkking over minorities and cheating. I defy anybody to call one election since Trumps been in office were a fkkkin republican won, without a gerrymandered district or by cheating, just one gotdamit, just one!!

First you scare the shit out of rednecks, then you disenfranchise minority voters, close polls early, demand they vote during a pandemic, and should you lose, you claim voter fraud, were time and time again, its you lying mf's who are the frauds.

The Pigs could never win on honest issues, because YOU HAVE NONE!@!

Are you fucked up on meth again son? My God that must be a horrible addiction. How many teeth you got now?

Anyway, I pray for that black hole that used to be your soul.
Pretty safe to assume that the losers in November will accuse the winners of cheating, and use that as one of their excuses for launching myriad investigations and refusing to do pretty much anything for the next four years. Neither party is allowed by their base to work with the other, so they have to keep busy SOMEHOW.
Trump Threatens ‘Funding’ To States Expanding Mail-In Voting During The Pandemic Trump Threatens 'Funding' To States Expanding Mail-In Voting During The Pandemic
The president’s tweets show that he sees voter suppression as a vital tool in his reelection campaign.

These lying mf's could never win anything, let alone an election without fkking over minorities and cheating. I defy anybody to call one election since Trumps been in office were a fkkkin republican won, without a gerrymandered district or by cheating, just one gotdamit, just one!!

First you scare the shit out of rednecks, then you disenfranchise minority voters, close polls early, demand they vote during a pandemic, and should you lose, you claim voter fraud, were time and time again, its you lying mf's who are the frauds.

The Pigs could never win on honest issues, because YOU HAVE NONE!@!

Are you fucked up on meth again son? My God that must be a horrible addiction. How many teeth you got now?

Anyway, I pray for that black hole that used to be your soul.
sweetheart, we all know Meth is a white man's drug and yall got the missing teeth to prove it. Listen stop trying to shame me when you have the most corrupt lying soul-less mf' sitting in the white house just thinking of shit to make mf;s who ain't white lives miserable.
two nigga's switching to the GOP
Well hello democrat party! Hahha get the N running off the plantation!! Wow
Running off the plantation into some white bitches arms....WOW
Wow the racisim from the democrats
Do you understand what you just said? I doubt it.
I've always said, I'm a equal opportunity hater...I don't give a fuck what color you are.

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