Unless the GOP-igs cheat, they could never ever win an election honestly!!

two nigga's switching to the GOP
Well hello democrat party! Hahha get the N running off the plantation!! Wow
Running off the plantation into some white bitches arms....WOW
Wow the racisim from the democrats
Do you understand what you just said? I doubt it.
I've always said, I'm a equal opportunity hater...I don't give a fuck what color you are.
But YOU recognize racism, right?

Think about it.
The question is DO YOU KNOW RACISM? Minorities can't be racist, they don't hold any power to stop anybody from advancing in life, especially you white mf's. We can hate on you mf's all damn day long, but what changes or advances does that bring? You mf's on the other hand, can prevent us from housing, jobs, advancements in jobs, retail experiences, and you have power over us in life and death decisions with this Covid shit. You think for one second, some random nigga off the street with no insurance struggling to breathe with this shit is gonna end up with a month or two on a ventilator vs some white mf with insurance? So miss me on this shit about being racist....yall own the shit, define the shit and is the true racist.
Lol asians, Indians and Nigerians are doing better then whites lol
two nigga's switching to the GOP
Well hello democrat party! Hahha get the N running off the plantation!! Wow
Running off the plantation into some white bitches arms....WOW
Wow the racisim from the democrats
Do you understand what you just said? I doubt it.
I've always said, I'm a equal opportunity hater...I don't give a fuck what color you are.
But YOU recognize racism, right?

Think about it.
The question is DO YOU KNOW RACISM? Minorities can't be racist, they don't hold any power to stop anybody from advancing in life, especially you white mf's. We can hate on you mf's all damn day long, but what changes or advances does that bring? You mf's on the other hand, can prevent us from housing, jobs, advancements in jobs, retail experiences, and you have power over us in life and death decisions with this Covid shit. You think for one second, some random nigga off the street with no insurance struggling to breathe with this shit is gonna end up with a month or two on a ventilator vs some white mf with insurance? So miss me on this shit about being racist....yall own the shit, define the shit and is the true racist.
The baddest areas of the hood have some of the heaviest cheat votes. Just one of the ways Progs win elections.

All for a bottle of Mad Dog.
I can post dozens of elections that showed voter fraud and guess what...all of the GOP elections...again trying to ply open your brains to pour in truths is like trying to convince a white guy hair loss ain't that bad....LLOLLOLOLO...he's still gonna wear that damn hat!!
two nigga's switching to the GOP
Well hello democrat party! Hahha get the N running off the plantation!! Wow
Running off the plantation into some white bitches arms....WOW
Wow the racisim from the democrats
Do you understand what you just said? I doubt it.
I've always said, I'm a equal opportunity hater...I don't give a fuck what color you are.
But YOU recognize racism, right?

Think about it.
The question is DO YOU KNOW RACISM? Minorities can't be racist, they don't hold any power to stop anybody from advancing in life, especially you white mf's. We can hate on you mf's all damn day long, but what changes or advances does that bring? You mf's on the other hand, can prevent us from housing, jobs, advancements in jobs, retail experiences, and you have power over us in life and death decisions with this Covid shit. You think for one second, some random nigga off the street with no insurance struggling to breathe with this shit is gonna end up with a month or two on a ventilator vs some white mf with insurance? So miss me on this shit about being racist....yall own the shit, define the shit and is the true racist.
Lol asians, Indians and Nigerians are doing better then whites lol
So whats your damn point? Truth be told the whole damn world is doing better than whites...cause yall some dumb ignorant motherfuckers!!
I can just see truckloads of unopened ballots sitting in warehouses in republican districts. I bet the vote counts aren't anywhere close to those registered.
If that's the case, than show up at the polls and vote....we're mailing in ours
two nigga's switching to the GOP
Well hello democrat party! Hahha get the N running off the plantation!! Wow
Running off the plantation into some white bitches arms....WOW
Wow the racisim from the democrats
Do you understand what you just said? I doubt it.
I've always said, I'm a equal opportunity hater...I don't give a fuck what color you are.
But YOU recognize racism, right?

Think about it.
The question is DO YOU KNOW RACISM? Minorities can't be racist, they don't hold any power to stop anybody from advancing in life, especially you white mf's. We can hate on you mf's all damn day long, but what changes or advances does that bring? You mf's on the other hand, can prevent us from housing, jobs, advancements in jobs, retail experiences, and you have power over us in life and death decisions with this Covid shit. You think for one second, some random nigga off the street with no insurance struggling to breathe with this shit is gonna end up with a month or two on a ventilator vs some white mf with insurance? So miss me on this shit about being racist....yall own the shit, define the shit and is the true racist.
Lol asians, Indians and Nigerians are doing better then whites lol
So whats your damn point? Truth be told the whole damn world is doing better than whites...cause yall some dumb ignorant motherfuckers!!
You just said we are holding you back lol
Trump Threatens ‘Funding’ To States Expanding Mail-In Voting During The Pandemic Trump Threatens 'Funding' To States Expanding Mail-In Voting During The Pandemic
The president’s tweets show that he sees voter suppression as a vital tool in his reelection campaign.

These lying mf's could never win anything, let alone an election without fkking over minorities and cheating. I defy anybody to call one election since Trumps been in office were a fkkkin republican won, without a gerrymandered district or by cheating, just one gotdamit, just one!!

First you scare the shit out of rednecks, then you disenfranchise minority voters, close polls early, demand they vote during a pandemic, and should you lose, you claim voter fraud, were time and time again, its you lying mf's who are the frauds.

The Pigs could never win on honest issues, because YOU HAVE NONE!@!
We whooped yer asses fair and square with one hand tied behind our backs last time and we're gonna put a whoopin on your dumb asses come November that you're just not gonna wanna believe but it'll be true. We're not just gonna whoop yer ass this time, we're gonna stomp a mud hole in it then walk it dry. The really funny part is your dumbasses are doing most of the work. We just hold our fists up and you keep bashing your faces into it. I've never before witnessed so much stupid and self destructive behavior. Keep up the good work.
Self destructive behavior????? Drink bleach and Lysol and live.....clearly your talking about Trump....and your so right, you are gonna get a ass whoopin this Nov. all your right winged Nazi fucks.
That's not what you used to say.

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