Unless this is a giant conspiracy

William Taylor's testimony
"That was my clear understanding, security assistance money would not come until the president committed to pursue the investigation"
Sondland etc

Of course...but that's not quid pro quo....that's asking if we're expected to pound more aid down the rat hole of the oligarchs who run Ukraine. Putin has no intention of taking more territory from them..he got his port and the land bridge to supply it. Give the Ukes more weapons and they're apt to piss off the Ivans with dire consequeces. Taylor has admitted all he knows is what he's heard from others....heresay evidence is regularly laughed out of court. I'm surprised you're buying into this crap....head injury? :disbelief:
I'm not fully sold on it, but with what these people are saying, and the timing, it's hard to ignore.
Some things to remember about Comrade Donald.

First, if he says he has a "credible source", we're in creduloid territory.

Second, if he repeats something three times in the same breath, you can bet your house he is lying.

"Bleev me...bleev me...bleev me, folks."
It looks like trump did do "quid pro quo" with Ukraine.
If he did, I hope he gets impeached.
My question is, are we going to start holding all politicians accountable for bad shit, or just the orange ones?
Cause let's face it, past presidents have done way worse shit than using aid to get dirt on a possible political opponent.
I would hold any President to the same standard- don't ask foreign governments to dig up dirt on your political opponents.
But they can do other bad shit?
What about people running for president using ex govt people?
TRUMP: Read the transcript!

CONGRESS: Here are the witness testimony transcripts.

TRUMP: Don't read the transcripts!!! Bleev ME! Bleev ME! Bleev ME!
Something to remember is the Ukraine president said there was no qpq.
So many inconsistencies and really you cant trust any of these fucks
It looks like trump did do "quid pro quo" with Ukraine.
If he did, I hope he gets impeached.
My question is, are we going to start holding all politicians accountable for bad shit, or just the orange ones?
Cause let's face it, past presidents have done way worse shit than using aid to get dirt on a possible political opponent.
I would hold any President to the same standard- don't ask foreign governments to dig up dirt on your political opponents.
Biden being a "political opponent" is incidental....He won't be nominated anyhow.
It looks like trump did do "quid pro quo" with Ukraine.
If he did, I hope he gets impeached.
My question is, are we going to start holding all politicians accountable for bad shit, or just the orange ones?
Cause let's face it, past presidents have done way worse shit than using aid to get dirt on a possible political opponent.
It seems to me that the last time a President abused his office in order to beef up his election chances, we impeached him. Or would have if he hadn't resigned.

I thought that you were so despondent that you put your keyboard away.
That was wishful thinking on your part.

Not even close to what I wish for your ilk.
It looks like trump did do "quid pro quo" with Ukraine.
If he did, I hope he gets impeached.
My question is, are we going to start holding all politicians accountable for bad shit, or just the orange ones?
Cause let's face it, past presidents have done way worse shit than using aid to get dirt on a possible political opponent.
I would hold any President to the same standard- don't ask foreign governments to dig up dirt on your political opponents.
There is no "dig up dirt" law you imbecile.
William Taylor's testimony
"That was my clear understanding, security assistance money would not come until the president committed to pursue the investigation"
Sondland etc

Of course...but that's not quid pro quo....that's asking if we're expected to pound more aid down the rat hole of the oligarchs who run Ukraine. Putin has no intention of taking more territory from them..he got his port and the land bridge to supply it. Give the Ukes more weapons and they're apt to piss off the Ivans with dire consequeces. Taylor has admitted all he knows is what he's heard from others....heresay evidence is regularly laughed out of court. I'm surprised you're buying into this crap....head injury? :disbelief:
I'm not fully sold on it, but with what these people are saying, and the timing, it's hard to ignore.
There seems to be a lot of good witnesses. Will be interesting to see what the defense will be, but looking bad for the Donald right now. Him releasing the transcript where he’s asking about Biden sure didn’t help. Mulvaney didn’t help either.
William Taylor's testimony
"That was my clear understanding, security assistance money would not come until the president committed to pursue the investigation"
Sondland etc
He is also tied in with Burisma, through the Atlantic Council. Research before believing.
Interesting. Have you got a link?
I'm not fully sold on it, but with what these people are saying, and the timing, it's hard to ignore.

Look who's saying it. These "diplomats" will work for any administration...they're done with Trump and they know it so why not feather their nest by playing nice with the Rats? Taylor will get several cable news spots with his supposed expertise in foreign affairs...probably end up in a couple think-tanks. He's the SWAMP along with everybody like him.
William Taylor's testimony
"That was my clear understanding, security assistance money would not come until the president committed to pursue the investigation"
Sondland etc

Of course...but that's not quid pro quo....that's asking if we're expected to pound more aid down the rat hole of the oligarchs who run Ukraine. Putin has no intention of taking more territory from them..he got his port and the land bridge to supply it. Give the Ukes more weapons and they're apt to piss off the Ivans with dire consequeces. Taylor has admitted all he knows is what he's heard from others....heresay evidence is regularly laughed out of court. I'm surprised you're buying into this crap....head injury? :disbelief:
I'm not fully sold on it, but with what these people are saying, and the timing, it's hard to ignore.
Turn your tv off Harley. It’s destroying your ability to see the truth. It’s lie after lie with the blessing of the media to force it down our throats and you’re falling victim to it. You already know the deep state has the media so why are you letting them sway you? JUST BE PATIENT :)
I haven't been following the whole thing, so I can't comment on this particular topic, but I just have to say, there is a lot of naiveté around here. At the higher levels our government is thoroughly corrupt, and it has been that way for quite some time. It's not about one side being evil and the other side being good. That football mentality is precisely what they want us to have, so we're constantly fighting against each other, distracted and divided. When I see people say clueless things like "Clinton just got a blowjob" I am truly amazed at the utter ignorance and misguided loyalties people have. And sadly, that goes for both 'sides.' But I get it, people are very invested in their favorite politicians, and defending their 'side.' Also, I think many people don't want to investigate beyond the usual partisan stuff, and possibly discover things that are unthinkable.
This is the level of credulity our Naked Emperor has:

Before he ran for president he claimed to be from Kenya in his promotional material for his book. After he left office Obama admitted that he is from Kenya. Looks like the source was credible.
Something to remember is the Ukraine president said there was no qpq.
EXACTLY. That’s the only piece of information that need along with the transcript. Don’t fall for this shit man you’re too smart for this.
It looks like trump did do "quid pro quo" with Ukraine.
If he did, I hope he gets impeached.
My question is, are we going to start holding all politicians accountable for bad shit, or just the orange ones?
Cause let's face it, past presidents have done way worse shit than using aid to get dirt on a possible political opponent.
I would hold any President to the same standard- don't ask foreign governments to dig up dirt on your political opponents.
Biden being a "political opponent" is incidental....He won't be nominated anyhow.
Thanks to Trump's lies. He was at the top of the heap to beat Trump like a drum, which is exactly why Trump went after him.
It looks like trump did do "quid pro quo" with Ukraine.
If he did, I hope he gets impeached.
My question is, are we going to start holding all politicians accountable for bad shit, or just the orange ones?
Cause let's face it, past presidents have done way worse shit than using aid to get dirt on a possible political opponent.
but you're ok with the known quid pro quo by sleepy joe. too fking funny. two faced fks in here are amazing.
It looks like trump did do "quid pro quo" with Ukraine.
If he did, I hope he gets impeached.
My question is, are we going to start holding all politicians accountable for bad shit, or just the orange ones?
Cause let's face it, past presidents have done way worse shit than using aid to get dirt on a possible political opponent.
BTW, there is no law against getting dirt on a political opponent. in this one, he isn't even a political opponent.
Something to remember is the Ukraine president said there was no qpq.
So many inconsistencies and really you cant trust any of these fucks
While that is true, would you claim a qpq if you were trying to get aid?

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