Unless this is a giant conspiracy

It's like everyone forgot b clinton did this. And he even said it was for political reasons.
But by god orange man bad!
It looks like trump did do "quid pro quo" with Ukraine.
If he did, I hope he gets impeached.
My question is, are we going to start holding all politicians accountable for bad shit, or just the orange ones?
Cause let's face it, past presidents have done way worse shit than using aid to get dirt on a possible political opponent.
If caught they should all be punished. Need to get rid of the corruption. This is pretty serious abuse of power. What examples are worst that went unpunished?
Reagan started the crack epidemic
Obama used the IRS to attack political opponents
Shipping guns to Mexican cartels
Obtaining phone records of private citizens
Countless unconstituional EOs that grew govt power, restricted constitutional rights etc
I could go on for days. Going back 100s of years
You have some interesting examples there, I’d have to study up to figure out why they weren’t bigger than they were. We really need to move away from ruling by executive order.
It looks like trump did do "quid pro quo" with Ukraine.
If he did, I hope he gets impeached.
My question is, are we going to start holding all politicians accountable for bad shit, or just the orange ones?
Cause let's face it, past presidents have done way worse shit than using aid to get dirt on a possible political opponent.

It is a giant conspiracy you dumb shit. You'd have to be a complete idiot not to see and know it for what it is.
Like the trump supporter and donor revising his testimony lol
He must have been fucking kids with clinton on Epstein island huh?
You have to throw in something about Obama's birth certificate. Trump's a birther.
William Taylor's testimony
"That was my clear understanding, security assistance money would not come until the president committed to pursue the investigation"
Sondland etc

Of course...but that's not quid pro quo....that's asking if we're expected to pound more aid down the rat hole of the oligarchs who run Ukraine. Putin has no intention of taking more territory from them..he got his port and the land bridge to supply it. Give the Ukes more weapons and they're apt to piss off the Ivans with dire consequeces. Taylor has admitted all he knows is what he's heard from others....heresay evidence is regularly laughed out of court. I'm surprised you're buying into this crap....head injury? :disbelief:
William Taylor's testimony
"That was my clear understanding, security assistance money would not come until the president committed to pursue the investigation"
Sondland etc
He is also tied in with Burisma, through the Atlantic Council. Research before believing.
Interesting. Have you got a link?
At some point, you have to realize these are birther-level creduloids and stop wasting time with them. They are lost forever.
It looks like trump did do "quid pro quo" with Ukraine.
If he did, I hope he gets impeached.
My question is, are we going to start holding all politicians accountable for bad shit, or just the orange ones?
Cause let's face it, past presidents have done way worse shit than using aid to get dirt on a possible political opponent.
It seems to me that the last time a President abused his office in order to beef up his election chances, we impeached him. Or would have if he hadn't resigned.

sorry you old hag but thats not what happened this time,,,

this is all about the DNC collusion with the ukraine,,,
No, it's all about Trump abusing his power for personal gain.
It looks like trump did do "quid pro quo" with Ukraine.
If he did, I hope he gets impeached.
What sort of quid pro quo?

The moonbat party is claiming that Trump got campaign assistance for military aid. Yet they cannot provide a shed of evidence that Trump ever asked for any sort campaign assistance or that Ukraine ever provided any campaign assistance.

It's just another nothingburger moonbat conspiracy theory.
It looks like trump did do "quid pro quo" with Ukraine.
If he did, I hope he gets impeached.
My question is, are we going to start holding all politicians accountable for bad shit, or just the orange ones?
Cause let's face it, past presidents have done way worse shit than using aid to get dirt on a possible political opponent.
There is still a DOJ who allowed 10,000 Mexican citizens to die by the drug cartels with his blessings, yet still walking free. There is a IRS person who went against the hatch act and is still receiving her retirement. President Trump has done nothing wrong, whole dumbass Joe Biteme had quid pro quo his son into millions of dollars there were US taxes funneled to Ukraine. I cant wait till the impeachment starts, for then I declare war on the socialists of this country, this country I swore to defend from "socialists".
It looks like trump did do "quid pro quo" with Ukraine.
If he did, I hope he gets impeached.
My question is, are we going to start holding all politicians accountable for bad shit, or just the orange ones?
Cause let's face it, past presidents have done way worse shit than using aid to get dirt on a possible political opponent.
I would hold any President to the same standard- don't ask foreign governments to dig up dirt on your political opponents.
It looks like trump did do "quid pro quo" with Ukraine.
If he did, I hope he gets impeached.
My question is, are we going to start holding all politicians accountable for bad shit, or just the orange ones?
Cause let's face it, past presidents have done way worse shit than using aid to get dirt on a possible political opponent.
It seems to me that the last time a President abused his office in order to beef up his election chances, we impeached him. Or would have if he hadn't resigned.

I thought that you were so despondent that you put your keyboard away.
That was wishful thinking on your part.
This is the level of credulity our Naked Emperor has:

It looks like trump did do "quid pro quo" with Ukraine.
If he did, I hope he gets impeached.
My question is, are we going to start holding all politicians accountable for bad shit, or just the orange ones?
Cause let's face it, past presidents have done way worse shit than using aid to get dirt on a possible political opponent.
You need to turn your tv off Harley. Just be patient.
Lefties like cliches because it's easier than thinking and "quid-pro-quo" has become a the premier non-thinking cliche these days. Every deal and negotiation and every transaction for that matter involves quid pro quo. One possible exception is Obama's gift of billions of dollars in taxpayer cash to Iran. What the hell was that all about? Media inquiring minds, however, don't want to know.
Did he use aid as leverage?

it would sure seem so.

for me, though, I knew all along that we were doing this and never considered it illegal.

targeting a 'political opponent' is thin. If he was asking for an investigation into corruption, whether or not his true motive was political, that is another example of business as usual, IMO, in the doublespeak of saying things to create a facade while wanting something else entirely. SSDD.

personally, I couldn't give half a shit about this. Trump isn't politically savvy enough to not deliver these messages personally, which others are. As to the thread, the answer is there. No, we will not prosecute others, because they will play the game better and be a couple of layers back from the fall guy. That's the way it's always been done and will continue to be done long after Trump is gone.
"Targeting a political opponent" presumes a motivation.....What if Biden's existence as a candidate is incidental?
It is incidental. If it wasn’t for him running for office this wouldn’t have amounted to anything. But it had to be done because it involved the Obama administrations corruption. We all need to be patient and let this thing play itself out.
The moonbat party is claiming that Trump got campaign assistance for military aid. Yet they cannot provide a shed of evidence that Trump ever asked for any sort campaign assistance or that Ukraine ever provided any campaign assistance.

It's just another nothingburger moonbat conspiracy theory.

They're saying Biden, who sold his honor and his office to enrich his son (and no doubt himself), can't be spoken of because he's running a half-ass campaign for president that won't survive the Iowa caucuses? Trump certainly didn't need Ukraine's help to toss that fool back on the scrapheap....Rudy is the man behind the curtain....maybe they should "impeach" him and take that mobster pinky ring off his right hand....not a good look for a former prosecutor.

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