Unless this is a giant conspiracy

It looks like trump did do "quid pro quo" with Ukraine.
If he did, I hope he gets impeached.
My question is, are we going to start holding all politicians accountable for bad shit, or just the orange ones?
Cause let's face it, past presidents have done way worse shit than using aid to get dirt on a possible political opponent.
BTW, there is no law against getting dirt on a political opponent. in this one, he isn't even a political opponent.
Doesn’t matter. It was never about getting dirt on a political opponent.
It looks like trump did do "quid pro quo" with Ukraine.
If he did, I hope he gets impeached.
My question is, are we going to start holding all politicians accountable for bad shit, or just the orange ones?
Cause let's face it, past presidents have done way worse shit than using aid to get dirt on a possible political opponent.
I would hold any President to the same standard- don't ask foreign governments to dig up dirt on your political opponents.
Biden being a "political opponent" is incidental....He won't be nominated anyhow.

Trump didnt need a quid pro quo to defeat Biden. It would'nt even have been close.
William Taylor's testimony
"That was my clear understanding, security assistance money would not come until the president committed to pursue the investigation"
Sondland etc
hahahahahaaha, he admitted he wasn't on the call. so it is all opinion. all of it.
It looks like trump did do "quid pro quo" with Ukraine.
If he did, I hope he gets impeached.
My question is, are we going to start holding all politicians accountable for bad shit, or just the orange ones?
Cause let's face it, past presidents have done way worse shit than using aid to get dirt on a possible political opponent.
I would hold any President to the same standard- don't ask foreign governments to dig up dirt on your political opponents.
Biden being a "political opponent" is incidental....He won't be nominated anyhow.

Trump didnt need a quid pro quo to defeat Biden. It would'nt even have been close.
Something to remember is the Ukraine president said there was no qpq.
EXACTLY. That’s the only piece of information that need along with the transcript. Don’t fall for this shit man you’re too smart for this.
The former prosecutor of Ukraine has also said there was no crime by Biden. How come that doesn't sink in with the tard herd?
It looks like trump did do "quid pro quo" with Ukraine.
If he did, I hope he gets impeached.
My question is, are we going to start holding all politicians accountable for bad shit, or just the orange ones?
Cause let's face it, past presidents have done way worse shit than using aid to get dirt on a possible political opponent.
BTW, there is no law against getting dirt on a political opponent. in this one, he isn't even a political opponent.
Doesn’t matter. It was never about getting dirt on a political opponent.
nope, it was an investigation into the 2016 corruption by the dems. and no where in the transcript is a mention of money. but old sleepy joe did, and nope that's not quid pro quo. LOMFL. the two faced fks in here don't know their asses from their faces.
Something to remember is the Ukraine president said there was no qpq.
EXACTLY. That’s the only piece of information that need along with the transcript. Don’t fall for this shit man you’re too smart for this.
The former prosecutor of Ukraine has also said there was no crime by Biden. How come that doesn't sink in with the tard herd?
Enjoy your day my friend. I have no quarrel with you.
It looks like trump did do "quid pro quo" with Ukraine.
If he did, I hope he gets impeached.
My question is, are we going to start holding all politicians accountable for bad shit, or just the orange ones?
Cause let's face it, past presidents have done way worse shit than using aid to get dirt on a possible political opponent.
BTW, there is no law against getting dirt on a political opponent. in this one, he isn't even a political opponent.
Doesn’t matter. It was never about getting dirt on a political opponent.
nope, it was an investigation into the 2016 corruption by the dems. and no where in the transcript is a mention of money. but old sleepy joe did, and nope that's not quid pro quo. LOMFL. the two faced fks in here don't know their asses from their faces.
Its deeper than that.
It's just Trump's childish boor act. He got caught. All he had to do is say, oops, I just didn't think

Instead he blows it up and picks fights with everyone.

And Mitch McConnell is not amused.
Something to remember is the Ukraine president said there was no qpq.
EXACTLY. That’s the only piece of information that need along with the transcript. Don’t fall for this shit man you’re too smart for this.
The former prosecutor of Ukraine has also said there was no crime by Biden. How come that doesn't sink in with the tard herd?
Document reveals Ukraine had already reopened probe of Hunter Biden-linked firm months before Trump phone call
It looks like trump did do "quid pro quo" with Ukraine.
If he did, I hope he gets impeached.
My question is, are we going to start holding all politicians accountable for bad shit, or just the orange ones?
Cause let's face it, past presidents have done way worse shit than using aid to get dirt on a possible political opponent.
BTW, there is no law against getting dirt on a political opponent. in this one, he isn't even a political opponent.
Doesn’t matter. It was never about getting dirt on a political opponent.
nope, it was an investigation into the 2016 corruption by the dems. and no where in the transcript is a mention of money. but old sleepy joe did, and nope that's not quid pro quo. LOMFL. the two faced fks in here don't know their asses from their faces.
Its deeper than that.
nope, I think I said it
It looks like trump did do "quid pro quo" with Ukraine.
If he did, I hope he gets impeached.
My question is, are we going to start holding all politicians accountable for bad shit, or just the orange ones?
Cause let's face it, past presidents have done way worse shit than using aid to get dirt on a possible political opponent.

No, they haven't. Not once ever. No one has betrayed the security interests of the United States for his own personal gain. The first incident was under Zelensky's predecessor when he forced him to stop investigating Paul Manafort in exchange for javelin missiles.
It's just Trump's childish boor act. He got caught. All he had to do is say, oops, I just didn't think

Instead he blows it up and picks fights with everyone.

And Mitch McConnell is not amused.
not at all. but what the fk huh? no mention of money. until you have something from a transcrit mentioning money like old joe did, you got nothing. and it is amazing that you don't think old joe did anything. the same thing you accuse trump of and you're fine with it. just makes you a two faced fk.
Something to remember is the Ukraine president said there was no qpq.
EXACTLY. That’s the only piece of information that need along with the transcript. Don’t fall for this shit man you’re too smart for this.
The former prosecutor of Ukraine has also said there was no crime by Biden. How come that doesn't sink in with the tard herd?
Document reveals Ukraine had already reopened probe of Hunter Biden-linked firm months before Trump phone call
Former Ukraine prosecutor says Hunter Biden ‘did not violate anything’
“Hunter Biden cannot be responsible for violations of the management of Burisma that took place two years before his arrival,” Lutsenko said.

Ukraine Prosecutor Says No Evidence of Wrongdoing by Bidens

It Doesn’t Take a Genius to Interfere in the U.S. Presidential Election

As the whistleblower’s report notes, even before Trump was repeating Lutsenko’s lines to Zelensky, the prosecutor was already walking them back. And since the release of the whistleblower report, Lutsenko has told multiple major U.S. newspapers that, regardless of what he said earlier, he doesn’t have dirt on Biden of any consequence whatsoever.

What To Know About The Ukrainian Company At The Heart Of Trump's Biden Allegations

On Friday, Ruslan Ryaboshapka, Ukraine's newly appointed chief prosecutor, told reporters his office will review all investigations shelved by his predecessors, including those involving Burisma and Zlochevsky. Those investigations were into activities that took place before Hunter Biden joined the board in 2014.


well since all politics is a guid pro quo your desire for impeachment is emotional since you neglected to point out what he wanted was proof the DNC was colluding with ukraine officials to effect the 2016 election,,,which we all know is illegal, and thats just the tip of the iceberg,,,

I hope the dems are running scared cause theres a dog nipping at their heels,,

sorry but what trump did was his duty as POTUS and none of your emotional rants will change that
Why didnt he do it before now?

according to documents he was,,,its just in this case it was the first time talking to a newly elected president,,so this was just a follow up,,

and with holding the aid might be about the 8 billion we already gave them that disappeared and he didnt want to just throw away more ,money,,,
Yea but throwing away money would be cool of he did what he was told right?

WTF are you talking about??
You said wasting money might be why but logic says otherwise.
you havent said anything logical on this topic,,,
I wonder why Fox News does not tell the tard herd the WHOLE truth.


I don't understand why the rubes allow themselves to be punked like that.
It looks like trump did do "quid pro quo" with Ukraine.
If he did, I hope he gets impeached.
My question is, are we going to start holding all politicians accountable for bad shit, or just the orange ones?
Cause let's face it, past presidents have done way worse shit than using aid to get dirt on a possible political opponent.
If caught they should all be punished. Need to get rid of the corruption. This is pretty serious abuse of power. What examples are worst that went unpunished?
your right,,,the DNC colluding with ukraine to effect the 2016 election is some serious shit and needs investigated and those responsible prosecuted and jailed,,,

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