Unnamed Cain abuser WORKS IN BARRY's admin!

But... but... I was just trying to put it into words that a true Conservative would understand.

lol....sorry...I did not pick up on the humor.

I am a conservative...yes......but I have no issues with freedom of choice as it pertains to lifestyle and other social issues.

I celebrated till I was black out drunk with a whole bunch of friends when gay marriage was passed in NY.

Heck...my wife enjoys a g/g enocunter once in a while as well.....but we wont go there right now...

Yeah,.....I am one hell of a lucky guy.

Thanks Jarhead...It WAS purposely done tongue in cheek. You are a lucky man with a wife like that... I guess pretty secure too. Good deal.

I didnt pick up on it becuase I am very open on this site about my sentiments as it pertains to gay marriage and abortion....I get blasted frequently by conservaitves on here for it...but I am who I am.

As a conservative I have certain principles I follow:

DO as you please as long as you dont look down on me for doing as I please.
DO not force your way of life on me and I wont do it to you.
DO not be afraid to ask me for help. I will always help you whenever I can....But do not assume I am here to help you
I may ask you for help, but I will never assume it is your responsibility to do it.
I have NEVER blamed anyone for anything that happens to me...and I never will. Yes, there are extenuating circunstances to this poosition...such as drunk drivers.....but overall, I am in control of every decision I make....and it is my responsibility to do my due diligence before deciding anything.

As for my wife? We just love life as much as we love each other. We have struggled fianncially and we have excelled financially.....but we have never had a bad day.

And yep...the sex is great...even more than 25 years later.
Seriously, I'm confused. What would the "right thing" be in a case of civil law? The settlement is meant to be the deterrent.

I will say it again...re-read the article.

it is claimed that SHE wants it out there becuase SHE wants to do the right thing.....not sure of the exact wording.

Curious....you put credence in someone who settles for cash to not let other employees know, (be they present or future employees) that the man may sexually harrass them?

I think you're missing my point. I have no idea if there's an ounce of truth to this woman's claim. What I DO know is that a settlement agreement in a civil case is the deterrent - it's the "what" that is supposed to happen. It either gets settled before trial, or a cash amount is determined at the trial (somewhere between zero and infinity).

ahh....but that is the point.

If it were settled IN court....then I give her all the credit AND credibility...

But she did not go to court. She opted to take the money and run....which was her perogative.

But then I read how she "wants to do the right thing and let everyone know about Cain as an employer"

If she truly wanted that, she would have gladly taken it to court and not be fored to sign a NDA

When a "vcictim" agrees to settle out of court for money, they lose all credibility with me.

In my business, we get "complaints" all the time...it is commonplace.

Everyone of them wants to settle out of court.

NONE want to go to court.

None get a settlement and most just disappear.

Went to court ONCE.....and it was tossed immediately.......freaking idiot had no idea I was a Jew...and claimed I hated Jews....LMAO
I will say it again...re-read the article.

it is claimed that SHE wants it out there becuase SHE wants to do the right thing.....not sure of the exact wording.

Curious....you put credence in someone who settles for cash to not let other employees know, (be they present or future employees) that the man may sexually harrass them?

I think you're missing my point. I have no idea if there's an ounce of truth to this woman's claim. What I DO know is that a settlement agreement in a civil case is the deterrent - it's the "what" that is supposed to happen. It either gets settled before trial, or a cash amount is determined at the trial (somewhere between zero and infinity).

ahh....but that is the point.

If it were settled IN court....then I give her all the credit AND credibility...

But she did not go to court. She opted to take the money and run....which was her perogative.

This is civil law. The payment is the outcome whether or not it goes to court. "taking it to court" doesn't change that. And from what I know, a court agreement may well include an NDA as well. Which isn't to say that the law isn't sometimes abused. It certainly is.

Went to court ONCE.....and it was tossed immediately.......freaking idiot had no idea I was a Jew...and claimed I hated Jews....LMAO


Bunch of sick fucks.. can you say backfired????

yeah...I love it..

"she is a good person"...and "she just wants to do the right thing"

Yet, she accepted a monetary settlement to "not do the right thing"

Dont these people hear what they are saying? I mean...really? She was wiling to accept money in exchange of NOT doing the right thing but she is a good person who NOW wants to do the right thing.


What does she have to gain from waiting to come out now? I haven't found anything stating that she even filed for sexual harassment at the time she claimed it happened. Her history of employment seems to add to her "character".

4th Cain accuser’s a gold digger - NYPOST.com
Ah. Thanks for the correction. Anyway, she talked to the reporter so it's hard for me to take her desire to be done with it as any sort of sincere desire. At all.

That's not going to happen, either. Personally, I think she is a fool. I would never have done that unless I had something to corroborate my word. No way.

where is the link to this lady speaking with reporters?

according to the article in the op, she refused to speak to reporters which is why they interviewed her friends and family........
:eusa_shhh: You are witnessing pathological lying.
Actually, it came from the article when it said "she wants it out there" and "she wants to do the right thing".

It's not rocket science to most.
So now we have a 2nd HAG who has accused Mr. Cain that just so happens to work in Obama's Administration.. you liberals are a bunch of low life fuckers! This shit is going to hit the fan! LYNCHING of an innocent black man.. UNFUCKINGREAL.. sickos!

When you degrade women who claim to have been sexually harassed by Herman Cain by calling them "Hag" your showing the true colors of the GOP.

That is the GOP does not respect women, treat them as sex objects, and second class citizens.

Really? What exactly was President Clinton's and Rep Anthony Weiner's view of women? . . . . you were saying what about the GOP?

Bunch of sick fucks.. can you say backfired????

yeah...I love it..

"she is a good person"...and "she just wants to do the right thing"

Yet, she accepted a monetary settlement to "not do the right thing"

Dont these people hear what they are saying? I mean...really? She was wiling to accept money in exchange of NOT doing the right thing but she is a good person who NOW wants to do the right thing.


What does she have to gain from waiting to come out now? I haven't found anything stating that she even filed for sexual harassment at the time she claimed it happened. Her history of employment seems to add to her "character".

4th Cain accuser’s a gold digger - NYPOST.com

not commenting on your post, but i wanted to make you aware that thomas jefferson never said the things you have attributed to him in your sigline........

at least not according to monticello.org and they are knowledgable about the things jefferson has said.......

When governments fear the people, there is liberty...(Quotation) « Thomas Jefferson

The democracy will cease to exist... (Quotation) « Thomas Jefferson

just thought i would let you know.......
where is the link to this lady speaking with reporters?

according to the article in the op, she refused to speak to reporters which is why they interviewed her friends and family........
:eusa_shhh: You are witnessing pathological lying.
Actually, it came from the article when it said "she wants it out there" and "she wants to do the right thing".

It's not rocket science to most.
You said she talked to the reporter. Nice try at backpeddling but fail.

Bunch of sick fucks.. can you say backfired????

yeah...I love it..

"she is a good person"...and "she just wants to do the right thing"

Yet, she accepted a monetary settlement to "not do the right thing"

Dont these people hear what they are saying? I mean...really? She was wiling to accept money in exchange of NOT doing the right thing but she is a good person who NOW wants to do the right thing.


What does she have to gain from waiting to come out now? I haven't found anything stating that she even filed for sexual harassment at the time she claimed it happened. Her history of employment seems to add to her "character".

4th Cain accuser’s a gold digger - NYPOST.com

What does she have to gain by coming out now?

She has already given a full press conferecne and was a guest on a morning show.
And that is just the tip of the iceberg.
:eusa_shhh: You are witnessing pathological lying.
Actually, it came from the article when it said "she wants it out there" and "she wants to do the right thing".

It's not rocket science to most.
You said she talked to the reporter. Nice try at backpeddling but fail.

yeah...the crux of what he was saying doesnt change...but you just want to harp on HIS error as it pertains tro the way he articulated it.

You are aware, of course, that such a tactic is used in deabting ONLY when you feel you are in a position of weakness.

Now...that being said...I wonder if you were so quick to hail Monica Lewinsky as a hero and call Bill Clinton a liar when he was first denying all allegatioins of inappropriate behgavior with one of his interns.

Why do I think Lewsinsky was on your shit list the first moment you heard her name?
Actually, it came from the article when it said "she wants it out there" and "she wants to do the right thing".

It's not rocket science to most.
You said she talked to the reporter. Nice try at backpeddling but fail.

yeah...the crux of what he was saying doesnt change...but you just want to harp on HIS error as it pertains tro the way he articulated it.

You are aware, of course, that such a tactic is used in deabting ONLY when you feel you are in a position of weakness.

Now...that being said...I wonder if you were so quick to hail Monica Lewinsky as a hero and call Bill Clinton a liar when he was first denying all allegatioins of inappropriate behgavior with one of his interns.

Why do I think Lewsinsky was on your shit list the first moment you heard her name?

Modo lied. Just pointing that out.

I always felt sorry for Lewinsky. I'm sure you trashed her just like you trash any woman that gets in over her head with someone in power.
You said she talked to the reporter. Nice try at backpeddling but fail.

yeah...the crux of what he was saying doesnt change...but you just want to harp on HIS error as it pertains tro the way he articulated it.

You are aware, of course, that such a tactic is used in deabting ONLY when you feel you are in a position of weakness.

Now...that being said...I wonder if you were so quick to hail Monica Lewinsky as a hero and call Bill Clinton a liar when he was first denying all allegatioins of inappropriate behgavior with one of his interns.

Why do I think Lewsinsky was on your shit list the first moment you heard her name?

Modo lied. Just pointing that out.

I always felt sorry for Lewinsky. I'm sure you trashed her just like you trash any woman that gets in over her head with someone in power.

Nope. Didnt trash her. Waited for the truth to come out before making a judgement call. And once it came out, I really didnt care about the affair part. I was more concerned why the President felt he could be less than honest with the American People.

As for Modo...he didnt lie..he expressed his take on the article..and although misrepresented exactly who said what, it did not change the crux of what he was saying...yet I noticed you got so wrapped up in what HE said, you completely deflected away from the point he was making.

Which usually means you could not refute his point....

FYI...you dont know me. So you just look knida foolish when you make statements about what I "always do"
yeah...the crux of what he was saying doesnt change...but you just want to harp on HIS error as it pertains tro the way he articulated it.

You are aware, of course, that such a tactic is used in deabting ONLY when you feel you are in a position of weakness.

Now...that being said...I wonder if you were so quick to hail Monica Lewinsky as a hero and call Bill Clinton a liar when he was first denying all allegatioins of inappropriate behgavior with one of his interns.

Why do I think Lewsinsky was on your shit list the first moment you heard her name?

Modo lied. Just pointing that out.

I always felt sorry for Lewinsky. I'm sure you trashed her just like you trash any woman that gets in over her head with someone in power.

Nope. Didnt trash her. Waited for the truth to come out before making a judgement call. And once it came out, I really didnt care about the affair part. I was more concerned why the President felt he could be less than honest with the American People.

As for Modo...he didnt lie..he expressed his take on the article..and although misrepresented exactly who said what, it did not change the crux of what he was saying...yet I noticed you got so wrapped up in what HE said, you completely deflected away from the point he was making.

Which usually means you could not refute his point....

FYI...you dont know me. So you just look knida foolish when you make statements about what I "always do"
:lol: It's pretty retarded to make a "point" out of something that didn't happen. Which is exactly what Modo did.

yeah...I love it..

"she is a good person"...and "she just wants to do the right thing"

Yet, she accepted a monetary settlement to "not do the right thing"

Dont these people hear what they are saying? I mean...really? She was wiling to accept money in exchange of NOT doing the right thing but she is a good person who NOW wants to do the right thing.


What does she have to gain from waiting to come out now? I haven't found anything stating that she even filed for sexual harassment at the time she claimed it happened. Her history of employment seems to add to her "character".

4th Cain accuser’s a gold digger - NYPOST.com

not commenting on your post, but i wanted to make you aware that thomas jefferson never said the things you have attributed to him in your sigline........

at least not according to monticello.org and they are knowledgable about the things jefferson has said.......

When governments fear the people, there is liberty...(Quotation) « Thomas Jefferson

The democracy will cease to exist... (Quotation) « Thomas Jefferson

just thought i would let you know.......

Actually from what I found, he did through the "Federalist Papers". I also have a book sourcing all the quotes coming from out Founding Fathers as well. American history has always been a subject that I personally enjoy, particularly Civil War and then Revolutionary War are my two favorite periods of history.

Check out this site as one that focuses on Thomas Jefferson:

It's nice to see someone else that also has an interest with our Founders. I'd be interested in what strong reviews books you have obtained surrounding any of our Founding Fathers as well.
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yeah...I love it..

"she is a good person"...and "she just wants to do the right thing"

Yet, she accepted a monetary settlement to "not do the right thing"

Dont these people hear what they are saying? I mean...really? She was wiling to accept money in exchange of NOT doing the right thing but she is a good person who NOW wants to do the right thing.


What would the right thing be? It's civil law, not criminal.

you are missing the point...

Re-read the article.

Her friends and family are saying she simply wants to do the right thing and let people know about Cain.

They continue to talk about her attrinbutes...reliable, honest, etc.

Yet...in the article....

she accepted a monetary settlement to not say anything.....

Which means that her personal greed trumped her desire to "do the right thing"

Now....I am not saying I wouldnt have done the same....but then people would not be able to say that I am the type that would want to do the "right thing"
At the time of occurrence Cain was not a public figure so the right thing at that time was to punish him for his humiliating offense. And a substantial cash settlement, which might be regarded as a punitive fine, did exactly that. But since Kingfish Cain's status has significantly changed, so has the meaning of "right thing" in his example. Because Cain has become an important public figure the right thing to do now is to expose him, which is what she's done.

This woman is complainant number four, which suggests a pattern in Cain's behavior, which in turn compels the reasoning mind to assume there are more who have not yet come forward or won't come forward for one reason or another.

Keep in mind there are several presidential candidates but only Cain has had four women credibly accuse him of an unacceptably offensive behavioral propensity, a circumstance which should disqualify him.
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What would the right thing be? It's civil law, not criminal.

you are missing the point...

Re-read the article.

Her friends and family are saying she simply wants to do the right thing and let people know about Cain.

They continue to talk about her attrinbutes...reliable, honest, etc.

Yet...in the article....

she accepted a monetary settlement to not say anything.....

Which means that her personal greed trumped her desire to "do the right thing"

Now....I am not saying I wouldnt have done the same....but then people would not be able to say that I am the type that would want to do the "right thing"
At the time of occurrence Cain was not a public figure so the right thing at that time was to punish him for his humiliating offense. And a substantial cash settlement, which might be regarded as a punitive fine, did exactly that. But since Kingfish Cain's status has significantly changed, so has the meaning of "right thing" in his example. Because Cain has become an important public figure the right thing to do now is to expose him, which is what she's done.

This woman is complainant number four, which suggests a pattern in Cain's behavior, which in turn compels the reasoning mind to assume there are more who have not yet come forward or won't come forward for one reason or another.

Just keep in mind there are several presidential candidates but only Cain has had four women credibly accuse him of a behavioral propensity, a circumstance which should disqualify him.

So if I got four women together and claim that when they were in Chicago, Obama approached each one of them separately, without witnesses around and asked them for sex for cash....he should be disqualified for the 2012 election?

Or should there be proof first?

FYI...do a liottle research....you will find that the pattern of employees as a collective are affected by the actions of one.

If one kisses butt and gets a promotion, many start to kiss butt.

If one uses all sick days and still gets the same raise as evceryone else, all will use all sick days next year.

If one claims harrassment and gets a settlement, others will try for the easy money as well.

It is called....HUMAN NATURE.

So the fact that there were 3 in one company means nothing.......
What does she have to gain from waiting to come out now? I haven't found anything stating that she even filed for sexual harassment at the time she claimed it happened. Her history of employment seems to add to her "character".

4th Cain accuser’s a gold digger - NYPOST.com

not commenting on your post, but i wanted to make you aware that thomas jefferson never said the things you have attributed to him in your sigline........

at least not according to monticello.org and they are knowledgable about the things jefferson has said.......

When governments fear the people, there is liberty...(Quotation) « Thomas Jefferson

The democracy will cease to exist... (Quotation) « Thomas Jefferson

just thought i would let you know.......

Actually from what I found, he did through the "Federalist Papers". American history has always been a subject that I personally enjoy, particularly Civil War and then Revolutionary War are my two favorite periods of history.

Check out this site as one that focuses on Thomas Jefferson:
The Big Apple: “When the people fear the government, you have tyranny”

It's nice to see someone else that also has an interest with our Founders. I'd be interested in what strong reviews books you have obtained surrounding any of our Founding Fathers as well.
Hey dodo. He never said it, and if you knew so much about history and/or Jefferson, you'd know Jefferson never wrote the Federalist papers.

Modo lied. Just pointing that out.

I always felt sorry for Lewinsky. I'm sure you trashed her just like you trash any woman that gets in over her head with someone in power.

Nope. Didnt trash her. Waited for the truth to come out before making a judgement call. And once it came out, I really didnt care about the affair part. I was more concerned why the President felt he could be less than honest with the American People.

As for Modo...he didnt lie..he expressed his take on the article..and although misrepresented exactly who said what, it did not change the crux of what he was saying...yet I noticed you got so wrapped up in what HE said, you completely deflected away from the point he was making.

Which usually means you could not refute his point....

FYI...you dont know me. So you just look knida foolish when you make statements about what I "always do"
:lol: It's pretty retarded to make a "point" out of something that didn't happen. Which is exactly what Modo did.


yep...still diverting from the point that was being made....and the credibility of the point was NOT compromised by the way MODO articulated it......
Your typical and expected childish game playing, Ravi.
not commenting on your post, but i wanted to make you aware that thomas jefferson never said the things you have attributed to him in your sigline........

at least not according to monticello.org and they are knowledgable about the things jefferson has said.......

When governments fear the people, there is liberty...(Quotation) « Thomas Jefferson

The democracy will cease to exist... (Quotation) « Thomas Jefferson

just thought i would let you know.......

Actually from what I found, he did through the "Federalist Papers". American history has always been a subject that I personally enjoy, particularly Civil War and then Revolutionary War are my two favorite periods of history.

Check out this site as one that focuses on Thomas Jefferson:
The Big Apple: “When the people fear the government, you have tyranny”

It's nice to see someone else that also has an interest with our Founders. I'd be interested in what strong reviews books you have obtained surrounding any of our Founding Fathers as well.
Hey dodo. He never said it, and if you knew so much about history and/or Jefferson, you'd know Jefferson never wrote the Federalist papers.

Yoiu might also want to check out the 1825 letter he had written to William Short if you require yet another source. I am quite sure, however, you would have no problem with stating who it was the source of such a quotation comes from? Care to reveal your sources? I have a least provided more than just sheer opinion with my post.
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