Unofficial "Hillary Speech Reaction" Thread. Your Rebuttals Please.

I can't rebut her. I didn't listen. I cannot listen to that screeching idiot speak.
Well here's the transcript, so you can skim through it: Transcript Hillary Clinton s official campaign launch speech - Vox

Gee, thank you Helpy Helperton.
Wouldn't want you to miss out on your mandatory indoctrination:

They have an insatiable need to be noticed
i love it when "The Usual Room Gerbils" reply in long paragraphs, well written, sometimes two paragraphs, and i just flip them off, its a waste of time to read them, they are trying to convince me and the rest that these times are so much better than the mid-bush years. are they assuming that most of us have the same IQ as all of those who voted for Obama? ( well, the babies who voted for him, the ones who never saw the reagan years)

Nothing pisses off a leftist loon more than to be ignored....NOTHING
and they cant stand to see how our ratings keep climbing, and especially keeping up with our comical material. they dont think we are funny, yet i have never seen any of them make a humorous comment. my "Funny Ratings" never stop.

LOL Yep:)
and my occasional comments visioning Hillary Clinton during her debates with Cruz or Rubio, my vision of her being hooked up to a machine so she can answer the questions correctly? all the conservatives who saw it thought it was very funny. its like that "Lie Detector Device" but made for an elderly democrat candidate.

It'd be hilarious if the old crow stroked out during the debates. Yeah....I REALLY can't stand that hag
I can't rebut her. I didn't listen. I cannot listen to that screeching idiot speak.
Well here's the transcript, so you can skim through it: Transcript Hillary Clinton s official campaign launch speech - Vox

Gee, thank you Helpy Helperton.
Wouldn't want you to miss out on your mandatory indoctrination:

i love it when "The Usual Room Gerbils" reply in long paragraphs, well written, sometimes two paragraphs, and i just flip them off, its a waste of time to read them, they are trying to convince me and the rest that these times are so much better than the mid-bush years. are they assuming that most of us have the same IQ as all of those who voted for Obama? ( well, the babies who voted for him, the ones who never saw the reagan years)

Nothing pisses off a leftist loon more than to be ignored....NOTHING
and they cant stand to see how our ratings keep climbing, and especially keeping up with our comical material. they dont think we are funny, yet i have never seen any of them make a humorous comment. my "Funny Ratings" never stop.

LOL Yep:)
and my occasional comments visioning Hillary Clinton during her debates with Cruz or Rubio, my vision of her being hooked up to a machine so she can answer the questions correctly? all the conservatives who saw it thought it was very funny. its like that "Lie Detector Device" but made for an elderly democrat candidate.

It'd be hilarious if the old crow stroked out during the debates. Yeah....I REALLY can't stand that hag

i made a comment that i could just see "Body Parts" coming off of Hillary during the debates. kinda like what we see in horror movies. Oops, there goes an eye, or an ear.
I can't rebut her. I didn't listen. I cannot listen to that screeching idiot speak.
Well here's the transcript, so you can skim through it: Transcript Hillary Clinton s official campaign launch speech - Vox

Gee, thank you Helpy Helperton.
Wouldn't want you to miss out on your mandatory indoctrination:

Nothing pisses off a leftist loon more than to be ignored....NOTHING
and they cant stand to see how our ratings keep climbing, and especially keeping up with our comical material. they dont think we are funny, yet i have never seen any of them make a humorous comment. my "Funny Ratings" never stop.

LOL Yep:)
and my occasional comments visioning Hillary Clinton during her debates with Cruz or Rubio, my vision of her being hooked up to a machine so she can answer the questions correctly? all the conservatives who saw it thought it was very funny. its like that "Lie Detector Device" but made for an elderly democrat candidate.

It'd be hilarious if the old crow stroked out during the debates. Yeah....I REALLY can't stand that hag

i made a comment that i could just see "Body Parts" coming off of Hillary during the debates. kinda like what we see in horror movies. Oops, there goes an eye, or an ear.

oh, i forgot, an a denture malfunction.
Obama's margin with women in swing states:

Hillary is set to do better than he did.
I saw Hillary speak in person. In 1996.

She was very small. Because she was far away. Because of the crowd. That made the headcrushing easier.

i dont know how Hillary is going to campaign in Iowa, a state she gave the middle finger to. what is she going to do, only campaign in grade schools while the 7 year old children are eating oreo cookies and milk?
i dont know how Hillary is going to campaign in Iowa, a state she gave the middle finger to. what is she going to do, only campaign in grade schools while the 7 year old children are eating oreo cookies and milk?

Woohoo! Oreo cookies and milk! That's hilarious!
How about this one? She is going to be some sort of champion for small businesses. So when she imposes a $15/hr minimum wage requirements, along with ACA requirements, equal pay for women requirements, minority hiring requirements and the usual Democratic tax gouging that's going to help small businesses? To quote Jenny from Forrest Gump "Are you stupid or something?

She's going to be the champion of whatever group she is speaking in front of at the moment. Just like how she fakes her accents, she's a fraud

It would be all cool and shit if Shrillary were to slip and (in some affected black accent) say, "Ahh em in noah wayz honest!"
i heard only 400 people showed up in a field that holds 870,000.

From what I saw it didn't look like more than that. Waving their little flags for the Shrillary.. who's only accomplishment is being a Career corrupted politician and marrying that hound dog of a man, Billy boy, I didn't have sex with THAT WOMAN

my gawd save us
If the Dems are dumb enough to run HildaBeast, they're gonna lose the House and the Senate again, PLUS the White House.

Hey... mebbe that's not such a bad thing, after all.
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If she agrees to repudiate NAFTA, establish heavy penalties for off-shoring American jobs, and forces Big Business to abandon the Slave Labor pools of China and India...

If she agrees to abandon the Illegal Alien path-to-citizenship, and to effectively secure and guard our borders against Illegals, and to crucify those who house or employ Illegals...

If she agrees to fight Militant Islam tooth-and-nail, and to support our good friend Israel better than Obumble, and she apologizes for her lies about being under fire in Bosnia...

I might... just might... consider voting for her...

Guess I'd better start figuring out my alternatives in the voting booth...
How about this one? She is going to be some sort of champion for small businesses. So when she imposes a $15/hr minimum wage requirements, along with ACA requirements, equal pay for women requirements, minority hiring requirements and the usual Democratic tax gouging that's going to help small businesses? To quote Jenny from Forrest Gump "Are you stupid or something?

She's going to be the champion of whatever group she is speaking in front of at the moment. Just like how she fakes her accents, she's a fraud

It would be all cool and shit if Shrillary were to slip and (in some affected black accent) say, "Ahh em in noah wayz honest!"
i heard only 400 people showed up in a field that holds 870,000.

From what I saw it didn't look like more than that. Waving their little flags for the Shrillary.. who's only accomplishment is being a Career corrupted politician and marrying that hound dog of a man, Billy boy, I didn't have sex with THAT WOMAN

my gawd save us
i am pretty sure that her crowd of 742 babies were so excited that they all wore diapers, and just peed right there on the lawn, hey, kinda like what they do at Ed Schultz rallies.
and now she is talking about education? really? 18 trillion in debt. invest in education?

You ever notice how democrats CONSTANTLY invoke the mantra of "we must invest in education" or "The republicans are going to take your Social Security and Medicare away from you"?

Same old shit. Election after election after election. It's like watching reruns of "Gilligans Island".
we need to invest in education, but dont worry about the 19 trillion in debt, it only comes out to about one million per household.
ok, enough Hillary Clinton speech threads. I think the verdict is in. Nine out of Ten Americans found it "BOOOOORING" !!! lets just move on to the Sarah Palin Speeches where she will be wearing her bright red dental floss bikini in high heels.
the other WOMAN running for President in case anyone didn't know

this is a woman candidate. Not that pandering class warfare witch named Shrillary

Titles Are Not Accomplishments

the other WOMAN running for President in case anyone didn't know

this is a woman candidate. Not that pandering class warfare witch named Shrillary

Titles Are Not Accomplishments

and speaking of hillary, i think its time for her to take off the make up so we all know what race and gender she really is!!

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