Unpatriotic Dems In Virginia Erases Confederate Holiday

But thanks to the Lost Cause movement they were able to seize the historical record as galant revolutionaries fighting northern regression rather than a nation where 40 percent of the population was in bondage.

Not to mention that no Republican owned the slave, meaning that all 4.5 million slaves were owned by Democrats.

They were owned by Baptist Conservatives

Actually slavery existed in the south for 200 years before the Democratic Party was formed

Baptist Conservatives existed for those 200 years and beyond

True, Americans didn't invented slavery.

But Americans that supported slavery were all Democrats. They also fought to keep it.
Americans that fought against slavery were Republicans and later Unioninsts.

"Americans that fought against slavery" had already kicked the Democrats out before the War and the election.



^^ That face you make when you get schooled on simple shit that anybody could have looked up in four seconds
Virginia eliminates holiday celebrating two Confederate generals

Dems in Virginia show their hatred for the constitution and the patriotic spirit of America by once again attacking the Confederacy...This time they do it not be taking down a statue, or changing a state flag, they do it by eliminating perhaps the greatest American holiday aside from Independence Day and American Jesus' birthday....and that is....Confederate Day...

"The Virginia House passed a bill that would eliminate a holiday celebrating two Confederate leaders and instead make Election Day a state holiday. Lee-Jackson Day honored Confederate generals Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson...Now, Virginia will no longer observe Lee-Jackson Day as a state holiday, but they won't be one holiday short. Election day, which takes place nationwide on the first Tuesday in November, will become a state holiday, WTVR reports."

WTF?? A holiday for elections?? Once again, the party of slavery shows its ugly face..First you dems lost the Civil War and you lost your slaves...and even today, you Dems are losing more slaves (As in blacks) -- since they are leaving the Democrat plantation and voting for Trump.....and when blacks find out about Confederate Day being eliminated for Election Day -- I anticipate even more of them will be outraged and join the republican party in protest...

So now out of desperation, you want to dishonor the legacy of the 2 greatest abolitionist Democrats ever by doing something like this? Just to make it easier for more people (and by more people, I mean illegals and muslims) to vote in future elections by making election day a freaking holiday??

Remember this face....this is the America hating black racist that crafted this bill...State Senator Louise Lucas......This is the proof that the Democrat party, the party of slavery, the party against American values continues to attack and erase the very thing that made America great -- the Confederacy...
View attachment 305328
The bottom line (even though the majority of soldiers that fought for the South didn't own slaves), Confederate Day, is basically celebrating those Southern leaders that wanted to continue buying and selling human beings as though they were livestock. Even in this day, in Georgia, they still refer to the loss of the Civil War, as the "Great Disappointment." I'll never understand the mentality of considering it acceptable to buy and sell, men, women and children. It's inherently evil. So, since it was ended, perhaps those who generally celebrate it, take the opportunity to create a different kind of celebration day, one in which ALL can be proud.
But thanks to the Lost Cause movement they were able to seize the historical record as galant revolutionaries fighting northern regression rather than a nation where 40 percent of the population was in bondage.

Not to mention that no Republican owned the slave, meaning that all 4.5 million slaves were owned by Democrats.
Oh my, someone must have read a book about pre-civil war America. You`ve got the same nonsense as you did a few hours ago.

Oh my, do you read books?

Unlike most of you, at least I read the books, and not relying on "just online sources" filtered to revisionist's views. Latest book I read was from Bruce Chadwick - 1858 Abraham Lincoln, Jefferson Davis, Robert E.Lee, Ulysses Grant . One before that from Ulysses Grant himself - Personal Memoirs, that I read because of the another book from Ronald C. White - A life of Ulysses S. Grant (you could learn a lot about Democrats starting KKK from this one).

Actually you couldn't, since that never happened. And I can prove it.

You could not be Republican back then if you were pro-slavery, or owned the slave. Period.

I asked for this before and you ran away but ------

....................... Link? Question mark

Northern and southern Democrats were all pro-slavery. Period. You can't refute that, because it's truth.

....................... Linkie Link?
They were owned by Baptist Conservatives

Actually slavery existed in the south for 200 years before the Democratic Party was formed

Baptist Conservatives existed for those 200 years and beyond

True, Americans didn't invented slavery.

But Americans that supported slavery were all Democrats. They also fought to keep it.
Americans that fought against slavery were Republicans and later Unioninsts.
Democrats did not bring slavery to this country

That would be Southern Conservatives

Slavery was brought to this country before them too. Conservatives were present in the North and South.

Conservatives in the North did not owned the slaves, only those in South did, and yes, they were all Democrats.

Just for an immediate and prominent example.

Presidential election of 1860. Tennessee, Kentucky and Virginia were won by the Constitutional Union Party candidate, John Bell, of Tennessee.

Bell was a slave owner. And a Whig, like POTUSes Harrison and Taylor, who were also slaveowners.

You lose.

I don't even need to look this shit up.
Not to mention that no Republican owned the slave, meaning that all 4.5 million slaves were owned by Democrats.

They were owned by Baptist Conservatives

Actually slavery existed in the south for 200 years before the Democratic Party was formed

Baptist Conservatives existed for those 200 years and beyond

True, Americans didn't invented slavery.

But Americans that supported slavery were all Democrats. They also fought to keep it.
Americans that fought against slavery were Republicans and later Unioninsts.
Those that actually had the vast majority of slaves in the world, were....drum roll here...the Muslims. Their Koran encouraged it and it wasn't until the early 1960's that the one final Muslim nation officially abolished it....on paper...wink, wink.

Is this a Muslim or Christian Nation?
Every time a subject like this comes up -- it is ALWAYS the so-called "conservatives" who keeps lying about it...…

Every time a subject like this comes up -- it is ALWAYS the so-called "conservatives" who continues to reflexively try to defend the Confederacy....

It's almost like the so-called "conservatives" and the "confederacy" share the same ideology….
And yet --- I just had a wag ( 2aguy ) try to tell me "the Democrats started the Civil War and fought the Republicans".

You'd like to say it was war between north and south, but in reality, it was war between Republicans and Democrats.

republicans who supported the confederacy? but hated slavery?

democrats who WANTED slaves and slavery but FOUGHT against the confederacy?

you are truly deranged

and THAT is why you vote trump

Where have I said Republicans supported confederacy, moron?
Today...in 2020......who are the ones most likely to have a hissy fit whenever a confederate monument is taken down...

A republican


A democrat....

There is no need to go back to what either party did 150 years ago....I am talking today....

It's not about Republican or Democrat, but about history.

As long those monuments are in place, they will remind us of history. Tell me, why are Democrats so eager to remove monuments that are exposing the truth about them?
Actually slavery existed in the south for 200 years before the Democratic Party was formed

Baptist Conservatives existed for those 200 years and beyond

True, Americans didn't invented slavery.

But Americans that supported slavery were all Democrats. They also fought to keep it.
Americans that fought against slavery were Republicans and later Unioninsts.
Democrats did not bring slavery to this country

That would be Southern Conservatives

Slavery was brought to this country before them too. Conservatives were present in the North and South.

Conservatives in the North did not owned the slaves, only those in South did, and yes, they were all Democrats.
Very true
And Democrats in the North did not own slaves

Does that make it a North/South issue?

Democrats in the North were pro slavery and for expansion of slavery to the territories, and because of that they stayed Democrats, otherwise they would leave the party. Beside, they couldn't own the slaves above Mason-Dixon line.
And yet --- I just had a wag ( 2aguy ) try to tell me "the Democrats started the Civil War and fought the Republicans".

You'd like to say it was war between north and south, but in reality, it was war between Republicans and Democrats.

republicans who supported the confederacy? but hated slavery?

democrats who WANTED slaves and slavery but FOUGHT against the confederacy?

you are truly deranged

and THAT is why you vote trump

Where have I said Republicans supported confederacy, moron?
Today...in 2020......who are the ones most likely to have a hissy fit whenever a confederate monument is taken down...

A republican


A democrat....

There is no need to go back to what either party did 150 years ago....I am talking today....

It's not about Republican or Democrat, but about history.

As long those monuments are in place, they will remind us of history. Tell me, why are Democrats so eager to remove monuments that are exposing the truth about them?

If that is the case, why don't you find statues and monuments of Nazis in Germany. For the simple fact of not all history should be celebrated.
But thanks to the Lost Cause movement they were able to seize the historical record as galant revolutionaries fighting northern regression rather than a nation where 40 percent of the population was in bondage.

Not to mention that no Republican owned the slave, meaning that all 4.5 million slaves were owned by Democrats.

They were owned by Baptist Conservatives

Actually slavery existed in the south for 200 years before the Democratic Party was formed

300 years actually,

Over which time they were being shipped and sold in the Caribbean and South America in far greater numbers, where the Democratic Party has never existed at all. And the poster's been told this repeatedly, yet here he is trotting out the same bullshit expecting different results.

600,000 African slaves were brought to the US.
Twelve million were captured and sent to the Americas. Four and a half million to Brazil alone.

That means 95% of those slaves went to places where the Democratic Party has never existed.

From this, following American'tdo's logic, we must conclude that the Democratic Party curtailed the slave trade, bigly.

Yet, in US only Democrats fought to keep slavery.
And yet --- I just had a wag ( 2aguy ) try to tell me "the Democrats started the Civil War and fought the Republicans".

You'd like to say it was war between north and south, but in reality, it was war between Republicans and Democrats.

republicans who supported the confederacy? but hated slavery?

democrats who WANTED slaves and slavery but FOUGHT against the confederacy?

you are truly deranged

and THAT is why you vote trump

Where have I said Republicans supported confederacy, moron?
Today...in 2020......who are the ones most likely to have a hissy fit whenever a confederate monument is taken down...

A republican


A democrat....

There is no need to go back to what either party did 150 years ago....I am talking today....

It's not about Republican or Democrat, but about history.

As long those monuments are in place, they will remind us of history. Tell me, why are Democrats so eager to remove monuments that are exposing the truth about them?
Yet all you have consistently done is claim "ALL DEMOCRATS WERE SLAVE OWNERS...AND ALL REPUBLICANS WERE ANTI-SLAVERY" -- Now is it about parties or not??

Here is the reason why you folks keep harping on this delusional party label distinction, it is because you don't want the distinction to be about IDEAOLOGY.....

The fact is that it was the "CONSERVATIVES" who since the very beginning wanted to maintain slavery....It's the "CONSERVATIVES" who after the Confederacy lost, VIOLENTLY OPPOSED the policy of Re-Construction..they called that policy too "PROGRESSIVE" -- the reason there was even a KKK -- was because it was a group formed in DIRECT opposition to that progressive policy of Re-construction….

It was the "CONSERVATIVES" who after the end of re-construction, began implementing Jim Crow policies, it was the "CONSERVATIVES" who started erecting all of these monuments to confederates -- as their way of signaling a return to the past -- a more "CONSERVATIVE" return to the past....

And in 2020....it is the CONSERVATIVES who continue to whine and cry whenever these confederate monuments get torn down...and saying "but the Democrats started the KKK" and "The democrats owned slaves" none of those goofy ass retorts actually refutes that fact......
Last edited:
Every time a subject like this comes up -- it is ALWAYS the so-called "conservatives" who keeps lying about it...…

Every time a subject like this comes up -- it is ALWAYS the so-called "conservatives" who continues to reflexively try to defend the Confederacy....

It's almost like the so-called "conservatives" and the "confederacy" share the same ideology….

The "Confederacy" was accepted as part of American Heritage, long ago. The respect for their fallen soldiers was morphed into regional pride, as part of the larger American Nationalism, while the reasons for the rebellion became moot and the desire for secession was immediately dropped.

So, yes, Conservatives are looking to conserve this aspect of American history and culture.

ONly a race baiting asshole would find anything wrong with this.
You'd like to say it was war between north and south, but in reality, it was war between Republicans and Democrats.

republicans who supported the confederacy? but hated slavery?

democrats who WANTED slaves and slavery but FOUGHT against the confederacy?

you are truly deranged

and THAT is why you vote trump

Where have I said Republicans supported confederacy, moron?
Today...in 2020......who are the ones most likely to have a hissy fit whenever a confederate monument is taken down...

A republican


A democrat....

There is no need to go back to what either party did 150 years ago....I am talking today....

It's not about Republican or Democrat, but about history.

As long those monuments are in place, they will remind us of history. Tell me, why are Democrats so eager to remove monuments that are exposing the truth about them?

If that is the case, why don't you find statues and monuments of Nazis in Germany. For the simple fact of not all history should be celebrated.

A completely different situation. Literally, EVERYTHING about it, is different.

That you have to have that explained to you, just shows how lib brains don't work.
Not to mention that no Republican owned the slave, meaning that all 4.5 million slaves were owned by Democrats.

They were owned by Baptist Conservatives

Actually slavery existed in the south for 200 years before the Democratic Party was formed

300 years actually,

Over which time they were being shipped and sold in the Caribbean and South America in far greater numbers, where the Democratic Party has never existed at all. And the poster's been told this repeatedly, yet here he is trotting out the same bullshit expecting different results.

600,000 African slaves were brought to the US.
Twelve million were captured and sent to the Americas. Four and a half million to Brazil alone.

That means 95% of those slaves went to places where the Democratic Party has never existed.

From this, following American'tdo's logic, we must conclude that the Democratic Party curtailed the slave trade, bigly.

Yet, in US only Democrats fought to keep slavery.

Southerners fought to keep slavery.
Every time a subject like this comes up -- it is ALWAYS the so-called "conservatives" who keeps lying about it...…

Every time a subject like this comes up -- it is ALWAYS the so-called "conservatives" who continues to reflexively try to defend the Confederacy....

It's almost like the so-called "conservatives" and the "confederacy" share the same ideology….

The "Confederacy" was accepted as part of American Heritage, long ago. The respect for their fallen soldiers was morphed into regional pride, as part of the larger American Nationalism, while the reasons for the rebellion became moot and the desire for secession was immediately dropped.

So, yes, Conservatives are looking to conserve this aspect of American history and culture.

ONly a race baiting asshole would find anything wrong with this.

You dic suckers would be the same ones in Germany trying to romanticize the Nazis as just your way of "conserving" culture.....

History has spoken and continues to speak....and you dumb asses continue to be on the wrong side of it..fuk what you talking about
republicans who supported the confederacy? but hated slavery?

democrats who WANTED slaves and slavery but FOUGHT against the confederacy?

you are truly deranged

and THAT is why you vote trump

Where have I said Republicans supported confederacy, moron?
Today...in 2020......who are the ones most likely to have a hissy fit whenever a confederate monument is taken down...

A republican


A democrat....

There is no need to go back to what either party did 150 years ago....I am talking today....

It's not about Republican or Democrat, but about history.

As long those monuments are in place, they will remind us of history. Tell me, why are Democrats so eager to remove monuments that are exposing the truth about them?

If that is the case, why don't you find statues and monuments of Nazis in Germany. For the simple fact of not all history should be celebrated.

A completely different situation. Literally, EVERYTHING about it, is different.

That you have to have that explained to you, just shows how lib brains don't work.

Both were evil, both committed atrocities, both were traitors. I know that is hard for you to accept.
Every time a subject like this comes up -- it is ALWAYS the so-called "conservatives" who keeps lying about it...…

Every time a subject like this comes up -- it is ALWAYS the so-called "conservatives" who continues to reflexively try to defend the Confederacy....

It's almost like the so-called "conservatives" and the "confederacy" share the same ideology….

The "Confederacy" was accepted as part of American Heritage, long ago. The respect for their fallen soldiers was morphed into regional pride, as part of the larger American Nationalism, while the reasons for the rebellion became moot and the desire for secession was immediately dropped.

So, yes, Conservatives are looking to conserve this aspect of American history and culture.

ONly a race baiting asshole would find anything wrong with this.

You dic suckers would be the same ones in Germany trying to romanticize the Nazis as just your way of "conserving" culture.....

History has spoken and continues to speak....and you dumb asses continue to be on the wrong side of it..fuk what you talking about

No, history DID speak. We in this country forgave the South and the confederates and accepted them back into America,


FOR 5 GENERATIONS, we lived in peace and harmony with our former foes, as brothers, building an ever increasingly free and prosperous society.

It is just now, that you lefties are trying to divide US, by reopening long ago healed wounds, and being assholes about it.
Where have I said Republicans supported confederacy, moron?
Today...in 2020......who are the ones most likely to have a hissy fit whenever a confederate monument is taken down...

A republican


A democrat....

There is no need to go back to what either party did 150 years ago....I am talking today....

It's not about Republican or Democrat, but about history.

As long those monuments are in place, they will remind us of history. Tell me, why are Democrats so eager to remove monuments that are exposing the truth about them?

If that is the case, why don't you find statues and monuments of Nazis in Germany. For the simple fact of not all history should be celebrated.

A completely different situation. Literally, EVERYTHING about it, is different.

That you have to have that explained to you, just shows how lib brains don't work.

Both were evil, both committed atrocities, both were traitors. I know that is hard for you to accept.

Well, I guess if you are general enough you can find some similarities.

Yes, in a war, both committed atrocities. Interestingly enough, in both examples, their enemies committed atrocities too. So, I don't know what you think you proved with that one.

Oh, right, you are just a monkey throwing shit against a wall.

Anyway, the two situations were massively different, so only a fucking moron would be surprised to see that the situations evolved differently over time.
Virginia eliminates holiday celebrating two Confederate generals

Dems in Virginia show their hatred for the constitution and the patriotic spirit of America by once again attacking the Confederacy...This time they do it not be taking down a statue, or changing a state flag, they do it by eliminating perhaps the greatest American holiday aside from Independence Day and American Jesus' birthday....and that is....Confederate Day...

"The Virginia House passed a bill that would eliminate a holiday celebrating two Confederate leaders and instead make Election Day a state holiday. Lee-Jackson Day honored Confederate generals Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson...Now, Virginia will no longer observe Lee-Jackson Day as a state holiday, but they won't be one holiday short. Election day, which takes place nationwide on the first Tuesday in November, will become a state holiday, WTVR reports."

WTF?? A holiday for elections?? Once again, the party of slavery shows its ugly face..First you dems lost the Civil War and you lost your slaves...and even today, you Dems are losing more slaves (As in blacks) -- since they are leaving the Democrat plantation and voting for Trump.....and when blacks find out about Confederate Day being eliminated for Election Day -- I anticipate even more of them will be outraged and join the republican party in protest...

So now out of desperation, you want to dishonor the legacy of the 2 greatest abolitionist Democrats ever by doing something like this? Just to make it easier for more people (and by more people, I mean illegals and muslims) to vote in future elections by making election day a freaking holiday??

Remember this face....this is the America hating black racist that crafted this bill...State Senator Louise Lucas......This is the proof that the Democrat party, the party of slavery, the party against American values continues to attack and erase the very thing that made America great -- the Confederacy...
View attachment 305328
It is always amusing to see who falls for your satire posts. it is almost always some of the dumbest posters here..and they just keep going for it..time and time again!
Today...in 2020......who are the ones most likely to have a hissy fit whenever a confederate monument is taken down...

A republican


A democrat....

There is no need to go back to what either party did 150 years ago....I am talking today....

It's not about Republican or Democrat, but about history.

As long those monuments are in place, they will remind us of history. Tell me, why are Democrats so eager to remove monuments that are exposing the truth about them?

If that is the case, why don't you find statues and monuments of Nazis in Germany. For the simple fact of not all history should be celebrated.

A completely different situation. Literally, EVERYTHING about it, is different.

That you have to have that explained to you, just shows how lib brains don't work.

Both were evil, both committed atrocities, both were traitors. I know that is hard for you to accept.

Well, I guess if you are general enough you can find some similarities.

Yes, in a war, both committed atrocities. Interestingly enough, in both examples, their enemies committed atrocities too. So, I don't know what you think you proved with that one.

Oh, right, you are just a monkey throwing shit against a wall.

Anyway, the two situations were massively different, so only a fucking moron would be surprised to see that the situations evolved differently over time.

Sorry dumbass the 2 belong together in history. Many of the atrocities they committed were before the war even started, but I am pretty sure even a moron like you could figure that out.
And yet --- I just had a wag ( 2aguy ) try to tell me "the Democrats started the Civil War and fought the Republicans".

You'd like to say it was war between north and south, but in reality, it was war between Republicans and Democrats.

republicans who supported the confederacy? but hated slavery?

democrats who WANTED slaves and slavery but FOUGHT against the confederacy?

you are truly deranged

and THAT is why you vote trump

Where have I said Republicans supported confederacy, moron?
Today...in 2020......who are the ones most likely to have a hissy fit whenever a confederate monument is taken down...

A republican


A democrat....

There is no need to go back to what either party did 150 years ago....I am talking today....

It's not about Republican or Democrat, but about history.

As long those monuments are in place, they will remind us of history. Tell me, why are Democrats so eager to remove monuments that are exposing the truth about them?

Are they?

Like what?

You're the asshat that's been trying to rewrite history here and getting your ass handed to you in return soooooo...... :dunno:

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