Unpatriotic Dems In Virginia Erases Confederate Holiday

1. Southern Pride and Heritage is not Lost Cause. Your claim otherwise is you misrepresenting tens of millions of good southern people, indeed, scores of millions of good Americans who support Historical Statues.

Correct, they are not the same thing. Therefore do not conflate them.

"Southern pride and heritage" is a cultural entity, a living breathing one. It lives in families, language, foods, music, customs and all the various manifestations of culture. For me it lives in my cousins, deceased parents aunts and uncles, places they took us, the food they fed us, the Stars and Bars I inherited from my mother, songs we played together, the very house I live in, and by the way it's absolutely subdivided into distinct and diverse regional cultures. The Cult of the Lost Cause on the other hand is a deceitful dishonest propaganda campaign designed to whitewash history.

2. But he does not own his image. He was a public figure and he is an historical figure of great importance. It is completely reasonable that he would be included in any movement to memorialize the service of the Confederates. I thought I might be getting though to you, but you wiggled away

So ---- "the state", or "the campaign" owns people now? Does said state or campaign get to determine how you will dress, wear your hair or beard and where you will live in life? It must, if it gets to edit your wishes to the opposite of what they were in death once you're out of the way to object.

It's an incontrovertible FACT that Robert E. Lee specifically opined that such statues NOT be erected. That means, because "one equals one", that those who do erect Lee statues are specifically disrespecting him while claiming by their action to do the opposite. At the very least, purporting themselves to be better judges of what Reconciliation than Lee himself, the very object they supposedly seek to glorify.

But they're not glorifying Lee, are they. They're glorifying their own historical bullshit. Lee put them in that position, and they went ahead and did it anyway, in the example posted yesterday in New Orleans, with his arms folded facing North in defiant confrontational posture, stark contrast to Lee's actual wish for reconciliation (that you yourself correctly cited). There's only one reason to do that, and it's outright lying about history. It's selling propaganda on the back of a dead man who's not around to object any more.

Long story short --- that statue wasn't removed because it was Lee. It was removed because it's a Lie.

1. You are the one conflating the Lost Cause movement with tens of millions of good southern people who, while not Lost Causers, are proud of their heritage and culture. YOu, not me.

2. They are focusing on certain aspects of the Confederacy, such as the bravery and skill and service of the Confederate fighting men. This is not lying. We all pick and choose what to celebrate in our history and culture. ALL cultures do this. Indeed, it is part of progress.
Southern people who conspired to enforce Jim Crow second class citizenship after they no longer could have slaves

Oh, democrats?

Yeah, democrats [sic] are real scum. Always were, always will be. They're doing the Jim Crow shit again, but this time against white people. Fucking vermin....

Southerners owned slaves for 200 years before the Democratic Party was formed

Longer than that. The first African slaves brought to (what is now the) US arrived in (what is now) South Carolina in 1526, precisely 250 years before the Declaration of Independence, let alone a country or any political parties. And of course at the same time they were being brought, in much greater numbers, to the Caribbean, Central and South America, where no such Democratic Party ever did exist.

This factoid will also sail blithely over Pothead's hood. He can't imagine a world not mired in his juvenile two-party dichotomy fallacy where parties don't even exist. Even now he's composing another post-turd about "your shameful party" to fling at somebody who doesn't have one.
and ye the people let them get away with destroying American history

"Ye the People". I like that. Gonna steal it for --- something.

There was indeed historical destruction going on. It's called the Cult of the Lost Cause and it's scary how long they got away with it.
How do the haters, who want to erase Confederate history, feel about the fact that the same Union army immediately after the Civil War, waged another war to exterminate the Indians? Should we erase that history also?

Again, the haters who wanted to erase Confederate history were (primarily) the UDC. They're still around, you can ask them.

They're kind of busy these days taking statues back that various communities kicked out but I'm sure your call is very important to them and will be answered in the order in which it was received.

Southerners owned slaves for 200 years before the Democratic Party was formed

Yep, democrats.

The Antebellum South was like California today, 100% democrat controlled. The methods and goals really haven't changed in all that time. Scumbag Newsom is making the whole state into a plantation under the Silicone Valley Oligarchs.

Once AGAIN Pothead pulls his history out of his ass.

That "Solid (Democratic) South" didn't happen until AFTER the Civil War, Dingo.
and ye the people let them get away with destroying American history
Another genius.

How is history being "destroyed"? Maybe you can't read a history book, but most people can.
How many statues of Confederate soldiers have been destroyed
That's not destruction of history. By any standard. Sorry.
so you would be for removing all statues of every person no matter what part of History days played in
and ye the people let them get away with destroying American history
Another genius.

How is history being "destroyed"? Maybe you can't read a history book, but most people can.
How many statues of Confederate soldiers have been destroyed
That's not destruction of history. By any standard. Sorry.
so you would be for removing all statues of every person no matter what part of History days played in
No, and what an odd fallacy by you. You're not a real deep thinker, are ya?
How do the haters, who want to erase Confederate history, feel about the fact that the same Union army immediately after the Civil War, waged another war to exterminate the Indians? Should we erase that history also?

I don’t see anyone erasing that history.

I don’t see many towns honoring Custer
I don’t see any holidays honoring those who fought the Indians
and ye the people let them get away with destroying American history
Another genius.

How is history being "destroyed"? Maybe you can't read a history book, but most people can.
How many statues of Confederate soldiers have been destroyed
That's not destruction of history. By any standard. Sorry.

Zackly. History is not recorded in statues. If it were, no one would have ever heard of Adolf Hitler.
and ye the people let them get away with destroying American history
Another genius.

How is history being "destroyed"? Maybe you can't read a history book, but most people can.
How many statues of Confederate soldiers have been destroyed
That's not destruction of history. By any standard. Sorry.
so you would be for removing all statues of every person no matter what part of History days played in
No, and what an odd fallacy by you. You're not a real deep thinker, are ya?
you're a laugh a minute you should get on stage
Another genius.

How is history being "destroyed"? Maybe you can't read a history book, but most people can.
How many statues of Confederate soldiers have been destroyed
That's not destruction of history. By any standard. Sorry.
so you would be for removing all statues of every person no matter what part of History days played in
No, and what an odd fallacy by you. You're not a real deep thinker, are ya?
you're a laugh a minute you should get on stage
I don't know any good racist jokes, so you wouldn't like my act.
How many statues of Confederate soldiers have been destroyed
That's not destruction of history. By any standard. Sorry.
so you would be for removing all statues of every person no matter what part of History days played in
No, and what an odd fallacy by you. You're not a real deep thinker, are ya?
you're a laugh a minute you should get on stage
I don't know any good racist jokes, so you wouldn't like my act.
That's what you say when you're trying to be politically correct
I don’t see many towns honoring Custer
I don’t see any holidays honoring those who fought the Indians
And when the south loyally voted democrat for over 100 years you saw all the symbolic honors of confederate culture...the only thing that has changed is who they now vote for...heck even NY state flew the confederate flag at the capital in Albany until Pataki took it down [Cuomo had no problem with it].
How do the haters, who want to erase Confederate history, feel about the fact that the same Union army immediately after the Civil War, waged another war to exterminate the Indians? Should we erase that history also?

I don’t see anyone erasing that history.

I don’t see many towns honoring Custer
I don’t see any holidays honoring those who fought the Indians
Ever heard of Columbus Day? He enslaved Indians.
How do the haters, who want to erase Confederate history, feel about the fact that the same Union army immediately after the Civil War, waged another war to exterminate the Indians? Should we erase that history also?

I don’t see anyone erasing that history.

I don’t see many towns honoring Custer
I don’t see any holidays honoring those who fought the Indians
Ever heard of Columbus Day? He enslaved Indians.

He sure did, even sent them out to search for gold in places where it didn't exist, and then when the came back emptyhanded, cut off their hands.

But I don't see a "United Daughters of the Columbusacy" running around trying to whitewash his story, do you?

I am the president of Asia. Your argument is not only invalid, it is irrelevant in this topic and as such, dismissed.

Oh and still waiting for that pre-1526 slavery account.

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