Unpossible! Election Fraud in Baltimore


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Baltimore Board Of Elections Supervisor believes that flash drives that contained ballots may have inserted into tabulators MULTIPLE times last week.

Election workers were caught last week overcounting the amount of votes cast.

“I’m leery about saying human error”

Several local elections there still remain undetermined.

My intellectual and moral superiors insist that’s impossible.

But my friend who was high up in the election counting in a major region told me years ago this is how you can cheat unless someone is watching you every second.

Obviously Baltimore was not being watched well.
You take the treasonous fucks out behind the building, shoot them in the face and drag the carcasses through the precinct with a front-end loader and it will never happen again. I'm 100% sure of this.

Sorry, I left out a step.... before the deer rifle comes out, you beat them unconscious with a 6-iron, or until they provide the names of who was paying them.... whichever comes first. Rinse, lather, repeat.
It just goes to show that if you put forth the effort in some localities you can get 120% of the vote.
Baltimore Board Of Elections Supervisor believes that flash drives that contained ballots may have inserted into tabulators MULTIPLE times last week.

Election workers were caught last week overcounting the amount of votes cast.

“I’m leery about saying human error”

Several local elections there still remain undetermined.

My intellectual and moral superiors insist that’s impossible.

But my friend who was high up in the election counting in a major region told me years ago this is how you can cheat unless someone is watching you every second.

Obviously Baltimore was not being watched well.

Can't possibly be. There is no fraud in elections.

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