Unprecedented SSTs strike Florida's coral reefs

Which might lead to canibalism.

Which might also lead to mass suicide.

Which might lead to poluted water supplys.

Those mighs.
What are you babbling about? I find loss of a significant food source and starvation more than enough reason to act. And if you dislike science's avoidance of absolutes, you either need to improve your knowledge of fundamental science basics or find something else to talk about.

And you think I am crying wolf? So you've concluded that AGW is not real or is not a threat. Would you care to explain how you've come to that conclusion?
What are you babbling about? I find loss of a significant food source and starvation more than enough reason to act. And if you dislike science's avoidance of absolutes, you either need to improve your knowledge of fundamental science basics or find something else to talk about.

And you think I am crying wolf?
Yes, I believe you are crying wolf... again.
So you've concluded that AGW is not real or is not a threat. Would you care to explain how you've come to that conclusion?
Yes. They have mistaken natural climate variability for AGW.

The evidence for this is the previous interglacial periods were 2C warmer than present with 120 ppm less atmospheric CO2 than present. Which is consistent with natural climate variability.

The planet cooled for millions of years with atmospheric CO2 greater than 600 ppm.

Their climate models amplify the associated temperature by a factor of 2 to 3 which is not consistent with the planet cooling for millions of years with atmospheric CO2 greater than 600 ppm.

Scientists reach opposite conclusions for the recent warming trend depending upon which datasets they use.
The current sea water temperature in Islamorada which is about a 1/3 of the way down the Florida Keys is 91 degrees, lower than the 100 degree temperatures recently reported but still well about the 85 degrees which is considered the maximum temperature for Coral to survive. Coral can survive when temperatures are this high for few day or a week with just some bleaching but temperatures that stay in the upper 80s and higher for more than a week kills the polyps. Once that happens the reef is considered dead and it stays dead. Our larger coral reefs take hundreds of years to develop but a few weeks of high temperatures can wipe them out forever.
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What are you babbling about? I find loss of a significant food source and starvation more than enough reason to act. And if you dislike science's avoidance of absolutes, you either need to improve your knowledge of fundamental science basics or find something else to talk about.

And you think I am crying wolf? So you've concluded that AGW is not real or is not a threat. Would you care to explain how you've come to that conclusion?
No answer. I guess I should have expected that.
No answer. I guess I should have expected that.
I have spent 20 years diving the coral reefs in the Florida Keys, Cayman and the Bahama's. Seeing these reefs, first being destroyed by pollution, ships, and dregs, and then by global warming is heart breaking. Most people seem to think they are just rocks that pose a danger to boats when in fact they are alive with life. Tiny animals call polyps create the reefs over hundreds of years. The polyps attach themselves to rocks at the bottom of the oceans and if temperature is right and food source is right, they will survive and over time create calice, the hard material that becomes the reef and home for the polyps.

People assume that if coral, (polyps) die they will come back but that is not true. High temps for short time periods may result in some bleaching and some lost of coral, but high temperatures for weeks or months will totally kill the coral reef and thousands of species that depend on them. As coral reefs die so goes our oceans. 25% of marine life as well many millions of people depend on coral reefs for their survival yet they exist in less than 1% of our oceans.
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irst being destroyed by pollution, ships, and dregs, and then by global warming is heart breaking

Your heroes went down there and squirted chemical bleach into coral, and blamed ficticious "warming" for it.

Oceans not warming.

Coral does not bleach by small "warming" of water, it bleaches when chemical bleach is squirted in it. Thai fishermen were notorious for doing that to flush fish out of coral into their nets.

This is the Co2 fraud, it murders innocent life to lie and claim Co2 did it.
Your heroes went down there and squirted chemical bleach into coral, and blamed ficticious "warming" for it.

Oceans not warming.

Coral does not bleach by small "warming" of water, it bleaches when chemical bleach is squirted in it. Thai fishermen were notorious for doing that to flush fish out of coral into their nets.

This is the Co2 fraud, it murders innocent life to lie and claim Co2 did it.
Bleaching is a natural process that occurs when corals are stressed by changes in conditions such as temperature, light, or nutrients, they expel the symbiotic algae in polyp tissue. This occurs usually days or weeks prior to the death of the polyps.

It’s laughable to think that pouring bleach on miles of coral reef is the cause. Even if somehow millions of gallons were released on reefs from Key Largo to Key West the current in this volume of water would rapidly dilute the bleach.

FYI, Using bleach in Thailand and Indonesia for fishing is now illegal. It's usually used for catching reef fish for collectors. In areas where wave action is low and water is only a few feet deep. Bleach is poured in the waters around reefs which stuns the fish making them easy to catch but it eventually kills them, usually within a few weeks. Unless the bleach is poured directly on the coral it does not kill it but it may have longer term effects. Ocean waters quickly dilute the bleach where there is wave action and currents which the fisherman avoid.
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Using bleach in Thailand and Indonesia for fishing is now illegal

Because after your side used it to claim "ocean warming was bleaching coral" the truth came out and those two countries followed THE TRUTH not the Co2 FRAUD.


And the Co2 FRAUD deliberately misdiagnosed it...

If there is so much ocean "warming," why is the strongest decade for canes still the 1940s???

Because after your side used it to claim "ocean warming was bleaching coral" the truth came out and those two countries followed THE TRUTH not the Co2 FRAUD.


And the Co2 FRAUD deliberately misdiagnosed it...

If there is so much ocean "warming," why is the strongest decade for canes still the 1940s???

Using bleach to stunt fish was made illegal many years ago.

There are 3800 square miles of coral reefs off the Florida Keys and half of them have been damaged by SST, not bleach. You couldn't do that much damage if you were able to dump thousands of gallons in the ocean. You must have got this idea from Trump.
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Using bleach to stunt fish was made illegal many years ago.

There are 3800 square miles of coral reefs off the Florida Keys and half of them have been damaged by SST, not bleach. You couldn't do that much damage if you were able to dump thousands of gallons in the ocean. You must have got this idea from Trump.

You are a huge fucking liar.

You were probably the one the Co2 fraud paid to go squirt that bleach...
So, we see "the usual" in the Environment folder.

Someone posts facts.

Denier losers respond with mass trolling.

This is why we can't have nice things, because a good segment of the population consists of children throwing perpetual tantrums.

I wonder how deniers live with themselves. If I acted like they do, I'd feel compelled to commit ritual hari-kari to remove the stain of dishonor from my family.
So, we see "the usual" in the Environment folder.

Someone posts facts.

Denier losers respond with mass trolling.

This is why we can't have nice things, because a good segment of the population consists of children throwing perpetual tantrums.

I wonder how deniers live with themselves. If I acted like they do, I'd feel compelled to commit ritual hari-kari to remove the stain of dishonor from my family.

Just warming water around coral does nothing. What bleaches coral is chemical bleach. Your hero ADMITS THAT above...

And we do know that when the original "coral bleaching" narrative came out 2 decades ago, it was in fact Thai fishermen squirting actual bleach into coral, and the Co2 fraud misdiagnosed and blamed Co2...
Bleaching is a natural process that occurs when corals are stressed by changes in conditions such as temperature, light, or nutrients, they expel the symbiotic algae in polyp tissue. This occurs usually days or weeks prior to the death of the polyps.

It’s laughable to think that pouring bleach on miles of coral reef is the cause. Even if somehow millions of gallons were released on reefs from Key Largo to Key West the current in this volume of water would rapidly dilute the bleach.

FYI, Using bleach in Thailand and Indonesia for fishing is now illegal. It's usually used for catching reef fish for collectors. In areas where wave action is low and water is only a few feet deep. Bleach is poured in the waters around reefs which stuns the fish making them easy to catch but it eventually kills them, usually within a few weeks. Unless the bleach is poured directly on the coral it does not kill it but it may have longer term effects. Ocean waters quickly dilute the bleach where there is wave action and currents which the fisherman avoid.
The very real problem is that we have people with power that treat other people like crap. They treat people they know the same if they could with no repercussions. And now they lie with impunity. This is the state of civilization. Taxed for the green energy agendas with many people, going to end up ripping off every dollar they can get. I am not a believer in manmade global climate change. Environmental pollution and pollution I heartily agree. The number of ships in the region have increased exponentially over the last few decades or so. Churning up the water and changing the color from my understanding. A possible affect. Also dumping waste still occurs.
And Peter Ridd was sacked and cancelled when he pointed out all this damage to the GBR was a pile of bovine excrement, yet the climate panickers still bleat on about it.
This is not what I would call "coming back like gangbusters"

Key Results​

  • This report summarises the condition of coral reefs of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) from the Long-Term Monitoring Program (LTMP) surveys of 111 reefs conducted between August 2022 and May 2023 (reported as ‘2023’).
  • Over the past 37 years of monitoring by the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS), coral reefs of the GBR have shown dynamic responses to cycles of disturbance and recovery.
  • Despite small declines in 2023, regional hard coral cover was similar to that reported in 2022.
  • Above-average water temperatures occurred from October to December 2022; however, an active monsoon trough stopped further heat accumulation of waters of the GBR from January to March 2023 and none to low coral bleaching was recorded during the 2023 summer.
  • Over the past 12 months, survey reefs were exposed to minimal other stressors, i.e., there were no severe cyclones impacting the GBR and despite crown-of-thorns starfish outbreaks persisting on some Southern GBR reefs, the number of outbreaks on the surveyed reefs has largely decreased.
  • Only one reef had hard coral cover <10%, while nearly half of the surveyed reefs (49 out of 111) had hard coral cover levels between 10% and 30%, and over a third of the surveyed reefs (43 out of 111) had hard coral cover levels between 30% and 50%. Eighteen reefs had hard coral cover between 50% and 75%.
  • On the Northern GBR,region-wide mean hard coral cover declined slightly to 35.7% (32.1% - 39.6% 95% Credible Intervals [C.I.s]) compared with 36.5% (32.2% - 40.9% C.I.s) in 2022 but remained within the C.I.s.
  • On the Central GBR region-wide mean coral cover declined slightly to 30.8% (27.6% - 34.2% C.I.s) from 32.6% (28.8% - 36.5% C.I.s) in 2022 but remained within the C.I.s.
  • Region-wide mean hard coral cover on reefs in the Southern GBR declined slightly in 2023 at 33.8% (29.0% to 38.9% C.I.s) from 33.9% (28.6% - 39.3% C.I.s) in 2022 but remained within the C.I.s,despite ongoing crown-of-thorns starfish outbreaks that led to loss of coral cover on some reefs in this region.
  • The accumulation of thermal stress during the 2022 mass coral bleaching event caused low levels of coral mortality, but this, coupled with likely sub-lethal effects (e.g., reduced growth) plus some mortality from crown-of-thorns starfish outbreaks and coral disease and Tropical Cyclone Tiffany in January 2022, has paused the recovery of hard coral cover on many reefs.
  • Most coral reefs of the GBR demonstrate resilience in the absence of acute disturbances showing the ability to recover from events causing widespread mortality. However, as the 2022 mass bleaching event highlighted, and crown-of-thorns starfish outbreaks, coral disease and Tropical Cyclone Tiffany further emphasise, the reefs of the GBR continue to face cumulative stressors. Even without causing mass mortality, bleaching events can hinder hard coral growth. The future is forecasted to bring more frequent, intense and enduring marine heatwaves, alongside the persistent threat of crown-of-thorns starfish outbreaks and tropical cyclones.

Coral Reefs on Earth are absolutely fine unless they are squirted with chemical bleach...

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