Unreal. Dems Give Mexican President Standing Ovation After He Attacks Arizona (Video)

so...do you agree with Rand Paul where he said that business owners had the right to decide who they did business with?

Absolutely. The Government has no right to tell a Private Business owner who they have to serve or hire. Now I personally don't believe in banning someone based on their race, but I think that if someone did, it would be a poor business decision. ~BH
Isn't the purpose of the government to protect our civil rights?

Wow you can't really be that stupid!
BLITZER: So if people want to come from Guatemala or Honduras or El Salvador or Nicaragua, they want to just come into Mexico, they can just walk in?

CALDERON: No. They need to fulfill a form. They need to establish their right name. We analyze if they have not a criminal precedent. And they coming into Mexico. Actually…

BLITZER: Do Mexican police go around asking for papers of people they suspect are illegal immigrants?

CALDERON: Of course. Of course, in the border, we are asking the people, who are you?

And if they explain…

BLITZER: At the border, I understand, when they come in.


BLITZER: But once they’re in…

CALDERON: But not — but not in — if — once they are inside the — inside the country, what the Mexican police do is, of course, enforce the law. But by any means, immigration is [not] a crime anymore in Mexico.

– Law enforcement officials at all levels — by national mandate — must cooperate to enforce immigration laws, including illegal alien arrests and deportations. The Mexican military is also required to assist in immigration enforcement operations. Native-born Mexicans are empowered to make citizens’ arrests of illegal aliens and turn them in to authorities.

– Ready to show your papers? Mexico’s National Catalog of Foreigners tracks all outside tourists and foreign nationals. A National Population Registry tracks and verifies the identity of every member of the population, who must carry a citizens’ identity card. Visitors who do not possess proper documents and identification are subject to arrest as illegal aliens.

Hot Air Mexican president: Of course we ask immigrants to show their papers

How dare they applaud? I have been very careful to differentiate between "Dems" and whacko libtards. But the line is fading.
Yes I do as a matter of fact. I am a Law abiding citizen. Even if I disagree with certain Laws, I still don't violate them. ~BH

so...do you agree with Rand Paul where he said that business owners had the right to decide who they did business with?

Absolutely. The Government has no right to tell a Private Business owner who they have to serve or hire. Now I personally don't believe in banning someone based on their race, but I think that if someone did, it would be a poor business decision. ~BH

so...just to be clear here.... you believe that, if you own a lunch counter, you have the right to refuse to serve anyone whose skin is not white?
Calderon stated that the US and Mexico shared the same core values, what a crock of crap. Mexico believes that they have a right to secure their borders. Mexico believes in racial profiling. They do think another country has those same rights. I tire of the double standards. Tell Mexico to lead by example if they really want the US to change our laws

Have Mexico rewrite their immigration laws, then apply the same laws here. LOL!!! That would never happen.
A Republican response, courtesy of Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA)

"It is a disgrace that he would be cheered on from the left wing of the White House and by many Democrats in this Congress."

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFIHdlqjoJM&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - Tom McClintock Gives A GREAT Response To Mexican President Felipe Caldron And His Standing Ovation![/ame]
so...do you agree with Rand Paul where he said that business owners had the right to decide who they did business with?

Absolutely. The Government has no right to tell a Private Business owner who they have to serve or hire. Now I personally don't believe in banning someone based on their race, but I think that if someone did, it would be a poor business decision. ~BH

so...just to be clear here.... you believe that, if you own a lunch counter, you have the right to refuse to serve anyone whose skin is not white?

"We have the right to refuse service to anyone" is a disclaimer that is legal and is posted in many private businesses. You cannot however refuse service strictly because of race, gender, etc....you cannot serve blacks, but not whites, women but not men. etc....that would be called descrimination. But you can refuse service for many other non-discriminatory reasons up to and including , you simply don't like the person.
so...do you agree with Rand Paul where he said that business owners had the right to decide who they did business with?

Absolutely. The Government has no right to tell a Private Business owner who they have to serve or hire. Now I personally don't believe in banning someone based on their race, but I think that if someone did, it would be a poor business decision. ~BH

so...just to be clear here.... you believe that, if you own a lunch counter, you have the right to refuse to serve anyone whose skin is not white?

Race-baiting deflection, having nothing whatsoever to do with the disgraceful behavior of certain members of Congress who applaud illegal activity.
Nice work. :thup:......:rolleyes:
What spineless cowards Republicans have become.

The only spineless cowards I see are puke bags like you who are too gutless and weak to defend your Country from Law breakers, rapists and drug dealers. I think most of them are hard working good people, but nevertheless they broke the Law when they crossed the border.~BH

Lets shoot them all....and start with the children.
It's easy for idiots like Maineman to criticize immigration laws because they don't live on the southern border and don't have near the burden that southern states have in regards to illegal aliens. Folks like Maineman need to wise up or shut up.
Absolutely. The Government has no right to tell a Private Business owner who they have to serve or hire. Now I personally don't believe in banning someone based on their race, but I think that if someone did, it would be a poor business decision. ~BH

so...just to be clear here.... you believe that, if you own a lunch counter, you have the right to refuse to serve anyone whose skin is not white?

Race-baiting deflection, having nothing whatsoever to do with the disgraceful behavior of certain members of Congress who applaud illegal activity.
Nice work. :thup:......:rolleyes:

the conversation moved far afield... it happens. I was responding to your post.. and particularly the bolded sentence. Can you answer my question, please: do you believe that, if you owned a lunch dounter, that you would have the right to refuse to serve someon based upon the color of their skin? yes or no
so...just to be clear here.... you believe that, if you own a lunch counter, you have the right to refuse to serve anyone whose skin is not white?

Race-baiting deflection, having nothing whatsoever to do with the disgraceful behavior of certain members of Congress who applaud illegal activity.
Nice work. :thup:......:rolleyes:

the conversation moved far afield... it happens. I was responding to your post.. and particularly the bolded sentence. Can you answer my question, please: do you believe that, if you owned a lunch dounter, that you would have the right to refuse to serve someon based upon the color of their skin? yes or no

Nope. The conversation didn't "move far afield". YOU moved it on page 1, in post numbers 10 and 13.... a deflection from Stephanie's topic, and this after a couple of pointless attacks on her.

There are no rules at USMB about tangential discussion that I'm aware of... but don't act like you didn't deflect from the thread subject in order to introduce more leftist race-baiting. It's not credible.
It's easy for idiots like Maineman to criticize immigration laws because they don't live on the southern border and don't have near the burden that southern states have in regards to illegal aliens. Folks like Maineman need to wise up or shut up.

I fully support immigration reform. I do not support breaking any laws.

I do wonder, however, about people all over our country who want to send everyone here illegally back south of the border and not offer them a path to citizenship or at least to legal immigrant status. If those proponents of that solution were to prevail, I doubt that America's agricultural industry, its restaurant industry, hospitality industry, construction industry, to name a few, would survive without the cheap labor those industries have become addicted to.

Methinks that when the average American citizen had to take out a mortgage to buy a head of lettuce, when it became expected practice for hotels to wash their sheets once a month whether they needed it or not, and when you ate off paper plates at fine dining restaurants, they might rethink their position on immigration reform.
It's easy for idiots like Maineman to criticize immigration laws because they don't live on the southern border and don't have near the burden that southern states have in regards to illegal aliens. Folks like Maineman need to wise up or shut up.

I fully support immigration reform. I do not support breaking any laws.

I do wonder, however, about people all over our country who want to send everyone here illegally back south of the border and not offer them a path to citizenship or at least to legal immigrant status. If those proponents of that solution were to prevail, I doubt that America's agricultural industry, its restaurant industry, hospitality industry, construction industry, to name a few, would survive without the cheap labor those industries have become addicted to.

Methinks that when the average American citizen had to take out a mortgage to buy a head of lettuce, when it became expected practice for hotels to wash their sheets once a month whether they needed it or not, and when you ate off paper plates at fine dining restaurants, they might rethink their position on immigration reform.

I hear what you are saying, but those are jobs that should be going to America's youth to help them get some spending cash for HS...or for those who cannot be bothered to get a HS diploma...let such low paying work motivate them to get an education.
Race-baiting deflection, having nothing whatsoever to do with the disgraceful behavior of certain members of Congress who applaud illegal activity.
Nice work. :thup:......:rolleyes:

the conversation moved far afield... it happens. I was responding to your post.. and particularly the bolded sentence. Can you answer my question, please: do you believe that, if you owned a lunch dounter, that you would have the right to refuse to serve someon based upon the color of their skin? yes or no

Nope. The conversation didn't "move far afield". YOU moved it on page 1, in post numbers 10 and 13.... a deflection from Stephanie's topic, and this after a couple of pointless attacks on her.

There are no rules at USMB about tangential discussion that I'm aware of... but don't act like you didn't deflect from the thread subject in order to introduce more leftist race-baiting. It's not credible.
race baiting? not my intent, for certain. I do think that the GOP is between a rock and a hard place here. What with Rand Paul and the Arizona law, the republicans are at risk of losing the black and latino vote entirely.
the conversation moved far afield... it happens. I was responding to your post.. and particularly the bolded sentence. Can you answer my question, please: do you believe that, if you owned a lunch dounter, that you would have the right to refuse to serve someon based upon the color of their skin? yes or no

Nope. The conversation didn't "move far afield". YOU moved it on page 1, in post numbers 10 and 13.... a deflection from Stephanie's topic, and this after a couple of pointless attacks on her.

There are no rules at USMB about tangential discussion that I'm aware of... but don't act like you didn't deflect from the thread subject in order to introduce more leftist race-baiting. It's not credible.
race baiting? not my intent, for certain. I do think that the GOP is between a rock and a hard place here. What with Rand Paul and the Arizona law, the republicans are at risk of losing the black and latino vote entirely.

You talk as if YOU have anything to say about the latino vote OR the black vote. The latino or the black vote is NOT the only vote that politicians cater to. There is also the white vote, the asian vote, etc. Where do you get off speaking for the entire latino or black pop who DO vote???? It's not the GOP who is between a rock and a hard place - after the standing ovation they gave the mexican president while bad-mouthing one of our states, it's the DEMS who are in that place. They will rue the day they did this.
race baiting? not my intent, for certain. I do think that the GOP is between a rock and a hard place here. What with Rand Paul and the Arizona law, the republicans are at risk of losing the black and latino vote entirely.

And that's WHY the Democrats in Congress jumped to their feet in standing ovation of Calderon's faux-concern about "racial profiling". They all KNOW that Arizona's law specifically forbids racial profiling. They're just doing their usual "divide and conquer" maneuver on us in order to round up those latino votes.

Calderone's a giant hypocrite, because Mexican immigration law not only bars foreigners from public criticism of Mexico's internal politics, it also bars foreigners if their presence is deemed to upset "the equilibrium of the national demographics". What that means... is that Mexico can deny on race. And half our Congress jumped up and applauded him. :rolleyes:
Immigration Reform? Let's Try Mexico's Immigration Law!
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Yes I do as a matter of fact. I am a Law abiding citizen. Even if I disagree with certain Laws, I still don't violate them. ~BH

so...do you agree with Rand Paul where he said that business owners had the right to decide who they did business with?

Absolutely. The Government has no right to tell a Private Business owner who they have to serve or hire. Now I personally don't believe in banning someone based on their race, but I think that if someone did, it would be a poor business decision. ~BH

This is kind of off topic, but that is going to the extreme. I thank my lucky stars that private businesses can't discriminate and you should also!
race baiting? not my intent, for certain. I do think that the GOP is between a rock and a hard place here. What with Rand Paul and the Arizona law, the republicans are at risk of losing the black and latino vote entirely.

And that's WHY the Democrats in Congress jumped to their feet in standing ovation of Calderon's faux-concern about "racial profiling". They all KNOW that Arizona's law specifically forbids racial profiling. They're just doing their usual "divide and conquer" maneuver on us in order to round up those latino votes.

Calderone's a giant hypocrite, because Mexican immigration law not only bars foreigners from public criticism of Mexico's internal politics, it also bars foreigners if their presence is deemed to upset "the equilibrium of the national demographics". What that means... is that Mexico can deny on race. And half our Congress jumped up and applauded him. :rolleyes:
Immigration Reform? Let's Try Mexico's Immigration Law!

say what you want, and attribute whatever motives you chose to the actions of congressional democrats, the fact of the matter is: the arizona law and rand paul's statements about the civil rights act will not help the GOP garner minority votes... which only goes to my long held view that the GOP is moving toward becoming the party of white people only.
BLITZER: So if people want to come from Guatemala or Honduras or El Salvador or Nicaragua, they want to just come into Mexico, they can just walk in?

CALDERON: No. They need to fulfill a form. They need to establish their right name. We analyze if they have not a criminal precedent. And they coming into Mexico. Actually…

BLITZER: Do Mexican police go around asking for papers of people they suspect are illegal immigrants?

CALDERON: Of course. Of course, in the border, we are asking the people, who are you?

And if they explain…

BLITZER: At the border, I understand, when they come in.


BLITZER: But once they’re in…

CALDERON: But not — but not in — if — once they are inside the — inside the country, what the Mexican police do is, of course, enforce the law. But by any means, immigration is [not] a crime anymore in Mexico.

– Law enforcement officials at all levels — by national mandate — must cooperate to enforce immigration laws, including illegal alien arrests and deportations. The Mexican military is also required to assist in immigration enforcement operations. Native-born Mexicans are empowered to make citizens’ arrests of illegal aliens and turn them in to authorities.

– Ready to show your papers? Mexico’s National Catalog of Foreigners tracks all outside tourists and foreign nationals. A National Population Registry tracks and verifies the identity of every member of the population, who must carry a citizens’ identity card. Visitors who do not possess proper documents and identification are subject to arrest as illegal aliens.

Hot Air Mexican president: Of course we ask immigrants to show their papers

How dare they applaud? I have been very careful to differentiate between "Dems" and whacko libtards. But the line is fading.

Its nuts that such clear cut hypocrisy can get a standing ovation from spineless Politicians!

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