Unreal... Israeli attack in E. Jerusalem caught on video

my argument was not with you.

And Israel investigated itself in those cases.
You're obsessed with saying other people lie, but you constantly bring things without backup.

did you find the source were Israeli minister said Palestinian children are snakes? didn't see any source there...
Here is one. There are more, of course.

Ya all those murdered Jews from the past were all Zionists right?
The topic is the attack by armed zionist animals on the same people who they don't allow to have weapons.


If there was action by the Israelis to defend themselves from Islamist fascists, I'm sure it was justified.
Israel is always "defending itself" against the people it is attacking.
No it is defending itself against its attackers.
Or are you suggesting Israelis shouldn't try to control riots?
They shouldn't be there period and certainly not armed and attacking the indigenous people who have prayed there consistently for centuries.
Well then why did the animals attack Israelis then? Is that part of their rights? Besides, what's the problem with metal detectors, unless it prohibits the animals from attacking the Jews?
You're obsessed with saying other people lie, but you constantly bring things without backup.

did you find the source were Israeli minister said Palestinian children are snakes? didn't see any source there...
Here is one. There are more, of course.

Some Irish moron, yes of course. Their opinions really matter here.
You're obsessed with saying other people lie, but you constantly bring things without backup.

did you find the source were Israeli minister said Palestinian children are snakes? didn't see any source there...
Here is one. There are more, of course.

Do you hear what you brought here? the "snakes" refers to the Palestinian martyrs.

Epic fail.
A straight up LIE Muslims have been killing Jews for Centuries

View attachment 140185
You prove just how fucking STUPID you are there are reams of Historical data that show Muslims slaughtering Jews and Christians even in the 20th century. They still do it today. They have been driving them out of their Countries for hundreds of years.

Muslims have not been "slaughtering" Christians in any number close to the number of Muslims we have slaughtered in the 20th century. As far as slaughtering Jews, I think we Christians hold a record that will never be beaten. Until recently, Muslims have never "driven" Christians out of the countries they conquered.The Muslims preferred to tax Christians and most Christinians converted to Islam to avoid said taxation.
A straight up LIE Muslims have been killing Jews for Centuries

View attachment 140185
You prove just how fucking STUPID you are there are reams of Historical data that show Muslims slaughtering Jews and Christians even in the 20th century. They still do it today. They have been driving them out of their Countries for hundreds of years.

Muslims have not been "slaughtering" Christians in any number close to the number of Muslims we have slaughtered in the 20th century. As far as slaughtering Jews, I think we Christians hold a record that will never be beaten. Until recently, Muslims have never "driven" Christians out of the countries they conquered.The Muslims preferred to tax Christians and most Christinians converted to Islam to avoid said taxation.
Meaningless post as you still didn't refute the fact that Muslims have been oppressing, persecuting, and killing Jews way before the creating of the state of Israel. In fact Hilter / the Nazis learned to use the yellow star for Jews from the Muslims.
A straight up LIE Muslims have been killing Jews for Centuries

View attachment 140185
You prove just how fucking STUPID you are there are reams of Historical data that show Muslims slaughtering Jews and Christians even in the 20th century. They still do it today. They have been driving them out of their Countries for hundreds of years.

Muslims have not been "slaughtering" Christians in any number close to the number of Muslims we have slaughtered in the 20th century. As far as slaughtering Jews, I think we Christians hold a record that will never be beaten. Until recently, Muslims have never "driven" Christians out of the countries they conquered.The Muslims preferred to tax Christians and most Christinians converted to Islam to avoid said taxation.
Meaningless post as you still didn't refute the fact that Muslims have been oppressing, persecuting, and killing Jews way before the creating of the state of Israel. In fact Hilter / the Nazis learned to use the yellow star for Jews from the Muslims.

Actually, Muslims and Jews have been allied against Christians until recently, historically speaking. Jews were with the Arab armies as auxiliaries when Christian Palestine fell to the Arabs in 637 AD. Not to mention the Jews in Moorish Spain.
A straight up LIE Muslims have been killing Jews for Centuries

View attachment 140185
You prove just how fucking STUPID you are there are reams of Historical data that show Muslims slaughtering Jews and Christians even in the 20th century. They still do it today. They have been driving them out of their Countries for hundreds of years.

Muslims have not been "slaughtering" Christians in any number close to the number of Muslims we have slaughtered in the 20th century. As far as slaughtering Jews, I think we Christians hold a record that will never be beaten. Until recently, Muslims have never "driven" Christians out of the countries they conquered.The Muslims preferred to tax Christians and most Christinians converted to Islam to avoid said taxation.
Meaningless post as you still didn't refute the fact that Muslims have been oppressing, persecuting, and killing Jews way before the creating of the state of Israel. In fact Hilter / the Nazis learned to use the yellow star for Jews from the Muslims.

Actually, Muslims and Jews have been allied against Christians until recently, historically speaking. Jews were with the Arab armies as auxiliaries when Christian Palestine fell to the Arabs in 637 AD. Not to mention the Jews in Moorish Spain.
Yes, Jews did fight to protect Hebron from the invading crusaders 800 years ago, a fact you refuse to acknowledge because it goes against your lie of there not being any Jews there. Jews have always been stuck between this endless holy war between Muslims and Christians (with Jerusalem as the prize) , so of course at different times in history they employed the strategy of an "enemy of my enemy is my friend". At the end of the day both religions have been fighting with each other, mainly over land that originally belonged to the Jews, and finally after centuries it's back in the hands of it's rightful owners and those that have been loving it for 4000 years.

It doesn't mean that Muslims didn't oppress, persecute, or commit massacres on Jews prior to the formation of the modern state of Israel.
You prove just how fucking STUPID you are there are reams of Historical data that show Muslims slaughtering Jews and Christians even in the 20th century. They still do it today. They have been driving them out of their Countries for hundreds of years.

Muslims have not been "slaughtering" Christians in any number close to the number of Muslims we have slaughtered in the 20th century. As far as slaughtering Jews, I think we Christians hold a record that will never be beaten. Until recently, Muslims have never "driven" Christians out of the countries they conquered.The Muslims preferred to tax Christians and most Christinians converted to Islam to avoid said taxation.
Meaningless post as you still didn't refute the fact that Muslims have been oppressing, persecuting, and killing Jews way before the creating of the state of Israel. In fact Hilter / the Nazis learned to use the yellow star for Jews from the Muslims.

Actually, Muslims and Jews have been allied against Christians until recently, historically speaking. Jews were with the Arab armies as auxiliaries when Christian Palestine fell to the Arabs in 637 AD. Not to mention the Jews in Moorish Spain.
Yes, Jews did fight to protect Hebron from the invading crusaders 800 years ago, a fact you refuse to acknowledge because it goes against your lie of there not being any Jews there. Jews have always been stuck between this endless holy war between Muslims and Christians (with Jerusalem as the prize) , so of course at different times in history they employed the strategy of an "enemy of my enemy is my friend". At the end of the day both religions have been fighting with each other, mainly over land that originally belonged to the Jews, and finally after centuries it's back in the hands of it's rightful owners and those that have been loving it for 4000 years.

It doesn't mean that Muslims didn't oppress, persecute, or commit massacres on Jews prior to the formation of the modern state of Israel.
Do you read even a minimum from legitimate sources on the events you post on?

BTW, yesterday it was 3000 years. Try to keep your story straight.

And what does this have to do with your armed brethren animals who are armed attacking unarmed Muslim worshipers?
"Apartheid anyone?"

Origins of the Badge

Muslim rulers in the 8th C CE were the first to introduce the badge to identify Jews and Christians within the Muslim population.

Jews and Christians livng under Sharia Law were considered “People of the Book,” whose belief in the God of Abraham predated the founding of Islam. In turn, they paid a special tax called jizya ("tribute") and were often compelled to wear an identifying mark to indicate their status.

The design and style of badges for Jews varied. Under Caliph Haroun al-Rashid (807 CE), Jews in Baghdad had to wear yellow belts or fringes. Under Caliph al-Mutawakkil, (847-61) Jews wore a patch in the shape of a donkey, while Christians wore a figure in the shape of swine. In 1005, Jews in Egypt were ordered to wear bells on their clothes.

It should be noted that under the caliphate these marks of identification were not necessarily intended to be punitive. They were meant to both reinforce the dhimmi status of Jews and Christians which gave them certain rights and protections, while at the same time publicly branding them as socially inferior to Muslims.
A straight up LIE Muslims have been killing Jews for Centuries

View attachment 140185
You prove just how fucking STUPID you are there are reams of Historical data that show Muslims slaughtering Jews and Christians even in the 20th century. They still do it today. They have been driving them out of their Countries for hundreds of years.

Muslims have not been "slaughtering" Christians in any number close to the number of Muslims we have slaughtered in the 20th century. As far as slaughtering Jews, I think we Christians hold a record that will never be beaten. Until recently, Muslims have never "driven" Christians out of the countries they conquered.The Muslims preferred to tax Christians and most Christinians converted to Islam to avoid said taxation.
Meaningless post as you still didn't refute the fact that Muslims have been oppressing, persecuting, and killing Jews way before the creating of the state of Israel. In fact Hilter / the Nazis learned to use the yellow star for Jews from the Muslims.

Actually, Muslims and Jews have been allied against Christians until recently, historically speaking. Jews were with the Arab armies as auxiliaries when Christian Palestine fell to the Arabs in 637 AD. Not to mention the Jews in Moorish Spain.
Yes, Jews did fight to protect Hebron from the invading crusaders 800 years ago, a fact you refuse to acknowledge because it goes against your lie of there not being any Jews there. Jews have always been stuck between this endless holy war between Muslims and Christians (with Jerusalem as the prize) , so of course at different times in history they employed the strategy of an "enemy of my enemy is my friend". At the end of the day both religions have been fighting with each other, mainly over land that originally belonged to the Jews.
The hatred will keep on rolling. Nobody tells them that it is possible to live in peaceful coexistence.
Jews, Christians and Muslims had no problem with this for centuries. It was not until the zionist animals rewrote Judaism and stole the Holy Land by force, did everything turn to shit.
Muslim animals would massacre them just to keep them in their place.

The Apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Although in this case it's more like a Semitic Chimpanzee flinging poo.
You prove just how fucking STUPID you are there are reams of Historical data that show Muslims slaughtering Jews and Christians even in the 20th century. They still do it today. They have been driving them out of their Countries for hundreds of years.

Muslims have not been "slaughtering" Christians in any number close to the number of Muslims we have slaughtered in the 20th century. As far as slaughtering Jews, I think we Christians hold a record that will never be beaten. Until recently, Muslims have never "driven" Christians out of the countries they conquered.The Muslims preferred to tax Christians and most Christinians converted to Islam to avoid said taxation.
Meaningless post as you still didn't refute the fact that Muslims have been oppressing, persecuting, and killing Jews way before the creating of the state of Israel. In fact Hilter / the Nazis learned to use the yellow star for Jews from the Muslims.

Actually, Muslims and Jews have been allied against Christians until recently, historically speaking. Jews were with the Arab armies as auxiliaries when Christian Palestine fell to the Arabs in 637 AD. Not to mention the Jews in Moorish Spain.
Yes, Jews did fight to protect Hebron from the invading crusaders 800 years ago, a fact you refuse to acknowledge because it goes against your lie of there not being any Jews there. Jews have always been stuck between this endless holy war between Muslims and Christians (with Jerusalem as the prize) , so of course at different times in history they employed the strategy of an "enemy of my enemy is my friend". At the end of the day both religions have been fighting with each other, mainly over land that originally belonged to the Jews, and finally after centuries it's back in the hands of it's rightful owners and those that have been loving it for 4000 years.

It doesn't mean that Muslims didn't oppress, persecute, or commit massacres on Jews prior to the formation of the modern state of Israel.

Yes it does. Time for you stop reading Zionist lies and some real history written by historians and scholars, like this one a Jew, Prof. Mark Cohen of Princeton. Ruddy, it is amazing how wrong you always are. It's like you do it on purpose.

"The paradigm summarized here helps explain not only Muslim-Jewish coexistence but also why Jews were so open to Arab-Islamic culture. Other contributions to this book will describe this is detail. Here I shall limit myself to a few general comparative observations. For the Jews in the Middle East and Spain , Arabic was the key to an entirely new way of thinking. There, too, Jews abandoned Aramaic for the new language, but Arabic functioned both as the language of high culture and the common tongue of both Jews and Arabs in everyday exchange. It was at the same time linguistically akin to Aramaic and Hebrew, with morphological forms and cognates that facilitated transcribing Arabic into Hebrew letters and reading it—the form of Arabic we call Judeo-Arabic....The Arabic and Islamic “renaissance” laid the groundwork for other Jewish cultural innovations. The Bible was translated into Arabic. Hebrew as a language began to be studied “scientifically,” so to speak, using linguistic tools in vogue among Arab grammarians. But nearly everything Jews wrote they wrote in Arabic, and this was not limited to philosophy, for which Hebrew entirely lacked a vocabulary......The Arabic language gave Jews entrance to the corridors of Muslim power and made possible the remarkable careers of such luminaries as Samuel ha-Nagid ibn Naghrela in the eleventh century, head of the Jewish community, poet, Talmudist, and vizier of Granada (the father of the Jewish vizier assassinated in 1066), as well as scores of other Jewish denizens of Islamic courts, many of whom occupy pages in Islamic chronicles. Other dignitaries, as well as merchants, less well known because they did not leave books behind..."


Now Ruddy will post something from a Zionist propaganda site in an attempt to change the facts.
You prove just how fucking STUPID you are there are reams of Historical data that show Muslims slaughtering Jews and Christians even in the 20th century. They still do it today. They have been driving them out of their Countries for hundreds of years.

Muslims have not been "slaughtering" Christians in any number close to the number of Muslims we have slaughtered in the 20th century. As far as slaughtering Jews, I think we Christians hold a record that will never be beaten. Until recently, Muslims have never "driven" Christians out of the countries they conquered.The Muslims preferred to tax Christians and most Christinians converted to Islam to avoid said taxation.
Meaningless post as you still didn't refute the fact that Muslims have been oppressing, persecuting, and killing Jews way before the creating of the state of Israel. In fact Hilter / the Nazis learned to use the yellow star for Jews from the Muslims.

Actually, Muslims and Jews have been allied against Christians until recently, historically speaking. Jews were with the Arab armies as auxiliaries when Christian Palestine fell to the Arabs in 637 AD. Not to mention the Jews in Moorish Spain.
Yes, Jews did fight to protect Hebron from the invading crusaders 800 years ago, a fact you refuse to acknowledge because it goes against your lie of there not being any Jews there. Jews have always been stuck between this endless holy war between Muslims and Christians (with Jerusalem as the prize) , so of course at different times in history they employed the strategy of an "enemy of my enemy is my friend". At the end of the day both religions have been fighting with each other, mainly over land that originally belonged to the Jews, and finally after centuries it's back in the hands of it's rightful owners and those that have been loving it for 4000 years.

It doesn't mean that Muslims didn't oppress, persecute, or commit massacres on Jews prior to the formation of the modern state of Israel.
Do you read even a minimum from legitimate sources on the events you post on?

BTW, yesterday it was 3000 years. Try to keep your story straight.

And what does this have to do with your armed brethren animals who are armed attacking unarmed Muslim worshipers?
You got that backwards Achmed. Palestinian animals broke their agreement and conducted a terror attack, and Israel the implemented stricter security measures. Remove head from anus, and stop her whining.
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