Unredacted Documents Show DOJ-FBI was PROTECTING COMEY


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Is this going to unravel a whole lot of stuff? How hard will the Lame Street Media try to cover this up? And, at what point do we see AG Sessions step up to the plate and ACT?

I can't find a link to the actual DOJ documents. Perhaps someone else can?

So far, I see a lot of hype but no real proof. I just hope to hell it's coming. SOON

From http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/201...at-instead-show-doj-fbi-was-protecting-comey/ w/links
I sure do hope Trump gets revenge on these statist sociopaths and throws them in prison where they belong.

Is this going to unravel a whole lot of stuff? How hard will the Lame Street Media try to cover this up? And, at what point do we see AG Sessions step up to the plate and ACT?

I can't find a link to the actual DOJ documents. Perhaps someone else can?

So far, I see a lot of hype but no real proof. I just hope to hell it's coming. SOON

From http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/201...at-instead-show-doj-fbi-was-protecting-comey/ w/links

The Trump haters are going to have a meltdown over this.LOL
Doesn't matter if it's true or not. It's in the crazy right wing bubble, and they will believe it no matter what the facts are. Can you say child sex ring at pizza place?
When I saw them I wondered who they were protecting and it seemed it might be Comey, with their redactions.

Is this going to unravel a whole lot of stuff? How hard will the Lame Street Media try to cover this up? And, at what point do we see AG Sessions step up to the plate and ACT?

I can't find a link to the actual DOJ documents. Perhaps someone else can?

So far, I see a lot of hype but no real proof. I just hope to hell it's coming. SOON

From http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/201...at-instead-show-doj-fbi-was-protecting-comey/ w/links

Is this going to unravel a whole lot of stuff? How hard will the Lame Street Media try to cover this up? And, at what point do we see AG Sessions step up to the plate and ACT?

I can't find a link to the actual DOJ documents. Perhaps someone else can?

So far, I see a lot of hype but no real proof. I just hope to hell it's coming. SOON

From http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/201...at-instead-show-doj-fbi-was-protecting-comey/ w/links
Gateway pundit?
You are kidding?
Nothing like in depth unbiased research
Is this going to unravel a whole lot of stuff? How hard will the Lame Street Media try to cover this up? And, at what point do we see AG Sessions step up to the plate and ACT?

I can't find a link to the actual DOJ documents. Perhaps someone else can?

So far, I see a lot of hype but no real proof. I just hope to hell it's coming. SOON

From http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/201...at-instead-show-doj-fbi-was-protecting-comey/ w/links

There are no non-redacted documents in that article you sourced that I see or any linked...ONLY REDACTED ONES!

And there is ZERO disclosure of what "new" damning information within these mysterious and undisclosed docs they claimed to have. The fucking headline is a hype and you've been sucked in yet again by "The Gateway Pundit"; SURPRISE! Now take that hook out of your mouth and get some rest.

You should rename this thread, "Grasping At Straws To Try To Save Trump Who's Piss We Need"!

Is this going to unravel a whole lot of stuff? How hard will the Lame Street Media try to cover this up? And, at what point do we see AG Sessions step up to the plate and ACT?

I can't find a link to the actual DOJ documents. Perhaps someone else can?

So far, I see a lot of hype but no real proof. I just hope to hell it's coming. SOON

From http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/201...at-instead-show-doj-fbi-was-protecting-comey/ w/links

The Trump haters are going to have a meltdown over this.LOL
Whose hating.?
I admire a man who got 5 deferments, said his Vietnam sacrifice was not getting stdS
Dragged his wife by the hair before raping her.
What a guy

Is this going to unravel a whole lot of stuff? How hard will the Lame Street Media try to cover this up? And, at what point do we see AG Sessions step up to the plate and ACT?

I can't find a link to the actual DOJ documents. Perhaps someone else can?

So far, I see a lot of hype but no real proof. I just hope to hell it's coming. SOON

From http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/201...at-instead-show-doj-fbi-was-protecting-comey/ w/links
It's embedded in the link you gave.
It did not say this below, that is in your article....

A newly unredacted portion of the House Intel Report reveals Comey told lawmakers that the FBI agents who interviewed General Flynn did not detect any deception.

What it said was Flynn showed no PHYSICAL SIGNS that he was lying or being deceptive.


It did NOT SAY he was not LYING or being deceptive....he showed no physical signs of it, even though he was lying about it, base on the Russian Ambassador's tapped conversations.

You really should NOT ever in a million years, use the Gateway Pundit, or True Pundit, or INFOWARS or CNS or WND as a source.....they are all known as liars and fake media sources.

And this article has shown such, once again.... by twisting what was actually said.

Doesn't matter if it's true or not. It's in the crazy right wing bubble, and they will believe it no matter what the facts are. Can you say child sex ring at pizza place?

Yep, kind of like the crazy left wing bubble of Russian collusion that the left believes no matter what the facts are.

Is this going to unravel a whole lot of stuff? How hard will the Lame Street Media try to cover this up? And, at what point do we see AG Sessions step up to the plate and ACT?

I can't find a link to the actual DOJ documents. Perhaps someone else can?

So far, I see a lot of hype but no real proof. I just hope to hell it's coming. SOON

From http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/201...at-instead-show-doj-fbi-was-protecting-comey/ w/links
Gateway pundit?
You are kidding?
Nothing like in depth unbiased research

Did you bother to check out the link and the various LINKS there? Of course not! You;'d rather whine and moan about the source.

You're sick.

Is this going to unravel a whole lot of stuff? How hard will the Lame Street Media try to cover this up? And, at what point do we see AG Sessions step up to the plate and ACT?

I can't find a link to the actual DOJ documents. Perhaps someone else can?

So far, I see a lot of hype but no real proof. I just hope to hell it's coming. SOON

From http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/201...at-instead-show-doj-fbi-was-protecting-comey/ w/links

The Trump haters are going to have a meltdown over this.LOL
I guess you saw where it was all short fingered garbage?

Is this going to unravel a whole lot of stuff? How hard will the Lame Street Media try to cover this up? And, at what point do we see AG Sessions step up to the plate and ACT?

I can't find a link to the actual DOJ documents. Perhaps someone else can?

So far, I see a lot of hype but no real proof. I just hope to hell it's coming. SOON

From http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/201...at-instead-show-doj-fbi-was-protecting-comey/ w/links
Gateway pundit?
You are kidding?
Nothing like in depth unbiased research

Did you bother to check out the link and the various LINKS there? Of course not! You;'d rather whine and moan about the source.

You're sick.
Yup, as the guy said redacted stuff.
As they say, "if you are not smart enough to get a real job, join the military, great socialist benefits" (which I presume you are sucking off)
Military, 2 nd best indoctrination after religion

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