Unsealed Trump Search Warrant - Trump had classified Documents

Yep, better let all those criminals out of prison since we know all the evidence is planted. Hilarious. What a retard.

For a person who wants to defund the cops you sure put a lot of stock in our police force.
And of course we know cops do indeed plant evidence.
I don’t know what documents of Obama you are referring to.
Maybe because you only watch the lib news, and they aren’t reporting it. All presidents leave with tons of records, ultimately for a presidential library.

Its just when Trump does it, the lib media is trying to fool the libtards into thinking there’s some major crime.
Wow! That's a lot of stuff to plant! And with Scumpty's attorney present watching the search? Please, provide us with some links to review the evidence you have obviously uncovered. Thank's in advance.

Ya fucken idiot!!!
They wouldnt allow Trumps attorney in the fucken building during the entire search giving them 9 hours plus to do what they wanted unsupervised.
Jesus Christ you're a dumbass!!
Maybe because you only watch the lib news, and they aren’t reporting it. All presidents leave with tons of records, ultimately for a presidential library.

Its just when Trump does it, the lib media is trying to fool the libtards into thinking there’s some major crime.
Look, you can remain functionally ignorant, or you can learn the truth about Trump's crimes. Neal Katyal can explain it for you.
I don’t know what documents of Obama you are referring to.
Maybe because you only watch the lib news, and they aren’t reporting it. All presidents leave with tons of records, ultimately for a presidential library.

Its just when Trump does it, the lib media is trying to fool the libtards into thinking there’s some major crime.
But if the documents you are referring to are standard, there wouldn’t be a problem with Trump.
This is the one folks need to pay attention to if you are after the truth and accurate information. Cultists won't watch it of course.

This disqualifies Trump from running for office.

Excellent post, thank you.

Professor Katyal made three important points:

Trump can’t unilaterally de-classify documents.

Even if defense documents are de-classified, their removal from the WH is still a crime.

And with regard to documents concerning nuclear weapons, presidents don’t have the authority to de-classify such documents.
We'll, your article certainly doesn't help Trump on that front. Everything that has been learned today puts Trump in one if not all three criminal buckets. Those buckets you didn't bother paying attention to with my video link.
I'm reading the article, as I read everything, for factual information.

The true fact and pattern is that the number of people who read newspapers on Friday night and Saturday is a fraction of any other day.
The FBI is about to get their asses reamed and that's why that waited until today to reveal their nothing burger.

Another fact is that you are part of that extremely low number of readers on the weekend so you can feel better knowing that you are by far in the minority thinking this isn;t a farce.
So let’s do a run down of the current lib loon word rearrangement narrative.

If I tell you something in confidence but you tell another my secret then you did nothing wrong because you told my secret but did not violate my confidence.
Libs don’t even bother anymore to discuss their defeat; they change the meaning of words to declare victory
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She doesn't understand the difference in what Obama did versus Trump. Obama did everything by the book. Trump did not.
Yeah unfortunately the nuance of this to them does not matter. Obama took shit. He’s just as guilty. But oh wait. No not Trump! Only Obama is guilty. The mental gymnastics are obnoxious.
Who said it was unsecured? It was in a locked storage unit, and when Trump was asked to get a better lock two months ago, he did.

How you can go looney tunes over THAT and not the fact that Hillary DESTROYED classified info speaks to your extreme double standards, and hypocrisy.
That conservatives want Trump to be ‘president’ again illustrates their contempt for America.

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