Unsealed Trump Search Warrant - Trump had classified Documents

I can't help you still don't understand what "acquitted" means. Means the testimony did not convince the jury a crime was committed.
Sounds a lot like not guilty in the liberal arena.....ask OJ supporters.
Nope. General services agents packed the boxes like they always do for every president and vice president.
Again, he was given ample opportunity to return the items...

He failed to do so...

Now it has been reported that through his lawyers he said he returned all items... That is your claim to innocence gone right there...

On top of that, if this goes to court, all the reports of Trump's handling of documents are going to come to light..
Notice how all Trump haters are attorneys.
Don’t need to be an attorney to understand that Trump is boxed in. He has no room to maneuver. Under the statutes cited, simply possessing those docs is a crime on multiple counts. Classified or not.
The tells will come when the strengths of Trump’s legal rebuttals are adjudicated.
I live in a multi-cultural neighborhood. I also work in a multi-cultural environment. "All" minorities don't live in my neighborhood. Neither do "all" whites.
You were forced by Human Resources to work in a multi-cultural environment and having 1% minorities of higher income minorities in your community is not living in the slums.
"Naw, tdsing is all about trump"

I quite agree with the good poster 'jc456'. TDS is all about Trump.
As poster Faun below articulates:

Nah, TDS is your undying devotion for him. Trump Devotion Sycophancy.

And that's not even mentioning the description we've all seen on this venue multiple times.
To wit: TDS = "Trump's Duped & Snookered"

Don't be one of the duped & snookered or one of the sycophants, JC.
Neither is a good look for a mature man with gravitas.

Oh they are always frauds except of course the link you fucking cited about declassification. Derp!
They are always frauds motivated by promoting the agenda of the fascist democrat party.

Politifraud wrote the article to defend Obama who had given classified documents to Vladimir Putin.

This article you just posted is so stupid. Let me sum up the behavior cited in it: liberals took the streets and peacefully protested about him not being their president. Then a couple of random people talked about California succession. Oh the horror!
An example of you Nazis calling for civil war and seceding.

You Nazis have screamed for civil war since the day Trump saved the Republic by winning in 2016.

Not only does Texas never shut the fuck up about succession, but you can now add that to the moron killed by the FBI the other day and the death threats made by Trumptards that is becoming more and more prevalent each day. I know you’re desperately trying for a whataboutism with this post of yours, but you failed miserably.

Did the Gestapo murder an enemy of the Reich? I missed that. Did Wray and Garland find out he voted for Trump or something?

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