Unsealed Trump Search Warrant - Trump had classified Documents

I quite agree with the good poster 'jc456'. TDS is all about Trump.
As poster Faun below articulates:

And that's not even mentioning the description we've all seen on this venue multiple times.
To wit: TDS = "Trump's Duped & Snookered"

Don't be one of the duped & snookered or one of the sycophants, JC.
Neither is a good look for a mature man with gravitas.


Imagine if you Nazi morons had a scintilla of creativity or originality.

"...if you Nazi morons..."

Still stuck on your Hitlerjugend fantagasm, eh?
What's with your frequent "Nazi" imagery? Your 'Nazi' references?

Please tell the forum you ain't one of those sad Hitler-creeps that dress up in tall black boots and goose-step around your back-yard shouting "Jews Will Not Replace Us!!"

What is your avatar name on the Stormfront forum? Stormfront White Nationalist Resource Page

For the record Lisa, you are not required to provide any content with a video, link or picture unless it’s the opening post of a thread. Zinc did not make mistake.

That may not true. This is uncharted legal territory because no president up to now has been so cavalier with the process or with our national security. Trump’s vindictiveness is overriding OUR national security.

To declassify a document the president is supposed to follow a process can declassify that leaves a paper trail ending in changing the classification marks. You know how the fed bureaucracy is…everything in triplicate with a zillion sign offs and an entire forest decimated for paper.

In addition certain documents CANNOT be declassified by the president alone, like nuclear secrets.

Consider the levels of classification and what was found in Mara Lago: What to know about government classification of secrets

Top Secret
This is the highest level of classification. Information is classified as Top Secret if it "reasonably could be expected to cause exceptionally grave damage to the national security," according to a 2009 executive order that describes the classification system.
A subset of Top Secret documents known as SCI, or sensitive compartmentedinformation, is reserved for certain information derived from intelligence sources. Access to an SCI document can be even further restricted to a smaller group of people with specific security clearances.
Some of the materials recovered from Trump's Florida home were marked as Top Secret SCI.

What was he doing with boxes of unsecured TS and and SCI documents for heavens sakes? I can’t why rightists, who have always prioritized national security suddenly don’t.

It is unlikely this will result in criminal charges, for one, it is again uncharted legal territory regarding a former president, and for another, the main reason for the raid seems to be getting those documents back.

Trump is again demonstrating what happens when a system that has long depended on the integrity and lawfulness it’s users to function confronts a person who has neither, and uncovers horrible lack of guardrails.

Also consider this. In Trumps end of term frenzy of attempted declassification, he wanted no redactions which means the identities of confidential informants, spies etc would be revealed. Can you imagine how damaging that would be?

I think the low here is in what Trump had in his possession and tbe yet to be reason’s for it.​
According to CNN…I’m sure they’re right….lol
Still stuck on your Hitlerjugend fantagasm, eh?
What's with your frequent "Nazi" imagery? Your 'Nazi' references?

Please tell the forum you ain't one of those sad Hitler-creeps that dress up in tall black boots and goose-step around your back-yard shouting "Jews Will Not Replace Us!!"

What is your avatar name on the Stormfront forum? Stormfront White Nationalist Resource Page

View attachment 682692
Oooh, someone had a nerve struck….lol
Still stuck on your Hitlerjugend fantagasm, eh?
What's with your frequent "Nazi" imagery? Your 'Nazi' references?

Please tell the forum you ain't one of those sad Hitler-creeps that dress up in tall black boots and goose-step around your back-yard shouting "Jews Will Not Replace Us!!"

What is your avatar name on the Stormfront forum? Stormfront White Nationalist Resource Page

View attachment 682692

My grandparents fled Germany in 1928. As a child I would ask why the German people let the Nazis rise. Were people blind? Did they not see what was going on? My grandmother explained that there was comfort. That people feared losing their jobs, their homes, and the comforts of life so would not speak up. And a great many viewed the Nazis as a source of prosperity and pride. The loss of liberty and the violence on the streets was less important than a stable currency and heat in their homes.

Hitler used an old trope to consolidate power, a scapegoat. He chose the Jews, but it could be anyone, who it is doesn't matter, just as long as people can be focused on one group as the cause of all problems.

Around 2010, I observed that Obama was using the same trope, and not just Obama, but the party and the utterly corrupt press. Whites have been the safe group to lampoon and set as the butt of all jokes for decades. But this was different, uglier, meaner. By 2015 open hatred of whites was part of everyday life. The halls of education railed against the new Juden, the whites, Hollywood changed the tone and amped up the vitriolic anti-White crusade. And the party became openly hostile to anything white, culture and people.

The democrats had become the new Nazi party.

When we say "never again," it means we are going to stop you now, before you gain absolute power.
Oooh, someone had a nerve struck….lol
Oh, that is a sad misread by the good poster 'J-Mac'.

It's not a situation of "a nerve struck", rather........

....rather it is my Funnybone tickled. My Snarksense alerted.

These blokes with their Nazi phantagasms are a hoot.

Please, please, poster JMac, do not inform the forum that you too have that little toothbrush 'stache' under your nose. That you too may have a cute Hitlerjugend uniform?
I'd be so disappointed in you, j-mac.

Oh, that is a sad misread by the good poster 'J-Mac'.

It's not a situation of "a nerve struck", rather........

....rather it is my Funnybone tickled. My Snarksense alerted.

These blokes with their Nazi phantagasms are a hoot.

Please, please, poster JMac, do not inform the forum that you too have that little toothbrush 'stache' under your nose. That you too may have a cute Hitlerjugend uniform?
I'd be so disappointed in you, j-mac.

View attachment 682699


Is the Chalicotherium a Muslim living in the UK sticking his nose into the business of the civilized nations?
Whites have been the safe group to lampoon and set as the butt of all jokes for decades. But this was different, uglier, meaner. By 2015 open hatred of whites was part of everyday life.
By 2015 open hatred of whites was part of everyday life. The halls of education railed against the new Juden, the whites, Hollywood changed the tone and amped up the vitriolic anti-White crusade. And the party became openly hostile to anything white, culture and people.
The democrats had become the new Nazi party.

Oh boy!
USMessageBoard has now become the new Stormfront?
The new hook-up site replacing DailyStormer?

ps.....when was the last time anyone here named a son Adolf?
What is the youngest "Adolf" you know? 106?
I kinda sorta think that given name has faded away a bit.

But, there may be some nicknamed 'Adolfs' here on the new DailyStormer?


Oh boy!
USMessageBoard has now become the new Stormfront?
The new hook-up site replacing DailyStormer?

I've never been to Stormfront - but I didn't have the impression it was dedicated to denouncing you Nazi vermin.

ps.....when was the last time anyone here named a son Adolf?
What is the youngest "Adolf" you know? 106?
I kinda sorta think that given name has faded away a bit.

Among you Muslims in the UK, is it used along with the 10,000 variations of Muhammad?

But, there may be some nicknamed 'Adolfs' here on the new DailyStormer?

View attachment 682701

Why do you keep posting your pictures?

You really are quite ugly, Adolf.
I'll be gobsmacked.
Can't get away with anything.
Not even here in Shropshire (or its Yankee equivalent).
Inshallah, mates!

No wonder Chalicotheriums are extinct.

We thought we made you Nazis extinct too, back in 1945 - but we have some cleanup to do on some of you vermin.
The good poster, Uncensored....he of the frequent use of "Nazi" in his postings.

E.g. ---

  • An example of you Nazis calling for
  • You Nazis have screamed for
  • Did the Gestapo murder
  • Imagine if you Nazi morons
  • you Nazis

Methinks, poor Uncensored need to go back to Charlottesville and chant his "Jew Will Not Replace Us" with his patio torch while marching around the Lee statue (oooops! too late. They removed it. Will hafta find another venue that welcomes the Hitlerjugend, I suppose.)

Go get 'em, sic 'em....Uncensored. Sig Heil!

The good poster, Uncensored....he of the frequent use of "Nazi" in his postings.

E.g. ---

Methinks, poor Uncensored need to go back to Charlottesville and chant his "Jew Will Not Replace Us" with his patio torch while marching around the Lee statue (oooops! too late. They removed it. Will hafta find another venue that welcomes the Hitlerjugend, I suppose.)

Go get 'em, sic 'em....Uncensored. Sig Heil!
View attachment 682707
One can only coorrelate this posters last few posts as

projecting 2.gif
The good poster, Uncensored....he of the frequent use of "Nazi" in his postings.

E.g. ---

Methinks, poor Uncensored need to go back to Charlottesville and chant his "Jew Will Not Replace Us" with his patio torch while marching around the Lee statue (oooops! too late. They removed it. Will hafta find another venue that welcomes the Hitlerjugend, I suppose.)

Go get 'em, sic 'em....Uncensored. Sig Heil!
View attachment 682707

Poor Chalicotherium, far too stupid to offer a response. Nailed to the wall after being identified as what he is, a Nazi - he retreats to the only argument of the fascists "Nuhn uhn - yoo."

Let's review the fact that you of the democrat are in fact Nazis, shall we?

  • democrats have a scapegoat based on race. Whites are the new "Juden."
    • Republicans judge people by the content of their Character
  • democrats are collectivist, seeking control of the means of production by their Reich.
    • Republicans support free people trading freely with each other
  • democrats are totalitarian. Well duh.
    • Republicans promote individual liberty
  • democrats supplant civil rights with group privilege
    • Republicans support rights for all
  • democrats eradicate the rule of law and create dictatorship based on the party
    • Capricious and arbitrary rule by dictators runs against the concepts of liberty
  • democrats forcibly suppress religion
    • The state is the god of the democrats
  • democrats crush freedom of speech
    • Hate speech laws, political correctness, cancel culture
  • democrats create a police state and "Roger Stone" enemies for even minor process crimes in order to create terror
    • Now in order to thwart free and fair elections, Biden had the Gestapo kick the door of his political rival in.
You were forced by Human Resources to work in a multi-cultural environment and having 1% minorities of higher income minorities in your community is not living in the slums.


No one "forces" me to work for my employer.

You really are out of your fucking mind. :cuckoo:
I'm not posting statement after statement and initiating more and more conversation about him. That's you. You are infatuated with the man. Hilarious TDS baby is your motto.


You're the one fluffing him.

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