Unstable Genius Trump Threatens To Hold Breath, Turn Blue

Trump threatens to close 'Southern Border entirely' if Dems don't fund wall

President Trump on Friday threatened to "close the Southern Border entirely" if Democrats do not agree to provide money to "finish" building a wall on the Mexican border.


Mod Note: g5000 -- EVERY OP needs personal content in it. There are good reasons for this rule. Subsequent non-compliant OPs will be closed and/or warned.

Ford and Nestle will be real happy about that.
No more avocados either.
Oreos will go sky high.

Trump is an idiot, but fortunately, we don't need to pay any attention to that comment, because he will change his mind before the end of the weekend.
The IRS will never allow President Trump's taxes shown publicly without his permission.

To do so would make voluntary compliance in tax filing- which the IRS depends on- a lot harder among millions of taxpayers.
Yeah they all love him

I don't think the IRS loves President Trump at all. What they love is the fact that taxpayers are cooperative with them.

And taxpayers will be less likely to be open about their taxes if politicians will be able to look at them at will.
Muelleur probably has seen already the crooks taxes The pos will be buried with subpoenas and law suits,,,,,, It's going to be fun
You're not living in reality.
But Mr BS just think of all the fun you'll be having protecting the crook ?An all day job ,,,you and Guiliani Will there EVER be a time when you and your ilk will admit trump is nothing but a scumbag?
You poor pitiful creature.
Trump threatens to close 'Southern Border entirely' if Dems don't fund wall

President Trump on Friday threatened to "close the Southern Border entirely" if Democrats do not agree to provide money to "finish" building a wall on the Mexican border.


Mod Note: g5000 -- EVERY OP needs personal content in it. There are good reasons for this rule. Subsequent non-compliant OPs will be closed and/or warned.

Ford and Nestle will be real happy about that.
No more avocados either.
Oreos will go sky high.

Trump is an idiot, but fortunately, we don't need to pay any attention to that comment, because he will change his mind before the end of the weekend.


This is just like last October when trump said he would write an EO that repeals the natural born citizen right everyone has when born in the Unite States of America.

It's now the end of December.

Where's that EO?

This is the same thing.

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