"until my last breath, i will fight to outlaw abortion in all 50states" Pence says overturning Roe was greatest accomplishment by Trump administration

Anti-choice laws have cost Republicans support of many women. Not a good idea!

I guess Republicans lost about 5% of popular vote on this issue alone. For such close races, this is a huge margin.

Republicans got 3.2% more popular vote then Democrats this Midterm. Here. If Republicans did not ban abortion, they would have gotten at least 7% more popular vote and thus a Red Wave.
Murdering children is NEVER the right thing to do. END OF STORY!!!

If legal then it simply means infanticide is legal. Barbaric tribes spring to mind.

May 5, 2011, 9:18 PM AEST / Source: Discovery Channel
By Jennifer Viegas
Infanticide, the killing of unwanted babies, was common throughout the Roman Empire and other parts of the ancient world, according to a new study.
The study, which has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Archaeological Science, explains that "until recently, (infanticide) was a practice that was widely tolerated in human societies around the world. Prior to modern methods of contraception, it was one of the few ways of limiting family size that was both safe for the mother and effective."

Based on archaeological finds, the practice appears to have been particularly widespread in the Roman Empire.
"I think it was tolerated in the Roman world rather than something that was completely acceptable, but it's hard to be sure," lead author Simon Mays told Discovery News.
Mays, a senior scientific officer for the Ancient Monuments Laboratory of English Heritage, and colleague Jill Eyers focused their attention on Yewden Roman villa, otherwise known as "Hambelden." This villa, which dates from the 1st to the 4th century, is located at Hambleden, Buckinghamshire, England.
A previous excavation of Hambleden in 1921 determined that the site has 97 infant burials, the largest number of such burials for any Roman location in Britain. The excavator at the time suspected infanticide "with surreptitious disposal of the bodies.
Since few infant skeletons show evidence of cause of death, Mays and Eyers used an indirect method to investigate possible infanticide at Hambleden. Natural deaths tend to show a dispersed age distribution at burial sites. At places where infanticide occurred, the age distribution is more uniform, corresponding to full-term infancy.

The researchers took bone measurements of the Hambleden infant remains and compared them to those taken at two other sites: Ashkelon, Israel and the medieval Wharram Percy, England. Infants buried at Wharram Percy likely died of natural causes. Ashkelon, once part of the Roman Empire, told a different story."

...................The findings add to the growing body of evidence that infanticide was common in the Roman Empire. The prehistoric sites of Khok Phanom Di, Thailand, and Lepinski Vir and Vlasac, Serbia, also yielded probable evidence for infanticide. A 1973 survey of human societies determined that 80 percent of them, at some time in the past or more modern times, practiced this intentional killing of babies."

So it remains; killing babies is a trait of barbarians.

If I were a godless political scientist hired to advise finger-wetting swamp rats in washington about abortion policy I would tell them that liberal women killing babies that would otherwise grow up to be liberals also has benefited the republican party

Legalizing abortion means fewer liberal voters in the future
If I were a godless political scientist hired to advise finger-wetting swamp rats in washington about abortion policy I would tell them that liberal women killing babies that would otherwise grow up to be liberals also has benefited the republican party

Legalizing abortion means fewer liberal voters in the future
But they know this, which is why they own the schools and the media

They are coming for everyone's child.
My children cause me lots of stress. My doctor tells me I would be much healthier if I were not under so much stress. What should I do?
Abortion is a right that must be protected.
Whaleshit. It isn’t a “right” at all. The very idea is blasphemously stupid and goes against the concept of what rights are.

Health care decisions should belong only to patients and their doctors
Contract killing isn’t healthcare.

Contract killers aren’t doctors.
Murdering children is NEVER the right thing to do. END OF STORY!!!

If legal then it simply means infanticide is legal. Barbaric tribes spring to mind.

May 5, 2011, 9:18 PM AEST / Source: Discovery Channel
By Jennifer Viegas
Infanticide, the killing of unwanted babies, was common throughout the Roman Empire and other parts of the ancient world, according to a new study.
The study, which has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Archaeological Science, explains that "until recently, (infanticide) was a practice that was widely tolerated in human societies around the world. Prior to modern methods of contraception, it was one of the few ways of limiting family size that was both safe for the mother and effective."

Based on archaeological finds, the practice appears to have been particularly widespread in the Roman Empire.
"I think it was tolerated in the Roman world rather than something that was completely acceptable, but it's hard to be sure," lead author Simon Mays told Discovery News.
Mays, a senior scientific officer for the Ancient Monuments Laboratory of English Heritage, and colleague Jill Eyers focused their attention on Yewden Roman villa, otherwise known as "Hambelden." This villa, which dates from the 1st to the 4th century, is located at Hambleden, Buckinghamshire, England.
A previous excavation of Hambleden in 1921 determined that the site has 97 infant burials, the largest number of such burials for any Roman location in Britain. The excavator at the time suspected infanticide "with surreptitious disposal of the bodies.
Since few infant skeletons show evidence of cause of death, Mays and Eyers used an indirect method to investigate possible infanticide at Hambleden. Natural deaths tend to show a dispersed age distribution at burial sites. At places where infanticide occurred, the age distribution is more uniform, corresponding to full-term infancy.

The researchers took bone measurements of the Hambleden infant remains and compared them to those taken at two other sites: Ashkelon, Israel and the medieval Wharram Percy, England. Infants buried at Wharram Percy likely died of natural causes. Ashkelon, once part of the Roman Empire, told a different story."

...................The findings add to the growing body of evidence that infanticide was common in the Roman Empire. The prehistoric sites of Khok Phanom Di, Thailand, and Lepinski Vir and Vlasac, Serbia, also yielded probable evidence for infanticide. A 1973 survey of human societies determined that 80 percent of them, at some time in the past or more modern times, practiced this intentional killing of babies."

So it remains; killing babies is a trait of barbarians.

Your a man, and actually men don't count!
If I were a godless political scientist hired to advise finger-wetting swamp rats in washington about abortion policy I would tell them that liberal women killing babies that would otherwise grow up to be liberals also has benefited the republican party

Legalizing abortion means fewer liberal voters in the future
That's what I refer to as the "utility" of abortion and it's also why I'm pro-choice. ;)

I could really give two shits about the women that choose that route.....I mean let's face it there are no morals with them or they would not be hell-bent on killing what they are carrying. So be it.

The way I see it it's a net gain for society to not be burdened with their spawn.
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Isn't freedom that way?? Healthcare should be a woman and her doctor.
You must be confused, or pathetically stupid.

Hiring someone to kill another human being is as much “healthcare” as it is a 2 liter soda or as it is a symphony or a combustion engine.

It helps to know how to know what words means when trying to communicate.
You must be confused, or pathetically stupid.

Hiring someone to kill another human being is as much “healthcare” as it is a 2 liter soda or as it is a symphony or a combustion engine.

It helps to know how to know what words means when trying to communicate.
You are ignorant in the claims.
That's what I refer to as the "utility" of abortion and it's also why I'm pro-choice. ;)

I could really give two shits about the women that choose that route.....I mean let's face it there are no morals with them or they would not be hell-bent on killing what they are carrying. So be it.

The way I see it it's a net gain for society to not be burdened with their spawn.
What about rape, incest, or the death of the mom. Kari Lake said it was all right and so did others.

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