"until my last breath, i will fight to outlaw abortion in all 50states" Pence says overturning Roe was greatest accomplishment by Trump administration

Anti-choice laws have cost Republicans support of many women. Not a good idea!

I guess Republicans lost about 5% of popular vote on this issue alone. For such close races, this is a huge margin.

Republicans got 3.2% more popular vote then Democrats this Midterm. Here. If Republicans did not ban abortion, they would have gotten at least 7% more popular vote and thus a Red Wave.
There would have been no red wave even if Roe v Wade wasn't overturned. We live in a polarized society now.
Abortion is a right that must be protected. Health care decisions should belong only to patients and their doctors

This is further proof that ‘banning’ abortion and overturning Roe had nothing to do with ‘saving babies’ or ‘states’ rights,’ it was about the neo-fascist right seeking more government, bigger government to interfere in citizens’ lives at the expensive of individual liberty; it was about conservatives compelling conformity and silencing dissent.
What about rape, incest, or the death of the mom. Kari Lake said it was all right and so did others.
What part of "I don't care" did you not understand?

Hell, have at it, the "reason" does not matter a fig to me.

I mean just from a man's mercenary perspective abortion is the "Deal of the Day" even if they have to pay out of pocket.....It beats paying 18+ years of child support all to hell.

What's wrong, not the type of bleeding heart "pro-choice" stance you were lookin' for? ;)
Pence will go down in history as a traitor to his country because as President of the Senate he could have called for an audit of the 2020 Presidential election. But he didn't. He let the Democrat scum get away with stealing the election.

So nobody really cares what he has to say about anything else.
Anti-choice laws have cost Republicans support of many women. Not a good idea!

I guess Republicans lost about 5% of popular vote on this issue alone. For such close races, this is a huge margin.

Republicans got 3.2% more popular vote then Democrats this Midterm. Here. If Republicans did not ban abortion, they would have gotten at least 7% more popular vote and thus a Red Wave.
Democrat's lost

Why Miss Penelope ... why so abundantly disagreeable tonight.. :laugh:

What happened to that fun, lovable, happy go lucky gal we used to know?
What part of "I don't care" did you not understand?

Hell, have at it, the "reason" does not matter a fig to me.

I mean just from a man's mercenary perspective abortion is the "Deal of the Day" even if they have to pay out of pocket.....It beats paying 18+ years of child support all to hell.

What's wrong, not the type of bleeding heart "pro-choice" stance you were lookin' for? ;)
You do understand no one is pro- forced abortion right?. Well except Herschel Walker and his supporters. Anyway a woman who's gotten pregnant can still keep the baby of whichever man she wants to take child support from. 😄
There would have been no red wave even if Roe v Wade wasn't overturned. We live in a polarized society now.
Total BS.

The GOP did well in states where you had election results the same day, like it used to be.
Abortion is a right that must be protected. Health care decisions should belong only to patients and their doctors

Here is what you idiots don't understand, or you understand but try to hide.

If polled, most Americans would say they did not want all abortion banned. However, if you poll the same people and ask if there should be more restrictions, the same majority would say yes there should be.

Late term abortion is universally seen as infanticide, something the entire DNC has embraced. Also, children being able to have abortions without the consent of their parents is immoral and wrong. Such examples show the radical nature of the democrat party who demands to hide behind the skirts of Roe vs. Wade, a ruling that refused to define when life begins and when our subsequent natural rights to life begin.

Why? Because they know if they go down that road, they lose.

It is better now for the nation to have this conversation instead of 9 black robed stooges of a political party who refuse to have this conversation.

Kudos to the Dobbs decision.
Abortion is a right that must be protected. Health care decisions should belong only to patients and their doctors

Do you think doctors and medical workers have a right to refuse to participate in abortions without any repercussions against them for their choice? Same with insurance companies, do they have a choice to not insure abortions?
Murdering children is NEVER the right thing to do.
If legal then it simply means infanticide is legal.
Legalizing abortion means fewer liberal voters in the future
Dear women, keep your legs closed.
"...there are no morals with them or they would not be hell-bent on killing what they are carrying.

Abortion gets the screechers screeching, that's for sure.
Has for decades.

But for me, and the women in my family.....many now well past bearing age......their uteruses are NOT government property, not the church/synagogue or mosque's property. It is an integral part of their body and their identity. Theirs, period. The condition of their uteruses is a matter of highest concern for the woman possessing it and her doctor. Government officials, priests, ministers, men-of-faith, and assorted hangers-on are welcome to address the condition of those uteruses upon invitation only.

These GOP legislatures that attempt to impose government control over women's uteruses always.....always....fail to understand the many varied motives that lead a woman to abort. And their attempt to make laws cannot cover all the reasons to abort.

And too, those GOP'rs always fail to recognize....hell, they ignore....the man's role in the dynamic. It smacks of misogyny.

Shoot, we can see some of that moralistic misogynistic tone in this very thread....where it is the woman who is mandated to 'keep her legs closed', the women who "have no morals".....with no demand for men to keep their pants zipped.

If or when GOP legislatures, faith based organizations, or any of the so called morality GoodyTwoShoes start addressing a legally mandated responsibility.....and criminalizing irresponsibility .....of the male partner, well, they are just misogynistic shrillers.....protecting men, persecuting women.

Notably, the shrillers invariably want to criminlize the woman, the nurses, the doctors, and any of the healthcare workers involved with an abort......but they blithely ignore the semen-implanter.

And I think deep down you all recognize that.
Woman bad.
But, boys will be boys.
It smacks of misogyny.
And I think you know that too.

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That's what I refer to as the "utility" of abortion and it's also why I'm pro-choice. ;)

I could really give two shits about the women that choose that route.....I mean let's face it there are no morals with them or they would not be hell-bent on killing what they are carrying. So be it.

The way I see it it's a net gain for society to not be burdened with their spawn.
Thats one way of looking at it

Why should you care more about the lives of innocent children than the lib/progressive mothers who are killing them?

Particularly when not killing lib babies results in so many social problems?

But I think killing the unborn leads to the murder of anyone that liberals find undesirable in our society
Here is what you idiots don't understand, or you understand but try to hide.

If polled, most Americans would say they did not want all abortion banned. However, if you poll the same people and ask if there should be more restrictions, the same majority would say yes there should be.

Late term abortion is universally seen as infanticide, something the entire DNC has embraced. Also, children being able to have abortions without the consent of their parents is immoral and wrong. Such examples show the radical nature of the democrat party who demands to hide behind the skirts of Roe vs. Wade, a ruling that refused to define when life begins and when our subsequent natural rights to life begin.

Why? Because they know if they go down that road, they lose.

It is better now for the nation to have this conversation instead of 9 black robed stooges of a political party who refuse to have this conversation.

Kudos to the Dobbs decision.
What Roe effectively did is just that. Restrict abortion around viability except for cases where the health of the mother or baby was compromised. Most people found this an acceptable compromise and were happy with Roe, no matter how we got there, which was admittedly sus, but I find this whole song and dance of government sus. I don't really much care how we get to the right conclusion so long as we do.

I really don't get this fight though. It's lose lose. Let's say you do manage to restrict abortions in Red States then what? People of means who are disportionately white are going to be able to travel wherever they need to to get abortions and people without means, who are disportionately minorities will not be able to and you'll only hasten your demographic demise in your own Red States. This was a dumb fight to pick. For what? 😄
What Roe effectively did is just that. Restrict abortion around viability except for cases whether the health of the mother or baby was compromised. Most people found this an acceptable compromise and were happy with Roe, no matter how we got there, which was admittedly sus, but I find this whole song and dance of government sus. I don't really much care how we get to the right conclusion so long as we do.

I really don't get this fight though. It's lose lose. Let's say you do manage to restrict abortions in Red States then what? People of means who are disportionately white are going to be able to travel wherever they need to to get abortions and people without means, who are disportionately minorities will not be able to and you'll only hasten your demographic demise in your own Red States. This was a dumb fight to pick. For what? 😄
The Supreme Court wrote that they were not experts on when life begins. They openly admitted they were in over their heads, but made random concessions anyway as to when life begins. Instead, they hid behind a woman's right to privacy.

So if they are not experts, they should not be making those decisions.

Also, why do you think so many democrats now embrace no restrictions on abortion?
"Abortion is a right that must be protected. Health care decisions should belong only to patients and their doctors"

that I agree with.

Do you agree medical workers including doctors have a choice to participate in providing abortions, do insurance companies have a choice to cover abortions?
Also you're missing the point being it's about the greater good of society, not the baby/fetus.
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