"until my last breath, i will fight to outlaw abortion in all 50states" Pence says overturning Roe was greatest accomplishment by Trump administration

The Supreme Court wrote that they were not experts on when life begins. They openly admitted they were in over their heads, but made random concessions anyway as to when life begins. Instead, they hid behind a woman's right to privacy.
They're not experts on when life begins, they are experts in rights to privacy.
So if they are not experts, they should not be making those decisions.
They decided in the area they were experts in, as you just admitted.
Also, why do you think so many democrats now embrace no restrictions on abortion?
I don't know off the top of my head any democrats who embrace unrestricted abortion.
You do understand no one is pro- forced abortion right?. Well except Herschel Walker and his supporters. Anyway a woman who's gotten pregnant can still keep the baby of whichever man she wants to take child support from. 😄

After seeing how many people reacted to COVID don't be surprised how much support forced abortions could gain if it was promoted as being for the greater good. Liberals claim abortions are safe and it's just a lump of cells, so forced abortions should be no different then forced COVID shots.
After seeing how many people reacted to COVID don't be surprised how much support forced abortions could gain if it was promoted as being for the greater good. Liberals claim abortions are safe and it's just a lump of cells, so forced abortions should be no different then forced COVID shots.
Only if you don't understand the difference between a baby/fetus and a vaccine. Also not one person was held down and forced a Covid vaccine.
Only if you don't understand the difference between a baby/fetus and a vaccine. Also not one person was held down and forced a Covid vaccine.

People did loss their jobs over not getting a COVID shot, so the JAB extended far beyond the doctor and patient choice.
Abortion gets the screechers screeching, that's for sure.
Has for decades.

But for me, and the women in my family.....many now well past bearing age......their uteruses are NOT government property, not the church/synagogue or mosque's property. It is an integral part of their body and their identity. Theirs, period. The condition of their uteruses is a matter of highest concern for the woman possessing it and her doctor. Government officials, priests, ministers, men-of-faith, and assorted hangers-on are welcome to address the condition of those uteruses upon invitation only.

These GOP legislatures that attempt to impose government control over women's uteruses always.....always....fail to understand the many varied motives that lead a woman to abort. And their attempt to make laws cannot cover all the reasons to abort.

And too, those GOP'rs always fail to recognize....hell, they ignore....the man's role in the dynamic. It smacks of misogyny.

Shoot, we can see some of that moralistic misogynistic tone in this very thread....where it is the woman who is mandated to 'keep her legs closed', the women who "have no morals".....with no demand for men to keep their pants zipped.

If or when GOP legislatures, faith based organizations, or any of the so called morality GoodyTwoShoes start addressing a legally mandated responsibility.....and criminalizing irresponsibility .....of the male partner, well, they are just misogynistic shrillers.....protecting men, persecuting women.

Notably, the shrillers invariably want to criminlize the woman, the nurses, the doctors, and any of the healthcare workers involved with an abort......but they blithely ignore the semen-implanter.

And I think deep down you all recognize that.
Woman bad.
But, boys will be boys.
It smacks of misogyny.
And I think you know that too.

Sure, but their must be a time when someone steps up and addresses the cause of all this.

Sex, so many ways not to get pregnant. People need to be held accountable.

Rape, politicians must protect our borders, our cities, our country. Severe penalties otherwise.

Economics, the government makes having a child a burden. Having children should almost be free. Feeding and caring for a family should be easy. The government screws up the economy, not us that work.

Housing, should be as easy as graduating high school. If pregnant, housing should be easy. And by housing I mean home ownership. Property taxes are out of control. In some places property tax is more than 10% of somones wages.

Women's rights, sorry but that ends when women decide to have sex. Sex takes two people. Hence no longer one person's decision. And when it comes to ending, aborting a baby, that is not natural. That takes technology, hospitals, rules and regulations. The idea that this is simolyba matter of privacy is ridiculous. If it was private a woman would be able to have an abortion simply by thinking about it.
Thats one way of looking at it

Why should you care more about the lives of innocent children than the lib/progressive mothers who are killing them?

Particularly when not killing lib babies results in so many social problems?

But I think killing the unborn leads to the murder of anyone that liberals find undesirable in our society
Meh, that's when you shoot them in the face.
Abortion gets the screechers screeching, that's for sure.
Has for decades.

But for me, and the women in my family.....many now well past bearing age......their uteruses are NOT government property, not the church/synagogue or mosque's property. It is an integral part of their body and their identity. Theirs, period. The condition of their uteruses is a matter of highest concern for the woman possessing it and her doctor. Government officials, priests, ministers, men-of-faith, and assorted hangers-on are welcome to address the condition of those uteruses upon invitation only.

These GOP legislatures that attempt to impose government control over women's uteruses always.....always....fail to understand the many varied motives that lead a woman to abort. And their attempt to make laws cannot cover all the reasons to abort.

And too, those GOP'rs always fail to recognize....hell, they ignore....the man's role in the dynamic. It smacks of misogyny.

Shoot, we can see some of that moralistic misogynistic tone in this very thread....where it is the woman who is mandated to 'keep her legs closed', the women who "have no morals".....with no demand for men to keep their pants zipped.

If or when GOP legislatures, faith based organizations, or any of the so called morality GoodyTwoShoes start addressing a legally mandated responsibility.....and criminalizing irresponsibility .....of the male partner, well, they are just misogynistic shrillers.....protecting men, persecuting women.

Notably, the shrillers invariably want to criminlize the woman, the nurses, the doctors, and any of the healthcare workers involved with an abort......but they blithely ignore the semen-implanter.

And I think deep down you all recognize that.
Woman bad.
But, boys will be boys.
It smacks of misogyny.
And I think you know that too.

This is not simply a GOP issue. The horrors and abuses of abortion has become a national issue because the Democratic party has radicalized the abortion.

That which is the greatest gift in the world people have demonized.

Life which is the greatest joy, our only purpose in being here, is said to be a private right a woman decides.

Life or death, a woman's choice.

Yes, you have a choice, today, not tomorrow.

Let nature take it's course, and all will be fine.

Everything else cimes down to shitty politicians, that is everything
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This is simply a GOP issue. The horrors and abuses of abortion has become a national issue because the Democratic party has radicalized the abortion.

That which is the greatest gift in the world people have demonized.

Life which is the greatest joy, our only purpose in being here, is said to be a private right a woman decides.

Life or death, a woman's choice.

Yes, you have a choice, today, not tomorrow.

Let nature take it's course, and all will be fine.

Everything else cimes down to shitty politicians, that is everything

This is the Republican attempt to control poor women and the American people are having none of it. As long as the Republican Party continues to try to ban abortion, they will continue to lose elections.
They're not experts on when life begins, they are experts in rights to privacy.

They decided in the area they were experts in, as you just admitted.

I don't know off the top of my head any democrats who embrace unrestricted abortion.
So you also admit that SCOTUS should then not be making these decisions

Thanks for that

Dobbs rules

Also, when pressed about limiting abortion rights, such as with late term abortions, none of the democrats running for office that I have seen will answer the question and refuse to say they would impose any limits.

That speaks volumes.
So you also admit that SCOTUS should then not be making these decisions
I don't think anyone should be making decisions about what a woman does with her body but as a society that's what we do, set limits to what people are allowed to do. I don't particularly care how we get there so long as I find the limits reasonable.
Thanks for that

Dobbs rules

Also, when pressed about limiting abortion rights, such as with late term abortions, none of the democrats running for office that I have seen will answer the question and refuse to say they would impose any limits.

That speaks volumes.
Since you've yet to provide any of these comments we can't really judge the veracity or the context.
I don't think anyone should be making decisions about what a woman does with her body but as a society that's what we do, set limits to what people are allowed to do. I don't particularly care how we get there so long as I find the limits reasonable.

Since you've yet to provide any of these comments we can't really judge the veracity or the context.
Again, when does human life begin along with our natural rights?

To not answer this question, or to even care about it, is very telling.

Abortion became a hot topic earlier this year when the Supreme Court issued a ruling overturning Roe v. Wade. Since then, Democrats have been leveraging the subject to persuade voters to keep them in control of Congress after the midterm elections. However, one aspect of their rhetoric leaves them vulnerable to attack: late-term abortion.

Prominent politicians and political hopefuls on the left have made the abortion debate the centerpiece of the midterm campaign without offering the very thing that might be crafted into law by a prospective Democrat Congress: facts and figures. While a diverse political party will almost inevitably have a range of varied opinions, it is worth noting that President Joe Biden has promised America that he will “codify Roe” if the public grants him “just two more” Senate seats. But what will that codification actually look like if politicians are unable or unwilling to specify what they believe abortion law should actually be?

Democrat Katie Hobbs, who is running against Kari Lake for Arizona governor, expertly dodged the all-important question on Face the Nation. “What would the Hobbs administration’s week limit be for abortion access? If it’s not 15 weeks, what is it?” the host asked. Hobbs offered an evasive reply: “Look, abortion is a very personal decision that belongs between a woman and her doctor. The government and politicians don’t belong in that decision, we need to let doctors perform the care that they are trained and take an oath to perform.”

The host pressed, asking if Arizona voters should conclude that Hobbs does not “favor any specific week limit on abortion.” Refusing to describe a specific timeline, the candidate insisted that she supports “leaving the decision between a woman and her doctor and leaving politicians entirely out of it.”

GettyImages-1409931314 abortion

(Photo by: Michael Siluk/UCG/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)
Stacey Abrams, looking to unseat Republican Gov. Brian Kemp in Georgia, has made a similar statement. In an appearance on Fox News, she was asked if she favors late-term abortions “all the way up to nine months.” Abrams answered: “I believe that abortion is a medical decision, and I believe that that should be a choice made between a doctor and a woman in consultation with her family.”

But what about Florida? Charlie Crist, running a quixotic campaign to oust Gov. Ron DeSantis, also has views on abortion that might not jibe with those of the American public. However, he seems slicker than his comrades in obfuscating his stance, and yet for those reading between the lines, his position becomes abundantly clear. During an interview with Fox 13’s Craig Patrick, Crist was asked to clarify his views on abortion since he had previously claimed to be pro-life. “Why, then do you go with labels that you know are going to confuse a lot of other people? Reagan, the great communicator, and Clinton, the great explainer, would not do that,” Patrick asked. Crist responded:

“Well, I’m just being me. And, you know, everybody should be themselves and present themselves as they believe. And I believe in a woman’s right to choose. And I’ve proven it every time I’ve had the opportunity in political office. The first time was 1995 as a state senator in the health care committee in the state Senate, I voted against an anti-abortion bill, killing it in committee … And then as your governor, I vetoed an anti-abortion bill, most recent governor to have ever done so in the history of Florida. I’m very proud of that fact. And then almost six years now as a member of Congress and I have 100% rating by Planned Parenthood, 100% rating by name.”
That leaves little ambiguity on Crist’s position. Boasting about a 100% rating from Planned Parenthood might be all one needs to know.

Beto O’Rourke, seeking to defeat Gov. Greg Abbott in the Texas gubernatorial election, has been rather cagey about abortion. When Fox News Digital reached out to ascertain his opinion, his spokesperson responded: “Like the vast majority of Texans, Beto has long supported the standard set by Roe v. Wade, which for half a century prohibited states from outlawing abortion in cases where the pregnancy threatened the life of the pregnant woman. That standard allowed for women and their doctors to make this personal and often painful decision later in the pregnancy if the abortion was necessary to save the woman’s life.”

Beto O'Rourke Campaigns For Governor Of Texas

Beto O’Rourke (Photo by Brandon Bell/Getty Images)
But O’Rourke was more candid about the issue back in 2019 when he was running for the Democratic presidential nomination. During a campaign event, an attendee asked if he was supportive of “third-trimester abortions.”

He replied: “The question is about abortion and reproductive rights. And, my answer to you is, that should be a decision the woman makes. I trust her.”

What Does America Think of Late-Term Abortion?​

There is a reason some Democratic candidates are hesitant to state upfront that they are for late-term abortions. While polling has shown that most voters want the procedure to be legal in certain circumstances, very few believe mothers should be allowed to abort their babies until the moment of birth.

The Associated Press, in conjunction with the NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, conducted a poll whose findings revealed that 61% of Americans believe abortion should remain legal in most or all situations during the first trimester of pregnancy. But it also found that 65% felt the procedure should usually be illegal during the second trimester. About 80% of respondents said they believed mothers should not be allowed to terminate their pregnancies during the third trimester.

In light of these figures, it is not exactly shocking that Democrats aren’t forthcoming about whether they support late-term abortions – even up to the moment of birth in some cases. However, for some reason, Republicans have not taken many opportunities to call them out on it. The GOP might be concerned the attack would backfire since its candidates could then be forced to declare their own views on abortion, potentially jeopardizing their chances of winning big in the midterms. But even after November, this issue won’t be going away, and it may become appropriate for the pro-life side to go further on the offensive.

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Murdering children is NEVER the right thing to do. END OF STORY!!!

If legal then it simply means infanticide is legal. Barbaric tribes spring to mind.

May 5, 2011, 9:18 PM AEST / Source: Discovery Channel
By Jennifer Viegas
Infanticide, the killing of unwanted babies, was common throughout the Roman Empire and other parts of the ancient world, according to a new study.
The study, which has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Archaeological Science, explains that "until recently, (infanticide) was a practice that was widely tolerated in human societies around the world. Prior to modern methods of contraception, it was one of the few ways of limiting family size that was both safe for the mother and effective."

Based on archaeological finds, the practice appears to have been particularly widespread in the Roman Empire.
"I think it was tolerated in the Roman world rather than something that was completely acceptable, but it's hard to be sure," lead author Simon Mays told Discovery News.
Mays, a senior scientific officer for the Ancient Monuments Laboratory of English Heritage, and colleague Jill Eyers focused their attention on Yewden Roman villa, otherwise known as "Hambelden." This villa, which dates from the 1st to the 4th century, is located at Hambleden, Buckinghamshire, England.
A previous excavation of Hambleden in 1921 determined that the site has 97 infant burials, the largest number of such burials for any Roman location in Britain. The excavator at the time suspected infanticide "with surreptitious disposal of the bodies.
Since few infant skeletons show evidence of cause of death, Mays and Eyers used an indirect method to investigate possible infanticide at Hambleden. Natural deaths tend to show a dispersed age distribution at burial sites. At places where infanticide occurred, the age distribution is more uniform, corresponding to full-term infancy.

The researchers took bone measurements of the Hambleden infant remains and compared them to those taken at two other sites: Ashkelon, Israel and the medieval Wharram Percy, England. Infants buried at Wharram Percy likely died of natural causes. Ashkelon, once part of the Roman Empire, told a different story."

...................The findings add to the growing body of evidence that infanticide was common in the Roman Empire. The prehistoric sites of Khok Phanom Di, Thailand, and Lepinski Vir and Vlasac, Serbia, also yielded probable evidence for infanticide. A 1973 survey of human societies determined that 80 percent of them, at some time in the past or more modern times, practiced this intentional killing of babies."

So it remains; killing babies is a trait of barbarians.


A fetus is not a baby. If anti-abortion people were pro-life, they would be providing support for the mother after a baby is born. Instead you do it at the point of a gun. That is fascism.
A fetus is not a baby. If anti-abortion people were pro-life, they would be providing support for the mother after a baby is born. Instead you do it at the point of a gun. That is fascism.
Do you know what transforms a fetus into a human being?

The Birth Fairy

She stands there with her baby wand to wave over the fetus as it exits the womb, instantly turning it into a human being.
Again, when does human life begin along with our natural rights?
Human life begins at fertilization. Natural Rights are a fairytale until you prove otherwise.
To not answer this question, or to even care about it, is very telling.
Just did. As for that wall of text not one of those examples is of any of them saying they support late term abortions (though I assume they do if there's and risk to the mother or baby).
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