"until my last breath, i will fight to outlaw abortion in all 50states" Pence says overturning Roe was greatest accomplishment by Trump administration

Get the vaccine or lose your job seems like a choice to me.

Have an abortion or loss your job would be no different.
Also do you want to answer on if doctors, medical workers and insurers have a choice in providing abortions or coverage for abortions?
This is further proof
Wait, so saying we need to pass laws in each state banning abortion proves that we don’t care about saving abortion victims or that we don’t care that the states should be in charge of this matter under the Constitution as written?

How does that “logic” work, there, chief?

Cuz… wow.
Have an abortion or loss your job would be no different.
Yes that would be a choice. Probably wouldn't work out well for the company putting women in the position, but it is indeed a choice.
Also do you want to answer on if doctors, medical workers and insurers have a choice in providing abortions or coverage for abortions?
Plenty of doctors don't provide abortions in fact only a small portion of them do. Why would someone who wanted to treat sports injuries for example become an abortion doctor to not perform abortions? Seems that problem would sort itself out.
Yes that would be a choice. Probably wouldn't work out well for the company putting women in the position, but it is indeed a choice.

Plenty of doctors don't provide abortions in fact only a small portion of them do. Why would someone who wanted to treat sports injuries for example become an abortion doctor to not perform abortions? Seems that problem would sort itself out.

So you're good with hospitals, doctors and other medical workers having a choice in providing abortions. What about healthcare insurers are you good with them having a choice in providing coverage or not for abortions?
This is the Republican attempt to control poor women and the American people are having none of it. As long as the Republican Party continues to try to ban abortion, they will continue to lose elections.
Definitely, I do not disagree with The Will of the Female Majority -- let abortion be legal. The only issues on which men should object to The Will of the Female Majority are issues directly related to men -- Presumption of Guilt, arrest of male victims of Domestic Violence, etc.

Women make up 56% of electorate.
If polled, most Americans would say they did not want all abortion banned.
Yet it's what most Republican politicians said they want.

The voters believed them.

Late term abortion is universally seen as infanticide, something the entire DNC has embraced.
Just stop. That nonsense only works on your fellow cultists. Nobody with a brain fell for that lie.

Also, children being able to have abortions without the consent of their parents is immoral and wrong.
For fascists who think parents literally own their children, sure. Normal people think otherwise. The pro-life position here is inconsistent with medicine in general, where mature minors have generally been free to choose their own care.

What does it say about how radical and extreme your anti-liberty position is, that you can't support it without a massive lying campaign? And that you needed 6 wild-eyed frothing judicial activists to implement it? Dobbs is regarded a a joke by the legal world, an example of open judicial corruption.
Wait, so saying we need to pass laws in each state banning abortion proves that we don’t care about saving abortion victims or that we don’t care that the states should be in charge of this matter under the Constitution as written?
If you want to say that, fine. No one else is saying it, so you saying it makes you look crazy and stupid.

I've never meet a pro-lifer who wasn't mentally kind of slow. They all fail in the reasoning department.
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Your days of passing absurd legislation are over for AT LEAST 2 years.
Enjoy your walk in the woods
This one definitely didn't take the GOP's humiliating loss well.

If Republicans won, why are the Republicans here all so miserable?
Do you know what transforms a fetus into a human being?

The Birth Fairy
Well, yeah.

Why do you have a problem with it? After all, it's been the standard of all of all of humanity over all of human history.

It takes incredible narcissism and hubris to say that all of humanity has been wrong, and that only you know the realtruth ... and then back it up with only "BECAUSE I SAY SO!". I've never encountered a pro-lifer who has anything other than "BECAUSE I SAY SO!" to justify their enslavement crusade.
Your lack of rebuttal is noted, and you stand corrected.
Pointing out that you're just making stupid shit up is the rebuttal. And you have no response.

We do get it. You're absolutely helpless in any debate against any liberal on any topic, and you know it. Thus, you see making stupid shit up as your only viable debate tactic.
Pointing out that you're just making stupid shit up is the rebuttal. And you have no response.
Your continued lack of rebuttal or ability to support anything you say is accepted as your concession that you are wrong, and furthermore that you know and accept yourself to be a useless retard and a troll.

It's fine, there was no way to support your claim that wanting laws against murder means we don't care about murder, or that wanting state-level laws means we don't think the issue should be resolved at the state level under the Constitution. Your assertion was so incredibly stupid and worthless from the beginning that it was unsupportable with any rational framework.

Thank you for your concession. Your failure is recognized. You can fuck off now, retard.
If I were a godless political scientist hired to advise finger-wetting swamp rats in washington about abortion policy I would tell them that liberal women killing babies that would otherwise grow up to be liberals also has benefited the republican party

Legalizing abortion means fewer liberal voters in the future

Why do you think they try so hard to win converts via the schools?

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