Unvaccinated Adults Who Had Virus Face Risk of Reinfection, C.D.C. Says

Aw, the modern trumpian way! Show whose son you are while you can. The future means crap if you can personally have a better time right now. Your parents really are expendable if they updated their will and if the worse should happen, your kids can be supported by welfare 9 months after your loving wife has blown the insurance money, having a good time, putting you behind her, and you can be immortalized in a phony deathbed come to Jesus video, as you tell everybody you were just too damn dumb to figure it out, before it was too late.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

It's the Rand Paul/ Scott Atlas way. You know, the former eye doctor who knows nothing about virology but thinks he's a virologist and the radiologist who hadn't taken an X-ray in ten years but figures millions are expendable in order to reach herd immunity.

I guess that would be well and good assuming you plan on letting them die at home and in the streets since there are already no hospital beds in many parts of the country.

If Florida, Louisiana, Missouri and Texas were countries, they'd be as bad off right now as Botswana.
I read an article a few months ago that the people who have the best protection from the virus are those who have had the virus then got vaccinated after having it.

This article says those who had it but didn't get vaccinated after having it, are the ones most likely to get reinfected with the virus.
Guess I'm covered. Hope they are right and it works out.
By the way, my 14 year old granddaughter got vaccinated (Pfizer, like her mother) yesterday, leaving just our 8-year-old granddaughter unvaccinated. The whole family has showed good sense. I guess PJ and I did ok.
A study was done and found that a person has a 2.34 times chance to get reinfected with the virus than people who have been vaccinated.

The study suggests that the the vaccine provides more protection than natural immunity generated by having contracted the virus.

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, BULLSHIT. CCP Joe wasn't getting the response to the jab that he wanted and now they are pulling out all the stops. Mrna is better than immunity acquired from the actual virus. Delta Variant is spiking. Hospitals will be overwhelmed (like during the original infestation?) Now, Lambda variant. And now this communist bastard wants to force-vaccinate the population. Screw all of you lying POS. Shove your jab up your ass.
A study was done and found that a person has a 2.34 times chance to get reinfected with the virus than people who have been vaccinated.

The study suggests that the the vaccine provides more protection than natural immunity generated by having contracted the virus.

The agency that has been wrong -or just flat out lied- about nearly everything to this point, is suddenly the touchstone of the gospel truth.....To the point that they're now contradicting one of the most basic biological facts of the human immune system.

I don't think so....Homey don't play that.
A study was done and found that a person has a 2.34 times chance to get reinfected with the virus than people who have been vaccinated.

The study suggests that the the vaccine provides more protection than natural immunity generated by having contracted the virus.

Did Fauci tell you that, from his data?
CDC positions have changed when the FACTS have changed. I'll try to keep it simple for you. Do smart investors change their positions when facts change? The answer of course is yes.

So please cut the crap.
We aren't dealing with facts, we are dealing with an agenda. You have over a 99% survival rate.
CDC is full of shit.
Where is the logic in a narrative that says you can still contract and spread the virus even after innoculation. How are you different than if you had never had the virus or not. ALL people can still contract and spread the virus. And that doesn't even begin to address the contradictory bullshit the CDC spouts about masking. The CDC and WHO can't even get on the same page. Overwhelming the hospitals is a non starter as the original infestation--before the mrna--did not overwhelm our hospitals. I will never get that jab.
A study was done and found that a person has a 2.34 times chance to get reinfected with the virus than people who have been vaccinated.

The study suggests that the the vaccine provides more protection than natural immunity generated by having contracted the virus.

The study suggests that the the vaccine provides more protection than natural immunity generated by having contracted the virus.

That is a huge laughable lie, Natural immunity is lifetime, don't need to be vaccinated at all.
Aw, the modern trumpian way! Show whose son you are while you can. The future means crap if you can personally have a better time right now. Your parents really are expendable if they updated their will and if the worse should happen, your kids can be supported by welfare 9 months after your loving wife has blown the insurance money, having a good time, putting you behind her, and you can be immortalized in a phony deathbed come to Jesus video, as you tell everybody you were just too damn dumb to figure it out, before it was too late.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Sheep that can't think for themselves and refuse to follow logic. SMH. Good Luck to you.
Guess I'm covered. Hope they are right and it works out.
By the way, my 14 year old granddaughter got vaccinated (Pfizer, like her mother) yesterday, leaving just our 8-year-old granddaughter unvaccinated. The whole family has showed good sense. I guess PJ and I did ok.

I'm glad you're covered. I started a thread about it when I read the article. It was a couple months ago.

I got the Pfizer vaccination too. I didn't contract the virus before I had the vaccination so I'll probably have to get at least one booster.

If things keep going the way it has been thus far, the virus will be here to stay and everyone will have to periodically get boosters.

It doesn't have to be that way.
It doesn't have to be that way.
Correct, it doesn't. Any logic-believing human can see that it makes no sense to have an invasive procedure to prevent a virus that doesn't do exactly that. It does not give you immunity. It does not keep you from spreading the virus. And the recovery rate for the infected is over 99%. This is about command and control and nothing more. Focus on that lemming ass in front of you as you drink the kool aid.
A study was done and found that a person has a 2.34 times chance to get reinfected with the virus than people who have been vaccinated.

The study suggests that the the vaccine provides more protection than natural immunity generated by having contracted the virus.

Is that why 50% of the new covid infections in Israel are in vaccinated people and less than 1% are in people who already had Covid?

Might want to stop listening to the CDC.

That is a huge laughable lie, Natural immunity is lifetime, don't need to be vaccinated at all.

It's just fine to have your own opinion but not your own facts. Especially when your facts are wrong.

Having the wrong information can get you killed.

Immunity lasts up to 8 months in cases that aren't severe. It can last longer for those who recover from a severe case but immunity starts dropping after time too.

From a Swedish study released at the end of June 2021. About 6 weeks ago:

In the wake of the ongoing pandemic of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and its associated disease, the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), global public health has never been in such peril.

As a result of SARS-CoV-2 infection, antibodies are produced against a range of viral antigens, including the spike and the nucleocapsid protein. There is evidence that antibodies to the spike-S1 protein, and more specifically, the receptor-binding domain, can neutralize the virus. There’s been research showing people who had severe infections staying protected from the virus for months. But not much is known about how long immunity lasts after a mild infection.

Research led by Asa Bjorndal from the Public Health Agency of Sweden investigated people’s antibody response after mild symptoms. The findings showed Immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies that target the spike protein remained stable after 8 months. But antibodies targeting SARS-CoV-2’s nucleocapsid protein waned over time.
It's just fine to have your own opinion but not your own facts. Especially when your facts are wrong.

Having the wrong information can get you killed.

Immunity lasts up to 8 months in cases that aren't severe. It can last longer for those who recover from a severe case but immunity starts dropping after time too.

From a Swedish study released at the end of June 2021. About 6 weeks ago:

In the wake of the ongoing pandemic of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and its associated disease, the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), global public health has never been in such peril.

As a result of SARS-CoV-2 infection, antibodies are produced against a range of viral antigens, including the spike and the nucleocapsid protein. There is evidence that antibodies to the spike-S1 protein, and more specifically, the receptor-binding domain, can neutralize the virus. There’s been research showing people who had severe infections staying protected from the virus for months. But not much is known about how long immunity lasts after a mild infection.

Research led by Asa Bjorndal from the Public Health Agency of Sweden investigated people’s antibody response after mild symptoms. The findings showed Immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies that target the spike protein remained stable after 8 months. But antibodies targeting SARS-CoV-2’s nucleocapsid protein waned over time.
Having the wrong information can get you killed.

Hysterical hyperbole, for a virus that has a 99.8% recovery rate....The very reason that people don't believe you doomsaying scaremongers.

"genomic sequencing to confirm reinfections among those in the study was not conducted."

In other words, there is zero evidence that they were reinfected in the first place.

You're easily brainwashed by fake news.

The findings in this report are subject to at least five limitations. First, reinfection was not confirmed through whole genome sequencing, which would be necessary to definitively prove that the reinfection was caused from a distinct virus relative to the first infection. Although in some cases the repeat positive test could be indicative of prolonged viral shedding or failure to clear the initial viral infection (9), given the time between initial and subsequent positive molecular tests among participants in this study, reinfection is the most likely explanation.
Then there's this new study.

Those who had the virus are twice as likely to be reinfected than those who get vaccinated.

From the article:

Luz Pena: "Is it dependent on the level of virus they were infected with?"

Dr. Timothy Henrich: "It seems to be and we don't know exactly how protected or how long the protection from natural infection will last," said Henrich UCSF Professor of Medicine in Residence.

Dr. Henrich has been studying the long term impacts of COVID-19 and says the immune response from natural infection is not as high.

"Both antibody responses and cellular immune responses or for example T-cells that recognize SARS-CoV-2 infection can persist for months. Eight to 12 months after natural infection and most likely after vaccination. What we don't fully understand is how protected those immune responses are longer term overtime," said Dr. Henrich.

In the CDC study, residents who were infected with COVID in 2020 experienced a reinfection between May and June of 2021. That's the same time the Delta variant intensified across the country.

This study seems to back up the many cases that have been reported of people who have contracted the virus more than once.

This woman is going to lose her home.

This woman got the virus twice. The second time killed her.

I can fill a message box full of cases of people who have contracted the virus twice.

I know those who honestly need to know this information will never read and accept it.

The findings in this report are subject to at least five limitations. First, reinfection was not confirmed through whole genome sequencing, which would be necessary to definitively prove that the reinfection was caused from a distinct virus relative to the first infection. Although in some cases the repeat positive test could be indicative of prolonged viral shedding or failure to clear the initial viral infection (9), given the time between initial and subsequent positive molecular tests among participants in this study, reinfection is the most likely explanation.
PCR tests? Nice try.

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