Unvaccinated Adults Who Had Virus Face Risk of Reinfection, C.D.C. Says

you have so far not provided any fact, kid.

initially, you apparently thought barfing a queef about PCR was some kind of point. since then you have been evading explaining yourself. you have no idea what pcr is, eh? and how it works? eh?

and now you try to deflect by linking to a shitty source with irrelevant content.

read the thread. and try to focus.
I was a kid when I was your age. Your disingenuous ignorance of facts that you have responded to in the recent past speaks volumes as to your credibility. Your inability to use English show a lack of desire to communicate, so just stop trolling. Run along now, son.
I was a kid when I was your age. Your disingenuous ignorance of facts that you have responded to in the recent past speaks volumes as to your credibility. Your inability to use English show a lack of desire to communicate, so just stop trolling. Run along now, son.
nothing, again. just hot air.

as expected, kiddo.
According to this write up here, being fully vaccinated can only take you so far therefore at the end of the day, how medically safe is anyone no matter what road is taken?

God bless you always!!!

Bingo! And since I've had it and my immune system handled it to my satisfaction. I feel no need to be vaccinated. I have no greater chance of transmitting the virus than a vaxed person.
^^^ That may be where I am because I actually ended up getting the Covid sickness last month. July 21st was the end of my quarantine period. My case was labeled a mild one because the only thing that I suffered was a fever that wouldn't go away, a mild cough, and a slight infection in my right ear that I never would've known was there because neither one of my ears were even bothering me. My throat was never once sore, my sense of taste and smell never went anywhere and I never threw anything up and that is when I actually ate anything which is the reason why I kind of wish that I still had it. The sickness making my appetite jump ship only helped me out where my dieting is concerned.

God bless you always!!!

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No, YOU, toddler.

ok, perfessor. you had your pee wee tantrum.

now it's time to explain what is objectionable about pcr tests. use small words. not everyone is as knowledgeable as you, perfessor.

Why would anyone object to the pcr test?

According to the Cleveland Clinic it's the gold standard test for diagnosing covid.

I had one of those tests at the end of June to be able to enter the state of Hawaii. It was required for everyone, even those like me fully vaccinated.

It was quick, easy and got the results the next morning.

JOSweetHeart My wife experienced severe breathing problems, but when we went to be tested, the hospital didn't think it was serious enough to treat. They sent us home with instructions to treat it with pedialyte and Boost. Hardly what I expected from a life-threatening super virus. Learn how to say hello in mandarin.
Why would anyone object to the pcr test?

According to the Cleveland Clinic it's the gold standard test for diagnosing covid.

I had one of those tests at the end of June to be able to enter the state of Hawaii. It was required for everyone, even those like me fully vaccinated.

It was quick, easy and got the results the next morning.

Unreliability. The CDC stopped using them because of unreliability. If they are unreliable now they were unreliable a year ago. SMH.
Concerned American I pray that things are all better for you and your wife now. My sickness started on Sunday July 11th. I went to the doctor the next day, but I was only tested there for the flu which was negative. Why I wasn't Covid tested I have no idea. My Covid test was Friday the 16th. Because my sickness started on the 11th, I only had to go five days of quarantining.

God bless you and your wife always!!!

Airborne transmission. We didn’t know this for sure until at least late February.
OMG. Shitforbrains thinks this is the first virus to be transmitted via airborne particles.
OMG. Shitforbrains thinks this is the first virus to be transmitted via airborne particles.

Not that you'd likely be interested in learning anything backed by actual SCIENCE, but just in case.
Side note: Bugs Bunny was much smarter than you. ;)


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