Unvaccinated to pay more for insurance?

Exactly what should happen, hit them in the pocketbook.

Not sure this is legally kosher, but we will find out if and when they do. On the employer side there are a lot of federal and state rules regarding insurance. Generally employees in the same classes have to be offered the same policies and benefits.
Not sure this is legally kosher, but we will find out if and when they do. On the employer side there are a lot of federal and state rules regarding insurance. Generally employees in the same classes have to be offered the same policies and benefits.

When I signed up for private insurance through Obamacare, I was asked if I used tobacco products.

If I had said yes, my premiums would have been higher.

Smokers pay more. The precedence is already set.

Plus, our courts are packed with conservative judges now. They will all rule for the employer.

Republicans have been giving private business a lot of power since the 80s.

Labor laws and regulations have been repealed.

Conservative judges will rule in favor of the employer.
When I signed up for private insurance through Obamacare, I was asked if I used tobacco products.

If I had said yes, my premiums would have been higher.

Smokers pay more. The precedence is already set.

Plus, our courts are packed with conservative judges now. They will all rule for the employer.

Republicans have been giving private business a lot of power since the 80s.

Labor laws and regulations have been repealed.

Conservative judges will rule in favor of the employer.

You paid a higher premium because Obamacare required it, not because your employer did. There is a world of difference between what employers can do and what insurers and the government can do in this regard. Some state actually prohibit employers discriminating based on smoking. Your status as a smoker affects your subsidy amount, not your actual policy.

Exactly what should happen, hit them in the pocketbook.
Well, although employer's cannot do this I don't believe legally, maybe depends on state laws. I used to have a couple group clients who did that and it got real sticky when one of those employee's called me to ask if he could do that. Well, although the employer was my client I didn't lie to them and said no he cannot in Florida. I am not in the group side anymore and some laws have changed but there used to be and still could be underwriting on groups over 100 and the insurer could include a question "Have you been vaccinated against Covid" and no answer's would certainly raise the whole group rates.

I can see general liability and other business insurance increasing rates.
When I signed up for private insurance through Obamacare, I was asked if I used tobacco products.

If I had said yes, my premiums would have been higher.

Smokers pay more. The precedence is already set.

Plus, our courts are packed with conservative judges now. They will all rule for the employer.

Republicans have been giving private business a lot of power since the 80s.

Labor laws and regulations have been repealed.

Conservative judges will rule in favor of the employ
Is that request based on religion? I think it is.
No, not at all. Risky behaviors should cost more. Smokers have to pay more. Why not other risky behaviors?

I mean if we are gonna get on a moral high horse about vaccines...let's call out all of it.
No, not at all. Risky behaviors should cost more. Smokers have to pay more. Why not other risky behaviors?

I mean if we are gonna get on a moral high horse about vaccines...let's call out all of it.

I'll cut to the chase. Do you believe in a god.
No, not at all. Risky behaviors should cost more. Smokers have to pay more. Why not other risky behaviors?

I mean if we are gonna get on a moral high horse about vaccines...let's call out all of it.
Well you're right but also if an unvaccinated person knows they have covid and goes to work and spreads it to other employee's shouldn't they also be arrested, charged and tried just like an infected HIV who does not tell their partner they have HIV before indulging unprotected sex with them. Both are spreading a potentially death sentence to another person.
You paid a higher premium because Obamacare required it, not because your employer did. There is a world of difference between what employers can do and what insurers and the government can do in this regard. Some state actually prohibit employers discriminating based on smoking. Your status as a smoker affects your subsidy amount, not your actual policy.

I don't smoke cigarettes. I said if I had answered yes.

I used to.

I'm retired now but have had employer provided insurance for 30 years. I had to fill out forms for that insurance. There were several. Some asked me questions about my medical history and if I smoked.

Insurance has always asked those questions. At least since I've been working and I started legally working in 1976.

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