Unvaccinated to pay more for insurance?

Well you're right but also if an unvaccinated person knows they have covid and goes to work and spreads it to other employee's shouldn't they also be arrested, charged and tried just like an infected HIV who does not tell their partner they have HIV before indulging unprotected sex with them. Both are spreading a potentially death sentence to another person.
Vaccinated spread the stuff just as much as unvaccinated so there goes that argument.
You made no point. You're a douchebag who thought he could pin me on an unrelated technicality.
I'll say now you are a godbotberer and that influenced you decision.
Of course you will deny it because you didn't think anyone would click.
Carry on if you like but nothing will change my view.
Except you are just pulling that statement out of your ass....like everything else the far right lies about
LOL, I'm not far right I am a registered republican that votes only for moderates on both sides. Where the hell do you think the vaccinated are getting it from?

Exactly what should happen, hit them in the pocketbook.
Thats okay, because all of the people getting hospitalized and dying, all have been vaccinated, vaccine(oxymoron)is killing your immune system, and this is what gave birth to delta strain, enjoy your death fascist, we fully intend too.... :banana: The only good democrats are covid killed democrats!
No, not at all. Risky behaviors should cost more. Smokers have to pay more. Why not other risky behaviors?

I mean if we are gonna get on a moral high horse about vaccines...let's call out all of it.
So faggots should pay more in insurance because they deal in the areas which is full of diseases, am I right?
I don't smoke cigarettes. I said if I had answered yes.

I used to.

I'm retired now but have had employer provided insurance for 30 years. I had to fill out forms for that insurance. There were several. Some asked me questions about my medical history and if I smoked.

Insurance has always asked those questions. At least since I've been working and I started legally working in 1976.
Since my dividend income is around $150,000 quarterly, i dont have to have a business snooping into whether i got the jab or not. All you progressive slaves who bow down to your prog leaders just so you can get a $1,400 check, which doesnt do shit now with all that inflation Joe Biteme has caused. Thank a prog for your misery and poverty.
Where did the vaccinated get it? From the unvaccinated.

Since my dividend income is around $150,000 quarterly, i dont have to have a business snooping into whether i got the jab or not. All you progressive slaves who bow down to your prog leaders just so you can get a $1,400 check, which doesnt do shit now with all that inflation Joe Biteme has caused. Thank a prog for your misery and poverty.
It will be interesting to compare healthcare costs of the vaxxed vs unvaxxed over the next 10 years.
It will be interesting to compare healthcare costs of the vaxxed vs unvaxxed over the next 10 years.
Yes, it will,


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