Unvaccinated to pay more for insurance?

LOL, I'm not far right I am a registered republican that votes only for moderates on both sides. Where the hell do you think the vaccinated are getting it from?
From the stupid unvaccinated who are allowing COVID to develop multiple variants, one of which may deem the vaccines ineffective. The vaccinated that suffer break through infections usually develop mild cases. But if the unvaccinated continue to allow the virus to spread unabated, that might change.

Then you all will point to the CDC and say, "WE TOLD YOU THE VACCINES WERE ANY GOOD!"
I don't smoke cigarettes. I said if I had answered yes.

I used to.

I'm retired now but have had employer provided insurance for 30 years. I had to fill out forms for that insurance. There were several. Some asked me questions about my medical history and if I smoked.

Insurance has always asked those questions. At least since I've been working and I started legally working in 1976.

Again that is the insurance provider, not the employer. The general rule is that employers have to treat all employees in the same class the same regarding health insurance or else they cannot legally deduct any of their health insurance expenditures on their taxes. For instance, you can have different bells and whistles between the managers and the laborers, but all managers must be treated equally and all laborers must be treated equally. That traditionally means that you either have to contribute equal amounts toward each person's policy across the group or pay an equal percentage across the group.

Exactly what should happen, hit them in the pocketbook.
How come druggies don't pay higher premiums then
Or miniorities who have higher incidents of substance abuse, obesity, fried foods, cancer, heart disease, sickle cell and whole host of other medical issues
Why dont the obese......
Well, I told you all it was coming. Good luck with your higher premium's and claims denied.

just part of this article

Insurers eliminated pandemic perk

Major insurers such as Aetna, Anthem Blue Cross and UnitedHealth Group discontinued fee waivers as vaccines became widely available, as first reported by Kaiser Health News. Humana still covers out-of-pocket costs for older adults on its Medicare plan, but the insurer does not shield out-of-pocket costs for those covered by employer-sponsored plans.

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