Update: High School AP History Book Rewrites 2nd Amendment

Update: High School AP History Book Rewrites 2nd Amendment
Guyer High School (and obviously several others) are complicit in attempting to condition students to interpret the 2nd Amendment in a clearly opposite manner in which it was intended. The 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 5th are also misinterpreted as several commenters below pointed out.

This textbook, currently being used by Guyer High School, is attempting to redefine the Second Amendment to impressionable young minds. Parents, you must speak up and demand action. Investigate your child's history book ASAP, and post more pictures in the comments below. Call your school and demand that revisionist history books like this are removed from the school district.


Textbook version: "The people have a right to keep and bear arms in a state militia."

Actual 2nd Amendment: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Did you catch the sleight of hand?

A militia is a body of citizens enrolled for military service, and called out periodically for drill but serving full time only in emergencies. It's a common man army of citizens, NOT soldiers. The citizens are called up in emergencies to protect the free State.

The 2nd Amendment says that a militia is necessary to protect a free State, so in order to be able to have a militia, the citizens have a natural right to keep and bear arms and the government cannot infringe on that right.

The textbook version implies that we're only allowed to keep and bear arms if we're in a State militia, a clear misrepresentation of the 2nd Amendment.​

Progressives lie. All the time.

A direct quote of each and every Amendment is the only accurate depiction of each. Of course, that does not negate how so-called "educators" might interpret them.
Funny, they have the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution on an "Advanced Placement Exam"

Dunno which is worse folks, I knew the first 10 amendments in 1st Grade. At any rate, that is indoctrination of the worst kind. The poor kid will start asking gun owners "hey are you in a militia?" to which they will reply, "No. What makes you say that?" The kid will respond, "I learned in school that only people in militias own guns, that's what the Second Amendment says!"
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Update: High School AP History Book Rewrites 2nd Amendment
Guyer High School (and obviously several others) are complicit in attempting to condition students to interpret the 2nd Amendment in a clearly opposite manner in which it was intended. The 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 5th are also misinterpreted as several commenters below pointed out.

This textbook, currently being used by Guyer High School, is attempting to redefine the Second Amendment to impressionable young minds. Parents, you must speak up and demand action. Investigate your child's history book ASAP, and post more pictures in the comments below. Call your school and demand that revisionist history books like this are removed from the school district.


Textbook version: "The people have a right to keep and bear arms in a state militia."

Actual 2nd Amendment: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Did you catch the sleight of hand?

A militia is a body of citizens enrolled for military service, and called out periodically for drill but serving full time only in emergencies. It's a common man army of citizens, NOT soldiers. The citizens are called up in emergencies to protect the free State.

The 2nd Amendment says that a militia is necessary to protect a free State, so in order to be able to have a militia, the citizens have a natural right to keep and bear arms and the government cannot infringe on that right.

The textbook version implies that we're only allowed to keep and bear arms if we're in a State militia, a clear misrepresentation of the 2nd Amendment.​

Progressives lie. All the time.

Paraphrasing allows editing to fit the current PC interpretation.
When my daughter was in grade school she brought home a textbook for some homework. The chapter was entitled Great Women of America. The first one, I kid you not, was Sally Field.

Nothing surprises me about the public school system. Nothing.

The "Flying Nun"?

Well, then, I bet Betsy Ross or Rosa Parks would like to say a few words.
If that's a legitimate copy of the text book, wow! Are they trying to hide behind putting the bill of rights in everyday English?

What's so difficult to understand about the original?

Textbook version: "The people have a right to keep and bear arms in a state militia."

Actual 2nd Amendment: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."​

In modern language, the 2nd amendment means:

"Since an armed and capable populace is necessary for security and freedom, the right of ordinary people to own and carry guns and other such weapons cannot be taken away or restricted."

WHy not put that "interpretation" into their textbooks? At least they'd be right. For a change.

Because our so-called representatives know, and understand, that a well-armed militia might have to be directed at their activities.
The right wingers need to read what the 1st amendment says in that book, memorize it, and follow it.

It's written for low-information voters, Obama voters, like, ahem, cough cough ^

Right wingers can't even read books, they just do whatever the flashy colors and bleach blonde bimbos at fox tell them.

Excuse me? I read what was posted, it is very clearly an abomination and a total misrepresentation of what the 2d Amendment states. I am not stupid, nor uneducated.
I don't like how the textbook writes the amendment.

So I suggest all you patriots check your local school districts' American history books.

If you disagree, book all of you one on one appts with the school board president and the superintendent, asking them if they wish to be retained in their positions.

You agree with that interpretation of the 2d Amendment?
UHHHHH Dave dear, and all the others blaming liberals for what the TEXAS Board of Education approved, an extremely CONSERVATIVE group is kind of par for the course as of late....

This Board SEEMS to read and touch every book in Texas schools to approve or disapprove of it or strike language in them....seems to have flubbed up on this.....

Texas school board whitewashes history - CNN.com

I think Tinydancer is right, the Board of education in TEXAS is who you should ultimately go after....

NOT ONLY is the 2nd amendment rewritten in this book but so is the 1st Amendment rewritten, yet none of you even noticed....makes me wonder if you all weren't told what to be upset about, you'd be lost.....???

The book puts ''may make no'' in the spot where it should read ''shall make no'' should be....and there is a HUGE legal difference between ''may'' and ''shall''.....


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

that book is for a high school COLLEGE course....

advanced prep course they can get college credit for..........

who authored the book?

So is the Third. They are paraphrasing each Amendment, and thereby adulterating the actual language of each Amendment.
Holy toledo. This prep book is just one of many by this publishing company.

Amsco School Publications. Check it out. Odds are Texas State Board of Ed aren't the only ones who approved this book.

AMSCO is dedicated to providing high quality, inexpensive textbooks and support materials to the educational community. Our course texts, review, and test prep books reflect national and state standards for curriculum and assessment. We offer a growing list of books aligned to both the intent and the specifics of the Common Core State Standards. In addition to answer keys, many of our titles are accompanied by Teachers' Manuals, which provide lesson plans and suggestions for instruction.

AMSCO's reputation has always been that of a provider of content rich, competitively priced, classroom useable materials.

Amsco School Publications | LinkedIn

I'll look into the authors and the distribution system tomorrow.

The keyword is "inexpensive". So many school districts, so many universities are cash-strapped right now...unfortunately "cheap" does not always equate to "good" or right, for that matter.
When my daughter was in grade school she brought home a textbook for some homework. The chapter was entitled Great Women of America. The first one, I kid you not, was Sally Field.

Nothing surprises me about the public school system. Nothing.

The "Flying Nun"?

Well, then, I bet Betsy Ross or Rosa Parks would like to say a few words.

Have you googled "Flying Nun"? I know you're too "un-seasoned" to have personally experienced her.
With all due respect to the suggestion that you get hold of a local school, it's not good enough.

You have to find out who authored the changes and the publisher of the text book just for starters.

And you must find out who the publisher distributes the books to. That will give you the list of every public school state wide or nation wide and then you have the list of school boards and state education boards you have to attack.

You have to get this book out of the curriculum like yesterday.

AND wouldn't this be against any law? I just can't see how this would be legal. The constitution nor its amendments should not be allowed to be reworded.
[ame=http://www.amazon.com/United-States-History-Preparing-Examination/dp/1567656609/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1379313150&sr=8-1&keywords=United+States+History+Preparing+For+The+Advanced+Placement+Examination+Second+Edition+2010+Revision&tag=bullnotbull-20]United States History: Preparing for the Advanced Placement Examination: John J. Newman, John M. Schmalbach: 9781567656602: Amazon.com: Books[/ame]

You must read the reviews!!! They're fighting just about as bad as some on a message board I know ;)
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Bahahahaa! Houston is a "very liberal area of Texas"? 'Scuze me but I'm channeling my inner George Carlin here and remembering "jumbo shrimp", "holy war" and "plastic glass" just to name a few.

If you think Houston is liberal then what does that make Midland/Odessa? How about Austin? Is that considered the local Communist outpost?

Yea Houston is so red, that's why they've had Democrat Mayors since 1982.
List of mayors of Houston - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Austin is a very blue area as well.
Lee Leffingwell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Will Wynn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Does it hurt being so stupid?

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