UPDATE: Letter by Ted Cruz and 6 GOP Senators and 4 Senators-Elect Sign Letter to Reject Election –Call For Election Commission 10-Day Emergency Audit

You're fucking deranged, Fruitcake. BLM never stormed the White House. :cuckoo:

One thing about you Nazis, you're pathological liars.


You're fucking deranged, Fruitcake. Your own link shows they never stormed the White House. They never even got closer than 30 yards from the White House lawn.

You're a mental case. Seek professional help. Meds are in order.

The President was in such severe danger secret service had to move him to the Underground Bunker - the democrats posed a credible threat to his life.

During the Reichstag Fire, no one had be be hustled to a bunker.

Unarmed protestors with no guns, bombs, or incendiaries trespassed. . (despite blatant lies to the contrary by the Reich press at the time, lies you continue to repeat even though they were debunked long ago.)

You Nazis are trying to paint a protest as something it isn't and never was. You're lying scum and traitors, so that's expected.

But you don't get to get away with it.

Fuck you
Fuck your Reichstag Fire fiction
Fuck all Nazis, democrats or otherwise.
Fruitcake, BLM never stormed the White House. You really are out of your fucking mind. :cuckoo:

Nazi; being a pathological liar is mental illness.

Get help, Nazi.
You're fucking deranged, Fruitcake. :cuckoo:

Repeating Trump had to be taken to a secure location does not mean the White House was stormed. It wasn't and your own link corroborates that. Your own link states BLM skirmishes with police occurred "outside" the White House. That would be NOT storming the White House.

And your denial that Mike Pence had to be taken to a secure location on 1/6 was utterly destroyed by the video I posted of him being escorted to a secure location.

Get help Nazi.

You're mentally ill.
Slobbers the nutter who denies Mike Pence was escorted to a secure location because of the mob who stormed the Capitol; while also claiming BLM stormed the White House though they never did.

Just imagine what your crowd would have done if the situation was reversed? They burned, looted, rioted and took over city blocks for months for much less just a couple of months prior. Capital Hill would have been in flames and anything of value stolen. It somehow soothes the pain of whatever cause they are protesting if they get a flat screen TV or a few iPads while they are at it. That is how anti-Trumpers roll.

These were protestors who went to far, but funny not as far as the rioters and looters and did all over tehe country. Those folks took over an entire city block and a police station. This was CLEARLY not a planned insurection attempt. You don’t plan to overthrow a government without guns. Remember, these were largely Trump supporters. I can assure you the vast majority have guns. They left them at home. I guess they figured they wouldn’t need them during their attempted insurrection? LOL..you guys are idiots.
Fantasizing what Democrats might have done is irrelevant. Your side attacked our government and did so in the name of the loser of an election and with the intent on having him installed as president. That you try to equate that with other events is absurd as nothing like that has ever happened before in this country. That you try to minimize the situation by imagining what others would have done reveals even you understand that.
It's hardly irrelevant. It's a good logical exercise to determine whether Democrat Reich minions are just spewing the hot gas they've been ordered to spew, and that's all this whine is.
So we can assume the right would burn buildings down if a black cop kneeled on a white man's neck for nearly 10 minutes until he died. Isn't that right? That's what you're intimating.

You're fucking deranged, Fruitcake.

YOU said he died from a heart attack BEFORE you said he actually died from a stroke. I was the one who said he didn't die from a heart attack, which you now agree with.


I know you live in the third world; but have they tried shock therapy on you? The lobotomy didn't work. Maybe if they hook jumper cables from a car battery to your genitals it will help?

Or maybe a brain transplant? The brain of a toad would be a VAST improvement for you... Ask your Mullahs...
Spits the asylum inmate who said Sicknick dies of a heart attack. :eusa_doh:

Typical FAUX post harping on irrelevancies.

You cultists' lying is irrelevant, huh?
No, your lies about what's being contested here are highly relevant.
What part of "try" didn't you understand?
Nothing. People who are impeached are subject to an impeachment trial. Just as the constitution says.

Our founders were smarter than you idiots. They knew exactly what they were talking about.
You can't be impeached if you aren't the president.
He was impeached while he was President.
What he wasn't was convicted, like every President who has been impeached.
How many times do you numskulls have to be told that?
That doesn't matter. He can't be removed from office if he isn't in office, so the trial is invalid. It doesn't matter how many times you goose stepping NAZIs claim otherwise.
Fucking moron, removal from office isn't the only purpose for impeachment.
That doesn't matter. If he isn't eligable to be removed from office, then he isn't eligible to be tried.
Says you, the USMB fucking moron. The Constitution doesn't state that. It reads the Senate has the sole power to try ALL imprachments.

What part of "all" rendered you a blubbering pile of human waste?
You're fucking deranged, Fruitcake. BLM never stormed the White House. :cuckoo:

One thing about you Nazis, you're pathological liars.


You're fucking deranged, Fruitcake. Your own link shows they never stormed the White House. They never even got closer than 30 yards from the White House lawn.

You're a mental case. Seek professional help. Meds are in order.

The President was in such severe danger secret service had to move him to the Underground Bunker - the democrats posed a credible threat to his life.

During the Reichstag Fire, no one had be be hustled to a bunker.

Unarmed protestors with no guns, bombs, or incendiaries trespassed. . (despite blatant lies to the contrary by the Reich press at the time, lies you continue to repeat even though they were debunked long ago.)

You Nazis are trying to paint a protest as something it isn't and never was. You're lying scum and traitors, so that's expected.

But you don't get to get away with it.

Fuck you
Fuck your Reichstag Fire fiction
Fuck all Nazis, democrats or otherwise.
Fruitcake, BLM never stormed the White House. You really are out of your fucking mind. :cuckoo:

Nazi; being a pathological liar is mental illness.

Get help, Nazi.
You're fucking deranged, Fruitcake. :cuckoo:

Repeating Trump had to be taken to a secure location does not mean the White House was stormed. It wasn't and your own link corroborates that. Your own link states BLM skirmishes with police occurred "outside" the White House. That would be NOT storming the White House.

And your denial that Mike Pence had to be taken to a secure location on 1/6 was utterly destroyed by the video I posted of him being escorted to a secure location.

Get help Nazi.

You're mentally ill.
Slobbers the nutter who denies Mike Pence was escorted to a secure location because of the mob who stormed the Capitol; while also claiming BLM stormed the White House though they never did.

Just imagine what your crowd would have done if the situation was reversed? They burned, looted, rioted and took over city blocks for months for much less just a couple of months prior. Capital Hill would have been in flames and anything of value stolen. It somehow soothes the pain of whatever cause they are protesting if they get a flat screen TV or a few iPads while they are at it. That is how anti-Trumpers roll.

These were protestors who went to far, but funny not as far as the rioters and looters and did all over tehe country. Those folks took over an entire city block and a police station. This was CLEARLY not a planned insurection attempt. You don’t plan to overthrow a government without guns. Remember, these were largely Trump supporters. I can assure you the vast majority have guns. They left them at home. I guess they figured they wouldn’t need them during their attempted insurrection? LOL..you guys are idiots.
Fantasizing what Democrats might have done is irrelevant. Your side attacked our government and did so in the name of the loser of an election and with the intent on having him installed as president. That you try to equate that with other events is absurd as nothing like that has ever happened before in this country. That you try to minimize the situation by imagining what others would have done reveals even you understand that.
It's hardly irrelevant. It's a good logical exercise to determine whether Democrat Reich minions are just spewing the hot gas they've been ordered to spew, and that's all this whine is.
So we can assume the right would burn buildings down if a black cop kneeled on a white man's neck for nearly 10 minutes until he died. Isn't that right? That's what you're intimating.
No you can't. The right doesn't burn down cities. Only the left does that.

You failed to commit logic.

You're fucking deranged, Fruitcake.

YOU said he died from a heart attack BEFORE you said he actually died from a stroke. I was the one who said he didn't die from a heart attack, which you now agree with.


I know you live in the third world; but have they tried shock therapy on you? The lobotomy didn't work. Maybe if they hook jumper cables from a car battery to your genitals it will help?

Or maybe a brain transplant? The brain of a toad would be a VAST improvement for you... Ask your Mullahs...
Spits the asylum inmate who said Sicknick dies of a heart attack. :eusa_doh:

Typical FAUX post harping on irrelevancies.

You cultists' lying is irrelevant, huh?
No, your lies about what's being contested here are highly relevant.
Oh, fucking moron? What lie did I tell...?
You're fucking deranged, Fruitcake. BLM never stormed the White House. :cuckoo:

One thing about you Nazis, you're pathological liars.


You're fucking deranged, Fruitcake. Your own link shows they never stormed the White House. They never even got closer than 30 yards from the White House lawn.

You're a mental case. Seek professional help. Meds are in order.

The President was in such severe danger secret service had to move him to the Underground Bunker - the democrats posed a credible threat to his life.

During the Reichstag Fire, no one had be be hustled to a bunker.

Unarmed protestors with no guns, bombs, or incendiaries trespassed. . (despite blatant lies to the contrary by the Reich press at the time, lies you continue to repeat even though they were debunked long ago.)

You Nazis are trying to paint a protest as something it isn't and never was. You're lying scum and traitors, so that's expected.

But you don't get to get away with it.

Fuck you
Fuck your Reichstag Fire fiction
Fuck all Nazis, democrats or otherwise.
Fruitcake, BLM never stormed the White House. You really are out of your fucking mind. :cuckoo:

Nazi; being a pathological liar is mental illness.

Get help, Nazi.
You're fucking deranged, Fruitcake. :cuckoo:

Repeating Trump had to be taken to a secure location does not mean the White House was stormed. It wasn't and your own link corroborates that. Your own link states BLM skirmishes with police occurred "outside" the White House. That would be NOT storming the White House.

And your denial that Mike Pence had to be taken to a secure location on 1/6 was utterly destroyed by the video I posted of him being escorted to a secure location.

Get help Nazi.

You're mentally ill.
Slobbers the nutter who denies Mike Pence was escorted to a secure location because of the mob who stormed the Capitol; while also claiming BLM stormed the White House though they never did.

Just imagine what your crowd would have done if the situation was reversed? They burned, looted, rioted and took over city blocks for months for much less just a couple of months prior. Capital Hill would have been in flames and anything of value stolen. It somehow soothes the pain of whatever cause they are protesting if they get a flat screen TV or a few iPads while they are at it. That is how anti-Trumpers roll.

These were protestors who went to far, but funny not as far as the rioters and looters and did all over tehe country. Those folks took over an entire city block and a police station. This was CLEARLY not a planned insurection attempt. You don’t plan to overthrow a government without guns. Remember, these were largely Trump supporters. I can assure you the vast majority have guns. They left them at home. I guess they figured they wouldn’t need them during their attempted insurrection? LOL..you guys are idiots.
Fantasizing what Democrats might have done is irrelevant. Your side attacked our government and did so in the name of the loser of an election and with the intent on having him installed as president. That you try to equate that with other events is absurd as nothing like that has ever happened before in this country. That you try to minimize the situation by imagining what others would have done reveals even you understand that.
It's hardly irrelevant. It's a good logical exercise to determine whether Democrat Reich minions are just spewing the hot gas they've been ordered to spew, and that's all this whine is.
So we can assume the right would burn buildings down if a black cop kneeled on a white man's neck for nearly 10 minutes until he died. Isn't that right? That's what you're intimating.
No you can't. The right doesn't burn down cities. Only the left does that.

You failed to commit logic.
Using your logic, only the right seditiously attacks it's own Congress. So much for your fantasies about what Democrats would have done.
What part of "try" didn't you understand?
Nothing. People who are impeached are subject to an impeachment trial. Just as the constitution says.

Our founders were smarter than you idiots. They knew exactly what they were talking about.
No, The Constitution says the President will be tried if he is impeached. Trump wasn't the president, douchebag.

It's hilarious that you Democrat Reich minions keep trying to justify this trial. Apparently you don't want people to believe that you're just a bunch of lawless goose stepper who wipe their ass on the Constitution.

Well, it's too late for that.
What part of "try" didn't you understand?
Nothing. People who are impeached are subject to an impeachment trial. Just as the constitution says.

Our founders were smarter than you idiots. They knew exactly what they were talking about.
No, The Constitution says the President will be tried if he is impeached. Trump wasn't the president, douchebag.
The president was impeached. The constitution doesn’t give the president the ability to evade accountability just because he leaves office.
You're fucking deranged, Fruitcake. BLM never stormed the White House. :cuckoo:

One thing about you Nazis, you're pathological liars.


You're fucking deranged, Fruitcake. Your own link shows they never stormed the White House. They never even got closer than 30 yards from the White House lawn.

You're a mental case. Seek professional help. Meds are in order.

The President was in such severe danger secret service had to move him to the Underground Bunker - the democrats posed a credible threat to his life.

During the Reichstag Fire, no one had be be hustled to a bunker.

Unarmed protestors with no guns, bombs, or incendiaries trespassed. . (despite blatant lies to the contrary by the Reich press at the time, lies you continue to repeat even though they were debunked long ago.)

You Nazis are trying to paint a protest as something it isn't and never was. You're lying scum and traitors, so that's expected.

But you don't get to get away with it.

Fuck you
Fuck your Reichstag Fire fiction
Fuck all Nazis, democrats or otherwise.
Fruitcake, BLM never stormed the White House. You really are out of your fucking mind. :cuckoo:

Nazi; being a pathological liar is mental illness.

Get help, Nazi.
You're fucking deranged, Fruitcake. :cuckoo:

Repeating Trump had to be taken to a secure location does not mean the White House was stormed. It wasn't and your own link corroborates that. Your own link states BLM skirmishes with police occurred "outside" the White House. That would be NOT storming the White House.

And your denial that Mike Pence had to be taken to a secure location on 1/6 was utterly destroyed by the video I posted of him being escorted to a secure location.

Get help Nazi.

You're mentally ill.
Slobbers the nutter who denies Mike Pence was escorted to a secure location because of the mob who stormed the Capitol; while also claiming BLM stormed the White House though they never did.

Just imagine what your crowd would have done if the situation was reversed? They burned, looted, rioted and took over city blocks for months for much less just a couple of months prior. Capital Hill would have been in flames and anything of value stolen. It somehow soothes the pain of whatever cause they are protesting if they get a flat screen TV or a few iPads while they are at it. That is how anti-Trumpers roll.

These were protestors who went to far, but funny not as far as the rioters and looters and did all over tehe country. Those folks took over an entire city block and a police station. This was CLEARLY not a planned insurection attempt. You don’t plan to overthrow a government without guns. Remember, these were largely Trump supporters. I can assure you the vast majority have guns. They left them at home. I guess they figured they wouldn’t need them during their attempted insurrection? LOL..you guys are idiots.
Fantasizing what Democrats might have done is irrelevant. Your side attacked our government and did so in the name of the loser of an election and with the intent on having him installed as president. That you try to equate that with other events is absurd as nothing like that has ever happened before in this country. That you try to minimize the situation by imagining what others would have done reveals even you understand that.
It's hardly irrelevant. It's a good logical exercise to determine whether Democrat Reich minions are just spewing the hot gas they've been ordered to spew, and that's all this whine is.
So we can assume the right would burn buildings down if a black cop kneeled on a white man's neck for nearly 10 minutes until he died. Isn't that right? That's what you're intimating.
No you can't. The right doesn't burn down cities. Only the left does that.

You failed to commit logic.
Using your logic, only the right seditiously attacks it's own Congress. So much for your fantasies about what Democrats would have done.
That isn't my logic, NAZI.
You're fucking deranged, Fruitcake. BLM never stormed the White House. :cuckoo:

One thing about you Nazis, you're pathological liars.


You're fucking deranged, Fruitcake. Your own link shows they never stormed the White House. They never even got closer than 30 yards from the White House lawn.

You're a mental case. Seek professional help. Meds are in order.

The President was in such severe danger secret service had to move him to the Underground Bunker - the democrats posed a credible threat to his life.

During the Reichstag Fire, no one had be be hustled to a bunker.

Unarmed protestors with no guns, bombs, or incendiaries trespassed. . (despite blatant lies to the contrary by the Reich press at the time, lies you continue to repeat even though they were debunked long ago.)

You Nazis are trying to paint a protest as something it isn't and never was. You're lying scum and traitors, so that's expected.

But you don't get to get away with it.

Fuck you
Fuck your Reichstag Fire fiction
Fuck all Nazis, democrats or otherwise.
Fruitcake, BLM never stormed the White House. You really are out of your fucking mind. :cuckoo:

Nazi; being a pathological liar is mental illness.

Get help, Nazi.
You're fucking deranged, Fruitcake. :cuckoo:

Repeating Trump had to be taken to a secure location does not mean the White House was stormed. It wasn't and your own link corroborates that. Your own link states BLM skirmishes with police occurred "outside" the White House. That would be NOT storming the White House.

And your denial that Mike Pence had to be taken to a secure location on 1/6 was utterly destroyed by the video I posted of him being escorted to a secure location.

Get help Nazi.

You're mentally ill.
Slobbers the nutter who denies Mike Pence was escorted to a secure location because of the mob who stormed the Capitol; while also claiming BLM stormed the White House though they never did.

Just imagine what your crowd would have done if the situation was reversed? They burned, looted, rioted and took over city blocks for months for much less just a couple of months prior. Capital Hill would have been in flames and anything of value stolen. It somehow soothes the pain of whatever cause they are protesting if they get a flat screen TV or a few iPads while they are at it. That is how anti-Trumpers roll.

These were protestors who went to far, but funny not as far as the rioters and looters and did all over tehe country. Those folks took over an entire city block and a police station. This was CLEARLY not a planned insurection attempt. You don’t plan to overthrow a government without guns. Remember, these were largely Trump supporters. I can assure you the vast majority have guns. They left them at home. I guess they figured they wouldn’t need them during their attempted insurrection? LOL..you guys are idiots.
Fantasizing what Democrats might have done is irrelevant. Your side attacked our government and did so in the name of the loser of an election and with the intent on having him installed as president. That you try to equate that with other events is absurd as nothing like that has ever happened before in this country. That you try to minimize the situation by imagining what others would have done reveals even you understand that.
It's hardly irrelevant. It's a good logical exercise to determine whether Democrat Reich minions are just spewing the hot gas they've been ordered to spew, and that's all this whine is.

What part of "try" didn't you understand?
Nothing. People who are impeached are subject to an impeachment trial. Just as the constitution says.

Our founders were smarter than you idiots. They knew exactly what they were talking about.
No, The Constitution says the President will be tried if he is impeached. Trump wasn't the president, douchebag.
The president was impeached. The constitution doesn’t give the president the ability to evade accountability just because he leaves office.
ROFL! if a crime has passed the statute of limitiations, does that mean the accused as evaded accountability? The law says what it says. You can't change what it says just because it doesn't suit you. The statute of limitations on impeachment trials ends when the President leaves office.
You're fucking deranged, Fruitcake. BLM never stormed the White House. :cuckoo:

One thing about you Nazis, you're pathological liars.


You're fucking deranged, Fruitcake. Your own link shows they never stormed the White House. They never even got closer than 30 yards from the White House lawn.

You're a mental case. Seek professional help. Meds are in order.

The President was in such severe danger secret service had to move him to the Underground Bunker - the democrats posed a credible threat to his life.

During the Reichstag Fire, no one had be be hustled to a bunker.

Unarmed protestors with no guns, bombs, or incendiaries trespassed. . (despite blatant lies to the contrary by the Reich press at the time, lies you continue to repeat even though they were debunked long ago.)

You Nazis are trying to paint a protest as something it isn't and never was. You're lying scum and traitors, so that's expected.

But you don't get to get away with it.

Fuck you
Fuck your Reichstag Fire fiction
Fuck all Nazis, democrats or otherwise.
Fruitcake, BLM never stormed the White House. You really are out of your fucking mind. :cuckoo:

Nazi; being a pathological liar is mental illness.

Get help, Nazi.
You're fucking deranged, Fruitcake. :cuckoo:

Repeating Trump had to be taken to a secure location does not mean the White House was stormed. It wasn't and your own link corroborates that. Your own link states BLM skirmishes with police occurred "outside" the White House. That would be NOT storming the White House.

And your denial that Mike Pence had to be taken to a secure location on 1/6 was utterly destroyed by the video I posted of him being escorted to a secure location.

Get help Nazi.

You're mentally ill.
Slobbers the nutter who denies Mike Pence was escorted to a secure location because of the mob who stormed the Capitol; while also claiming BLM stormed the White House though they never did.

Just imagine what your crowd would have done if the situation was reversed? They burned, looted, rioted and took over city blocks for months for much less just a couple of months prior. Capital Hill would have been in flames and anything of value stolen. It somehow soothes the pain of whatever cause they are protesting if they get a flat screen TV or a few iPads while they are at it. That is how anti-Trumpers roll.

These were protestors who went to far, but funny not as far as the rioters and looters and did all over tehe country. Those folks took over an entire city block and a police station. This was CLEARLY not a planned insurection attempt. You don’t plan to overthrow a government without guns. Remember, these were largely Trump supporters. I can assure you the vast majority have guns. They left them at home. I guess they figured they wouldn’t need them during their attempted insurrection? LOL..you guys are idiots.
Fantasizing what Democrats might have done is irrelevant. Your side attacked our government and did so in the name of the loser of an election and with the intent on having him installed as president. That you try to equate that with other events is absurd as nothing like that has ever happened before in this country. That you try to minimize the situation by imagining what others would have done reveals even you understand that.
It's hardly irrelevant. It's a good logical exercise to determine whether Democrat Reich minions are just spewing the hot gas they've been ordered to spew, and that's all this whine is.

I imagine you are tried of being called a NAZI. If you don't like it, then why don't you trying not acting like a NAZI?
You can't be impeached if you aren't the president.
He was impeached while he was President.
What he wasn't was convicted, like every President who has been impeached.
How many times do you numskulls have to be told that?
That doesn't matter. He can't be removed from office if he isn't in office, so the trial is invalid. It doesn't matter how many times you goose stepping NAZIs claim otherwise.
Fucking moron, removal from office isn't the only purpose for impeachment.
That doesn't matter. If he isn't eligable to be removed from office, then he isn't eligible to be tried.
Says you, the USMB fucking moron. The Constitution doesn't state that. It reads the Senate has the sole power to try ALL imprachments.

What part of "all" rendered you a blubbering pile of human waste?
That would be true if Trump was still the President. Since he wasn't, the Senate was not allowed to try him.
What part of "try" didn't you understand?
Nothing. People who are impeached are subject to an impeachment trial. Just as the constitution says.

Our founders were smarter than you idiots. They knew exactly what they were talking about.
No, The Constitution says the President will be tried if he is impeached. Trump wasn't the president, douchebag.

It's hilarious that you Democrat Reich minions keep trying to justify this trial. Apparently you don't want people to believe that you're just a bunch of lawless goose stepper who wipe their ass on the Constitution.

Well, it's too late for that.

Quote the Constitution stating "the President will be tried if he is impeached."
What part of "try" didn't you understand?
Nothing. People who are impeached are subject to an impeachment trial. Just as the constitution says.

Our founders were smarter than you idiots. They knew exactly what they were talking about.
No, The Constitution says the President will be tried if he is impeached. Trump wasn't the president, douchebag.

It's hilarious that you Democrat Reich minions keep trying to justify this trial. Apparently you don't want people to believe that you're just a bunch of lawless goose stepper who wipe their ass on the Constitution.

Well, it's too late for that.
Fucking moron, he had a trial.

Sorry, no. I don’t believe in your stupid conspiracy theory.

Good luck with that kraken thingy.

Like your fellow Nazis, you don't pay attention to the thread.

Read my posts from the beginning, moron.

Your posts aren’t worth looking into. I assume it’s just you spamming “UR ALL NAZIS!!!!!!”

It wouldn’t change anything anyway. I still don’t believe in your stupid conspiracy theory nonsense.

Keep whining about it. Enjoy the next four years, snowflake.
You're fucking deranged, Fruitcake. BLM never stormed the White House. :cuckoo:

One thing about you Nazis, you're pathological liars.


You're fucking deranged, Fruitcake. Your own link shows they never stormed the White House. They never even got closer than 30 yards from the White House lawn.

You're a mental case. Seek professional help. Meds are in order.

The President was in such severe danger secret service had to move him to the Underground Bunker - the democrats posed a credible threat to his life.

During the Reichstag Fire, no one had be be hustled to a bunker.

Unarmed protestors with no guns, bombs, or incendiaries trespassed. . (despite blatant lies to the contrary by the Reich press at the time, lies you continue to repeat even though they were debunked long ago.)

You Nazis are trying to paint a protest as something it isn't and never was. You're lying scum and traitors, so that's expected.

But you don't get to get away with it.

Fuck you
Fuck your Reichstag Fire fiction
Fuck all Nazis, democrats or otherwise.
Fruitcake, BLM never stormed the White House. You really are out of your fucking mind. :cuckoo:

Nazi; being a pathological liar is mental illness.

Get help, Nazi.
You're fucking deranged, Fruitcake. :cuckoo:

Repeating Trump had to be taken to a secure location does not mean the White House was stormed. It wasn't and your own link corroborates that. Your own link states BLM skirmishes with police occurred "outside" the White House. That would be NOT storming the White House.

And your denial that Mike Pence had to be taken to a secure location on 1/6 was utterly destroyed by the video I posted of him being escorted to a secure location.

Get help Nazi.

You're mentally ill.
Slobbers the nutter who denies Mike Pence was escorted to a secure location because of the mob who stormed the Capitol; while also claiming BLM stormed the White House though they never did.

Just imagine what your crowd would have done if the situation was reversed? They burned, looted, rioted and took over city blocks for months for much less just a couple of months prior. Capital Hill would have been in flames and anything of value stolen. It somehow soothes the pain of whatever cause they are protesting if they get a flat screen TV or a few iPads while they are at it. That is how anti-Trumpers roll.

These were protestors who went to far, but funny not as far as the rioters and looters and did all over tehe country. Those folks took over an entire city block and a police station. This was CLEARLY not a planned insurection attempt. You don’t plan to overthrow a government without guns. Remember, these were largely Trump supporters. I can assure you the vast majority have guns. They left them at home. I guess they figured they wouldn’t need them during their attempted insurrection? LOL..you guys are idiots.
Fantasizing what Democrats might have done is irrelevant. Your side attacked our government and did so in the name of the loser of an election and with the intent on having him installed as president. That you try to equate that with other events is absurd as nothing like that has ever happened before in this country. That you try to minimize the situation by imagining what others would have done reveals even you understand that.
It's hardly irrelevant. It's a good logical exercise to determine whether Democrat Reich minions are just spewing the hot gas they've been ordered to spew, and that's all this whine is.
So we can assume the right would burn buildings down if a black cop kneeled on a white man's neck for nearly 10 minutes until he died. Isn't that right? That's what you're intimating.
No you can't. The right doesn't burn down cities. Only the left does that.

You failed to commit logic.
Using your logic, only the right seditiously attacks it's own Congress. So much for your fantasies about what Democrats would have done.
That isn't my logic, NAZI.
Of course it is. Folks on the left rioted because a black man was killed by a white cop by kneeling on his neck for almost 10 minutes. You say the right wouldn't do the same evidenced on the right doesn't do that. Yet when it's pointed out to you only folks on the right have attacked its own Congress to try and flip an election, you ignore your own logic and claim the left would have done the same, even though they never did.

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