Update on my bully problem

The class age is 18-30

And I am 46 lol
I feel I can keep this up until 55
Then at 55..itā€™s all guns guns guns
I think you just outsmarted yourself again while trying to say he was way too good for YOU. :smoke:

But you are mistaken. He will be back soon because you never really addressed or solved the problem.
Amen to this. Even if one person is no longer the target, at some point, another person will be, in other words, a confrontation of whatever form will have to happen.

God bless you always!!!


You wonā€™t believe this ?? This morning he randomly starts taking to me ?
He says he ā€œ has been gone for awhile ā€œ
I donā€™t know how to respond ..so I say we all need a good vacation and did you go to Italy or France . Then he says that is not what I meant and says I am extremely funny and weā€™re going to be good friends


You wonā€™t believe this ?? This morning he randomly starts taking to me ?
He says he ā€œ has been gone for awhile ā€œ
I donā€™t know how to respond ..so I say we all need a good vacation and did you go to Italy or France . Then he says that is not what I meant and says I am extremely funny and weā€™re going to be good friends

Told ya. Now if anyone tries to bully you, he will kick their ass to the moon.
He said I am hilariously funny
I still think I should consider plan B
I just pay these Israeli guys 20 G and they take care of it

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