(update) Trump repsonds to Assange arrest: I know nothing about wikileaks

I'm amused by the venom coming from you on the left towards Assange and Wikileaks! You'd think his showing the world how sleazy Hillary Clinton and the DNC really are cost her the election! Oh, wait...it probably did! Carry on...
I think the house needs to subpoena him when he is brought to the US. We can't believe Barr.
I'm amused by the venom coming from you on the left towards Assange and Wikileaks! You'd think his showing the world how sleazy Hillary Clinton and the DNC really are cost her the election! Oh, wait...it probably did! Carry on...

The Leftists were Pro-Wikileaks and Pro-Julian Assange until he started to drop things about Hillary and the DNC then they became fanatically Anti-Wikileaks and Anti-Julian Assange. Like the Hollyweird crowd all WORSHIPPED The Donald for 30 years UNTIL he ran against Hillary and then they automatically HATED him and called him a Racist Bigot.
Why is president trump pretending NOW that he knows nothing about wikileaks?

Isn't that odd? Don't you wonder why he is doing this? Isn't he coming off as a toddler caught with his fingers in the cookie jar.

"Donny, did you eat all the cookies?"

"No, I know nothing about any cookies, mommy" (with crumbs all over his fingers, face and shirt....)

WHY do all of you Trump supporters think a man like this, should be President of the once greatest and most powerful Nation in the world? Why aren't you ever embarrassed of him, and the constant lies he tells?

He's been playing you all like a violin, for too long now.... yet, you come back for more and more and more and more... Do you really hate your own Nation this much, to put it through this hell on earth?

I still do not get it, and this love you have for this man of perdition....? :dunno:

:( :( :(
Trump Responds To Assange Arrest: "I Know Nothing About Wikileaks"
Update (12:50 pm ET): Clearly feeling the pressure from his many supporters who sympathize with Assange, President Trump told reporters in the White House press pool that "I know nothing about Wikileaks. It's not my thing."

Trump Responds To Assange Arrest: "I Know Nothing About Wikileaks"
Wonder what game Trump is playing here Hmmm. Everybody knows about WIKI they often even use it lol.
You know that's a flaming lie right? He never claims to not know anything unless hes lieing. Your guy lies a lot. Like record levels of lieing. You cant take him at his word.
You know what I think is funny? Assange had his asylum revoked because he refused to clean up his room, made others take care of his cat, and was rude to everyone at the embassy. He got kicked out for being a bad guest.

Never bite the hand that feeds you.
It's the details of how Assange ended up at the Ecuadorian embassy that he doesn't know.

thank you for justifying why your president is an ignorant man baby incapable of taking an interest as to WHY assange is there in the first place & HOW he was one of the biggest threats to our security in recent history, you fool.
It's the details of how Assange ended up at the Ecuadorian embassy that he doesn't know.

thank you for justifying why your president is an ignorant man baby incapable of taking an interest as to WHY assange is there in the first place & HOW he was one of the biggest threats to our security in recent history, you fool.
She always does this, telling us what he 'really' meant.
It's the details of how Assange ended up at the Ecuadorian embassy that he doesn't know.

thank you for justifying why your president is an ignorant man baby incapable of taking an interest as to WHY assange is there in the first place & HOW he was one of the biggest threats to our security in recent history, you fool.
She always does this, telling us what he 'really' meant.
Did you just fart? You should apologize.
It's the details of how Assange ended up at the Ecuadorian embassy that he doesn't know.

thank you for justifying why your president is an ignorant man baby incapable of taking an interest as to WHY assange is there in the first place & HOW he was one of the biggest threats to our security in recent history, you fool.
Why Assange is at the embassy doesn't matter. He was a threat to our security because of a conspiracy with Bradley Manning. Shitstain obama let Manning go so it couldn't have been that important.
It's the details of how Assange ended up at the Ecuadorian embassy that he doesn't know.

thank you for justifying why your president is an ignorant man baby incapable of taking an interest as to WHY assange is there in the first place & HOW he was one of the biggest threats to our security in recent history, you fool.
She always does this, telling us what he 'really' meant.
Did you just fart? You should apologize.
You have to be vulgar all of the time, don't you? And, I was correct because I've seen you here telling us what trump really meant when he's on video saying just the opposite. Why do you keep making excuses for him?
It's the details of how Assange ended up at the Ecuadorian embassy that he doesn't know.

thank you for justifying why your president is an ignorant man baby incapable of taking an interest as to WHY assange is there in the first place & HOW he was one of the biggest threats to our security in recent history, you fool.
She always does this, telling us what he 'really' meant.
Did you just fart? You should apologize.
You have to be vulgar all of the time, don't you? And, I was correct because I've seen you here telling us what trump really meant when he's on video saying just the opposite. Why do you keep making excuses for him?
Because I find your attention a source of endless amusement.
It's the details of how Assange ended up at the Ecuadorian embassy that he doesn't know.

thank you for justifying why your president is an ignorant man baby incapable of taking an interest as to WHY assange is there in the first place & HOW he was one of the biggest threats to our security in recent history, you fool.
Why Assange is at the embassy doesn't matter. He was a threat to our security because of a conspiracy with Bradley Manning. Shitstain obama let Manning go so it couldn't have been that important.

oh please.... OBAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is why trump used wikileaks ad nauseum & is now denying he did? come up with something a little less cray cray.
I'll explain it once again

Hillary: Assange must answer!

Q. Who gave you the DNC emails?
A. Seth Rich
Trump Responds To Assange Arrest: "I Know Nothing About Wikileaks"
Update (12:50 pm ET): Clearly feeling the pressure from his many supporters who sympathize with Assange, President Trump told reporters in the White House press pool that "I know nothing about Wikileaks. It's not my thing."

Trump Responds To Assange Arrest: "I Know Nothing About Wikileaks"
Wonder what game Trump is playing here Hmmm. Everybody knows about WIKI they often even use it lol.
They are trying to get Pres.Trump to say the wrong thing, so that the Dems will be able to hire a special counsel to handle Assange's case, like how Comey was able to choose whom he wanted to handle his. Remember, Comey was caught in a lie. And so why isn't nothing being done about that? And everyone has forgotten it, because the Dems controlled the narrative..


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