Here is the Only Thing You Need to See About Trump

The man would mention Wikileaks at almost EVERY single event in October...

"Trump spoke about the Wikileaks emails at least 164 times from October 10 to election day, saying the word Wikileaks 124 times. That means, on average, Trump discussed Wikileaks more than five times per day."

Trump mentioned Wikileaks 164 times in last month of election, now claims it didn’t impact one voter

(If you want to complain about the source, go to your favorite search engine and you'll find the same number all over the place.)

But as SOON AS Asange got arrested he was asked if he still "loves" Wikileaks and this is what he said:

"“I know nothing about WikiLeaks. It’s not my thing,” the president said at the White House. “I know there is something having to do with Julian Assange.”"

If a man will flat out LIE about something so out in the open that can so easily be proven a lie, do you REALLY think he didn't lie or tell people to lie to obstruct the Mueller investigation? It's RIGHT THERE in front of your face.
If Republicans didn't LIE, they'd have NOTHING to say!!!
The man would mention Wikileaks at almost EVERY single event in October...

"Trump spoke about the Wikileaks emails at least 164 times from October 10 to election day, saying the word Wikileaks 124 times. That means, on average, Trump discussed Wikileaks more than five times per day."

Trump mentioned Wikileaks 164 times in last month of election, now claims it didn’t impact one voter

(If you want to complain about the source, go to your favorite search engine and you'll find the same number all over the place.)

But as SOON AS Asange got arrested he was asked if he still "loves" Wikileaks and this is what he said:

"“I know nothing about WikiLeaks. It’s not my thing,” the president said at the White House. “I know there is something having to do with Julian Assange.”"

If a man will flat out LIE about something so out in the open that can so easily be proven a lie, do you REALLY think he didn't lie or tell people to lie to obstruct the Mueller investigation? It's RIGHT THERE in front of your face.

Yes, Trump has lied but in the end nothing is going to be done and let just finally admit Trump is not going to be impeached...

Today wasn't about impeachment. Anyone with half a brain knows that even if the House was able to get impeachment, it is more harm than help if he isn't also removed from office by the Senate which will never happen.

Today was about trying to get some of the report out to the undecided and fringe Republicans that will not/have not read the Mueller report, and only watch Fox News or some other news source that does not give the full story.

So today was about the 2020 election and making some of the voters more informed, that Trump will lie and say whatever it takes to get elected, even if most of it is a lie.



You do understand that 2020 election is over a year away, so this will not even be on the minds of most voters by then...

You seriously don't think this is going to be brought up over and over? The only question will be if it is brought up first or calling hi a racist is. I wish they would just drop he racist stuff, it isn't going to change the mind of any voters. At this point people have already decided if his racist statements matter or not in whether they vote for him. It's useless and is only wasting time they could spend talking about more important issues. Lying is what really matters, especially when it comes to things like the law, and breaking the law, or even asking others to break the law.

Truthfully I believe today will be forgotten by then because today voter attention span is about the size of a gnat...
The man would mention Wikileaks at almost EVERY single event in October...

"Trump spoke about the Wikileaks emails at least 164 times from October 10 to election day, saying the word Wikileaks 124 times. That means, on average, Trump discussed Wikileaks more than five times per day."

Trump mentioned Wikileaks 164 times in last month of election, now claims it didn’t impact one voter

(If you want to complain about the source, go to your favorite search engine and you'll find the same number all over the place.)

But as SOON AS Asange got arrested he was asked if he still "loves" Wikileaks and this is what he said:

"“I know nothing about WikiLeaks. It’s not my thing,” the president said at the White House. “I know there is something having to do with Julian Assange.”"

If a man will flat out LIE about something so out in the open that can so easily be proven a lie, do you REALLY think he didn't lie or tell people to lie to obstruct the Mueller investigation? It's RIGHT THERE in front of your face.
If Republicans didn't LIE, they'd have NOTHING to say!!!

That can be said about either party, Marc.
Where is the wall....that MEXICO was going to pay for?

"Promises kept" my big toe.
Where is the wall....that MEXICO was going to pay for?

"Promises kept" my big toe.
You're right.

I think we should hold the Commander-in-Chief to his word, and demand that he takes the world's most powerful military into Mexico, and makes them pay us for the wall.

And while were at it, the fucking North American Spaniards (who are now Mexicans) are the bastards who started slavery in North America. MEXICO should also pay for slavery reparations!!!

Let's get on it.

It's the economy stupid.

Get back to me when his lies actually have an impact on average Americans like Obama's did.

Also lol at you ignoring that point
That's why Obama TROUNCED the Republicans in two elections.

And would have TROUNCED The Mango Menace as well, worse than the previous two rightwing buffoons.

You should be kissing Hillary's ass every day that she ran for President...the only way Trump could have won was to run the most hated woman in America.
It's the economy stupid.

Get back to me when his lies actually have an impact on average Americans like Obama's did.

Also lol at you ignoring that point
That's why Obama TROUNCED the Republicans in two elections.

And would have TROUNCED The Mango Menace as well, worse than the previous two rightwing buffoons.

You should be kissing Hillary's ass every day that she ran for President...the only way Trump could have won was to run the most hated woman in America.
Obama won for one reason and one reason only. His skin color.
The man would mention Wikileaks at almost EVERY single event in October...

"Trump spoke about the Wikileaks emails at least 164 times from October 10 to election day, saying the word Wikileaks 124 times. That means, on average, Trump discussed Wikileaks more than five times per day."

Trump mentioned Wikileaks 164 times in last month of election, now claims it didn’t impact one voter

(If you want to complain about the source, go to your favorite search engine and you'll find the same number all over the place.)

But as SOON AS Asange got arrested he was asked if he still "loves" Wikileaks and this is what he said:

"“I know nothing about WikiLeaks. It’s not my thing,” the president said at the White House. “I know there is something having to do with Julian Assange.”"

If a man will flat out LIE about something so out in the open that can so easily be proven a lie, do you REALLY think he didn't lie or tell people to lie to obstruct the Mueller investigation? It's RIGHT THERE in front of your face.

You're surprised?

If the man is incapable of telling truth.

If his mouth is open and sound is coming out, he's lying.
The man would mention Wikileaks at almost EVERY single event in October...

"Trump spoke about the Wikileaks emails at least 164 times from October 10 to election day, saying the word Wikileaks 124 times. That means, on average, Trump discussed Wikileaks more than five times per day."

Trump mentioned Wikileaks 164 times in last month of election, now claims it didn’t impact one voter

(If you want to complain about the source, go to your favorite search engine and you'll find the same number all over the place.)

But as SOON AS Asange got arrested he was asked if he still "loves" Wikileaks and this is what he said:

"“I know nothing about WikiLeaks. It’s not my thing,” the president said at the White House. “I know there is something having to do with Julian Assange.”"

If a man will flat out LIE about something so out in the open that can so easily be proven a lie, do you REALLY think he didn't lie or tell people to lie to obstruct the Mueller investigation? It's RIGHT THERE in front of your face.

You're surprised?

If the man is incapable of telling truth.

If his mouth is open and sound is coming out, he's lying.

Sounds more like CNN.
The man would mention Wikileaks at almost EVERY single event in October...

"Trump spoke about the Wikileaks emails at least 164 times from October 10 to election day, saying the word Wikileaks 124 times. That means, on average, Trump discussed Wikileaks more than five times per day."

Trump mentioned Wikileaks 164 times in last month of election, now claims it didn’t impact one voter

(If you want to complain about the source, go to your favorite search engine and you'll find the same number all over the place.)

But as SOON AS Asange got arrested he was asked if he still "loves" Wikileaks and this is what he said:

"“I know nothing about WikiLeaks. It’s not my thing,” the president said at the White House. “I know there is something having to do with Julian Assange.”"

If a man will flat out LIE about something so out in the open that can so easily be proven a lie, do you REALLY think he didn't lie or tell people to lie to obstruct the Mueller investigation? It's RIGHT THERE in front of your face.

Yes, Trump has lied but in the end nothing is going to be done and let just finally admit Trump is not going to be impeached...

Personally I don't want him to be impeached by the congress. The senate won't convict so it's just a waste of time.

The people can impeach him with our vote.

That is vote his fat ugly butt out of our White House.

Expose everything he's done then let democracy throw him out of office.

The only way to stop russia from continuing to influence or choose our presidents is in 2020 to not vote for any republican.

I personally will not vote for a republican as long as russia is influencing republican politicians.
The man would mention Wikileaks at almost EVERY single event in October...

"Trump spoke about the Wikileaks emails at least 164 times from October 10 to election day, saying the word Wikileaks 124 times. That means, on average, Trump discussed Wikileaks more than five times per day."

Trump mentioned Wikileaks 164 times in last month of election, now claims it didn’t impact one voter

(If you want to complain about the source, go to your favorite search engine and you'll find the same number all over the place.)

But as SOON AS Asange got arrested he was asked if he still "loves" Wikileaks and this is what he said:

"“I know nothing about WikiLeaks. It’s not my thing,” the president said at the White House. “I know there is something having to do with Julian Assange.”"

If a man will flat out LIE about something so out in the open that can so easily be proven a lie, do you REALLY think he didn't lie or tell people to lie to obstruct the Mueller investigation? It's RIGHT THERE in front of your face.

Face it Tard......

You whack jobs are just pissed that we found out the TRUTH about the hildabeast and your party......

Back in the good old days when there were Decent Democrats, you liked whistle blowers....

Now days you NAZI’s want to kill the messenger while you beat up Trump supporters.

Mueller proved himself and you Tards as FOOLS today.........

You can deny reality all you want, that just proves you are insane.
The man would mention Wikileaks at almost EVERY single event in October...

"Trump spoke about the Wikileaks emails at least 164 times from October 10 to election day, saying the word Wikileaks 124 times. That means, on average, Trump discussed Wikileaks more than five times per day."

Trump mentioned Wikileaks 164 times in last month of election, now claims it didn’t impact one voter

(If you want to complain about the source, go to your favorite search engine and you'll find the same number all over the place.)

But as SOON AS Asange got arrested he was asked if he still "loves" Wikileaks and this is what he said:

"“I know nothing about WikiLeaks. It’s not my thing,” the president said at the White House. “I know there is something having to do with Julian Assange.”"

If a man will flat out LIE about something so out in the open that can so easily be proven a lie, do you REALLY think he didn't lie or tell people to lie to obstruct the Mueller investigation? It's RIGHT THERE in front of your face.

Face it Tard......

You whack jobs are just pissed that we found out the TRUTH about the hildabeast and your party......

Back in the good old days when there were Decent Democrats, you liked whistle blowers....

Now days you NAZI’s want to kill the messenger while you beat up Trump supporters.

Mueller proved himself and you Tards as FOOLS today.........

You can deny reality all you want, that just proves you are insane.

Strawman idiot, I'm not a Democrat and never have been. I'm just smart enough not to support a a morally corrupt liar and scam artist.
The man would mention Wikileaks at almost EVERY single event in October...

"Trump spoke about the Wikileaks emails at least 164 times from October 10 to election day, saying the word Wikileaks 124 times. That means, on average, Trump discussed Wikileaks more than five times per day."

Trump mentioned Wikileaks 164 times in last month of election, now claims it didn’t impact one voter

(If you want to complain about the source, go to your favorite search engine and you'll find the same number all over the place.)

But as SOON AS Asange got arrested he was asked if he still "loves" Wikileaks and this is what he said:

"“I know nothing about WikiLeaks. It’s not my thing,” the president said at the White House. “I know there is something having to do with Julian Assange.”"

If a man will flat out LIE about something so out in the open that can so easily be proven a lie, do you REALLY think he didn't lie or tell people to lie to obstruct the Mueller investigation? It's RIGHT THERE in front of your face.

Face it Tard......

You whack jobs are just pissed that we found out the TRUTH about the hildabeast and your party......

Back in the good old days when there were Decent Democrats, you liked whistle blowers....

Now days you NAZI’s want to kill the messenger while you beat up Trump supporters.

Mueller proved himself and you Tards as FOOLS today.........

You can deny reality all you want, that just proves you are insane.

Strawman idiot, I'm not a Democrat and never have been. I'm just smart enough not to support a a morally corrupt liar and scam artist.

If you walk like a Tard....

And you quack like a Tard....

You're a Tard...…..
The man would mention Wikileaks at almost EVERY single event in October...

"Trump spoke about the Wikileaks emails at least 164 times from October 10 to election day, saying the word Wikileaks 124 times. That means, on average, Trump discussed Wikileaks more than five times per day."

Trump mentioned Wikileaks 164 times in last month of election, now claims it didn’t impact one voter

(If you want to complain about the source, go to your favorite search engine and you'll find the same number all over the place.)

But as SOON AS Asange got arrested he was asked if he still "loves" Wikileaks and this is what he said:

"“I know nothing about WikiLeaks. It’s not my thing,” the president said at the White House. “I know there is something having to do with Julian Assange.”"

If a man will flat out LIE about something so out in the open that can so easily be proven a lie, do you REALLY think he didn't lie or tell people to lie to obstruct the Mueller investigation? It's RIGHT THERE in front of your face.

Face it Tard......

You whack jobs are just pissed that we found out the TRUTH about the hildabeast and your party......

Back in the good old days when there were Decent Democrats, you liked whistle blowers....

Now days you NAZI’s want to kill the messenger while you beat up Trump supporters.

Mueller proved himself and you Tards as FOOLS today.........

You can deny reality all you want, that just proves you are insane.

Strawman idiot, I'm not a Democrat and never have been. I'm just smart enough not to support a a morally corrupt liar and scam artist.

And I'm smart enough to know that you ain't very smart.
The man would mention Wikileaks at almost EVERY single event in October...

"Trump spoke about the Wikileaks emails at least 164 times from October 10 to election day, saying the word Wikileaks 124 times. That means, on average, Trump discussed Wikileaks more than five times per day."

Trump mentioned Wikileaks 164 times in last month of election, now claims it didn’t impact one voter

(If you want to complain about the source, go to your favorite search engine and you'll find the same number all over the place.)

But as SOON AS Asange got arrested he was asked if he still "loves" Wikileaks and this is what he said:

"“I know nothing about WikiLeaks. It’s not my thing,” the president said at the White House. “I know there is something having to do with Julian Assange.”"

If a man will flat out LIE about something so out in the open that can so easily be proven a lie, do you REALLY think he didn't lie or tell people to lie to obstruct the Mueller investigation? It's RIGHT THERE in front of your face.

Just where is the line of people who say their vote was changed by a Facebook ad? I'm still waiting to see the first. Which state was swung by Russian meddling? So far, the only people we know for SURE who used foreign meddling and paid them for dirt to affect the election conspiring to change its outcome was the DEMOCRATS.
  1. Use paid foreign influence to try to change outcome of election.
  2. Ignore the threat of Russian tampering for six months until Trump actually wins election.
  3. Spend untold millions of dollars over 8 years trying to futily prove Trump guilty of Russian conspiracy to affect election.
  4. Somewhere around 2025 start to actually look into ways to stop foreign election meddling which you claim is the most heinous threat to our society.
The man would mention Wikileaks at almost EVERY single event in October...

"Trump spoke about the Wikileaks emails at least 164 times from October 10 to election day, saying the word Wikileaks 124 times. That means, on average, Trump discussed Wikileaks more than five times per day."

Trump mentioned Wikileaks 164 times in last month of election, now claims it didn’t impact one voter

(If you want to complain about the source, go to your favorite search engine and you'll find the same number all over the place.)

But as SOON AS Asange got arrested he was asked if he still "loves" Wikileaks and this is what he said:

"“I know nothing about WikiLeaks. It’s not my thing,” the president said at the White House. “I know there is something having to do with Julian Assange.”"

If a man will flat out LIE about something so out in the open that can so easily be proven a lie, do you REALLY think he didn't lie or tell people to lie to obstruct the Mueller investigation? It's RIGHT THERE in front of your face.

Just where is the line of people who say their vote was changed by a Facebook ad? I'm still waiting to see the first. Which state was swung by Russian meddling? So far, the only people we know for SURE who used foreign meddling and paid them for dirt to affect the election conspiring to change its outcome was the DEMOCRATS.

I still see wrong memes being shared to this day on Facebook. In fact yesterday someone on my feed shared one that said that ten walls could have been built with the $30 Billion Obama gave to Iran. That was a total lie, the $400 million he gave to them was money owed from the Iran Contra fiasco in the 80's that they had paid to get weapons from the U.S.

I can't even remember the other one, but I also quickly disputed it with the truth and defriended the person who had somehow gotten on my friends list despite me hardly knowing them. There are still people out there that believe whatever they see and think they need to share it.
The man would mention Wikileaks at almost EVERY single event in October...

"Trump spoke about the Wikileaks emails at least 164 times from October 10 to election day, saying the word Wikileaks 124 times. That means, on average, Trump discussed Wikileaks more than five times per day."

Trump mentioned Wikileaks 164 times in last month of election, now claims it didn’t impact one voter

(If you want to complain about the source, go to your favorite search engine and you'll find the same number all over the place.)

But as SOON AS Asange got arrested he was asked if he still "loves" Wikileaks and this is what he said:

"“I know nothing about WikiLeaks. It’s not my thing,” the president said at the White House. “I know there is something having to do with Julian Assange.”"

If a man will flat out LIE about something so out in the open that can so easily be proven a lie, do you REALLY think he didn't lie or tell people to lie to obstruct the Mueller investigation? It's RIGHT THERE in front of your face.

Just where is the line of people who say their vote was changed by a Facebook ad? I'm still waiting to see the first. Which state was swung by Russian meddling? So far, the only people we know for SURE who used foreign meddling and paid them for dirt to affect the election conspiring to change its outcome was the DEMOCRATS.

I still see wrong memes being shared to this day on Facebook. In fact yesterday someone on my feed shared one that said that ten walls could have been built with the $30 Billion Obama gave to Iran. That was a total lie, the $400 million he gave to them was money owed from the Iran Contra fiasco in the 80's that they had paid to get weapons from the U.S.

I can't even remember the other one, but I also quickly disputed it with the truth and defriended the person who had somehow gotten on my friends list despite me hardly knowing them. There are still people out there that believe whatever they see and think they need to share it.

What does that have to do with Trump or changing your vote from Hillary to Trump?
The man would mention Wikileaks at almost EVERY single event in October...

"Trump spoke about the Wikileaks emails at least 164 times from October 10 to election day, saying the word Wikileaks 124 times. That means, on average, Trump discussed Wikileaks more than five times per day."

Trump mentioned Wikileaks 164 times in last month of election, now claims it didn’t impact one voter

(If you want to complain about the source, go to your favorite search engine and you'll find the same number all over the place.)

But as SOON AS Asange got arrested he was asked if he still "loves" Wikileaks and this is what he said:

"“I know nothing about WikiLeaks. It’s not my thing,” the president said at the White House. “I know there is something having to do with Julian Assange.”"

If a man will flat out LIE about something so out in the open that can so easily be proven a lie, do you REALLY think he didn't lie or tell people to lie to obstruct the Mueller investigation? It's RIGHT THERE in front of your face.

Just where is the line of people who say their vote was changed by a Facebook ad? I'm still waiting to see the first. Which state was swung by Russian meddling? So far, the only people we know for SURE who used foreign meddling and paid them for dirt to affect the election conspiring to change its outcome was the DEMOCRATS.

I still see wrong memes being shared to this day on Facebook. In fact yesterday someone on my feed shared one that said that ten walls could have been built with the $30 Billion Obama gave to Iran. That was a total lie, the $400 million he gave to them was money owed from the Iran Contra fiasco in the 80's that they had paid to get weapons from the U.S.

I can't even remember the other one, but I also quickly disputed it with the truth and defriended the person who had somehow gotten on my friends list despite me hardly knowing them. There are still people out there that believe whatever they see and think they need to share it.

What does that have to do with Trump or changing your vote from Hillary to Trump?

Well first off I obviously didn't vote for Trump. Secondly I was pointing out just how easy people believe whatever they see on Facebook and will retweet it thus spreading it to others who then don't pay attention to if it is true or not and nor know where it originally came from.

So you can either surmise the people who do that are really stupid Trump voters, or they changed their vote to Trump based on fake propaganda they saw on Facebook.
The man would mention Wikileaks at almost EVERY single event in October...

"Trump spoke about the Wikileaks emails at least 164 times from October 10 to election day, saying the word Wikileaks 124 times. That means, on average, Trump discussed Wikileaks more than five times per day."

Trump mentioned Wikileaks 164 times in last month of election, now claims it didn’t impact one voter

(If you want to complain about the source, go to your favorite search engine and you'll find the same number all over the place.)

But as SOON AS Asange got arrested he was asked if he still "loves" Wikileaks and this is what he said:

"“I know nothing about WikiLeaks. It’s not my thing,” the president said at the White House. “I know there is something having to do with Julian Assange.”"

If a man will flat out LIE about something so out in the open that can so easily be proven a lie, do you REALLY think he didn't lie or tell people to lie to obstruct the Mueller investigation? It's RIGHT THERE in front of your face.

Just where is the line of people who say their vote was changed by a Facebook ad? I'm still waiting to see the first. Which state was swung by Russian meddling? So far, the only people we know for SURE who used foreign meddling and paid them for dirt to affect the election conspiring to change its outcome was the DEMOCRATS.

I still see wrong memes being shared to this day on Facebook. In fact yesterday someone on my feed shared one that said that ten walls could have been built with the $30 Billion Obama gave to Iran. That was a total lie, the $400 million he gave to them was money owed from the Iran Contra fiasco in the 80's that they had paid to get weapons from the U.S.

I can't even remember the other one, but I also quickly disputed it with the truth and defriended the person who had somehow gotten on my friends list despite me hardly knowing them. There are still people out there that believe whatever they see and think they need to share it.

What does that have to do with Trump or changing your vote from Hillary to Trump?

Well first off I obviously didn't vote for Trump. Secondly I was pointing out just how easy people believe whatever they see on Facebook and will retweet it thus spreading it to others who then don't pay attention to if it is true or not and nor know where it originally came from.

So you can either surmise the people who do that are really stupid Trump voters, or they changed their vote to Trump based on fake propaganda they saw on Facebook.

Why can't they just like the meme?
And what difference does it make where it comes from?
Do you want to police the whole internet and tell people what they can and can't read?

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